Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

seven. Yang Mei’s letter

Could it be that Yang Mei fell in love with someone else? I recalled it, and it was true that I hadn't seen her for a while. If this girl had a boyfriend, it was possible. And in this way, it will work for her to resign! In Shuguang Investment, almost everyone knows that she is my woman. If she has a boyfriend, what will others think of her? What will her boyfriend think of her if he finds out? Therefore, no matter how good the job is, she has to choose to resign! And this letter may be the last farewell letter to me! Thinking that she has a boyfriend, it stands to reason that I should bless her and be happy for her, but why am I so bitter? Thinking of this, I glanced at Liu Yue who was deep in thought and said, "Does Yang Mei have a boyfriend?" "Yang Mei? Boyfriend?" Liu Yue was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Thank you for being able to think of it." ! Do you really want to give her to someone else?"

"Isn't it true? Didn't she resign because of her boyfriend?" Then, I told Liu Yueting my analysis. Liu Yue was dumbfounded after hearing this: "Please, she and I and Qingqing are together almost every day. Qingqing and I know exactly who she has been in contact with. If she has a boyfriend, how can we be together?" Don’t you know? Besides, not long ago Yang Mei was discussing with me how to get you to accept her! You are so heartless that you can even say such things!" Faced with Liu Yue's scolding, I had nothing to say, It seems that I really got it wrong. Yang Mei doesn’t have a boyfriend! "Dear Chairman, should you read the letter first before making any comments? Do you want to piss me off with your endless speculation?" Liu Yue glanced at me. Said somewhat helplessly. Yeah, I should have read the letter first! Maybe all the answers are in the letter! Thinking of this, I quickly sat in front of the desk and turned on the desk lamp. Carefully opened the envelope. At this moment, Liu Yue pressed her buttocks against the back of the chair where I was sitting. The posture is indescribably ambiguous, just like the common scene in AV before the boss and the female secretary have sex. But at this moment, I don’t have any evil intentions at all. I just want to quickly read the new book Yang Mei gave me. Although I knew Liu Yue was by my side because she wanted to read the content of the letter, I didn't stop her. I had nothing to hide from her. It doesn’t hurt to let her know a little more!

"Lei, happy Zhan Xin! Please allow me to call you that, because I have never regarded you as a boss, and I don't want to think so. Please forgive me for not telling you my resignation in person, but I'm afraid that when I see you . Can you still say these two words? I have not known you for a long time, but I have to admit that I have fallen in love with you. This, I can be sure, will never change! " When I saw the word "forever" mentioned in Yang Mei's letter, my heart suddenly jumped for no reason, and I remembered the issue that Wu and I had discussed. And that popular saying on the Internet: You will always be dead! Only death can last forever.

"I still remember the first time I had dinner with you in the cafeteria! Haha, I wrote this. I suddenly remembered something. You promised me that you would treat me to a meal in return, right? I remember that I was still It was a little trick. I didn't tell you where the treat was. At that time, I wanted to blackmail you into having a big meal. Let's put it on the account first... maybe I won't be able to eat again. I'll go to D city with you. The days when I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend were the happiest times in my life! I will always keep it in my heart. Thank you for your concern and care for me at that time, although I know you may It was unintentional, and you didn't regard me as your lover. But this is enough for me. Originally, I thought. By your side,

It will make you fall in love with me for a long time. Moreover, I also firmly believe that you will fall in love with me one day, but this beautiful ideal seems impossible to realize. But I don’t regret it because I fought for it. Isn't it? Okay, let’s stop writing here. I’m afraid if I continue writing, I won’t be able to help but see you again! Perhaps, this is the last time I will tell you my feelings for you. I hope you will remember me in the long road of life and remember that there was once a woman named Yang Min who loved you deeply in your life. "The letter is very short and ends here. There is no signature and no date. There are many traces of tears on the letter paper, which are particularly obvious. After reading the letter, I was stunned! What is this Yang Mei going to do! This letter There was something indescribably weird about reading the letter! The feeling of sadness made me want to cry! When I looked back at Liu Yue, I found that her face was already filled with tears!

"Liu Lei, you can accept so many people, even Liu Xiang, who has no relationship with you! Why can't you accept Yang Mei!" Liu Yue finally couldn't help but scolded me, changing her usual calm and calm attitude. "I..." I never dreamed that Yang Mei's thoughts would be so delicate! But this letter... "Liu Yue, now is not the time to scold me. I wonder if you have noticed that there seems to be something wrong with Yang Mei's letter?" I stared at the letter, trying to figure out the meaning between the lines. As soon as I said the words, Liu Yue immediately returned to his usual calmness and read the letter again with me. Gradually, Liu Yue's brows began to frown! It can be seen from Yang Mei's letter that she still loves me! Even she never gave up the idea of ​​being with me! But this letter seems to be very helpless, as if due to some factors, she can no longer love me! what is the reason behind the scene? Could it be that her family forced her to go on a blind date again and betrothed her to someone she didn't like? The possibility is almost zero! I don't believe that someone as powerful as Li Xiaohong would give up a good candidate like me and instigate Yang Mei to marry someone else! If that's not the case, then what is it? "I don't know if my feeling is right. Why does Yang Mei feel like she wants to leave this world?" Liu Yue hesitated. That's right! I feel the same way! Forever, finally, such words. It seems to only appear in suicide notes and the like! But Yang Mei used it in my heart! Could it be that she... "It's impossible, Yang Mei will commit suicide?" I shook my head vigorously.

