Versatile Mage

Chapter 2654: Wenwu Shuangquan

The magical maze of the mind disintegrated when the external force hit, as if a sleepy person was awakened by a huge shock, and the dream would be quickly removed.

When Mo Fan was completely awake, the Starburst was about to arrive at the door.

For the first time, he turned himself into a state of emptiness, and the whole person was as transparent as stepping into another plane. All the power had nothing to do with him.

It is a waste to use such sneak sneak, but there is no better way to seize the opportunity.

Most importantly, Apas should successfully interfere with each other's space magic array.

Laoshan special understanding of the key to this battle is time, Mo Fan and then will let himself fall into that kind of passive?

When discovering this wall of fear, Mo Fan knew that there was an amazing spiritual master in the mountain. When he knew that any means could not escape the eyes of this spiritual master, Mo Fan was able to catch the other party. Let Apas go to work.

If Laoshan is destined to stay near the magic array, Apas is not expected to do it.

"I don't really like those bells and whistles. The things that fists can solve are resolutely don't want to use my brain." Mo Fan escaped the other side's blasting star, and couldn't help but lick his arm.

"Laoshante said that you are very strong, but people are old like doctors who don't have much control. They like to focus on the disease and say that it will cause the patient's idea." Yang Geer's chest The bear pattern began to show a swaying flame.

Mofan eyes stared uncontrollably at the pattern of the holy bear, watching the golden flames sway in it.

Looking at it, the flame rushed out of an amazing golden fire bear head, and it bite over, hiding from hiding, letting the magic of a spell become a person with no hands. Straight to the ground and fell to the ground.

Immediately appeared on the arms, cheeks, and neck, and the hot claws, Mo Fan rushed to countless birds, and the body flew like a vampire.

The Flame Holy Bear seems to know which one is Mo Fanzhen, and immediately chased one of the shadow birds that flew to the side of the branch, biting it with a violent bite!

"The order changes!"

Mo Fan quickly changed the rules and replaced a real avatar with a phantom bird.

The violent flame of the holy bear bites on a black gas, it reverses, the eyes of the fire, extreme brutality!

When Mo Fanla opened a certain distance and stared at the flame holy bear, she realized that it was not the magic that was saved from the pattern, but Yang Geer himself, who was burned in the whole body and became a bear. The fist is turned into a claw, and the strength and speed are not increasing, just like the orcs become powerful!

"How is the taste, my blood of the Holy Bear is much better than your boring tricks!" Yang Geer showed a wild smile.

Mo Fan glanced at his wound, not very deep, it was some burning pain.

Blood condensed in the wound, and did not overflow, Mo Fan made a little hesitation.

Now Mofan's melee combat has three postures. The first one is to let the blood flow to the ground and evoke the earth's reloading of the heavenly rock species. Under the absolute prohibition of the country of the sand, Mofan's combat power is also extraordinary.

The second nature is the attitude of the King of Fire, just the double-fire increase of the big fire and Xiao Yan Ji. Now even Mo Fan is not sure how fierce the position of the Fire King is. In this posture, Mo Fan Wen Wu and Wu Quan can be close to each other. This kind of transformation can also be bombed by long-distance flames.

The third is the Black Dragon suit that has never been used.

The black dragon arm created by the dragon claws can be a fist and a claw. It can be combined with the cunning body of the space system, the shadow system, the chaos system and the earth system. It can make Mo Fan become the top of the army. Assassin.

Earth reloading...

The blood flow is a bit less, and the environment doesn't seem to fit very well.

If you are in the position of the King of Fire, it is estimated that it is a bit too bully.

Then the black dragon magic posture, just can test the strength of the black dragon suit.

"Black Dragon Armed!"

Mo Fan directly called out all the black dragon magic tools except the wing of the faint Li, from the domineering Black Dragon horn helmet, black dragon scale scorpion, black dragon arm scorpion to the black dragon magic boots wrapped around the knee joint, a pure black, but distributed The same luster as the top metal.

The orc of Yanger's Flame Holy Bear is indeed domineering and wild, full of temperament, aggressive, just before Mofan is like a wild deer in his squad...

After being armed with the magic dragon costume, the black dragon soul lingered around Mo Fan's body, and the black dragon emperor's gas field that passed out directly passed the holy bear flame, and the scorn smile on Yang Ge's face quickly disappeared!

The wild and arrogant equipment, the Nordic sacred costumes are just like this, it represents the domineering power of destruction and death, let it be a Nordic holy bear in an instant to play muddy stupid bears in the countryside.

"Relying on the magic weapon, how can you compare it with the blood of my golden bear, seeing me tear your armor!!" Yang Geer became angry and angry.

The head of the holy bear, the aesthetics of the Nordic is a model of male beauty, and Yang Ge has always been proud of his own incarnation of the sacred bear orc, preferring to compare with other ancient families that can be animalized, whether it is strength. Still aesthetics, the Holy Bear is a victory!


Younger had to admit that the black lacquered armor of the other side, such as an ancient sacred black dragon attached to his body, is taller than its holy bear!

The color of people, the material of others, the streamlines of people, the delicate edges and scales of people...

Say something to break it!

Flashy hypocritical black equipment! !

"St. Bear Claws!!"

Yang Ge is irritable, like a violent bear.

The speed of his eruption is that he does not need magical media. It is completely the power of his own wild blood. The powerful flame of gold is like a piece of metal that dances, covering his whole body. The true flame and heavy gold are fully armed.

The holy bear killed in front of Mo Fan, like a golden flame rushing, the claws have no dazzling mad dance, just a heavy claw slap that is purely full of brute force and golden flame effect!


The heavy claws fell on Mofan's chest, and Mo Fan slipped out and shaved a bare gully into the forest full of vegetation.


Yang Ge spit out the word and saw that Mo Fan’s chest print did not know when there was still a golden energy that would spurt to burst in all directions.


The golden paw prints released the horror burst, and Mofan flew far and far.

Black dragon scales are magic immunity, this brute force will play a role, especially the golden paw print burst, also obviously belongs to the ancient animal power, black dragon scales did not produce immunity.

The immune effect is nothing more than the dragon soul effect of the black dragon scale. This armor itself has a strong defense ability, directly resisting the energy of collision, tearing, crushing and shocking.

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