Versatile Mage

Chapter 2708: The army’s first anger

"No, just now he also said that he would destroy the house of Nanrong, and this kind of words can be played. This kind of arrogant devil is still in charge of the most important new city and port in the north of the city. The Chinese general is coming, hopefully His private territory was withdrawn, so as not to harm the local residents," said Nan Rong Xishan.

"Huajun first, we also want to mediate the war with the owners of Fan Xueshan. After all, we have lost so many outstanding magicians. Unfortunately, the city owner is a bit angry." Jiang Shuihan is a woman, and her tone is milder.

"This aunt, if someone picks up your home, I will drive you out of your house. If you don't kill your family, can you talk so kindly?" Mofan interrupted Jiang Shuihan.

Jiang Shuihan’s face was slightly twitching.

Aunt? ?

Even if she is over forty years old, there are still many people who call her a beautiful woman. Even some young mages in the Magic Association who don’t recognize her position will call her a sister.

This aunt, let Jiang Shuihan can not wait to tear up Mo Fan's mouth!

"It makes a lot of sense. From our National Magic Association, the clan allows the clan to have its own territory, self-management, and cultivate the magician. The territory is sacred and inviolable. This should be very clear." Hua Zhanhong glanced at it. The old man.

The old clan of the clan alliance nodded and said: "I haven't seen it for a long time, the Chinese army is the first, and the style is still there."

"Where, if I was younger, I should have arrived an hour ago... Yes, Mo Fan, when I passed through Fuyang City, I met a shark chief who was rampaged. I was cut and the body was still intact. Fresh, I am giving it to you, let your people see what is valuable in it, and cut it down, as I will pay you for it." Hua Jun did not sit in the first place, he stood there and said.

When the five leaders heard it, the chin was almost on the hard wooden table.

Was Huajun the first to pay for this kid? ?

Moreover, the chief of the shark country that smashed the side of the city of Fuyang City was given the first place by the Chinese army passing by!

That is the Supreme Lord! ! !

"Where, guarding the national treasure is my business." Where does Mo Fan dare to let the Chinese army first apologize to himself.

The person who wants to plead guilty is the five old **** in front of him. They watched the fire across the bank and allowed Lin Kang to use the army to besieged Fang Xueshan.

A few of them did not allow Lin Kang to do this, but they did not stop it. To put it bluntly, they just took advantage of it. Lin Kang extinguished the snow-capped mountains. They just took away the land of the snow-capped mountains and divided them together.

If Lin Kang is defeated, they will throw their sins on Lin Kang’s person and say that he is privately mobilized and they are clean.

Mo Fan still can't know what these old things are about?

Nothing else is still hoping that the snow mountain will die, even the basic laws can be ignored. For such people, why should Mofan be gracious to them!

"The cow b, the army leader." Zhao Manyan gave a thumbs up to the Chinese army.

Mu Bai also looked at the Chinese army leader with disbelief.

The shark country chief, the strength should not be inferior to the totem of the mysterious snake, the original "owner" in Hangzhou attempted to occupy the West Lake is it, the whole master of Hangzhou can not help it, the result was passed away by Hua Zhanhong.

What is the realm of this Huazhan!

"It runs around, like a lost baby. There are no other sharks and beasts escorted around me. It’s unlucky to be hit by me. Unfortunately, it’s not the shark’s king, you can marry it, the north and south of Fuyang City. If the 1,000-kilometer coastline is safe, you can also build a fortress city there to provide for the migration of the people." Hua Zhanhong said.

"Since the first officer of the Chinese army has come, I will hand it over, and I will not be relieved to give it to others." Mo Fan took out the core of the fire and placed it on the table.

The core of the fire.

This is the key to the disaster in Van Snow Mountain.

There are no more foreign enemies, and there is no vital fuse. Any snow mountain will not be so besieged.

It can be said that the snow mountain is because this land of fire has encountered this great disaster, but also isolated.

Fortunately, everything was supported and waited for Huazhanhong to come over.

Huazhan Hong is highly weighted and has an extraordinary status. If the core of the fire falls in the hands of Zhao Jing, with the background and power of Zhao, it is only a matter of one or two days to digest the core of the fire. Hong Qin went to ask himself, and there is no way to take Zhao.

After all, the core of the fire is also an important introduction to the curse. In the International Masters Convention, whoever gets this thing first, who is it.

Zhao Jing ran to foreign countries and sought the blessing of international organizations. Hua Zhanhong could not forcibly recapture against the international mage convention.

"this is……"

“Is it true that there is a national treasure in the snow-capped mountains?” Nan Rong Xishan said in a shocked way.

General Li Shouda’s smashed Nan Rong Xishan.

"The core of the earth, still the most full and full, in the past can be used for at least one level of city." Jiang Shuihan of the Magic Association could not help but exclaimed.

The Chinese military saw the core of the fire in the first place, and it was difficult to conceal the excitement.

This is indeed a treasure, and it almost fell into the hands of other countries and greedy Zhao Jing.

"It's hard for you." Hua Zhanhong also knows that Fan Xueshan has suffered a lot in protecting this treasure, and his heart is also a bit guilty.

At the beginning, where Snow Mountain surrendered the core of this fire, I wanted to come to Linkang without a proper reason to dare to attack Van Snow Mountain.

In the eyes of Huazhan Hong, Mo Fan, Mu Bai, Zhao Manyan, Mu Ningxue and so on are just a few children, but they have not wavered in the face of vital national interests.

Looking at the five city leaders who don’t know the truth yet, hey, some officials are really not as good as a young man.

"Where a few people in the snow mountain got the core of the fire, they informed me the first time. The core of the fire has a great relationship, so I confess that they can't give them except me, and they can't keep it for a while."

"Lin Kang is your Li Shou's men. I want to ask, is Lin Kang representing the first Chinese army of the town, or you Li Shou represents me Hua Hong, even can take the arrogant place to Fan Xueshan The core of fire??"

Hua Zhanhong changed the previous peace, the black scorpion stared at General Li Shouda, the whole person was like a majestic mountain, pressed against him.

General Li Shouda felt that his whole body had to fall apart. He slammed down and the wooden floor under his knees even shattered! !

"Subordinates... The subordinates were blinded by Lin Kang, and the subordinates were blinded by Lin Kang. They were subordinate to each other. They also asked the military to punish them." General Li Shouda could not lift his head and was covered in cold sweat.

The other four leaders saw the situation and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

It is no wonder that the Chinese military first came personally.

The core of the first-level fire, this is the national treasure that brings a city life.


(Recently, many people asked how much the public number is, and they want to watch the talents. There are many lovely book friends in the public message. I often watch them and can enjoy me all day, but I don’t like myself. Speak.)

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