Versatile Mage’s Ultimate Thunder

Four hundred and twenty-five. So you are Tang Miao!

"Teacher?" Cao Qinqin looked at the silly Tang Miao, who was a little puzzled, and called out softly.


Tang Miao paused, and then said awkwardly: "I just thought of something interesting. Little girl, why are you still here?"

"This is your teacher?" A man in casual clothes with a medal of the Magic Association on his chest suddenly appeared here, looked Tang Miao up and down, and asked in disbelief.

There is no way, Tang Miao looks too young, as a teacher of the Pearl Academy, it is indeed doubtful.

"That's right, didn't you say that you have something important to look for him? Teacher, they are from the Research Division of the Magic Association." Cao Qinqin said.

Upon hearing this, Tang Miao immediately understood why these people came.

However, what he was curious about was that Yu Shishi should still be outside this town now. Why are they still looking for me?

"I am the Research Division of the East China Sea Magic Association directly affiliated to the Supreme Magic Association of Asia. I am Ke Lingxi, a member of the committee. I heard that you have met the moth girl we have been tracking before?" Seeing that Tang Miao didn't mean to speak, then The tall man asked.

"I have." Tang Miao did not deny it, and replied truthfully.

"Then why didn't you inform us, don't you know that the moth girl is extremely important to our research department?"

The man looked very unhappy, and then said: "You are limited to find the moth girl and bring it to the research department meeting within one day, otherwise..."

"Fuck you....!"

Before the idiot finished speaking, Tang Miao sent it in a burst of civilized words. After cursing for a while, he said again: "Get lost before I get angry."

"What's your attitude! We belong to the highest magic association in Asia, and any Asian magician is obliged to cooperate with our research and investigation. Now I ask you to find that moth girl, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Ke Lingxi frowned, and said angrily, "You actually despise our Magic Association at such a young age. You must know that our Research Division has the right to directly deprive mages of their cultivation!"

"I think you're a fool, don't you? Deprive me of my cultivation, you can try it." A touch of thunder emerged from Tang Miao's hand, and then the thunderbolt bombarded the three members of the Research Division .


Although it is only a thunder seal, but with 3.5 times the damage of the thunder magic, plus 12 times the damage of the Zixiao domain, the thunder magic has 42 times the explosive power!

In this case, even if it's just a thunder seal, the damage is close to the output of high-level magic.

Although the three of them used the magic equipment in time, the bombardment, which was close to high-level magic, still made the three of them twitch...

" dare to fight with our research department!?" Ke Lingxi endured the pain, his eyes widened, including the two subordinates he brought, he couldn't believe it.

"Hey, I'll blow you into black charcoal!" With a great contribution, Tang Miao needs to give them the face of these small characters?

It can be said that as long as it is not necessary for the few forbidden spells in the country to save face, at least it must be a great speaker. As for others? If you want to ask for a face from him, that's just asking for trouble.

"Let's go!" Ke Lingxi limped away with two of his men.

They all had wounds on their bodies, their clothes were ragged, and they were completely different from the proud and arrogant look before...

Only after the battle was over, Cao Qinqin dared to run over. At this moment, countless little stars were shining in Cao Qinqin's eyes, and her admiration was undisguised.

"Wow, teacher, why are you so good, how did you cultivate?" Cao Qinqin is indeed not very strong, but she still has eyesight.

What Tang Miao just used was clearly the elementary level of Thunder Seal, but its power is even stronger than that of the intermediate level magic?

It's outrageous...

"It's amazing, teacher, I'm born strong." Tang Miao said solemnly.

Cao Qinqin pouted. Although she was very unconvinced, she couldn't find a reason to refute... After all, this is indeed a fact.

Some people are born with outstanding talents, and they are doomed to be extraordinary at birth, while some people are just ordinary...Don't talk about natural soul-seeds and soul-seeds, even if they are born with talents, they will not have it... .

And she is the three no industry...

"By the way, you've been here for a long time. Do you know the operation of the entire water circulation formation?" Tang Miao changed the subject, looking at the disappointed look of his few poor students.

"Obviously, I also want to learn more here. If I can master this formation, I think I will definitely become a respected magician... Unfortunately, I am only a student, and the instructors don't seem to easily take the essence Tell me." Cao Qinqin said with a resentful face.

Tang Miao was not surprised by this. Immediately said: "Are you a water mage?"

"That's right, teacher, my major is water." Cao Qinqin nodded in response.

"I can ask Dean Xiao to teach you this skill, but after you learn it, you will have to hang out with me in the future." Seeing that the cute and cute student took the bait, Tang Miao continued to fool around.

When Cao Qinqin heard it, her eyes lit up, and she didn't care if she was being fooled.

After all, the water circulation formation has now officially operated in Tongxiang, and Cao Qinqin has also seen how powerful this water formation is, which uses water veins to protect the land of the whole town. But being able to stop ordinary monsters is already quite a remarkable creation.

If you learn the layout of this big formation, then don't talk about mixing with Tang Miao, even if you are making a honey for Tang Miao, she will not refuse!

"Teacher, can you really ask Dean Xiao to teach me?" Cao Qinqin said excitedly.

"I'll just tell him, it's a big deal."

Tang Miao smiled, and then introduced herself: "You have to know, your teacher is the number one in the country. Can he not agree to this small request?"


As Tang Miao finished speaking, Cao Qinqin suddenly exclaimed excitedly.

"What are you making such a fuss about!" Because he was unprepared, Xiao Ni suddenly yelled, which made his mind buzzing...

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I'm too excited..."

Resisting the excitement, Cao Qinqin said again: "It turns out that you are Tang Miao, teacher! No wonder you are so strong. Thank you for giving me such a good opportunity. I will hang out with you in the future. Anyway, I have nowhere to go."

Tang Miao curled her lips and said, "Why is it so awkward to listen to you? It seems that you are willing to hang out with me because no one wants you??"

"Ah, no, no..." Cao Qinqin also realized that it seemed wrong to say so, and hurriedly waved her hands to explain...

"Okay, okay, after you've learned it, go to my site to report, do you know where it is?" Tang Miao still understands the madness of this kind of fan girl. After all, he had already experienced it when he just returned to school. once.

"I know, after learning it well, I will definitely set up an identical water circulation formation in the teacher's territory!"

Cao Qinqin naturally knew Tang Miao well.

She is one of the loyal fans, and she worships it from the bottom of her heart. After all, Tang Miao belongs to the myth of Pearl Academy.

Now not only can I learn formations through Tang Miao, but I can also follow Tang Miao. This is a gift from heaven!


Dean Xiao happened to be in Tongxiang, so he came to see his achievements. Tang Miao didn't mean to be polite, so she brought her little girl Cao Qinqin to find him.

When Dean Xiao saw Tang Miao coming, he always felt that this kid had no good intentions. And when he heard that he came rushing towards the formation that he had just researched, he blew his beard and stared!

However, Dean Xiao is also the kind of selfish person, so he agreed to teach Cao Qinqin.

Moreover, what he studied will be put into the Pearl Academy in the future. Contributing to society is his original intention.

After dealing with these matters, Tang Miao went to the depths of the forest...


PS: It's another day of thousands of changes. How many changes will be made tomorrow will depend on the subscription data that will be displayed.

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