Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

fifty one. The feeling of being a god

Sun Sikong's test result is that the environment on this planet is almost the same as on the earth, except that the composition of the air is slightly different, and the oxygen content is slightly higher! But in this way, it will be more beneficial to lung capacity!

Moreover, the air quality and ecology here are much better than on earth! Since there is also a planet similar to the sun, there will also be alternation of seasons!

And such an environment, for those of us who have adapted to the earth's environment for a long time, it couldn't be better!

Sun Sikong was very excited, holding the test report and talking to me about all this in high spirits. I know that for a scientist, these are more joyful than anything else!

After all, Sun Sikong had been looking for a similar planet for a long time, but without success! Either the temperature or humidity is inappropriate, or there is no sunlight!

Or if these are all satisfied, the composition of the air is wrong. There is either no oxygen or other harmful gases in it!

Now all of these are satisfied at once, how could Sun Sikong not be excited!

Because of my appearance, Shui Beishan is not as worried as before, because I have promised him to help him solve the problem of flash floods. In his eyes, I am an omnipotent existence. As long as I say it, then it will definitely happen. solve!

Shuibeishan treated Sun Sikong and I very warmly. During these days of hunting, the Akata tribe had stored a lot of fresh prey as well as pickled dried meat and fish. Since I no longer have to flee, I took out all these things.

Sun Sikong was not very talkative and just ate his own portion. After eating, he began to study the terrain of the flash flood point. Prepare for the next step!

Originally, I was a little ashamed of the title "god". After all, as a modern person, I came here to pretend to be a god. Isn't this bullying others?

But now I also want to understand, if I want to immigrate to this planet and build a lot of things on this planet. Then I must get the support of these local residents! Otherwise, it wouldn’t be interesting if it was just me and my wives alone!

The best way to get them to support me is to listen to what I say without any questioning! Otherwise, given their current scientific level, let’s call it science. At least I haven’t seen any scientific products! It's impossible for them to understand the high-tech equipment I'm going to bring!

So, in times like this. In such an environment, the only solution is that I regard myself as a god and let these people become my believers! That's all. No other troubles will arise!

Because I am God,

Then any unreasonable things that happen to me will become reasonable! God is omnipotent!

However, it feels good to be the savior. Looking at Shui Beishan's cautious look, I couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Chief Shui, you don't have to be so reserved, you can eat together too!"

People from Shuibeishan and other tribes looked at me with great respect as I devoured the thighs of an antelope-like animal, and I felt a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. God, you can eat first. How can we dine with God?" Shui Beishan said with fear.

I didn’t say anything else. Since he wanted to, just go hungry. However, Shui Ling'er next to me was eagerly looking at the delicacies on the table, as a girl. After spending all her energy for a day, she would naturally be hungrier than a man, but since Shui Beishan didn't eat, she didn't dare to eat.

I grabbed a piece of grilled lamb chop and handed it to Shui Ling'er and said, "Since they won't eat it, let's eat it." The tone of my words made it obvious that I already regarded her as one of my own.

With Shui Beishan standing by, Shui Ling'er could not help but salivate as she watched the mutton chops being picked up or not.

"Shui Ling'er, you have become the God's woman. You are naturally different from us. Whatever the God tells you, you do it!" Shui Beishan said immediately.

After hearing this, Shui Ling'er immediately took over the roasted lamb chop with joy. But the reason for my joy was not because I could eat this mutton chop first, but because of my words of "we" and my father's words!

Shui Ling'er originally had a crush on me, but then I became a god and she felt that she was no longer worthy of me, so she has always been a little grudge. How could she not be happy now.

"Since you don't want to eat, let's discuss the issue of flash floods first!" I ate deliciously.

Said the leg.

"Listen to the teachings of the gods!" Shui Beishan and others said quickly. (The fishman said: Here, I idealized the IQ of these natives. This is originally a YY novel. If the old people are here, readers will not be happy to read it!)

"Well, I'm here this time to vigorously build the Akata tribe and make it the greatest tribe on this planet!" I pointed to the seat of Sun Si Kong just now and said: "This is the God of Construction who came with me. , he will solve these problems for everyone!”

"God, is this true! That's great!" Shuibeishan said happily after hearing this: "In this way, we won't be afraid of the dark tribe!"

"Of course, as long as I'm here, everything dark and white will have to stand aside!" I said: "As for the issue of flash floods, I have a suggestion, that is, dig a reservoir under the mountain, and water can be poured into it. Let’s cultivate some fish and shrimp artificially, so that we can have fish to eat at any time!”

"Yes!" Shui Beishan didn't mean anything to my words. I am also very satisfied with how I feel now, dictatorship is good!

"Now I'm going to get some magic weapons with the God of Construction, and we can start construction tonight!" I said, "According to his prediction, the flash flood will break out tomorrow morning!"

"Ah!" Shuibeishan was shocked after hearing this. The flash flood was actually going to break out tomorrow morning! I couldn't help but asked nervously: "We only have one night, can we finish all this? Is there anything we can do for you?"

"No need, don't forget, I am omnipotent!" I quickly assumed the role of god.

"Yes! With God here, we have nothing to worry about!" Shui Beishan also felt that he was worrying too much.

After Sun Sikong recorded the coordinates here, I took him and teleported away from here. Arrive at our experimental base above the Pacific Ocean.

The equipment was all prepared in advance and did not need to be made now, so everything was ready very quickly. Sun Sikong put these things into the spaceship, and then I boarded the spaceship with him and Xu Qingwei!

This is my first time riding a spaceship, but Sun Sikong and Xu Qingwei have flown on it many times before, so they are no strangers to the operation!

After quickly inputting the space coordinates of the Life Star, the spacecraft's flight device was started.

In the night sky, the spaceship shines with cold blue light and slowly flies into the sky! Because the island is my private property, all satellites monitoring the area are blocked, and we don't worry about anyone seeing it.

After the spacecraft left the atmosphere, Sun Sikong pressed the "space jump" button. At this time, the outside of the spacecraft's windows turned pitch black, with occasional white flashes.

It was very similar to the scene I saw when I teleported to the Life Star!

After about ten minutes, I asked Sun Sikong a little strangely: "Why is it so slow? We should have arrived by now. Will there be any problems?"

"Slow?" Sun Sikong smiled bitterly and said, "This is the fastest speed at present! Your body itself is a special case. You can jump to such a distant space without using any scientific equipment. It is simply a miracle. A miracle! And it takes so little time! Not to mention that Shuibeishan thinks you are a god, even I feel the same way now!"

"You mean, the spacecraft can't reach my speed?" I asked strangely.

"More than that! Not even 1%!" Sun Sikong shook his head and said, "We still have at least four hours to reach that planet!"

"Four hours!" I was a little depressed, and I even wanted to teleport there first, but I also knew that without instruments like Sun Sikong, it would be useless for me to go there first.

"Yes, don't be too slow. If you knew how far it is from the earth, you would know how fast we are!" Sun Sikong said.

I have no choice but to take this time to take a rest in the rest cabin of the spacecraft! Sun Sikong and Xu Qingwei were also very tired and planned to take a rest first so that they could have enough energy to build the reservoir.

Anyway, the spacecraft has an automatic navigation system, so there is no need for human intervention.

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