Versatile Mage

Chapter 981: Zhanxue

Returning to the place where everyone tried, Mo Fan found that the results seemed to have come out, but the atmosphere seemed strange.

"It seems that something happened." Mo Fan walked over and looked at the injured Jiang Yan, and then looked at Li Kaifeng, who was as seriously injured on the field.

This internal duel is more embarrassing than Mofan's imagination. Jiang Yan has several deep and fleshy wounds. The blood is mad and swaying, feeling that he will fall down at any time.

Li Kaifeng was even worse. His right arm was directly torn off, and the dust was falling far away.


At night, the twin yellow triangle eyes stared at Li Kaifeng, and the black hair was turned upside down. The sound was even more chilly.

It can be seen that the night Rakshasa is very angry, and even has already revealed the killing of Li Kaifeng!

"Jiang Yan, let it stop!" The instructor said with a heavy seal.

The night Rakshasa did not obey the command of the instructor to seal off. Its claws were still stained with the blood of Li Kaifeng's arms. I don't know what the reason was. Li Kaifeng annoyed the night Raksha, and the night Rakshasa attack was actually Go directly to the position of Li Kaifeng neck.

Li Kaifeng is already the end of the strong, Mo Fan is very surprised, what is the willingness to cause Jiang Yan's night Luosha to kill Li Kaifeng!

"Come back." Jiang Yan's face turned white, eventually biting his teeth and commanding the night.

The night Raksha still did not obey, its speed is amazing, the pace is very strange, as if you can walk on the air, seeing the night Luozha will be killed in front of Li Kaifeng, suddenly there is a handle near the night Rakshasa The black shadow nails and the shadow nails are interlaced around the night Rakshasa, which directly constitutes a shadow binding array, which blocks the high-speed flying night Rakshasa.

The night Rakshasa itself is a dark creature. It is reasonable to say that the giant shadow nails may not be able to affect it, but the night Rakatsu is in midair, and the claws hover more than 30 centimeters in front of the Li Kaifeng. distance.

Li Kaifeng is full of people, he can already feel the chill from the neck!

Jiang Yan glanced at the instructor and sealed it. He did not say anything. He immediately opened the contract space and retracted the night Luozha into the contract space.

The night Luochao looked extremely unwilling, and angered it...

"Right you, but this is not the end of this!" Jiang Yan's own wound, his face has a gentle and distinct cold in peace!

Li Kaifeng was a lost soul, a look that he did not expect.

He actually lost, and he lost even when he applied the prohibition!

Nan Rong Ni saw that Li Kaifeng’s injury was even more serious. He first treated him for treatment. Jiang Yan went to the side and sat down to rest. He took out some medicine and handled the wound himself.

Mo Fan looked a little stunned and didn't understand what happened.

Going to Jiang Yan, Mo Fan also took out some good medicines to help Jiang Yan deal with the injuries.

When the real treatment of the injury for Jiang Yan, Mo Fan realized how terrible these wounds were, and then deepened a few points, it is estimated that the internal organs must be torn open, Li Kaifeng this guy almost had the life of Jiang Yan.

"What happened?" Mo Fan looked back at Zhao Manyan.

"Li Kaifeng used the ban, I really didn't think that he was practicing the ban on cultivation in the five continents of magic associations!" Zhao Manyan said.

"Forbidden??" Mo Fan is not very familiar with this.

"Do you see his blood, is it revealing the demon blue?" Zhao Manyan pointed at the blood of Li Kaifeng who was roaming on the field.

Mo Fan looked at it carefully, only to find that the blood there was indeed blue, like blue ink.

"That is a **** surgery, you can extract a lot of magic energy in your body in a short time, and multiply the power of magic. This is because it is difficult to control the extraction and the power of its magic, plus his cultivation process. Some are not humane, have been banned by the major magic associations. In the early days, there was a group called Zhanlanhui. They collectively cultivated this technique, which caused great harm and was blocked by the international community." Zhao Manyan said.

Forbidden and cursed are two concepts. Forbidden surgery is often a partial magic that has great physical and mental damage to oneself and others and causes incalculable destructive power.

Magic is constantly developing, and the major magic systems are not fixed at the beginning. People are constantly exploring, looking for new magic systems and new powers so that human beings can get better in this crisis world. Protection.

These new magic systems generally take a long time to study, precipitate, and test, and will eventually be included in the orthodox legal power, and some new magic that is not included, except for magic researchers can test it. Others are forbidden to use.

Blue blood is one of them. This is a kind of ability obtained from the most dangerous blue sea demon. It can incomparably enhance the destruction ability of the mage. It is said that the cultivation process is cruel, plus uncontrollable, to the practitioner himself. It also caused great harm, so it was banned.

