Versatile Mage’s Ultimate Thunder

Four hundred and thirteen. From Shao Zheng's pit!

After the two arrived in Asuka City, people from the municipal court also came to greet them in person.

Tang Miao was also very curious, how did the other party know of his arrival?

However, these are not very important to him. But when the person who received him took out the so-called land contract contract for him, Tang Miao was completely dumbfounded!

This special code promised a city that suddenly disappeared? ?

And now, just saying that he can choose a piece of land? ?

He was very upset, and then took out the land deed given by Shao Zheng. However, just when he was about to point it out to the receptionist, he realized that he had been fooled...

As the old man Shao Zheng wrote above, he can choose a place outside the safe world to build his own "home!"

Asuka city government is responsible for providing maximum help...

In the past, he always felt that the entire land of Asuka City was unsafe, but now it seems that he has been reckless...

Although it was very unpleasant, but now it was like this, he could only accept it.

It can only be said that after all, ginger is still old and spicy...

When he came out, Tang Miao saw Mu Ningxue who was arranged by him.

"You won't be imprisoned by them, will you?" You know, before the retreat, I had already confessed to Mu Ningxue.

After letting her return to China, she came here to take over Asuka City.

However, she has never given any news to herself, so Tang Miao is very puzzled, is this girl Leng imprisoned?

Although the people here don't have this strength, but she has not heard from her for so long, which really makes him puzzled.

Mu Ningxue shook her head and said: "No, it's just that they asked me to wait for you here. They entertained me with delicious food and drink every day. I wanted to ask what happened to you, but you are in Parthenon There, I have no way to contact you, so I can only wait for you here."

"Well, let's not talk about it. I've been fat and fat recently. Let me feel how much flesh I've grown?" Tang Miao reached out and touched Mu Ningxue.

Although it is degrading to the gentlemen in broad daylight, it seems that it is because of no one's relationship,

Mu Ningxue is also used to his stinking problem, but she didn't refuse.

Then he asked again, "What happened?"

Tang Miao paused, but she didn't continue to be shameless. Sighing: "I was tricked by that old fox, Shao Zheng!"

After the words fell, he took out a paper contract.

After Mu Ningxue saw it, she didn't have much reaction.

As if he had expected this result, he comforted Tang Miao and said, "Actually, I guessed this too. However, I don't eat and drink every day these days. I found a piece of land and it feels very good. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Where Mu Ningxue mentioned, Tang Miao knows where it is without even thinking about it...

However, it was already like this now, so he had no choice but to nod in agreement.

The land that Mu Ningxue discovered is in the north of Asuka City. This is a very special piece of land. It is a flat piece of land cut out by two long and narrow mountains. The terrain is higher than Asuka City.

The mountain range in the west is called Feiyue Mountain, which is a very good mountain barrier, blocking the monsters of Nanling from the mountain boundary, and most of the monsters of Nanling will not cross this mountain range to attack here Humanity.

Even if there is, but the Tang family has nothing else, what else can the guarding beast be missing? So the security of this area is definitely top notch.

The mountain on the east side of the sea is called Shuangyang Mountain. It is composed of two mountains. the sea!

Moreover, this piece of land goes all the way to the north, and it will pass through Hangzhou and lead directly to Shanghai, the magical capital.

Going south, it is very close to Asuka City, almost less than ten kilometers.

The most important thing is that Shao Zheng said that outside of Anjie, Tang Miao can occupy any land!

As for cleaning up the nearby monsters, it was not difficult for Tang Miao.

He was going to go back to Hangzhou to see his eldest wife, and brought Xuan Snake here by the way. Although there may be dangers in Hangzhou without the black snake, this is obviously not something Tang Miao should care about.

"Here, okay?"

After the two flew over, seeing that Tang Miao didn't speak, Mu Ningxue asked softly.

For the current land here, Mu Ningxue really likes it from the bottom of her heart. But after all, she is not in charge...

"What Shao Zheng said is that the places outside the security boundary of Asuka City are chosen by 'us'." Tang Miao smiled.

After hearing the word "we", a smile appeared on Mu Ningxueqiao's face. But even though Tang Miao said so, Mu Ningxue didn't mean to stand alone.

"That's it."

Then she said with a feeling of powerlessness: "It's just that after choosing this place, we still need to clean it up, otherwise..."

"You don't need to worry about this, I will arrange a strong helper for you, any monster will get out of here on its own accord." Before Mu Ningxue could finish speaking, Tang Miao interrupted.

Mu Ningxue was a little confused. Although she believed Tang Miao very much, this matter was no small matter, so she asked, "Who is it?"

"Totem Black Snake, Totem Overlord, and my new younger brother Bola." Tang Miao told them bluntly without hiding anything.

Baxia and Bora Muning Snow didn't know what it was.

But, she knows the totem black snake!

When Hangzhou was attacked back then, wasn't it the Xuan Snake that resolved the crisis?

It is now in Hangzhou, but the snake god exists.

"You're not talking about the big snake in Hangzhou, are you?" Mu Ningxue asked with some uncertainty.

It's not that she doesn't believe it, it's just that this is really unbelievable...

You must know that it is a snake god, the existence at the top of the biological chain...

Although she has never seen it before, but relying on her own strength to deter the existence of a group of Sky Demon Eagles, her strength is naturally unrivaled.

And such a powerful existence, since Tang Miao called him his little brother? How could this not shock her?

"Otherwise you think so." Tang Miao responded very lightly.


Seeing Mu Ningxue's silence, Tang Miao said again: "And I was in it during the First World War in Hangzhou. fact, I grew up with Xuan Snake since I was a child."

Mu Ningxue was dubious, and then said: "Then what about the Totem Overlord you mentioned, and Borah?"

"Borah, come out!"

Sometimes, calling out some things directly is more effective than explaining it yourself.

After Tang Miao's words fell, Borah, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly emerged. The strength of its peak monarch and being a blood race is naturally not what Mu Ningxue can perceive now.


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