The men in black were stunned, and one of them looked at me and asked, "Who are you? What's the matter?"

"You don't know me, and I don't know you either." I smiled: "But now I want to negotiate a business deal with you!"

"Business? What business?" The man in black glanced at me and asked coldly.

"I wonder what your status is in your gang?" Of course I have to confirm the identity of the person coming. If he is just a low-level person, then it will be in vain.

"I am the leader of this district. If you have anything to say, please tell me immediately!" the man in black said impatiently.

"Okay, what's your name? Should we talk somewhere else?" I didn't care about his attitude at all.

"Just call me Corey, come with me, but if I find out that you are playing tricks on me, you will get a beating in exchange for it!" Corey glanced at me and snorted coldly.

"Lead the way." I said calmly. It doesn't matter who will beat whom. If you do business with me seriously, I will pay you, but if you are so arrogant, then don't blame me for being rude.

I followed Corey and turned into a bar in an alley. Although Mark was very reluctant, he still shook his head and followed me. It is precisely because of his actions at this moment that he will become a very prestigious person in Venice in the days to come.

There was something inexplicable Italian written on the bar, I had no idea what it meant. But judging from the situation, it should be the stronghold of their gang. After following Corey into a separate room. Corey pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit down, you can talk now."

I don't think much of Corey's indifferent way of treating guests. No wonder they are just a small gang. They really don't know how to diversify their development, and they don't even know how to accept the business that comes to their door!

"I want to ask you to help me find someone!" I stated my purpose.

"Looking for someone? Haha!" Corey suddenly laughed after hearing this: "What do you think this place is? Is it a private detective agency or a police station? Looking for someone? It's so ridiculous!"

"Do you think it's funny?" I glanced at Corey. Can such a stupid person be the leader?

"Of course, you asked the gang to help you find someone? If you tell me, others will laugh out loud!" Corey laughed at me unscrupulously.

"I asked you to find someone because of your prestige in the hotel industry. You can get a lot of money for a simple thing. Why not?" I said.

"How much can you offer?" Corey stopped laughing. look at me.

"Say." To be honest, I really don't care about the amount of money. As long as I can find Yang Mei, any amount is fine.

"Five hundred thousand! Can you afford it?" Corey reported a number.

"Five million? Okay. As long as you can find the person I'm talking about!" I nodded.

Corey didn't expect that I would actually agree to his request. He was surprised and made a plan in his mind: "What do you want me to do?"

"You just need to mobilize your power and go to all the hotels in Venice to check whether there are three Chinese people staying there, one male and two female. The male is named Yang Xiong, the female is named Li Xiaohong and the other is named Yang Mei." I said. : "As long as you find the hotel where they are staying, I will honor the number you said."

"It's that simple? Okay. No problem, I want to ask for a deposit first." Corey thought for a while and said.

"How much do you want?" I didn't object. It is normal to ask for a deposit.

"Half, two hundred and fifty thousand." Currie said.

"No problem!" I agreed to Corey's request. He took out his checkbook from his pocket. Be prepared to write a check.

"No need for this, I'll tell you an account number. You can just transfer the money there!" Corey waved his hand and said an account number.

I didn't care, so I transferred 250,000 to him according to the account number that Corey mentioned.

Corey checked on the phone and found that the money had arrived, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"How's it going? Can we move now?" I asked.

"Action? Hahahahaha!" Corey suddenly laughed wildly.

"Why are you laughing?" I was a little unhappy.

"What are you laughing at? Don't you think it's ridiculous? Let the gangsters find people, you can think of it! Leave quickly!" Corey waved his hand and shouted at me.

"What do you mean?" My face darkened.

"What do you mean, of course you were fooled! Do you think that if you give me money, I will help you find someone? You have been cheated! No.

Just get out of here, you idiot Oriental guy! "Kelly said arrogantly.

"Hahahaha! Get out of here!" Curley's men also laughed loudly.

