Versatile Mage

Chapter 933:

The black storm has turned into a giant, and it feels right in front of you.

Passing through a ruined wall, Mofanfa has nothing but a bunch of seemingly old stones in this relic city. It is an amazing lightning black storm that is particularly eye-catching.

The air is flying with yellow dust, flying some dry grass and stones, and you can feel the strong airflow with the power of suction, getting them closer and closer to the lightning storm.

However, this power is probably only equivalent to the wind of seven or eight, and everyone's body can withstand it.

Mo Fan took out the condensed evil beads and found that the light is guiding himself towards the center of the lightning storm.

"I don't think I can die?" Mofan suddenly sighed.

The destructive power of the lightning storm should not be weaker than a super-level magic. It is necessary to find the difference in the lightning storm, and it is impossible to send it to death in order to fill the energy of the evil spirits.

"I feel like there is nothing here, let's leave as soon as possible." Zuji Ming's voice of fear of death was passed on.

"I don't know what it's like to use your fat body!" Jiang Shaoxu sarcastically said.

The people did not dare to be too close to the lightning storm, but in addition to this spectacular black lightning storm, there is nothing worth exploring in the whole city of ruins. There are no ancient treasures, no elemental abnormalities, or even invisible. Any demon who guards here.

The demon is also very realistic. If this area is not worth exploring, it will be a little disappointing.

After searching for about half a day, the ruins were a pile of broken stones. Nanxun found some words that she was interested in on some broken stone pillars, and others had nothing.


"Rely on, it took such a big effort, even the magic stone with a little worth of money, who said that this is the place where the unopened place is." The woman's land." Zhao Manyan could not help but swear.

"Wasting time, I said not to come here!" said Zuji Ming.

"Sit down and take a break, look at it tomorrow, if there is nothing, we are mostly going to go home," Nan Yan said.

Mo Fan is okay. Anyway, he was rewarded this time. He got a piece of Yuanjing. As for the condensed evil spirits guiding himself to the lightning storm, Mo Fan did not see it. The powerful storm and the terrible lightning were all It’s the devil’s claws, and when you get close, you can tear people into pieces!

Mo Fan does not waste a little time, rests into the meditation, practicing his own shadow control.

343 stars, this huge project can be done not by being lazy, it is this race against time!

Close your eyes and lean against an orange-yellow boulder. Mo Fan enters the Milky Way's Milky Way. This dark star river, which is not beautiful but has mystery and mystery, needs too much to explore. The more familiar you are, the stronger your control over the shadow system!

"I want to strengthen the star of the shadow system first, it seems to be enough."

When the Moon Stone Demon was banned, the Little Mud Pendant collected enough souls, and Mo Fan could just strengthen the 49 stars of the Shadow System and get the 4th level of the giant shadow nail.

The process of strengthening is very smooth. If there isn't even a small animal in this ancient city, Mo Fan really wants to try a handful of demons with no eyes, and see what effect the fourth-level giant shadow nail will have. In addition, he is already a high-level Shadow Master, and he has not tried it after he has greatly improved his control...



"Azoxy pyrimidine!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, the sound of sharp lightning as the sky broke through the distance. At first it was only a few words, and soon it became a group of sounds. The noise made it impossible for Mo Fan to be properly settled.

Mo Fan opened his eyes and looked up into the sky!

At this time, it was the time when the sun was about to go down. The orange sunset glowed red and cleaned without the clouds of the sky, and the western sky was dyed into a beautiful orange-red color with a sense of layering.

The earth's surface and the high-rise land itself are orange, which complements the sunset sky. It is just the vast and innocent paintings of orange and red. There are many uninvited guests. They have emerald green bodies, beautiful and smooth like jade. The wings are completely blue, and they look particularly neat, whether they are strong feathers or fluff.

When they flew here in groups, they felt the green sky and the blue silk cloth, which was covered with the sunset sky a little bit, and was gradually approaching here!

"I am grass, it is them, this time more!!" Jiang Yan suddenly shouted.

"I have made a mistake, we have all gone so far, the airspace of the big demon let this group of things fly freely!!" Zhao Manyan also screamed.

"It's over, it's over. This time we are in such an open place, there isn't even a bunker, how can we fight them!" Li Kaifeng said with a flustered face.

Mo Fan listened to them yelling, suddenly confused.

what's the situation? ? ?

