Chapter 298 Announcement

"What do I mean? It's easy. I can have someone drive you to class every day. By the way, Xiaoxiao, can you drive?" I suddenly thought that Ye Xiaoxiao's family could be considered a high-ranking family, maybe. She can drive!

Sure enough, as I thought, Ye Xiaoxiao nodded and shook his head: "I have a driver's license, but I took it when I was in college. I didn't have a car anymore. I guess I have almost forgotten it now, right?"

"You can become proficient in driving a car for two days!" I said with a smile. After I was reborn, I didn’t drive for a long time, and I started driving later.

"Yes, Teacher Ye, let me teach you, and you will be on the road soon!" How could Zhao Yanyan pass up this opportunity to be promoted from student to teacher!

"Haha, okay, then you are my teacher this time, right, Teacher Xiao Zhao?" Ye Xiaoxiao nodded. She had also thought about it. Since she has decided to be with me, she must be with me. The women around him are easy to get along with. Zhao Yanyan was his student before and is relatively easy to get in touch with. Moreover, Ye Xiaoxiao’s womanly intuition told her that my feelings for Zhao Yanyan were different.

"Stop calling me teacher, I feel so awkward! Teacher Ye, just call me Yan Yan!" Zhao Yanyan smiled.

"Okay! Then don't call me teacher, just call me Sister Ye..." Ye Xiaoxiao paused here. She suddenly thought that Zhao Yanyan was my first girlfriend. According to the ancient rules of wives and concubines. In order, then she should call Zhao Yanyan her sister! Thinking of this, Ye Xiaoxiao said quickly: "How about you just call me Xiaoxiao? Don't just keep it all yours. We are all a family. What a lot of life!"

"Then I'll call you Sister Ye, haha!" Zhao Yanyan didn't think much of it. Like Chen Weier, she is also called Sister Weier.

"Then it's settled, Xiaoxiao, tell me your address and I'll ask the driver to pick you up later. Then bring everything over here!" I said without explanation.

"This..." Ye Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment: "Forget it today, I have a lot of things to sort out, and the house is rented. I have to say hello to the landlord when I move out, so let's do it tomorrow!"

I saw that Ye Xiaoxiao really had something going on. Don't force it too hard. After all, Ye Xiaoxiao has lived here for many years. There's definitely something that has to be dealt with.

"Okay. Then I'll pick you up tomorrow! Tell me your address!" I nodded: "You can't disappear again this time!"

"How is that possible! Life has been difficult enough these years with children and schooling. Now that I have a rich man like you...husband, even if you don't plan for me, you still have to plan for the future of your children! Just like you That's what it said.

The child is innocent. "Ye Xiaoxiao hesitated when she mentioned her husband. She originally wanted to say boyfriend, but she thought she already had children. It should be right to call her husband, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

I nodded. Just now, in order to win back Ye Xiaoxiao's heart and try to persuade her with some reason and affection, I had been making excuses with Little Yezi. My point is, you can live with your children, but what will happen to your children in the future? It costs money for a child to go to a better elementary school, a better middle school, and then high school and college. Even though Ye Xiaoxiao’s father is now the leader of the Songjiang Provincial Department of Education, there will always be time to retire. Bar? I can’t care about little Ye Zi for the rest of my life!

"If you don't believe it, then let me take Xiao Yezi back first!" Seeing that I didn't speak, Ye Xiaoxiao thought I didn't believe her, so she came up with this idea. Now she is completely relieved, so she is not afraid that I will abduct Little Leaf. As a woman, she can clearly feel my feelings and love for her. From my clear eyes without any hypocrisy, Ye Xiaoxiao felt my sincerity.

"Haha, that's exactly what I meant! Look, Xiao Zizi is now closer to his aunt and three mothers, and they don't want you anymore!" I laughed.

After Ye Xiaoxiao heard this, black lines appeared all over his forehead. But she also knew that what I said was unlikely. No matter what, Xiao Ziye is her biological child!

We drove here in a modified RV, so I suggested sending Ye Xiaoxiao back to where she lived, and Ye Xiaoxiao had no objection. She has accepted me from the bottom of her heart, so she lets me arrange these little things.

It turns out that the college Ye Xiaoxiao attended was City B Foreign Languages ​​College, and the house she rented was also near the school. I suggested sending Ye Xiaoxiao upstairs. Ye Xiaoxiao shook her head and said it was no trouble. She told me the house number and her mobile phone number, and then went upstairs by herself.

