Versatile Mage’s Ultimate Thunder

Four hundred and seventeen. forced to be a mentor

"You kid... forget about being rude, and get entangled with this nonsense. Those who don't know seem to think that I have something shameful..." Dean Xiao scolded with a smile.

"Ham, look at what you said, how can I not know how you are, Dean Xiao?" Tang Miao just joked casually.

He still has respect for the old man in front of him.

After all, he really helped me a lot and gave me a lot of good things!

"By the way, Dean Xiao, the state government is over, and I've done honor to you. I think it's time to graduate now, right?" Tang Miao continued.

"Yes, you are ready to graduate. At present, even some teachers in the school are not as good as you." Dean Xiao nodded in agreement.

Although Tang Miao hadn't been here for a while, she was the student he paid the most attention to. When it came to graduation, Dean Xiao said that he was really reluctant...

"Then just give me an excellent graduation." Hearing what he said, Tang Miao felt that there were some troublesome things that could be omitted directly.

"I'm very happy for you to graduate early, but the school has its own rules, and the process still needs to be followed." Dean Xiao said very rigidly.


Tang Miao was speechless for a while, she still had to work after co-authoring!

He refused in his heart, after all, he didn't want to get involved in such troublesome things... If he had time to drink some wine, sip tea and see the girl's big white legs, wouldn't it be nice?

However, even though he thought so, he didn't just let him go. After all... he wouldn't get the reward from the school if he didn't graduate. Among them, there is also a reward for the national government's victory.

As the first place in this competition, no matter whether he is personally, the school or the country, he has gained a lot of profits! He doesn't have to think about the country's resources. After all, he didn't come from a military academy, so these resources have nothing to do with him.

Moreover, he also got what he wanted in the previous land in Asuka City.

As for the personal rewards, he has already obtained them all, 2.5 times the basic improvement of the lightning magic. It can be said that almost no one in this world can compare with him in terms of destruction magic alone.

The last one is his school,

The benefits obtained are even more obvious! Although some of the resources and benefits he got must not have as many resources and benefits as the school got, but personally speaking, that is still a lot of income. So, since you can't get it directly, then do what you should do....

Dean Xiao didn't pay attention to Tang Miao's expression, went out, came back, and flipped through the materials, which he just got back from going out, which indicated which tutors were leading students for internships and which tutors were leading students to graduate pregnancy.

The main campus does not have many restrictions on students. Students can stay at the school if they want to, as long as they complete the tasks assigned by the school every year. If students want to graduate, that is also possible, but there are three types of graduation, one The second is graduation.

Graduation means completing your studies, but you don’t get the Magic Graduation Certificate badge of the Pearl Academy. Most of these students are stagnant in strength. The Pearl Academy reluctantly admits that you have studied here, but it does not recognize it as a qualified graduate.

The first type, in fact, is just some people who give up halfway.

As for the second type of graduation, follow some of the school’s instructors to complete the corresponding graduation tasks. The instructor will give feedback on the student’s performance to the school, and then the head teachers of the various departments of the school will decide whether the student is qualified to graduate, and at the same time issue a magic graduation badge .

The Magic Graduation Badge of the Pearl Academy is quite important. It is a symbol of strength and status in the Magic Association, Hunter Alliance, and Family Alliance. Basically, the Pearl Academy of Magic graduates will be quickly recognized by the society. Solicited!

However, Tang Miao obviously didn't need these very much.

The final third type of graduation is called excellent graduation.

To graduate with excellence, you must have made enough contributions to the school first. If the school determines that the student can be awarded an excellent graduation badge, arrange for the student to complete a certain research and task with a more famous mentor, and then according to the student's The performance is fed back to the school, and the supervisor, the dean, and the head of the department jointly determine whether the student can obtain the title of outstanding graduation.

Excellent graduates get a Pearl badge, which represents the outstanding magic students highly recognized by the Pearl Academy. Such excellent graduates are not recruited by the society, but are the objects of competition from various forces. Those who can graduate with excellence Yes, not only are they outstanding in strength, but more importantly, they are young!