Mark had a frown on his face. Seeing that I had been cheated, he wanted to speak, but he didn't dare. He just pulled the corner of my clothes to signal me not to be impulsive. The other party was a gangster!

"Are you sure you took my money and are not going to do anything anymore?" I ignored Mark and stared at Corey coldly and asked.

"So what? What? You want to scare me! Am I still afraid of you?" Corey said mockingly.

"Okay, do you dare to tell the name of your gang?" I didn't plan to make the matter a big deal, so I never used my official identity, but now, I am really angry.

"So what if I tell you? We are from the White Horse Party. Why, do you still want to report the crime to the police station? Just go ahead, whatever! It doesn't matter. Let's see if the police believe you! There is no evidence. It will take ten thousand years for you to complain. It's no use! Hahaha!" Corey said crazily.

"Okay, I only need to make a phone call, and you only need to sit here for three minutes! I guarantee you will change your mind!" I said, suppressing the murderous anger. Although my temper is much better now, it doesn’t mean I won’t get angry! If my identity hadn't been revealed now, I'm afraid it would have had a bad impact, otherwise people like Corey would have been wiped out long ago!

"Huh? What are you talking about? I changed my mind in three minutes?" Corey didn't believe me at all: "Guys, did you hear it? He said three minutes! Haha! Who do you think you are? You are God What?"

"You don't need to say so many useless things, do you dare to bet with me?" I interrupted Corey.

"A bet? Okay! Then I'll bet you! You have to think clearly. If you leave now, I will let you go. After three minutes, if I don't change my mind, then what awaits you will be It’s a fat beating!” Corey looked at me and said.

"Okay, but what if you change your mind?" I asked.

"Me? It's impossible for me to change my mind!" Corey didn't believe that I, a tourist from other places, could change his mind.

"I mean what if!" I didn't intend to let Corey go.

"What if? Well, if I change my mind, then not only will I help you find someone, but I will also return the 250,000 yuan to you!" Corey thought for a moment and said.

"Okay, it's a deal!" I nodded, took out my phone, and dialed Du Xiaowei's number. Then I told him about my current situation, and then asked him to call Guo Qing, using a two-pronged approach to put pressure on the boss of the White Horse Party.

Du Xiaowei recalled for a long time, and finally remembered the name of the White Horse Party. This White Horse Party was just a small and unpopular Italian gang. He once bought arms from Du Xiaowei, but Du Xiaowei basically ignored him. This time Du Xiaowei took the initiative to call their party leader Owens, which made Owens very excited. If he could have a good relationship with Du Xiaowei, then the White Horse Party might no longer be a small gang! You know, in many cases, the sophistication and advancedness of the weapons determine the status of the gang!

But before Owens could be happy, he heard Du Xiaowei saying that his boss had been blackmailed by his younger brother. Owens immediately became very angry! Isn’t this causing trouble for yourself? If Du Xiaowei was just an arms supplier, then Owens might not be so afraid, but Du Xiaowei's other identity is the chief instructor of a mercenary group in South Africa, that is, the top leader of the mercenary group. If the gangsters and professional mercenaries happened Conflict, the result can be imagined. One is regular and the other is amateur. How could a gangster beat someone else?

As soon as Du Xiaowei hung up the phone, Guo Qing's call came in. Although Owens and Guo Qing have nothing to do with each other, Guo Qing is the head of the largest gang organization in Asia. Although he has nothing to do with him, his relationship with other big German gang organizations in Europe is extraordinary. He can be eliminated in just one sentence. thing.

Therefore, Owens did not dare to neglect, and quickly asked Guo Qing politely what was going on. Unexpectedly, he was talking about the same thing as Du Xiaowei! Owens immediately became furious and vowed to beat this Curley into a pig's head! Guo Qing dismissed Guo Qing with a smile, and just after hanging up the phone, the leaders of several major gangs in Europe also called Owens, with the same purpose. Owens was sweating.

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