"Impossible!" Liu Yue shook her head decisively: "From the time I have been in contact with her, it can be seen that Yang Mei is definitely a cheerful person, and it is impossible for her to do something stupid like committing suicide for love. What's more, Yang Mei is definitely a cheerful person. You have never rejected her directly. She still has high hopes. How could she commit suicide? This is why I am not sure about my feelings!" She still has high hopes? It seems that you are very confident that I will accept Yang Mei? I shook my head helplessly, but this was not the time to think about this. The key was Yang Mei... This girl really made me anxious! My heart suddenly became confused, and I felt a little regretful that I didn't accept her! ***, why am I pretending to be an innocent big-tailed wolf? It’s not like I don’t feel anything at all. I should have known better if I took her in. No more of these things! "It's strange enough to resign suddenly, but to write such an inexplicable letter again, isn't this worrying!" I sighed: "Do you have any other ways to contact her?"

"If I had, I would have contacted her long ago! No one who knows her has seen her! The house she rented was also rented out last week!" Liu Yue shook his head: "By the way, you still asked me, you Haven't you been to her home? You don't have her home phone number?" That's right! How could I forget this? I have Li Xiaohong’s phone number! Thinking of this, I didn't care about the fact that it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and immediately found Li Xiaohong's phone number. Called it. The home landline phone was unanswered. I called Li Xiaohong’s cell phone again, but it was turned off! What on earth is this family doing? But it’s useless to be angry. The top priority is to find Yang Min first! -Without any choice. I called Hong Tao, the old man from the local Sanshi Gang. "Hello, Mr. Liu!" After the call was connected, Lu Hongtao's voice came over within two rings. At this moment, Lu Hongtao already knows that I am his actual boss, and he respects me very much because he was able to please me in time last time. Feel blessed. "Lao Lu. Do you know Yang Min's home address?" I didn't have the time to talk nonsense with him. So I got straight to the point. "Mr. Liu, you are talking about your girlfriend. I know what's wrong. Do you have anything to tell me?" Lu Hongtao asked. "I have something to ask you for help. Go to Yang Mei's house right now!" I ordered. "Let me go? Oh, hehe, Mr. Liu, I understand. Tell me which brand to buy. I promise to get there as soon as possible!" Lu Hongtao said. "What brand should I buy? What did you say?" I was a little confused by his answer! Could it be that this guy is sleeping and confused? "You're not awake yet, are you?"

"I haven't slept yet, Mr. Liu! Didn't you ask me to go to your girlfriend's house?" Lu Hongtao asked. "It's true that I let you go, but what nonsense are you telling me?" I said impatiently. "Mr. Liu, aren't you at your girlfriend's house? Didn't you ask me to come to give you that condom?" Lu Hongtao asked strangely. "What? I asked you to deliver condoms? Which ear did you hear?" After hearing Lu Hongtao's explanation, I couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not in D city at all, and I don't have your dirty thoughts!" "Ah. ? No?" Lu Hongtao said with some embarrassment: "You see that I am a rough man, Mr. Liu, don't be offended, I saw that you called me over so hurriedly at such a late hour, I unconsciously thought about it! Hehe." "Forget it, listen to me now, go to Yang Mei's house immediately and see who is at home. If anyone is at home, call me back immediately! I have something urgent!" I ordered. "Okay, Mr. Liu, I'll go right away!" Lu Hongtao didn't dare to say any more this time and quickly agreed. After hanging up the phone, I saw Liu Yue looking at me with a half-smile. Just now, Lu Hongtao's loud voice like a car horn made the phone receiver tremble. Liu Yue must have heard our conversation. "Haha, dear boss, have you often asked this guy to give you that? Otherwise, why would he be so proficient in business and just ask you what brand you want?" Liu Yue glared at me, although she also knew that I He didn't have sex with Yang Mei, but he still couldn't help but tease her.

"Okay, my aunt, this is no time to joke, I'm so anxious!" I quickly held Liu Yue's hand and signaled her to stop making fun of me. "Now you know you are anxious? I didn't know who it was at the beginning, so I didn't even accept it if it came to my door!" Liu Yueke had no intention of letting me go! Because she believed that Yang Mei left this time because of me! During this time of getting along with each other in work and life, Liu Yue has already regarded Yang Mei as her good friend, and even her future close friend and good sister! That's why she told me about this matter when I just got home! When it comes to being anxious, she is even more anxious than me! Liu Yue and I were both nervously watching my cell phone at this moment, hoping that the news brought by Lu Hongtao would be that Yang Mei was at home and safe! But things often backfire! Life is unsatisfactory 10 times, the phone rang, it was Lu Hongtao, but the news he brought was very bad news! There is no one in Yang Mei’s home! Not only was there no light at all, but the door was closed!

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