Versatile Mage

Chapter 3070: The rule of the Gorefiend

Mo Fan looked at the wolf-stricken sword and the rattan letter, and it was equally foggy.

These two people, how did they not see themselves for a long time, Mo Fan also wants to ask them why they are being held here.

“Do you both come here to experience life?” Mofan asked tentatively.

The sword of the moon and the face of the rattan letter are black.

Is this what people ask, but anyone who has no problem with his brain will come to the prison to experience life?

"We are trapped here, right. The double squad is no longer the double squad. Anyone you see can't believe them easily... Hey, how can I tell you clearly?" Look at the moon name Kendo.

"There is also a sword of the moon outside, and there is also a cabinet owner and Fujio Shinko, so who are you?" Mo Fan asked.

"We are us, the outside is not us! Shuangshouge has long been encroached by a force of evil. When we notice that something is wrong, it is too late, even we have suffered, and we are imprisoned here. Inside." Wang Yuejian said.

"The Gorefiends... They have all been replaced by the Gorefiends." Ling Ling said with a calm voice.

The Gorefiend is good at imitating. Not long ago, the Gorefiends imitated Mo Fan. I thought that there was only one Gorefiend in this double guard house. What Mofan and Lingling could not think of was that the sword of the moon and the owner of the house were heavy. The first three seats of Tengfang Xinzi have been replaced by the blood devils. The real ones are trapped here by death!

Seeing this scene, Ling Ling and Mo Fan could not help but look at each other.

In the double guard house, how many bloodsuckers are there, and how many of these blood demons have replaced the double guards?

"What are the people behind the promenade?" Ozawa's face was full of horror, he couldn't help but ask.

"You... you have to go and have a look." The owner of the museum re-applied with a sigh.

Ozawa walked slowly toward the depths along the dark prison.

On both sides of it is a prison cell, and hundreds of people should be held in terms of length.

Every time he took a step, Ozawa saw a familiar figure in the prison. They all stunned faces and responded to Ozawa with puzzled eyes.

Ozawa knows the vast majority of people, who are members of the Mochizuki family, faculty and students in the college, and military and military officers in the military...

"Ishida Chiko." Xiao Ze read the name.

"Nakamura Jun."

"Wood and."

These faces are obviously people who live in the West Castle Pavilion!

Why are they...

Will they all be held here? ?

Dongshouge is not a place to imprison a wicked criminal!

What about prisoners? ? ?

What happened here! !

The more the Ozawa officer went down, the more he felt that he fell into the horror abyss. He couldn't help but grab his own hair. The feeling of a headache was almost made to him, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

The tears of the crash came out of the eyelids, and at this moment he suddenly understood the truth that Lingling said.

This is the truth!

Why is it even more outrageous than a nightmare! !

In the end, when did it become like this, a group of monsters who didn’t know what it was, they invaded the Xishou Pavilion, they held the real members of the West Shouge in the Dongshou Pavilion, and then they became their appearance in Xishou Living in the club! !


In the dark prison, Ozawa’s officer came back and lost, and he even had some instability.

So I have been in the East Shouge for many times to supervise the food, but Ozawa never stepped into the prison. Why can't I walk in and take a look at it? I will understand why the whole Shuanggege is a weird one. The atmosphere is shrouded! !

"I thought that Shuangshouge was sick, so it showed a pathological appearance, but I wouldn't think that the entire Shougege has been replaced. What are the things that are wearing their skins outside, please? Tell me, please let me know!!" Ozawa’s officer was on the verge of a mental breakdown, but he did not allow himself to fall.

He is angry, his emotions are breaking out!

He was deceived for so long, and at this moment he could even hear a sharp sneer, the monsters draped in the skin, and they laughed as they usually turned around after they had finished speaking.

"So there are hundreds of blood-scarred people who occupy the West Shouge?" Mo Fan couldn't help but take a breath.

"Well, it's more exaggerated than we expected." Lingling nodded.

Lingling has expected a result, that is, the vast majority of people in Xishouge have been manipulated by evil gangs, and a few normal people are still in the dark.

However, after no moonlight night, a few normal people should be cleared, and the entire double-guard court will become the nest of the Red Devils. Without any accident, they will break through the ban on the double-guard and begin to expand toward the Osaka city.

However, what Lingling can't think of is that in addition to mental control, there are a large number of Gorefiends who directly replaced many Xishouge personnel including the three first seats!


Recalling that many of the people who were in contact with these days in the West Gate Court were the Gorefiends, and the spirits suddenly had a cold.

No wonder there is something wrong with it. No wonder everyone is doubtful. There is a problem with the entire Xishou Pavilion. What are the strange events?

"Mo Fan, I have always used this as his old nest in the autumn. He has brainwashed some heavy prisoners and turned them into blood devils. In the black gallery below, there should be more **** people. These Gorefiends are waiting for an opportunity. When they control a suitable person, they will be held to Dongshouge, and then one of the Gorefiends will become his way, taking over from him. "Moon month famous sword said.

“Is it just below this?” Mofan pointed to a black lacquer replacement.

"Yes, below." Wang Yuejian said.

"The Red Devils are in the autumn, which one is he?" Mo Fan hurriedly asked.

"We don't know that when he appeared, he was a **** fog, and he couldn't even see his face."

There are so many Gorefiends, they are actually equal to the Red Devils. The question is how to find the Red Devils from so many avatars?

Time is running out, and I can't find the Red Devils. I am afraid that after he has finished flying to the emperor, Mo Fan can't stop it!

"Lingling, can we look for people who are imprisoned here, one by one?" Mofan asked.

"It is impossible to find him at all, Mo Fan, do you still remember the letter, the bureau set by the Red Devils." Ling Ling said.

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