Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 282 Misunderstood Thomas

He didn't expect that Su Yingzi was also my woman! Zheng Daqiang then lowered his head in despair. Unexpectedly, he kicked the same iron plate twice. The chance was almost enough to buy lottery tickets! Hearing that I wanted him to lose certain functions, Zheng Daqiang was so frightened that his face turned green, and he didn't care about losing face. Compared with life, face is nothing! Zheng Daqiang plopped down and knelt down in front of me, almost bursting into tears: "Mr. Liu, I was wrong. You sir, please let me go... By the way, just treat me as a fart and let me go." Come on! Miss Liu Xiang, please help me beg for mercy, I don’t dare to do it anymore!”

Liu Xiang is very clear about my methods. When he was in country R, ​​the rocket launchers were all taken out, and the houses were blown up, let alone killing individuals. It's simply scarier than terrorists. To be honest, Zheng Daqiang is indispensable for this drama. He is indeed very talented!

"Husband, just teach him a lesson, don't kill him..." Liu Xiang said weakly.

Kill? ! Zheng Daqiang was so frightened that he trembled! Zheng Daqiang originally thought that in the worst case, I would castrate him, which was already the worst plan, but he didn't expect that this girl would be even more ruthless and would kill him with her mouth open! But Zheng Daqiang has no doubt at all. In his opinion, there is nothing that the underworld cannot do.

"Okay, let's forget it this time. Let's see how you perform in the future. The director's fee for this film will be deducted. Do you have any objections?" I glanced at Zheng Daqiang and said.

"No objection, no objection!" How dare Zheng Daqiang have any objection? Let alone deduct money, he was just asked to pay out. He is also very willing! All lives are lost. There is no use asking for money.

"If one day I hear bad rumors about you again, then you should be careful. It's best to reserve a cemetery in advance." I waved my hand. He signaled to Zheng Daqiang that he could leave.

Zheng Daqiang really learned his lesson this time, and he understood the principle of repeating things over and over again. In the future, I really got rid of this lustful habit, and I no longer dare to ask for it even if it is delivered to my door. I'm afraid that any woman will have something to do with me. Of course, this is all for later.

Just as I was talking to Zheng Daqiang, Su Yingzi and Sherry who were resting aside also spotted me! Su Yingzi was very happy to see me coming. But when I saw that I was hugging that Japanese girl as soon as I arrived, I was so angry that I gritted my teeth! She didn't like the girl who came here from Japan to develop. As soon as this chick comes. He couldn't help but steal half of her fans, and he had the potential to replace her as the popular queen! It turned out that as Su Yingzi got older in the past few years. She is no longer the little girl she was before, and her career has declined. Once this pink and tender girl comes, she is even worse than before. Some entertainment magazines even ranked her name after Liu Xiang when reporting the news! How could Su Yingzi not be angry that such an unpopular little girl was kissing and hugging her husband as soon as the movie started?

Su Yingzi, who originally wanted to rush up to me and give me a hug, was now sitting under a sun umbrella not far away feeling full of anger.

And Shirley obviously didn't care about this at all.

She already knew that she was just my lover, and Europe and the United States were very open-minded, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with me holding Liu Xiang.

"Dear Liu, are you here to see me?" Sheris walked over with a smile. Greeted me cordially. Even though she saw my relationship with Liu Xiang, she still calmly asked me if I was coming to see her. This is the mentality of Europeans and Americans. Very relaxed.

"Of course." I said unabashedly, because I came specifically to see her and Su Yingzi, and meeting Liu Xiang was just an accident. An unexpected surprise that even I didn't expect.

Liu Xiang herself also knows her own identity, and she also knows my identity very well, so she doesn't ask for anything at all. When she ran over and recognized me just now, she was in a completely uneasy mood. Although she smiled brightly on the outside, she was very scared in her heart! She was afraid that I would pretend not to recognize her, or that I would simply not recognize her and forget about her!