I didn't insist, after all, it was a trivial matter. Little Leaf didn't seem to show any displeasure when I brought him home. Instead, he looked very curious and happy.

When he saw my big villa, he was very surprised! Parking lot, swimming pool, internet

The garden courtyard is just like the one on TV, even better than the one on TV!

Xiao Yezi finally understood that his father was not an ordinary person! I couldn't help but feel very happy despite being surprised. Although the child is very naive, he also has some comparison mentality. He was once invited to a kindergarten child's home. He saw the splendidly decorated three-bedroom and one-living room in the child's home, and then thought of the small one-bedroom apartment where he and his mother lived. The chef in the house couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Now Xiao Yezi finally has a sense of confidence. It turns out that he is no worse than others!

If I wanted to know Xiao Yezi's thoughts, I would definitely feel wise for bringing them mother and daughter back. Otherwise, having an inferiority complex since childhood would not be a good thing for the child's growth!

In the evening, I couldn't restrain my excitement and called my mother and father!

"Mom, I have good news for you!" I said eagerly as soon as the call was connected.

"Leilei? What's the good news?" My mother's voice was very calm, because too many miracles had happened to her son, me. Her reception ability and immunity have also improved a lot.

"Mom, guess what it will be?" I saw my mother was not cold and indifferent, so I deliberately let it go.

"How do I know what it is? Although you were born to your mother, she doesn't predict the future!" My mother complained: "Did you find another daughter-in-law for me?"

"Well, this is one of them, what else?" I said with a smile.

"Did you really find another one? Leilei, mom is not talking about you. Mom will also be happy if you find more daughters-in-law. However, mom still has to say something. You are a boy, and you are different from girls. In some aspects, you should Be in control! But look, you already have so many wives, even if you want to be in control, they won’t agree, so one day you bring them all back, and mom will talk to them about the importance of a man’s body..." My mother kept scolding me.

"Mom, wait!" I quickly interrupted her: "Mom, have you forgotten the mental skills your son has practiced? Hehe, it's okay for me to have a few more wives! Mom, you should start from this point. Dad has a deep understanding of it, right? I taught him that set of mental techniques!"

"It's not serious with my mother, but I actually talked about your father. See if I don't let him beat you!" My mother was very embarrassed, but she felt relieved when she thought that her husband was lively and powerful, even more powerful than when he was young. , so he changed the subject and said, "You just want to tell me this?"

"Didn't I say that this is just one of them? There is also another one! It's what you and dad are looking forward to the most!" I said mysteriously.

"What we look forward to most? Now that you have a family and a career, you have married several wives, and your career has reached its peak. What we most want you to give us is to give us a grandson or a granddaughter... Hey, son, don't you have Are you ready?" My mother suddenly asked.

"Me? I have it?" I couldn't help crying or laughing after hearing my mother's question: "What do you mean I have it?"

"Haha, Mom was wrong, you didn't have it! Did one of my daughter-in-law have it?" My mother grinned widely. It seems that this possibility is very high!

"Little Ye Zi, come here and talk to grandma!" I revealed the answer to the mystery!

"Hello grandma!" Xiao Ziye had already received my instructions before, so he didn't have any stage fright.

"Hello..." My mother was very strange, who is this child? Why do you call him grandma? My wives returned to the country during the Chinese New Year. My mother knows exactly whether she is pregnant or not, and even if she is pregnant and gives birth to a child, it is impossible for such an older child to do so. say something!

"Are you..." my mother asked suspiciously.

"Grandma, my name is Liu Ye..." Xiao Yezi said.

"Liu Ye? You... give the phone to your father first. I'll ask him something!" My mother was confused and couldn't figure out what was going on.

I took the phone, smiled and asked, "What's wrong, Mom?"

"Leilei, what's going on? Your adopted child?" My mother asked: "Are you doing this to deal with me? Although I like him very much, he is not his biological grandson after all!"

"Mom, what are you thinking about? He is my biological son and your biological grandson! He is four years old this year. How are you? Are you happy? Hahaha!" I shook my head and laughed.

"What!? Four years old? Grandson? What kind of international joke are you making? You were only in the first year of high school at that time, right? Are you going to tell me that this child was secretly born between you and Yan Yan?!" My mother was shocked Said, but judging from her tone, it was obvious that she doubted what I said.

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