"You're really right, it's a dead man's bone!" Ding Changzai said incredulously: "By the way, look, what could be in this baggage?"

"Gold and silver treasures?" Situ Dashan said with a smile.

Meng Rusong picked up the baggage, shook it in his hand twice, and said, "It's quite light, it doesn't look like it's anything valuable!"

So everyone opened the baggage out of curiosity. As expected, there was nothing valuable inside. There were a few rags, a few pieces of sheepskin, and the most valuable thing was a few bank notes from Fukang Bank. But now, in addition to having mobile phones, Apart from its hidden value, it cannot be exchanged for silver. Fukang Bank was a bank founded by Hu Xueyan in the Qing Dynasty. It once had branches all over China, but it later declined and went bankrupt. It seems that everyone's guess is correct. The owner of this baggage has been dead for nearly a century.

The night is long and I have no intention of sleeping. Especially when it is raining outside, cold and wet, it is even more difficult to sleep. A few people had nothing to do, so they studied the pieces of sheepskin! After some research, I was shocked to find out that this was a map!

After several people put the map together, they discovered that the map above happened to be the area of ​​the mountain range where they are now. On the steep backside of the mountain, a five-pointed star was marked with the words "Death Valley" written on it. Everyone didn't understand what this Death Valley was. Even Liu Zhenhai, who had lived in Songjiang for decades, had never heard of this place.

Out of curiosity, several people picked up the torch again and came to the edge of the pile of bones to see if there were any clues. As a result, after searching carefully, I found some words carved on the wall.

The text is engraved in traditional Chinese characters. And perhaps because of the rush of time, some words in the sentences do not convey the meaning. However, after analysis by several people, we still came up with a rough idea. That is: this man got a mysterious map during his life, which was said to contain countless wealth. He finally followed the map to this mountain range and found the Death Valley on the map. However, because the valley was too dangerous, this People were seriously injured. Then Qiang supported himself and came to this cave to rest. But the injuries became more and more serious, so he left this diary-like text and died.

Several people were very curious about the Death Valley. Early the next morning, we arrived at the valley near the map. After one look, everyone gave up the idea of ​​going down. This valley is bottomless, and it is filled with white mist all the year round, making it impossible to see the scene under your feet. The situation at the valley bottom is also described on the map. But the key problem is that it cannot go down at all. If you go on rashly. It's tantamount to committing suicide. Although several people were also interested in the wealth, they were no longer short of money, so they kept this matter as a secret and divided the parchment into five parts. Each person took one as a souvenir. And I made an appointment to visit that valley again if I have the chance ten years later.

Ten years passed in a flash. I didn't expect that Wang Weihan would mention it again today.

"The sheepskin is at home,

How can you carry something like this with you? "Situ Dashan glanced at Wang Weihan. He didn't understand what he wanted the sheepskin for.

"Old guy, it seems that you are not very honest. Do you still want me to kill one of your grandsons? You think I haven't investigated clearly. You have agreed to go to that valley in ten years. Don't say that you didn't bring the sheepskin with you. !" Wang Jinlong took out the dagger and dangled it in front of Situ Kong's eyes.

Although over the years. The relationship between the heads of several major aristocratic families is quite unfamiliar with each other. But the most important thing for Jianghu people is their trustworthiness. Things agreed back then cannot be changed no matter what, so even though they have personal grudges, they still unanimously wear the broken sheepskin on their bodies ten years later.

Since Wang Weihan and Wang Jinlong could investigate the matter so clearly, no one can hide it anymore. Anyway, the property has been handed over to the Wang family, so there is no shortage of this sheepskin. So they all took it out from their arms and handed it to Wang Jinlong.

After Wang Jinlong collected the sheepskin and handed it to Wang Weihan, he whispered a few words in Wang Weihan's ear and saw Wang Weihan nod. He walked towards me with joy in his eyes.

