Versatile Mage’s Ultimate Thunder

Four hundred and twenty nine. desert trip

After recovering the totem Moon Phoenix Moth, Tang Miao stayed in Yuexue Town for a few more days.

Mu Ningxue worked so hard, he naturally needed to comfort her.

Having paid the price of the kidneys, Mu Ningxue also got the best nourishment~

After that, he received a call from Lingling, and he was ready to go to the Taklamakan Desert, so Tang Miao returned to the magic capital...

After returning to Shanghai, Tang Miao didn't even have time to go back to the apartment to see Mù Nujiao who had returned, so she went directly to the airport with Lingling...

Taking a plane from Shanghai basically flies from the easternmost point of the country to the westernmost point, across the entire country.

But... Only by flying like this once, will you realize how vast China's territory is. If you want to put it in Europe, you don't know how far you have passed through more than a dozen countries!

However, the speed of the plane was also extremely fast because the road passed through the demon zone....In less than three hours, the plane landed at Tarim Airport, which is closest to the Taklamakan Desert....

The Taklimakan Desert is located in the middle of the Tarim Basin. Even though the entire desert is a bit small compared to the African Sahara, for human beings, this area buried in yellow sand is a completely strange, unknown and dangerous new world. The only thing that survives in the desert is the demons that live there.

The most important thing is that there is a top-level monster tribe here, among which there are nearly one million monsters! As for the middle tribes, there are dozens, and the small tribes are countless... It can be said that this place belongs to a demon empire!

After arriving here, Lingling decided on a walking route, while Tang Miao found a camel from the summoning plane. Although it is only a servant class, it is extremely suitable for walking in the desert.

After walking to the desert area, there was no obstacle because of the camel caught by the summoning plane, and it was easy to move forward.

Along the way, both of them went smoothly. Even if they encountered monsters, Tang Miao could quickly lead Lingling out of the battle...

This can be regarded as the advantage of two people coming, of course, there are also disadvantages. If Tang Miao's magic power dries up, there will be only one ending for the two of them... that is a dead end.

The wind element is combined with the space element, and Tang Miao is not in the slightest when encountering obstacles from demons. Holding her delicate and soft body, she is hundreds of meters away in an instant and then flies to a distance of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye. .

Ordinary monsters, just skip it...

Of course, he can also choose to kill a way out, but, there are so many monsters here... Even if he is exhausted, it is impossible for him to have a chance to kill them all.

Moreover, in a large tribe, who knows what level of existence there is? It's okay not to attract the other party's attention, but once it is, here, even if he cannot use the demon system, he doesn't feel that he can leave safely.

"Lingling, do you want to take a break?"

It's been nearly half a day's journey, although he is fine. But the cutie in her arms is still an ordinary little lolita.

Even being hugged by myself, it's not easy for a person who eats and sleeps in the open. Immediately, he stopped and asked a question.

"No, I don't have any power to waste, and, don't you think I don't know because you use the space system to isolate the dust?" Lingling has no sense of adventure experience at all, although she knows that Tang Miao is doing it for her own good, but This is somewhat boring.

"Nonsense, how can your small body withstand the dust here?" Touching the soft body, Tang Miao said with concern.

"Stinky Lu! Don't touch me!" Lingling said shamefully and angrily.

It's okay to stroke once or twice along the way, but it will get worse when you stop! Simply too much! If you don't show off your power, do you really think that Lori is ignorant?

"No, I'm just supporting you, so I'm afraid you will fall." Tang Miao replied solemnly.

"Go to hell..." Lingling naturally didn't believe what Tang Miao said.

This bad old man is very bad, every time he takes advantage of himself, he always makes a bunch of well-founded arguments...


And just when the two were bickering, the wind suddenly became stronger for no reason? Although Lingling did not feel the attack of the wind, she was not blind either.

Immediately, the two looked in the direction of the wind at the same time, and suddenly found that the blue sky that was originally as pure as a gemstone was covered by a large cloud of cloudy yellow clouds. At first glance, it seemed to be a static sky curtain Hanging, but if you take a closer look, you will find that they are slowly covering up.

"Is this a sandstorm?" Tang Miao asked suspiciously.

"No... no, this is... this is the dust storm konjac!" Lingling said with a pale face.

Faced with this kind of situation, the brain is generally not of much use. After all, there are too many such things...

Dust storm konjac, this should be the scariest thing in the Taklamakan Desert that people know. They are as overwhelming as sandstorms, but the destructive power of sandstorms is simply weaker than them. The place where the grasshoppers pass by...that's scary and terrifying, not a single blade of grass grows, and bones are everywhere, stretching for thousands of miles!

Tang Miao also has some headaches, but in this situation, he can only choose to force his way through! If he escaped, wouldn't he have gone this journey in vain?

He has no interest in staying in such a place where no shit!

After Little Flame Fairy fused, she summoned the Snow Maiden's assistant. The Snow Maiden grabbed Tang Miao, Tang Miao held Lingling, surrounded by the power of flames below, covered with frost, and then Xue Nu moved towards the Dust Storm Demon Grasshopper Blew through the storm.


The speed is extremely fast, and, under the power of the two elemental darlings, the yellow sand below is extremely hot, while the air above is bitterly cold!

The sandstorm formed by the dust storm konjac, although the wind is extremely strong, but when it encounters the crushing ice and fire elements, the wind is nothing.


In one go, Tang Miao rushed out of the group of dust storm konjacs. After they rushed past, the dust storm konjacs did not turn around to chase after them. Because, the feeling just now is really terrifying... Whether it is the burning power of the flame... or the freezing power of the frost, it has caused heavy losses to the Dust Storm Demon Grasshopper! !

Although it was only a short charge, whether it was Yan Ji or Xue Nu, they both consumed a lot. After all, this is a swarm of dust storm konjacs, and it is conceivable that there are a huge number of dust storm konjacs that can condense sandstorms!

Tang Miao took out the milk powder of the two girls, and after distributing them, she asked them to go back to rest.

After calling Yan Ji and Xue Nu back, Tang Miao looked at Ling Ling in her arms. It happened that Lingling was also looking at him. Seeing him looking over, Lingling's eyeballs fluttered and said: "I didn't expect that the dreaded dust storm konjac is nothing more than that."

"But that's it??"

Tang Miao felt dizzy for a while, and then said: "Little girl, do you know that just now Yan Ji and Xue Nu almost both consumed a huge amount of magic energy, forcibly displaying their respective domains in the wind domain formed by them, and I came to mediate and rushed over smoothly."

If it wasn't for his sufficient control, if it weren't for their spiritual connection, not only might they not be able to rush through just now, but the ice and fire might cancel each other out...

If it is offset once, what will happen even if it is the darling of the elements? So what if it is a destruction mage? After all, he couldn't escape being torn to pieces one by one by the dust storm konjac....

"You don't let others experience it, how do I know." Lingling pouted and said again.

After a pause, Tang Miao realized what this little clever ghost wanted to do! Don't you just want to go by yourself and experience the horror of the desert?

Although letting her walk on her own, there is no big problem. However, how could Tang Miao bear such a cute little loli?

"You just need to use your brain, what kind of experience will you experience! How far is the Holy Land of Flames from us?" Tang Miao asked again after letting Lingling leave her dream of leaving her warm embrace.


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