Versatile Mage

Chapter 2652: Fear wall

The white mist, such as a thick cloud ship, is rapidly coming from the east direction. Among the clouds, a purple-red body covered with zircon heavy shells can be described as a cloud, passing through Fuyang City. Over the sky.

Under the lead of this purple-red zircon heavy-shelled creature, the gray-white Fenghe is like a gray-white dragon that is raging on the land. The city, hills and forests are destroyed and left behind.

The gray-white Snapdragon is made up of countless shark members who are on the cusp of the waves, calling for a whirl of rushing, spinning, and rolling power, paving a way for them to drive faster on this land. .

Obviously they also smelled the position of the core of the fire, it is in the mountain town ahead, with their number and speed, I believe that it will take a long time to leave the entire mountain city.

"The sharks and big tribes have come over. The guy in the sky is mostly the shark chieftain!" Lingling pointed at the purple-red zircon giant beast.

"What can we do? If we don't leave now, we will be trapped here. The sharks and tribes are not something we can't afford. At least the purple-red shark beast in the sky, its strength does not look like it. Inferior to the number of sea kings." Zhao Manyan began to feel a little flustered.

In the end, it was on the shark's site. This little action could not escape their perception. They simply did not have time to deal with the Nordic Holy Bear.

"We have to reconsider, even if we have snatched the core of the fire from the Nordic Holy Bear, it is unlikely to leave the city of Fuyang." Mu Bai said.

"There is only one way to do it now." Xin Xia gazed at the direction of the mountain city, said, "We only have to wait for the Nordic Holy Bear to set up a magical array, take away the core of the fire, and then use their magical array to escape from here."

Zhao Manyan looked at the heart of the summer, his chin opened slightly.

Is it true that everyone who has been mixed with Mo Fan for a long time likes to dance on the tip of the knife and squat in front of the grave? ?

What if they can't beat the Nordic Saints?

What if the magic array is destroyed?

In case the sharks left before the magical array was set up?

How can you play so exciting! !

"Good idea!" Lingling nodded immediately and felt that this method worked.

"Can I do it for you?" Zhao Manyan proposed.

Others glared at Zhao Manyan, and Zhao Manyan shrugged his helplessness.

Well, these guys have never had a plan b, these guys have always been ruined.



The urban area of ​​the mountain city is distributed on both sides of the mountain Feng River. The other towns and towns are distributed and scattered.

In the past year, the towns and towns of Shancheng have been occupied by the back-bearing bears. It is often seen that some tank-like wild boars are smashing in the streets and the walls are collapsed layer by layer.

The spiny spear pigs are born with a strong desire to destroy. What mountains, rocks, and thick vegetation walls, as long as the objects in front of them are like the red cloth of the bulls, must be smashed and crushed.

This mountain city is full of ruins, unfinished buildings, and broken buildings. The breeding factories that were originally scattered in more than a dozen Pingshan are also **** and messy.

The Nordic Holy Bear seems to have used this mountain city as a temporary camp for a long time. They set up a “fear wall”, which will cause fear and panic when the snail spears accidentally step into it. Just run.

It is a nursing home, located in a slightly raised city in the middle of the mountain, with the wall as the wall of fear, enchanting, let the demon wander, there is no biological error in this fear wall.

The sharks do not live in this mountain town. Although they can walk on land, they still like to be close to the water. The rivers in the mountains are too narrow for them.

When Mofan was close to the wall of fear, his brow could not help but wrinkle.

It seems that there is a very white Master of White Magic. Mo Fan does not like to deal with the Master of Mind and Phonology. These guys can limit their ability to a great extent.

"Dragon sense!"

Mo Fan closes his eyes and searches for everything around him with the special wave perception of the dragon's horn.

In the Longgan area, the wall of fear is like a myriad of thorny wire trees. The open branches and leaves perfectly cover the mountain of the nursing home. It is impossible to cross the past. It is necessary to find a place with gaps.


On the lawn of the nursing home, the two brothers of the Nordic Holy Bear are embracing with their hands, standing next to the park fitness frame painted in blue, and they are scattered and they seem to tear the mad bear at any time.

Behind the two brothers, there is also a goatee, dressed in a very close-fitting tuxedo, a rose-red bow tie, a handcuffs on the chest, a gold watch on the wrist, and a silver cane, demonstrating his old and refined taste.

Suddenly, the goat's beard and old man's mouth moved and his face showed a chuckle.

"What's wrong, Laoshante." Asked the old bear Cunui.

"Nothing, but a smashing spiny spear pig mistaken my wall of fear and touched a small gap." The old man said.

"Oh, don't you get in the way?"

"Although I know that there is a small guinea pig that sneaked into the gap that the spine spear pig broke open, but it doesn't matter." The old man's words reveal the confidence and calmness of a European old gentleman.

The little trick was seen by Shante at a glance.

"I will accompany you to see it." said the young bear, Yang Geer.

"There should be no need for that." Laoshan special.

"It doesn't matter, if you can solve it, I will look at it." Yang Geer said.

The two jumped directly along the winding mountain road, and arrived in the middle of the mountain without a moment.

Laoshante’s eyes are very sharp, like a goshawk searching for this weedy forest, even if the worms of a green worm can not escape his eyes.

"Hidden hides, some small guinea pigs always like to play some tricks in front of the falcon. They can be guinea pigs in the ground, in the mud, it is never possible to understand the falcon's perspective at high altitude." Laoshan special stares at a large piece The shadows shrouded in the shrubs raised a scornful smile.

Yang Ge’s eyes also looked with him. He had some doubts. Is there really someone there?

In the next second, a figure came out from the inside, a clean and handsome face, a standard oriental face with some yellow skin.

"At the end of the day, I still don't want to be reconciled, but you have thought that if you don't have this kind of unwillingness, you may have sent your life to this. Young people who are high-ranking are arrogant, do not need to take into account the consequences of the capital, but sometimes you need this thing. Weighing what is frivolous, what is looking for death!" When talking about these words, Yang Ge smiled and pointed his finger at the index finger.

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