Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

one. What kind of world is this?

The moment I stepped onto the triangular shape, I felt my body light up and felt like I was instantly decomposed. How should I put it, it’s similar to teleportation!

However, under normal circumstances, the transfer is completed instantly, but this incident was very long!

dark! This is the only word that can describe what I saw! That was endless darkness. I don’t know how much time passed, but my eyes suddenly became brighter!

Fortunately, my body is stronger than others, otherwise my eyes would not be hurt by this sudden light! From very dark to very bright environments, it is easy to damage vision. I believe everyone who has had similar experiences knows this.

"Where did this man come from?"

I didn't see anyone, so I heard a voice next to me. I rubbed my eyes, opened them and took a look, and was shocked by what I saw!

It turned out to be a woman wearing a grass skirt, holding a spear in her hand, but these were not problems, the important thing was that her upper body was actually naked!

I was lying on the ground at the moment, and the woman was looking down at me, with a pair of hard breasts dangling in front of my eyes!

I*, what is this place? Could it be that I have traveled to a special sex club? Looking at the big breasts so close, I really wanted to take a bite, but I was really afraid that this was not a sex club, but some indigenous tribe. If I did that, God knows if she would take a long one. Come and poke me with the spear!

"Who are you?" I can actually understand what the woman said!

Don't be picky about why I can understand the Aboriginal people. If you want to ask, ask the guy named Second Generation Fishman, because he has stipulated that you must be able to understand! necessary!

"Who are you?" I looked at the woman in front of me carefully. The more I look at it, the more I feel something is wrong! This seems to be nothing more than a sex club! Although I know that some sex clubs dress up their girls as indigenous people in order to attract customers, but I can be sure that the woman in front of me is not in this field!

The strong and straight figure, the proud and firm chest, the lower abdomen and thighs without a trace of fat, all proved to me. This is the result of her regular exercise! There are also those two spots on the chest, which are small and bright red. They don't seem to have the dark feeling after being fiddled with frequently. It's obvious that this isn't some bullshit sex club!

This woman is a true Aboriginal! But is there such a barren area in China? It seems that no matter how backward a nation is, it doesn't let girls run around naked! Moreover, the woman in front of me is obviously still a girl, at the age when flowers are in bud,

No civilized place would let her do this!

Moreover, based on my extensive experience as a concubine, judging from her body shape and body odor, she is definitely an untouched virgin.

When looking at a woman, look at her figure first. I believe mature men will be the same as me! at last. Only then did my eyes fall on her appearance. Although it is not whitewashed, I can be sure that the person in front of me is a beauty. Although there are two pieces of colorful strips on her face that are not known to be rubbish, they are probably similar to accessories, right? People who have watched Jackie Chan's "Who Am I" can refer to it, it's that feeling!

Big eyes, delicate nose. Shapely face. It has a slightly childish expression written on it. Although the figure is already very developed. But it can be concluded that the girl is definitely not old!

"Little sister. Where is this place?" It is very necessary for me to find out where I am now! Because I am not sure whether I have traveled back to some primitive society!

"Here? This is the territory of the Akata tribe. Who are you?" The girl obviously understood what I said! I was puzzled. There seemed to be no problem with my IQ, so why were my living habits still so backward?

"Akata tribe?" I was stunned. I didn't seem to have this place in my memory? Although I don’t know the tribes in China very well, at least I know about them! "I mean, what country, continent, or region is this?"

"Country? Continent? Region?" The girl was confused by my question and looked at me strangely: "What do these mean? We don't have them here!"

I sighed helplessly, such a beautiful girl was buried in such a barren mountain village, and she didn't even know the situation in the world!

"Britain? America? Iraq? Yugoslavia? Never heard of it? Well, what... uh... tribes are there near you?" I asked helplessly.

"The ones closest to us are the Hakuku tribe, they are friends of our Akata tribe, and the Xibi tribe a little further away, they are our enemies!" the girl explained.

Three Kingdoms? Alas, world events are changing every day, and they are still engaging in small tribal disputes in the wilderness!

"Okay, little sister, what's your name?" I nodded and asked.

"My name is Shui Ling'er!" the girl said, "What about you? Judging from your clothes, you are not from a nearby tribe, right? Are you an escaped slave?"

Shui Linger? She looks so juicy! I thought to myself. But Shui Ling'er's next words made many black lines appear on my forehead!

"Slave?" I was stunned! Do you think I look like a slave? What I'm wearing are hundreds of thousands of pieces of clothing exclusively provided by the royal family! Is there such a rich slave?

"Haha, don't be afraid. There are no slaves in our tribe. We all work together! Even if you were a slave before, no one will treat you as a slave when you come here!" Shui Ling'er obviously misunderstood what I meant. Explain to me the rules of their tribe.

"Uh, actually you misunderstood, I am not a slave! I am a traveler, from a far away place! I just passed by here accidentally!" I didn't know how to explain to her. She couldn't understand the country or continent, and my words were all in vain.

"Traveller? What is that? Oh, I understand. You said you are a traveler, right?" Shui Ling'er put me in a group of small traders without permission.

Forget it, just be a foot trader, it’s better than a slave, right?

"That's right. I'm just a traveling businessman. I sold out everything and wanted to rush back, but then I got lost!" I made it up.

