Versatile Mage

Chapter 2664: Shark chief

Zhao Jing faced the thousands of horses in the snow and ice, his chin was still slightly raised, and he was very eager to meet this mammoth army.

The ice armor is extremely intensive, and it looks like an avalanche from the foothills of the mountains. The villages, forests and roads will all be swallowed up!

Zhao Jing continued to move forward. Every time he stepped forward, the whole body would flash innumerable deep red light and shadow. The light and shadow were gradually changing. It didn’t take long for them to become an inexhaustible sword and fork...

The knife is tens of meters long enough to break a building.

The axe is even more terrible, like a weapon held in the hands of a giant.

Although the swords and forks are just the size of ordinary cold weapons, they can be huge in number. They are spinning and dancing. For example, a hundred birds are lingering among the huge light knives and light axes, filling these light gods. The gap in the weapon!

Every step of the way will lead to more of these light blades. Unconsciously, the sky behind Zhao Jing is already covered with thousands of battles of light. The murderous deep red light blade is in Zhao Jing’s big hand. After the wave, a sharp burst of sound broke out, and they went to the ice armor group painted by Mu Bai! !

The swordsmanship of the sword, each of the ice armor soldiers actually have a very strong defense ability, but the process of their rushing is cut by these light blades.

The light blade was sharp to the extreme, and the snow soldier became a tofu. As long as the light strokes were bound to lack arms and legs, and a round of light sweeping through the sky, basically no half soldiers were intact.


It was like a fierce storm, hurriedly sweeping through the wheat fields, and in the twinkling of an eye, the wheat fields became empty and nothing was left.

The same is true of these powerful and brave soldiers of Mu Bai. Thousands of light blades have passed through the air. The rest are all ice and snow broken like salt powder. There is no such a mighty spirit before, and it is extremely dead!

Mu Bai brows tightly.

This painted snow into a soldier, but Mu Bai recently cultivated a powerful ice-based spell, with the ice pen and snow scorpion power can even compare with the third level of "Bing Ji Xue Yu", this is the ice system peak magic, why The other side's light magic will be so unbearable!

This Zhao Jing is indeed quite powerful!

It is no wonder that he dares to ambush the Nordic Saints here alone. I believe that the Nordic Saints will come out of the space magic array, fearing that they will not be able to stand up for ten minutes.

"Mu Bai, hold on for a while." Mo Fan's voice came from behind.

Mu Bai nodded. He threw the snow in his hand into the air and saw the white snow scorpion fly to the highest point and expand sharply. It turned into a mountain scale!

The snow-capped mountains suddenly fell down and rolled up a strong ice-filled circle, which instantly turned all the dozens of kilometers into glaciers.

Under the snowy mountains, Zhao Jing was suppressed by the dead, and his body was frozen in the glaciers that were frozen for more than a dozen kilometers. It looked like it had been frozen for centuries, thick glaciers. More sturdy than some mountains.


When Mu Bai exhibited this snowy mountain magic, Mo Fan finally took control of the dominance of the Thunder. The strong Thunder elements were hoarded in this mountain like a large piece of ocean, with Mo Fan opening the thunder hole of the whole body. It is like tearing a bottomless abyss at the bottom of Wang Yang, and the elements of the ray are vortexed into the cave of Mofan.

In this process, everyone immediately felt the body feel comfortable.

The taste of being beaten by the thunderbolt is really uncomfortable. Even the use of some super-powerful magic is like the reversal of energy.

In fact, Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai have indeed been very seriously affected. Their bodies are so weakly weakened by this thunder. The process of using high-intensity magic is extremely serious. It is like a martial arts master who has suffered internal injuries. Once an internal force, it will cause a serious injury to the body organs.

When Mu Bai used the snowy mountain, he himself spit out a blood. This big battle is on the body of everyone, which is equal to making them difficult to resist!

Mo Fan did not choose to shoot at the beginning, precisely because this is the key to suppressing everyone's thunder and drums. If you don't break it, sooner or later, you will be ruined by the internal organs.

Lei points crazy absorption of thunder elements, the air filled, the thunder bursts, the clouds above the condensed, all were smashed into the Mo Yan's Lei points, and gradually digested into Mo Fan's own strength!

This is Mofan’s detachment, and all the elements and materials related to lightning around dozens of kilometers will be transformed into Mofan’s lightning stock through the mine, even if it is the enemy’s magical array, giving him enough time for him. Can also absorb it!

"Give me broken!!"

Mo Fan fiercely mobilized the energy of the whole body, and the thunder drum that was hidden in the sky was a shot.

When the palm went straight into the sky and passed through the drum of the thunder ring, it immediately triggered a thunder blast. A louder sound slammed in the air, and saw a purple lightning ball first invaded, followed by In all directions, the power of giant electric power was released.

The night turned into a daytime, and the electric mans could shuttle through the unknown, and even the night in the distance was illuminated.

"Look at you." Ling Ling suddenly pointed his finger at the direction of Fuyang City, where the clouds were bright white.

Among the bright white clouds, there is a zircon body, like a gallop in the vast expanse of the gray sea, across the sky to the murderous swim here!

The electric giant can shine on its zircon rind, making it more powerful and shining. It is not like a creature that inhabits the ocean. It is more like a metal battleship from outer space. Human civilization.

"Yes... is the shark chieftain!" Jiang Shaoxu exclaimed.

The shark chieftain chased it, and people played here to play tricks to catch the oriole. They thought that the core of the fire had brought out the city of Fuyang and it was human, but they did not think that the shark country chief did not intend to let these The little character left.

At his speed, even if Mo Fan and others escaped to Van Snow Mountain without being obstructed, they could intercept people in the middle of the road.

"This is troublesome. I didn't think that the animals in these oceans have such a persevering spirit. I blame you, wasting me too much time, and giving me the core of the fire. Can you all be good? Zhao Jing’s voice came from the glacier.

Zhao Jing did not know when he got rid of this ice seal. He stood on the snowy mountain and was unharmed, but his face was a little more gloomy!

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