However, she decided to take a gamble, not to get rid of Zheng Daqiang's entanglement, but mainly because if she didn't do it, she would regret it for the rest of her life. It's not easy to meet each other. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, Liu Xiang will look down on himself. As long as you take the first step, you have a 50% chance, otherwise there will be no chance at all. And Liu Xiang is very happy that she succeeded. Not only have I not forgotten her, but I also don’t seem to resent the way she calls me, which shows that I have accepted the fact that she exists.

So Liu Xiang doesn't care at all how many women are around me. In her opinion, I am

It would be strange for a man to have no woman around him. Liu Xiang smiled friendly and said, "Sister, do you know him too?"

"Yes, I am his lover." Sherry smiled and nodded to Liu Xiang. She didn't feel anything wrong with her identity at all. She even thought it was very honorable! Because she also knew my true identity and understood why David was so polite to me. Of course, she didn't know about Du Xiaowei's relationship. She just believed that the Three Stone Gang was a gangster in Asia and must be related to David.

Sherry was very happy with Liu Xiang's proactive attitude. Although she didn't care about it, if the women around me were friendly to her, then she would save a lot of time in intrigues in the future. Of course she didn't know that Liu Xiang had just been recognized by me.

"I miss you!" Shirley threw herself into my arms without any warning, just like Liu Xiang just now. This surprised the crew. They didn't expect that this actress, who was rumored to be an international gangster, would actually have a close relationship with me.


While everyone was surprised, one person had a severe headache. This person was Thomas! Before Thomas and Sherry came to China, David gave Thomas a task, which was to make him responsible for protecting Sherry and not allowing any man to approach her! Otherwise, he is the only one asking!

But the current situation is that Sherry is taking the initiative to approach a man! Does this count as violating David’s wishes? Thomas wasn't sure, but he didn't know whether he should stop it, but after thinking it over again, he decided to stop it. After all, if the man in front of him really had a super-friendship relationship with Sherry, then David would be blamed. I can't stand it!

Thomas thought of this and walked over quickly, but he did not dare to be disrespectful to me because he already knew that I was the owner of Sanshi Entertainment. In other words, I was the leader of the underworld in Asia, no worse than his boss. ! If he said something wrong, he might end up in a foreign country without even being able to return home!

"Hello, sir, I am the director of the crew, my name is Thomas..." Thomas considered for a moment and said: "Miss Sherry is a woman who is a very important friend of our boss, so I was entrusted by the boss to protect Xue Miss Liz’s safety…”

After hearing Thomas's confusing words, I was a little confused at first, but then I saw his expression and I immediately understood! David must have asked him to get rid of the flies around Sherry, but he has never met me, so naturally he doesn’t know about my relationship with Sherry and David! He naturally thought of me as one of Sherry's suitors, but because of my status, he didn't dare to say so.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile, hugged Sherry in my arms again, and then said to Thomas: "Thank you for protecting her, but she seems to be safe here, right?"

"This..." Thomas thought I didn't understand what he meant. He was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, but he complained in his heart, "Shellys, you clearly know what David means, why are you still messing around?" Doesn't this make it difficult for me?

When Sherry saw Thomas's appearance, she immediately understood what he meant. However, Europeans and Americans are straightforward. I originally wanted to tease this great director, but Sherry said to him: "Director Thomas, this is Liu Lei. , my lover, is Mr. David’s good friend!”

When Thomas heard Sherry's words, he suddenly realized that this was the boss's friend! It made him worry in vain, but he still didn't dare to confirm. I saw what he looked like, so I took out the phone and dialed David's number.

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"Old friend, what have you been busy with recently? Are you satisfied with what Mr. Du has provided you?" I am referring to the arms, but there are many people around here, so I can't say it clearly! It doesn't matter if Thomas, Sherry, and Liu Xiang hear it, but the same cannot be said for the staff!

"Hey, it's dear Liu, my best friend! I'm very satisfied! God, it's better than the army!" David was very happy when he heard it was me.

"Haha, as long as you are satisfied, I think our cooperation will become more and more enjoyable!" I said, "By the way, Thomas is by my side, why don't you say a few words to him?"

David was stunned and then asked: "What, is that guy making you unhappy? If so, just deal with him! My dearest friend, is there anything more important than our friendship? This It’s such a small thing, you don’t even need to ask me!”

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