"But where are the things you exchanged for?" Shui Ling'er asked doubtfully.

"What was exchanged for?" Could it be that there is no currency here yet? Do caravans usually barter? It seems that this time the lie is hard to come true! "That thing...actually..."

"Hey, I know, you must have met a bandit from the dark tribe. They took away all your things. You are embarrassed to say it, right?" Shui Ling'er continued to show me her excellent reasoning ability in a self-righteous manner. . Correspondingly, a pair of top-notch breasts were dangling in front of my eyes. They were really visible but not touching!

Just take it away if you want, and save me the trouble of making up a story! So I pretended to be frustrated and said, "Yes, my things were taken away!"

"Look, I'm just saying, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Don't say you're alone. Last time our tribe's caravan of more than thirty people was robbed!" Shui Ling'er said: "We are the Dark Tribe. Enemy of all tribes!”

"Didn't you say that the Xixibi tribe is your enemy?" I was confused. Is such a small piece of land not yet unified? Enemies everywhere?

"The Xixibi tribe has a dispute with us just because we hunt in the same forest and often compete for prey!" Shui Ling'er explained: "But the dark tribe is different. They are very bad. They do all kinds of evil. They plunder and kill. All our tribes are like this. Hate them with all my heart!"

Robbery and murder? It turns out that wherever you go, there are bad people!

"So that's it! Are your clan leaders and elders here? I want to see them." I know. Many tribal elders are wise men. They may know some things about the outside world. The most important thing for me now is to ask them where this place is!

"If you want to meet the group leader and elders, then I can take you there, because the leader is my father!" Shui Ling'er said proudly.

"Haha, it turns out it's the eldest lady, I'm sorry!" I*, it's a coincidence that I actually met an aboriginal with great background, who turned out to be the rich eldest lady. I don't know if the Akata tribe where she is is strong, otherwise it would be good to be a *shan.

"Miss?" Shui Ling'er didn't quite understand: "What do you mean?"

"It means princess!" I explained. It seems that some words are still not universal.

"Princess? Haha, I am not. Only the dark tribe can have a princess! She is the daughter of the dark king!" Shui Ling'er obviously did not dare to take the word princess.

Dark King? It’s getting more complicated! Oh my god, what the hell is this place? I've never heard of it!

"Okay, Shui Ling'er, please take me to see your father!" I shook my swollen head and sighed.

At this time, several indigenous people suddenly ran over. Seeing me and Shui Ling'er standing together, a man in the lead waved a spear and shouted at me: "Who are you! Stay away from Shui Ling'er!" "

"Godzilla, he is a traveling trader. He wants to see my father, and I am taking him there!" Shui Ling'er said to the man.

Godzilla? I*, what’s the name of this! But if you take a closer look at this man, he is indeed worthy of Godzilla. He is tall and muscular, with bulging chest muscles. He is over 1.90 meters tall and weighs at least 200 pounds! This man, like Shui Ling'er, had only a strip of grass surrounding his lower body.

"Shui Ling'er, don't be deceived by him. He must be a spy sent by the Xisibi tribe! I'm going to kill him!" After Godzilla finished speaking, he swung his spear and was about to stab me!

"What are you going to do!" Shui Ling'er quickly stood in front of me and said loudly: "I have confirmed his identity just now! He doesn't even know how many tribes we have here, how can he be a spy!"

"Shui Ling'er, you actually believe in a foreign man! He is lying to you! Don't believe him!" Godzilla said angrily.

"I believe what's wrong with him? Who do I believe? You don't need to tell me, right?" Shui Ling'er also glared at each other.

"Okay! Shui Ling'er, you are my Godzilla's woman, but you don't believe in your own man!" Godzilla's eyebrows stood up.

After listening to Godzilla's words, I looked at Shui Ling'er. She was actually the woman from the dinosaur? How is this possible? Is my judgment wrong? This Shui Ling'er is already a sister-in-law? What a shame, a flower stuck in dinosaur poop!

"I'm not married to you yet, you have no right to say that!" Shui Ling'er snorted after hearing this. Obviously, she didn't have a good impression of this Godzilla.

"Your father said that he will marry you to the strongest warrior! And I, Godzilla, am the strongest warrior in the Akata tribe!" Godzilla said proudly.

"How dare you speak big words without even competing against me? I heard that warriors from the Hakuku tribe will also come!" Shui Ling'er said disdainfully.

"Even if the dark tribe comes, I will still win! Hakuku is nothing!" Godzilla said brazenly: "Get out of the way and let me kill this man first and give his head to the patriarch!"

"How dare you! Even if he is a spy, according to the clan rules, he must be taken back to his father to deal with him!" Shui Ling'er said coldly: "Do you want to violate the clan rules?"

"Humph! Then it's up to you!" Godzilla said angrily.

Hehe, it’s interesting. People with primitive feelings can also be jealous. When this big guy saw that Shui Ling’er and I had a good relationship, he wanted to kill me and silence me! But you are too stupid. If you want to kill me, don't do it in front of Shui Ling'er. Can you kill me secretly? Of course, the premise is that you can beat me!


The ultimate enemy, Liu Kesheng, is about to appear, and the ending is getting closer. I believe smart readers will also think that this is a different world, and I will also bring my wives here...

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