"Bring this girl to my room!" Wang Jinlong pointed at Liu Yue and said, "Humph, if you had agreed to marry me, I would have let your Liu family go today, but now you regret it It's too late, you're just a bitch who has a brother-sister relationship, let's see how I kill you!" As he spoke, Liu Yue grabbed her chest.

Originally, if Wang Jinlong was like this

Then I will definitely not intervene. At most, I will take back the Liu family and Meng afterwards. But now this guy actually has an idea for my wife. If I don't come forward. Then I might as well commit suicide.

"Who is that? Yes, it means you!" I grabbed Wang Jinlong's hand: "Do you want to touch my wife?"

Wang Jinlong was just about to have a fit, but was confused by my inexplicable question. He nodded along with my intention and said, "Yes!"

"Well, don't say I didn't give you a chance, just touch it." I said.

"Ah?" Wang Jinlong was even more confused now.

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"Okay, the opportunity is given to you. If you miss it, even if you have touched it, it is time to accept my punishment." As I said that, I raised my fist and hit Wang Jinlong in the face.

Wang Jinlong is a well-known local master in the Wang family. He is much better than those men in black. Since those men in black can restrain Liu Zhenhai and the others, one can imagine how high Wang Jinlong's kung fu is.

But Wang Jinlong was stunned that he couldn't dodge my seemingly ordinary punch, and it hit him hard on the face, making his entire cheekbone dent.

This is the so-called martial arts in the world that can only be broken quickly. I can defeat any martial arts master without using any moves.

Of course, I was not prepared to let Wang Jinlong go like this at all. I kicked out and hit Wang Jinlong's lower body. The guy was immediately kicked straight away by me. Before he could scream, he passed out and his life probably ended.

At this time, those people in black from the Wang family realized, because my punch and kick just now were too fast, less than a second.

Messy gunshots rang out, and screams also continued. The gunfire ended, and the screams also ended, but the strange scene just now shocked everyone in the audience.

Hand typed novels, hand typed novels, text version novels,

When the men in black saw the young master being beaten, they all shot at me with their guns. But at this moment, something strange happened. The bullet that was originally meant for me turned around and shot back at themselves. passed. The more people who shoot, the more miserable they will die. To me, this is just a small trick. I just don’t want to shock the world too much, otherwise I won’t even give them time to shoot, and I can send them to see them. Wang Jinlong.

Wang Weihan was also shocked and speechless by the changes at the scene. He never expected that I could turn the entire situation around in an instant! And in the information he investigated, there was no such person!

I walked up to the rostrum leisurely, and Wang Weihan just looked at me without making any move, because he was completely shocked. He also knew that for me, any resistance would be in vain and I could only let him die. Got faster.

"Who are you?" Wang Weihan tried his best to keep his voice calm, but this seemed impossible because his voice was obviously full of tremors.

"Me? Haha, didn't I make it very clear just now? Your grandson wants to touch my wife, who do you think I am?" I asked with a smile.

"You...what do you want?" Although Wang Weihan knew that he was not qualified to negotiate terms with me, he still asked this question.

Strength is everything. Just now, the Wang family could make everyone surrender with their strength, but my strength is higher than everyone else! Wang Weihan felt that he had really made a mistake. It's really taboo to take action without fully investigating, but I can't he investigate clearly?

"I don't want to do anything, and it doesn't seem to be what I want to do. It's what you want to do, right?" I glanced at Wang Weihan and said.

"Okay, even if I want to, I want these people's property, but you have the strength, but you don't want this, then why do you want to stop me, what good does this do to you?" Wang Weihan asked.

"Haha, your question is really funny. You won't make me confused, will you? I have always been concerned about things that have nothing to do with me, just like your grandson killed Situ Liang, but I watched the show. "I laughed.

"In this case, then you..." Wang Weihan's eyes flickered.

"Then? If your grandson hadn't wanted to do something to my wife, I wouldn't have bothered to meddle in these nosy things!" I sneered and said, "You could have easily left today with the assets you extorted, but you didn't My grandson doesn’t have eyes and he comes to provoke me, so who can blame him?”

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