Versatile Mage

Chapter 827: Beasts are attacking!


The discouragement of the blue valley and the beast has already shown a messy airflow, and the surrounding water mist floats like a drifting rain.

Muning Snow hid in the building, but still could feel the cold and wet air.

She and the night Rakshasa are holding their breath, for fear that they will be found by the blue valleys on the streets, and their current situation is not the opponent of the blue valley and the beast. The most important thing is the blue valley. There is also a group of Kraken races around the beast. They are flat warheads with long flat sharks. Each joint has a shark-bone blade. The body is similar to humans. Even the lower body has the same legs, but the difference is Their soles have evolved into fish palms, which allow them to swim more easily in the water without hindering them from walking on land.


The sound of the scorpion scorpion demon is very low, and it will be ignored if not carefully listened to.

The night Raksha body clung to the wall root, and the black plush ears stood up, like a pair of elf ears, beautiful and beautiful.


The night Rakshasa made a very low cry and pointed his fingers in two directions, indicating that Muning Snow had two scorpion scorpions that were approaching this floor.

"We have to leave here," Muning Snow said.

The white weeping demon is also in the vicinity, and it is a waste of a minute here. The life of Nan Rong Ni is more dangerous.

However, she can no longer use the ice crystal brake bow anyway at this moment, otherwise she will not tolerate it even if it is costly!


In the eyes of the night, Rakshasa shines with wisdom, telling Muning Snow how it is.

"You mean, I want to find a way to lead the guy, can you find the white weeping demon?" Muning Xue said.

The night Rakshasa nodded.

It’s very impractical to play with the Blue Valley, and what they have to do now is to take the White Weeping Demon and leave, now this is the only feasible way.

Night Rakshasa is indeed a highly intelligent race. It can be seen that Munin Snow has offended the blue valley and the beast. The blue valley and the beast will not let her leave here anyway, then she will only attract her. The tough guy, it solved the white weeping demon at the fastest speed.

"Well...but, after you kill the white weeping demon, don't use it to find me, go back directly to the team and give the toxin to your master. The speed of detoxification is very fast, if we are all dragged..." Munin Snow nodded.

The night Rakshasa still traces the atmosphere of the white weeping demon. With its own darkness technique, it dexterously avoids the two scorpion sacs that patrol the floor and wait for the opportunity.

The Blue Valley is a leader-level creature, and its perception is much stronger. It is difficult for the night Rakshall to escape from its eyelids, so Muning Snow must guide it away.

Seeing that the night Rakshasa is ready, Muning Snow took a deep breath.

Thanks to Jiang Zhi’s wise contractor to help himself, he or she will usually collide with the headless flies in this entire East China Sea city.


Muning Snow really didn't know how long he could survive under the pursuit of the Blue Valley.

Without the ice crystal brake bow, and the fact that his body has not recovered, it is really difficult to escape from a command-level chase.


The dexterous wind swelled beside him, and Muning Snow controlled the air pressure around him, not even alarming the two snails who were close to themselves.

Suddenly, Muning Xue flashed a flash of light and rolled up a blizzard of wind and snow in the other direction. The scorpion shark that was stuck in the middle of the road was slightly stunned. After a little more than a second, it was hoarse and low. The cry, telling your companion and the king that the woman is here! !

For a time, all the scorpion sharks were called up, and the shark demon in the main street was much more, and the dull frog-like sound sounded through the film.

"Caf coffee and coffee ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The blue valley with the metal texture sounded and the beast also turned sharply. The sharp pointed foot quickly stepped on, along the spacious main street, half of the body was underwater and the other half was on the water. Half-run and half-tour to chase down Mu Ning snow here!

It’s a revenge on the arrow, but it’s not forgotten. This blue valley is a beast that can perceive that the Mu Ning snow breath is not as strong as that day. The fierce Kraken is a little bit humiliated, and it needs to be repaid with death, so it The obsession with Muning Snow has far surpassed that of other 19th blocks.

It is very difficult for the mages to retain the leader-level creatures who are left with one heart. Even under the pressure of too much, they can't wait for someone to temporarily lead the blue-gracious beasts.


"How did the Blue Valley violent beast leave??" Some of the aged mage in the 19th Street gaze at the main street.

"It seems to go in the direction of the vastness."

"Growing, vast, and paying attention to the blue valley, the beast is moving toward your location, please avoid it in time."

People in the 19th Street District have their own communication equipment, and every move of the leading-level creatures quickly spread to other people's ears.

"Received... Hey, that guy is chasing a woman... Silver hair... It’s her!" The first half of Guangyu was to answer teammates, but the latter half was talking to himself.

Hirose is different from other mages. He is standing on a broken wooden boat. The rickety wooden boat will sink at any time, but the vastness of the leather-covered wrap is not as violent as the duckweed. toss.

He is very stable. If you look closely, you will find that he is not completely stepping on the wooden boat, but is able to step on the surging sea.

Guangzhao originally wanted to avoid it. It can be seen that the figure of a Qianli is being chased by the blue-skinned beast of a dozen meters high, and the look immediately changed.

Silver hair, this is a special color, even if the water mist can not see the face, he can be sure that the beautiful woman I met before.

Hirose a tooth, stepping on the rushing water waves, and chasing the position where the silver hair woman is.

"Run to me!!"

Hirose, by the waves, jumped to the building and shouted at Mu Ning Xue, who was running aimlessly.

Muning Snow only heard the sound and subconsciously changed his position.

A thorny mantle came from the rear of the rainstorm. Muning Snow did not forget the power of the violent storm of the blue valley and the beast. He did not dare to walk in the height of the building and immediately fell into the sea.

"Growing, don't go, you don't have any reinforcements!!" The voice of teammates came out in the communicator.

Guangsong was there, because the sturdy buildings in front of him had turned into pieces and collapsed under the impact of the squally rainstorm. In front of them, they were empty and could look directly at the face of the blue valley. The heart beats violently...

Just do not know why, the blue valley fierce from the eye of the beast has no eyes, is slowly overflowing blood!

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