Versatile Mage

Chapter 2706: negotiation

At the end of the war, the busiest person is Ye Xinxia.

This battle is not only a few major members of the Snow Mountain, the snow mountain elite team is very devastating, many people are in pain and can not wait to end their lives.

I have been to many battlefields in the summer, and I know the hardships after the war. She let the peripheral people of Fanxueshan bring all the wounded together and show them the peace of mind, which can greatly alleviate their pain and stimulate their consciousness. All the expectations in it, so that they do not easily give up their lives.

The war lasted for a long time, but the treatment was extremely long. Fortunately, some folk mage of the bird city base appeared in succession, and they spontaneously came to assist.

The top managers of the bird base city, they watched the fire across the bank, and when the snow mountain won, these people jumped out and took the initiative to transfer some of the healing masters here, which is also a good show.

After this war, the position of Snow Mountain in the base city of the bird is probably different. I believe that there will be no more organized organizations to find trouble for Fan Xueshan. After all, this battle, where Snow Mountain does not have any kindness, will those The intruders all executed!

In the private territory of Snow Mountain, when the bird market is not established, even if it reaches the level of law, these intruders can be regarded as robbers and the master can directly execute them.

How many forces combined, the mammoth uphill, the result was completely destroyed by the people of Fanshan, even if there is escape, it is basically no different from the casual, even if you do not observe this battle, you can also know the group of the snow mountain How strong people are.

This is no longer a small family. They are far more powerful than anyone else, and they are definitely not the soft persimmons in the population!

Fan Xueshan is destined to be different from the past after this war.


After the war, there were too many things to be busy. Muning Snow wanted to appease the interior. Mo Fan had not had time to rest, and she gave Mofan a more difficult task.

Drink tea.

Drink tea with the top of the bird market.

In the past, Fan Xueshan was often invited by the leaders of the bird base city to drink tea. It is not that this violation is to make this rescue for Fan Xueshan. In short, it is necessary to make a contribution to Fanshan.

This time it is different. Van Snow Mountain invites leaders to drink tea.

Mofan is in Bocheng Street, which is the place where Mu Zhuoyun and Mu Linsheng settled in Bocheng. Nowadays, it is very prosperous, and there is also a small street like Bocheng, which is quite a breath of the hill city at that time.

At about 9 in the morning, Mo Fan was there at eight o'clock. It was not that the leader needed some preparation in advance, but that he needed to discuss with Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai, how to extort... How to talk about compensation in a peaceful way. .

Zhou Wei, the deputy head of the team, was also present. Several leaders have not yet arrived. He has been as cold as the cold water in his body.

He was the head of Lin Kang, not only the head of the Southern Wing Masters, but also the deputy head of the North Army Corps. Lin Kang’s big tree fell, no matter the anger of Fan Xueshan or the dissatisfaction of the leaders. Basically, it will be vented to him.

"Several big brothers, I am the lard, I will follow Lin Kang to do this kind of thing. I will come to the leaders for a while. I beg you to be merciful. I have been in the city for some years, with you. Fan Xueshan has dealt a lot, that is, after Lin Kang came, he was forced to do something unscrupulous. You can give me a living path!” The deputy head Zhou Wei is also a tea, but also Losing a smile, the deputy head of the class is also very high, but like the younger brother.

"You didn't thank me before, I don't want to kill the snow mountain. How do you ask me to do this?" Mofan asked with an eyebrow.

Zhou Wei, deputy head of the group, is in charge of many mage organizations in the north of the city, and he also holds positions in the magic association. His figure appears in the alliance of "cracking" Fan Xueshan.

Zhou Wei was asked by Mo Fan, and the whole body was cold.

Mo Fan is the big devil, but even Zhao Kyoto has done it.

He said that Zhao Jing had run away, but he couldn’t see anyone dead or dead. Who is alive and not who is it?

"The military order is like a mountain. I am also a dead end. I am in the north of the city. I am going to cover the sky with one hand. It is too simple for him to kill me. Fortunately, you will eradicate this tumor in time, otherwise we will be as smoky as before." Zhou Hao hurried. Busy said.

Mo Fan was too lazy to pay attention to him, and he was very concerned about how to discuss with Zhao Manyan and Mu Linsheng.

Mu Bai stood coldly, and since he killed Lin Kang, his mental state was somewhat weird. Most of them were affected by the endless abyss, but in a few days it should be fine.

Looking at this real iron-blood judge, Zhou Hao was afraid to breathe.

Zhou Yihe once thought that Lin Kang would die in Mu Bai’s hands. How deep is Mu Bai’s strength now?

"Mu Kui first, Mu Kui first, that ... look at the take of the North Army Corps ... ..." Zhou Wei was in the body.

"Where is Lin Kang, you and I are clear, a few adults have come, and you have truthfully told what Lin Kang has done, giving us a fairness in Snow Mountain, we will not be embarrassed for you." Mu Bai said .

"This is what it should be. This is what it should be. Lin Kang is inferior. I actually wanted to expose him." Zhou Wei took a long breath.


The door opened, and five people with their own dignity came in. They seemed to meet somewhere and then went to the place where Mofan said.

These human rights are highly important. They have been in the town of Fan Xueshan, but they have been sent later. However, Mo Fan seems to be a new face. It seems that after Shao Zheng’s departure, the bureaucratic system and the system of members have undergone great changes.

"They are?" Mo Fan didn't know anything, and couldn't help but ask about Mu Linsheng who came over later.

When Mu Linsheng saw these five leaders, he unconsciously revealed a bit of humility. He introduced: "This is the general of the base city and the general of the army - General Li Shou, this is Mr. Tang, this is the bird magic. President of the Association - President Jiang Shuihan, this is the old man of the clan alliance, and the deputy mayor Nan Rong Xishan..."

"You are the owner of Fan Xueshan. How can we not even know us?" Mr. Tang was the first to speak, and he could not hear what it was.

"In the past, there were leaders who had the ability to do things. I remember." Mo Fan took his tone and went straight to it.

Mr. Tang immediately frowned, and his dissatisfaction was directly on his face, but he did not say anything. He opened the chair and sat directly opposite Mo Fan.

In fact, being called by a junior to drink tea, Mr. Tang’s life was the first time he encountered it, but the tea had to come.

It does not mean that they really came to be accountable to Fan Xueshan. They are not qualified to hold them accountable.

Not the great people of the Imperial Capital have known this. They have to come and ask questions, appease and appease, and how they will meet and fall, and be invited to drink tea.

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