"What? Resold?" I exclaimed loudly in surprise: "Why resell?"

"I don't know about this, and neither does the property management company!" Lu Hongtao said.

"In this way, see if you can contact the person who bought the house, and then contact him to see if he has the contact information of Yang Mei's family. It is unlikely that the person who bought the house does not have this information!" I After thinking for a while, he explained.

"I know, I have sent people to check the current landlord, but there is no news back yet." Lu Hongtao replied.

"Okay, then hurry up and call me if you have any new news!" I sighed helplessly! Yang Mei, what on earth do you want to do? Do you really want to avoid me, or is something else happening?

Not long after, a young man of about thirty years old walked into the office quickly, it was Xiao Wang. He was obviously startled when he saw me, but he quickly adjusted his emotions: "Chairman, Mr. Liu, Mr. Meng, you are all here, haha, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

I waved my hand and said, "You come to work as usual, the time is just right. Why are you late? We just arrived early!"

"Haha." Xiao Wang smiled, and instead of continuing to say some irrelevant flattery, he went directly to the topic: "Mr. Meng, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I'll leave Yang Mei's key to you. Bring it to me. The chairman is looking for something!" Meng Qingqing nodded and said.

"Oh, okay!" Xiao Wang didn't ask why, nor did he look unusual. He quickly opened his drawer and found a bunch of keys and handed them to Meng Qingqing: "That's it, they're all here!"

"Okay, get busy," Meng Qingqing nodded.

"Okay. If you need anything, just call me!" After Xiao Wang said that, he sat down in his seat and started working.

This Xiao Wang is very good, he is a talent! His words are neither too much nor too little, just right. He is not pretentious and knows how to measure. He should be a good person! In time, you can become a great member of the party!

Meng Qingqing opened all of Yang Mei's drawers and cabinets, and together with Liu Yue helped me rummage through them.

Xiao Wang must have known about my relationship with Yang Mei, so he didn't take the initiative to ask for help. Because he didn't know what exactly I was looking for, and he was afraid it was personal belongings. That wouldn't be good, so I just said I could call him if necessary. This shows that this person is very mature in dealing with people and can be promoted by Liu Yue in the future.

The things in Yang Mei's drawer are very messy, just as I thought. She left in a hurry, leaving some cosmetics scattered in the drawer and some small accessories without taking them away. I took a closer look and found that the drawer was filled with little things she used for dressing up. There was nothing special about it.

When I opened the second drawer, I saw a pack of sanitary pads. Even if I am a visitor. I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, Yang Min is not yet my girlfriend. Meng Qingqing quickly took the pad aside, and then completely pulled out the drawer. This drawer is even more confusing inside. They are all tea bag granules such as coffee and green tea, as well as some commonly used medicines!

Although the items in the third drawer were not important, I paid close attention to them! It contains all shopping receipts, receipts, invoices and the like. Although this doesn't mean much, it can indirectly prove Yang Mei's whereabouts during this period of time!

I pulled out all the drawers and dumped them on the table. The three of us started rummaging through them for the latest bills.

The items on the receipts are all kinds of things, from perfumes and cosmetics to clothes and trousers.

"These bills seem to have no use!" Liu Yue shook his head while looking at the documents in his hand.

"Forget it, it seems like there's really no use for it!" I also shook my head. These bills made me feel a little over the top!

"I think so." Meng Qingqing threw down a note in her hand and said, "This Yang Mei is really interesting. She actually kept the hospital registration receipt."

"Registered receipt?" I was moved in my mind and asked quickly: "What receipt, can I see it?"

"What's so good about this!" Meng Qingqing picked up the discarded receipt and handed it to me.

I took the receipt and looked at it. The date on it was half a month ago, but the department where the registration was registered was not stated. Could it be that someone in Yang Min's family is sick? Or herself...

Thinking of this, a bad thought arises spontaneously!

I gave Liu Yue and Meng Qingqing a few instructions, asking them to continue looking for clues, and then quickly went to the doctor XX in City B who was written on the registration form]::

When I rushed to the hospital, there were not many people queuing up at the hospital because it was early in the morning. I easily approached the window of the registration office.

"Hello, could you please ask, what subject is this registration slip for? Can you check it for me?" I took out the registration slip I had prepared.

"No, it can't be checked!" The staff at the registration desk refused me without even raising their heads!

I knew that no one would be willing to do such a useless thing, so I handed over two hundred-dollar bills.

"What number should I register? Ordinary or expert?" the staff took a look and asked.

"I just want you to help me check which department this registration form belongs to?" I repeated what I just said.

"Go to the Finance Department on the fifth floor and ask. I don't know here either. The registration slips are all the same. You can only tell them clearly when each department takes the registration slips for settlement on weekends!" the staff member explained.

"Oh, okay, thank you." I thought to myself, the two hundred yuan was not wasted!

I went all the way to the fifth floor. Because there were signs at the door of each department, it was easy to find the location of the Finance Department.

Of course, no one paid attention to me at the beginning. When I continued to use money offensive, a person who looked like a leader in the finance department looked at the thick stack of banknotes on the table, which was about several thousand yuan, and said something to the person next to him. The man who looked like a soldier said: "Go and take out the ticket and check it!"

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