What Li Kaifeng used today is exactly the same as Zhanxue, which is already a violation of the rules, and almost hurt Jiang Yan's life, which led to the night of Rizhao angry to fight back!

In the dispute over the government, the ban must be strictly forbidden. Once discovered, the team will be disqualified and subjected to severe international punishment. Li Kaifeng used the blood to win the game. This is a bit too much.

But fortunately, it didn't cause too bad influence. After all, although Zhanxue is a ban, it can't be called a sorcerer, and the sorcerer has a cold level, like a black sect, turning a living person into a black animal. The demon, the curse of the animal demon, is the leader of the sorcerer, and is crucified by the whole world!

"This time letting you civil war, it is not really necessary to eliminate any one of you. After all, our team has been forced to eliminate one in the wilderness by someone. But Li Kaifeng, you do make us very Disappointed." Song He sighed.

Li Kaifeng can be regarded as the pro-son of the school's joint conference. His future is naturally bright, and there is really no need to use this ability that has been explicitly banned.

"Sorry, instructor, I just don't want to leave the team, I want to enter the Venice contest." Li Kaifeng said with apologetic apology.

"The object you want to apologize for is not us." said the director of Songhe.

Li Kaifeng has calmed down. He glanced at the Jiangyan, who was being healed. He slowly stood up and walked toward Jiangyan.

"Your injury..." Nan Rong Ni wanted to say that his injury had not been cured, but Li Kaifeng still walked over to him.

"Sorry, I am too impulsive. This is the first time I really used this ability. I didn't think it would be so uncontrollable. I hope you can understand that I just want to win. I really don't mean to hurt you. I can swear to you that I will never use this kind of thing again in my life." Li Kaifeng bent the whole body down and sincerely apologized to Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan looked at him coldly.

Li Kaifeng maintained the apologetic posture, as if the other party did not forgive him, he would not straighten his body.

"Forget it, I have not controlled my contract beast, and almost killed your life." Jiang Yan finally replied in this way.

Jiang Yan people are relatively gentle, never conflict with the players, are to win, but also to be able to become famous in Venice water, it will be normal to be too aggressive.

"Thank you for your understanding." Li Kaifeng was still bleeding his arm, and he returned to Nan Rong Ni.


This small storm is also a thing of the past. In fact, the two mentors are not coming to take away, just bring Mu Ningxue back to the team.

The number has actually been maintained. Because Mo Fan has killed Lu Yilin, the team itself is missing one person. This time, even if it is not eliminated, it will not affect the arrangement of the original team.

Considering that Li Kaifeng’s attitude of admitting mistakes is more sincere, the tutor deducted the original resources that belonged to his completed experience, and he did not directly eliminate Li Kaifeng, let him stay in the team to observe, and wait for the next experience to end. And then make adjustments, whether it is to stay or eliminate, the tutor will naturally do the decision.

"Mo Fan, come over!" The matter that was sealed away from Li Kaifeng, his face was even more ugly.

Mo Fan’s mind was a glimpse of the trouble.

"Tutor." Mo Fan took the past.

"Don't think that you have done those great things before, I can forgive you. Lu Yilin's things, why don't you hand it over to us? Do you think that I will be punished because of his strong background, confusing, I Is that kind of person? In my eyes, he is the Emperor Laozi, such a vicious wreckage teammate, I will let him roll to the prison!" Sealing away from the fruit, catching Mo Fan is a skunk.

Mo Fan could not help but walk a little farther and showed a look of innocence.

"Now the Lu family is already asking me for someone, do you know??" Feng Shu once again martyrdom.

"Can guess," Mofan said.

"Don't think that this is the end of the matter, even if you have enough reasons, you can't kill people like that." Feng said.

"I didn't kill."

"What is the difference between you and your killing? It's very prestige. It's amazing. It's a lawless, unrespectable, undisciplined, and it's a different person. I'm going to let him roll out, and die!" The sound of the decibel is not diminished.

"Hey, let's say, the mentor of the old man is still helping me to get down." Mo Fan smiled without a face.

The seal was also so angry that he didn't know how to swear, and he had never seen Mo Fan.

"How can I help you top? I just do my duty as a mentor. During the National Competition, Lu will not bother you, but once the National Competition is over, you are waiting to accept their crazy revenge! Clearly, They will also keep some rules, and secretly how to do it, then you will know the bitterness!" Feng said.

"Hey, thank the tutor for reminding." Mo Fan laughed again.

"..." The seal was suddenly speechless.

This kid!

He is so loud and condemned, the average person has to be scared, this kid actually knows that his real intention is to remind him, be careful that Lu Jia played dark after the game. Ming, don't be afraid, Mo Fan is ruling, they don't dare to be too much!

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