Versatile Mage

Chapter 890: Black animal demon

Mo Fan retracted the Star Wars into the Dimensional Space.

In this way, with a dark blue hair that is about to drag the wolf beast on the ground, it is equal to telling the Black Holy See that he is here to go to heaven with the Golden War Hunter Group!

Let the star wolf roughly point to the direction, Mo Fan and Mu Ning Xue they will be together.

"How did you know that he was going in this direction?" Rongsheng asked inexplicably.

"Ask me asking so much, do you want to find Wang Hao?" Mo Fan was impatient.

Rongsheng did not dare to ask more, followed Mofan to go to the building behind the main building.

Compared to the grandeur of the main building, the building behind this orange building is much darker, and most of it is not used to greet any passengers. I haven't seen any relevant service personnel here before.

Passing through a few very bright corridors, and embarking on a few steps, the star wolf told Mo Fan, the taste of blood probably spread from here.

The entire gallery presents a square ring. It takes some time to walk straight to the corner. The carpet is covered in dark red. There are many locked rooms on both sides, single door, double door, and heavy double door sliding door of that hall. ......

The Star Wars Wolf told Mo Fan that the **** smell was at the thick double-ringed door. Mo Fanzi carefully examined it and found a light red mark on the side of the white wall, which looks the same size as the mouth print. It is easy to ignore without looking carefully.

Mo Fan pushed the Mu Ning snow next to him and whispered to her: "Wang's blood should be accidentally slammed... It should be skin trauma, bruises, etc., blood is rarely left on the wall. From a height perspective, probably the arm is close to the shoulder..."

Mo Fan remembers that Wang Wei is almost the same height as Muning Snow. By contrasting Muning Snow, he can roughly speculate on her injured position.

The print is long and narrow, and the smell is consistent with the previous whip, indicating that Wang Hao has been here.


"Hey, are you here? I am proud..." Rongsheng shouted.

Mo Fan hurriedly grabbed the guy's mouth and yelled: "Don't bark, she may have caught someone. You will only make our rescue more difficult."

Rong Sheng’s eyes widened and it took a while to nod.

Mo Fan tried to push the door and found that the door was not locked. The thick hall door was pushed open by him, and the sound of the sound echoed in the passage corridor.

There is no light inside, Mo Fan can only barely see that it is a relatively old decoration, there is a fireplace, a deer head ornaments, a large table, and a curtain that shields the window tightly...

"Nobody, though, I seem to smell something." Mofan frowned and said.

The black animal demon and the curse of the smell of the animal demon, it is a memorable smell, Mo Fan and the Black Holy See have dealt so many times, even if there are only some remaining in the air, he can still distinguish.

"It seems that there is no ventilation for a long time, so stinky." Guo Wenyi said.

"Yeah, how do you feel the taste is getting stronger?" Rongsheng has already caught his nose.

Muning Snow glanced outside the door and said: "The smell is coming from outside."

Mo Fan felt that the original faint smell was slowly thickening. As the door opened, the air in the corridor passage came in, accompanied by a more disgusting stench.

"There is something outside!" Mo Fan immediately realized what he was, and hurried to the front door, and carefully placed the two double-door doors.

When the door was closed, some sounds still came out. At this time, something in the corridor channel immediately sounded something running fast, and the sound was getting closer and closer!

"What??" Guo Wenyi and Rong Sheng also heard, and the face suddenly froze.

"Oh, don't make a noise, we may have come to the right place." Mofan said with a very low voice.

Mo Fan let the three people close to themselves, using the darkness here to hide the anger of their living.

Not long after, there was a clearer sound in the corridor passage, and there was something outside walking through the thick door...

Guo Wenyi was at the door, passing through the narrow doorway. She could barely see the dark passageway corridor. A skinny, deformed shape slowly climbed from her narrow line of sight. Four feet on the ground, dark skin, face like a ghost monkey!

Guo Wenyi saw that the scalp was numb. This is not the kind of strange geek that he saw when he walked the night! !

The same, absolutely the same! !

Guo Wenyi only gradually removed the fear from the comfort of Mo Fan. Who knows that the most real thing is seen here today. Through such a door, Guo Wenyi is still erected, and it seems that he has become The horse that was thrown out of the hollowed out abdomen will be eaten raw at any time.

"Black animal demon." Mo Fan said to Muning Snow.

After about a minute, the sound outside the door gradually disappeared.

Rong Sheng and Guo Wenyi both reluctantly retreated to the table, especially Guo Wenyi, the whole person is in a state of extreme fear.

"That... what is that??" Rong Sheng asked.

"Some little hairs, don't worry too much." Mo Fan did not explain too much.

The black animal demon has not framed a threat to Mo Fan at this level, but even so, Mo Fan does not want to act rashly, the black animal demon will be inspected nearby, indicating that it is indeed the site of the Black Holy See, killing it. A black animal demon, it may be possible to alarm all the members of the Black Holy See. At that time, it is not a matter of servant-level black animal demon patrolling here. Instead, the black animal demon and the cursing animal demon are coming in like the black tide!

Purely, Mo Fan is not afraid, fighting anything, Mo Fan is not afraid of such things. Mo Fan is a poisonous change. In case the Black Holy See can designate a person to be poisonous, most of his exposure is to sneak into the ground.

When he came to the right place, Zhao Pinlin was really a member of the Black Holy See. Mo Fan had to give a thumbs up to Muning Snow at this time.

A woman’s intuition can be powerful enough to tear the camouflage of the Black Holy See, let alone a man’s lucky track.

"You all stay here first, don't make too loud a voice, don't leave before I don't come back." Mo Fan 叮嘱 three.

Although Muning Snow has been repaired for the second time, it is only suitable for Mo Fan to act from one person, compared to Mofan, who is sneaking and hiding.

"You are careful." Muning said.

"Remember, what happened, and try to hide the identity, poison is the thing that really threatens us." Mo Fan specifically explained Mu Ningxue.


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