Tang Miao's graduation process must be the third one.

"I took a look, and there are no graduation tasks suitable for you. The difficulty is relatively low, which is not conducive to the assessment of outstanding graduation." Dean Xiao flipped through the documents and shook his head helplessly. Soon, another smile appeared on Dean Xiao's face, and he looked at Tang Miao.

Tang Miao didn't pick up on it either, he didn't have to think about it, he knew what kind of graduation task he was going to face next...

Dean Xiao smiled and was embarrassed, because from the beginning to the end, Tang Miao, a boy, did not accept his channel...

This made it impossible for him to say what he wanted to say next...

Seeing Dean Xiao's constipated appearance, Tang Miao felt a little funny. What is wrong with this old man, he knows very well in his heart! It is estimated that the instructors under his hand can't tell the manpower, so he found a job for himself. However, as long as I don't take this trouble, it will be fine!

However, Tang Miao still underestimated Dean Xiao, and after the two of them remained silent for a while... Dean Xiao suddenly said, "Well...our graduate tutor ran to further study, and just dropped a lot of There is no one to guide you to complete your research, projects, and tasks. I think it is not difficult for you to let your tutor lead you to do things. It is naturally difficult for me to give you an excellent graduation if you complete the easy things, right? Well, I will give you a qualification to be a tutor, and let you lead a team of graduating students to do a graduation project! How about it, isn’t it a surprise? This is a chance for the school to give you a free experience as a tutor!”

"My mother..." Tang Miao was taken aback after hearing Dean Xiao's words!

Do you dare to be a little more casual? Moreover, you look so good for me, what's the situation? ?

Make it seem like this is some kind of fat difference?

"Principal Xiao, you are being very dishonest. I have worked so hard to finish the National Competition and won the highest honor for our school. In the future, the Pearl Academy will be the number one in the world, not to mention the number one in China. Right? Besides, even in the world, it will be a position that is extraordinary. How could you cheat me like this!" Tang Miaodang said dissatisfiedly.

Isn't it delicious for a student with a chicken feather to live a leisurely life?

Moreover, for a master of time management like myself, time is life! What task do you bring a few vegetable chickens? Where is it suitable for you?

"Look at what you said, can't you still trust my Dean Xiao's character? If you weren't too good, how could I send you to do such a thing. The school has accumulated a lot of orders recently... Bah , is an indicator and needs to be completed. Since you are the most outstanding member of the school, you should share some of it. Done, I, Dean Xiao, will personally award you an excellent graduation badge!" Dean Xiao completely ignored Tang Miao's words Unhappy, when it comes to the latter, it really gets more and more exciting as I talk about it.

"I...No, Dean Xiao, the indicators you gave me are not indicators for students, you are clearly the indicators for my teacher's annual assessment!"

"Don't pay attention to such details. You can choose any of these graduation projects yourself. You see, if you are the mentor of the team, you can choose the tasks as you like, but if you are an outstanding graduate student, it is the mentor who chooses you. It depends on this person." Does the tutor have time, do you want to bring..." At the end, Dean Xiao gave another inexplicable smile.

He seemed to be telling Tang Miao that he would lead the team by himself, and after the task was over, he would graduate with an excellent grade and get his own resources immediately. If you don't lead the team, then when this graduation task will be available, it has to be determined. As for the resources, it is still to be determined...

He really wanted to have a bit of backbone, so he turned around and left, isn't it just a little resource? He, Tang Miao, is a man who treats money like dung. No big deal!

Of course, he got up too, but the dog-like Dean Xiao seemed to have made sure of him. The moment he got up, he directly told him the reward after completing the task...

In the end, Tang Miao could only choose to accept this task. Of course, he didn't do it for any dung, but just thought of a little Russian girl in this experience task. Of course, the Russian woman is not important, the most important thing, of course, is that this woman guards a totem!

Although the strength is very weak, but at least it is a totem of the monarch level. It is obviously the most appropriate to accept it as a younger brother and let it look after the home. The most important thing is that this totem doesn't drag, and it doesn't have a temper, so it's quite suitable no matter how you think about it!


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