Versatile Mage

Chapter 2683: Monthly force

"After all, the big problem is small, it doesn't seem that I need to take it. Those who are snowy mountains are basically killed." Nan Rongzhen stood there, putting his hands in the warm sleeves made of silver fox fur.

"A safe solution is better than an extra-budget." Zhao Jing floated a seemingly gentle smile.

In fact, his sentence was not said to Nan Rongzhen, his eyes fell on Nan Rong Ni.

"What kind of magic did you use for Lin Kang just now? The guy who used the brush, I played against him last time. I still have a little ability, but I am going to die in the curse of Lin Kang, so that the magic of Miss Nan Rong. The blessing is indeed extraordinary!" Zhao Jing said with a bit of eagerness.

Nan Rong Ni listened to it, and he was naturally overwhelmed. He could play a decisive role in such an important battle. As a woman who was somewhat scorned in the family, it became more prominent!

Of course, Nan Rong Ni will not express his emotions on his face. He actually understands the meaning of Zhao Jing's words.

"Now the Lincheng Lord is solving his opponent, but the people under his hand are still hesitating. Obviously, our morale is not enough here. They are not willing to do it. I have a monthly character here, which allows the super class magician to have a new moon. Source force.” Nan Rong Ni said to Zhao Jing.

Zhao Jing’s face immediately had a surprise color.

I also thought that Nan Rong Ni gave Lin Kang the exhibition of the two series of prayers and could no longer give other people a blessing to magic. I did not expect that the magic blessing given to Lin Kang would not affect her and then cast spells on others.

Where else, other forces alliances are needed, and the three of them can easily destroy this snow mountain.

"What is the effect of this month?" Zhao Jing asked with an eyebrow.

"All the magic of destruction will get the improvement of the basic power, about 50%." Nan Rong Ni replied, her eyes flashed a bit of joy.

After these years, Nan Rong Ni gained the resources of Mu's and Nan Rong's family, and spent a lot of energy on the magic of these several departments. Now she gradually approaches the Mu's family meeting. It is not that she has cultivated a lot. High, how strong the combat power, but the ability she can provide is not available to all other wizards!

Give a super-class mages a monthly character, and use a monthly character for a four-line full mage. The effect of the monthly character is exactly the same, which is to enhance the basic power of destruction, but the ability to improve is completely different.

This is the power of the blessing system!

"In order to cultivate this month, my little sister can cultivate for nearly a year. This year, I can really describe it with no leave. Zhao Jing’s brother should be the first person to give the moon to my sister. This is not only related to whether Zhao Jing’s brother can win the gems, but also related to the reputation of the first battle after the younger sister’s exit.” Nan Rong’s seeing Nan Rong’s moon gave Zhao Jing, could not help but add a few words. .

"You haven't even felt the power of this month?" Zhao Jing asked Nan Rong.

Nan Rongzhen shook his head.

"That is really the honor of my Zhao people. Rest assured, your first time giving me Zhao Jing is the most sensible choice!" Zhao Jing confidently laughed.

The moons are like moonlight elves. After they are cast on the target, they will appear in the body of the person. The monthly symbols are from surplus to lack, like the record of the ancient world.

Zhao Jing can feel the difference brought by each month's floating and floating. It seems that the hundreds of kilometers of the elements of the thunder are swaying because of this special month.

It is the destruction of the thunder system, and it has not yet formed a real magic. It has already filled the air. This feeling of being wrapped by power is really wonderful!

"Miss Nan Rong, can this month be given to me, I also want to kill, hahaha!" Du Tongfei, head of the Mercenary League, asked with a smile.

"It can only be used alone, and the next use will have to wait for the month to sink into the earth and then rise." Nan Rong Ni pointed to the sky.

Although it is daytime, the month still exists. The month can only be used once a day, and it can only be used by one person at a time. Blessing is powerful and powerful, and there are also many restrictions. Unlike some spells, it is connected. The astrology can be used directly.

"It turned out to be the case, but it doesn't matter. I don't want to continue to waste time. Brothers, follow me, and avenge our dead partners!" Du Tongfei shouted.

The Southern Mercenary Alliance had great disagreements and contradictions with Fan Xueshan in the Battle of the Kraken. They blamed the death of a group of mercenaries on Fan Xueshan, and even announced their hostility to Fan Xueshan.

Du Tongfei stepped into the battlefield of the terraced field. The goal was Bai Hongfei. He sneered and his eyes were full of killing.

Bai Hongfei is naturally not afraid, but the spoon rain is standing in front of Bai Hongfei.

"I will deal with him." The spoon rain said.

Bai Hongfei's repair is not superb, and the direct grade difference will cause him to suffer various losses in the magical power. Therefore, the spoon rain does not hope that Bai Hongfei will be provoked by Dutong.

"But you may not be his opponent alone." Bai Hongfei said.

Du Tongfei is a three-series super-level magician, and also has a transcendental power.

A few difficult pairs of hands, Du Tongfei counts one. At the moment, there are not many people who can compete with this level of masters. It is impossible to let Mo Fan take the shot now. Zhao Jing, who has obtained the monthly character, is already gearing up at the moment, apparently to be directed at Mo Fan.

"The big master, the scoop of rain against Du Tongfei is also a little difficult, let me shoot." Carpenter uncle saw Mu Ningxue already fighting, so please show Mo Fanlai.

"No hurry." Mo Fan shook his head, but his eyes fell on the heart of summer.

The heart of the summer understands the meaning of Mo Fan, her palm is gently turned, the jade-like smooth palm of the hand slowly emerges the imprint of a moon, the imprint shines with brilliance, just like holding a round month.

"Monthly!!" Carpenter Uncle, Bai Hongfei, spoon rain and other people have revealed the color of surprise.

Zhao Jing and others are not too far away from them. When Nan Rong Ni used the monthly character in public, many people talked about it.

Most people have never seen the blessing of high-level magic, so it will be extraordinarily special.

"This month, I will give you." Xin Xia gently sent the palm forward, and saw that the full moon was drifting to the spoon.

The spoon did not have time to react, and even subconsciously wanted to hide.

She is dodging because she knows how powerful this month is. This kind of blessing source that can only be used once should be given to Muning Snow or Mo Fan, and they can maximize the blessing of the Moon!

It is a pity that hiding can't be avoided. The scoop of rain is surrounded by a round of Huaguang. It is not very dazzling, but it makes her slender and full-bodied posture have a special sacred charm.

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