Why are there so many strange birds in the sky suddenly? ? ?

However, this kind of strange bird, Mo Fan is not completely strange, because when flying through the Pacific Ocean to South America not long ago, there is a strange bird with a body size larger than these as a whole, breaking into the air route, almost Causing an airplane accident! !

"God, there is also this direction."

"There are also here, bad, we are surrounded by them."

Mo Fan looked up and found that all the monsters with blue wings of the green body in all directions, they were only collective migration, Mo Fan would be purely a painter of the sky, but from the crowded scene They are all directed at the group of them! !

"Mom, no one told me what happened??" Mofan shouted.

The number of strange birds is staggering. There are no 10,000 and 8,000. It is definitely a mighty demon army. Although Mo Fan has seen big scenes, this kind of thing can be less or less, too scary!

"Probably a month ago, we didn't take long to go to Peru, accidentally walked into a place where the locals said the restricted area, so they were all pursued by this strange bird. At first, it was only a few dozen, we just casually Then they were destroyed, and later they became hundreds, and we also dealt with it. Later, in the city, these strange birds actually caught up and were annihilated by the protection of the Peruvian city, causing an orange warning. ... then later, oh, then it is now!" Zhao Manyan explained to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan listened to him saying that the whole face was black.

It’s a day dog. They have met dozens, hundreds, thousands of them before... They flew nearly 10,000 when they returned to the team. Now they are far away from the city and want to rely on it. It is impossible to resist the city!

Tens of thousands, look at the level of these strange birds is not low, they are only a total of ten people, recently died one, they want to deal with this million birds army, Arabian Nights! !

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Mo Fan asked.

"You didn't ask, and we really think that the last time a thousand birds struck was the last time. I know... God, what are we doing, how can we be chased by these things?" Zhao Manyan Said.

"What to do now, think about it!"

"Even if we dig a hole, it is estimated that they will also take us out. There are no shelters here, and we have no way to live," Zuji Ming said.

The birds are getting closer and closer, like clouds.

Seeing these innumerable monsters in the sky, Mo Fan is even more interested in fucking. Laozi is a higher-level shadow system of Jin, and it is also strengthened to the fourth-level giant shadow nail. It is complaining about how there is no demon to practice this hand, but the thief is so mad and sent a demon army to come over. ? ?

At this moment, even Ai Jiang’s face has become very ugly, and his strength is not absolutely sure to survive the attack of this group of strange birds.

In fact, let alone the nearly 10,000 such strange birds, that is, the last time a thousand attacks, they are not necessarily able to deal with, relying on the defense capabilities of the Peruvian city at that time.

"What should I do?" Nanxun had no idea, and his face was ugly and said to Ai Jiangtu.

"If you choose, do you want to fight with these strange birds, or go into the lightning storm?" Ai Jiangtu seriously asked.

"Captain, you are not crazy, this lightning storm destructive power can be compared with super-order magic, we are going to die is no doubt!" Jiang Shaoxuan yelled.

"We don't want to go so deep. To put it bluntly, we enter a range that we can bear with these strange birds. This is the only way I think of it. If I don't want to be divided by these strange birds in five minutes. If you eat, I will quickly follow up with me and go to the lightning storm zone." Ai Jiangtu said.

Others have no choice at all. As Ai Jiangtu said, there are still many unknowns in the lightning storm zone, but in this open space and nearly tens of thousands of strange birds, the result is mortal!

Walking towards the lightning storm, Jiang Yan, who was on the side, saw Mo Fan's face sullen, and he was lying in the middle of a gun. He couldn't help but feel cold and humorous: "Is it not as comfortable as it is in the Gobi Valley?" Not struggling?"

"Go to your sister, you won the bird's nest, why should I be guilty with you?" Mo Fan shouted.

"You can also tell the birds that you are not familiar with us and see if they will let you go..." Zhao Manyan added a knife.


In the end, I still have to go to the lightning storm. But Mo Fan really doesn't like this kind of forced help. He thinks that the significance of a person becoming strong is that there is a power of choice in many things like this. What you have to do, think that there are dangerous things, say NO, bravely fight against your dissatisfaction, instead of being chased with no dignity like this!

Of course, in front of the small life, the dignity of this thing is the same as the festival, you can throw it away at any time!

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