Veteran new police officer

Chapter 101 Secret Visit

Li Yijun said that he joined the job in August last year, but he attended a full three months of new police training as soon as he joined the job. The time he actually worked in the branch was actually about the same time as Han Xin was transferred back.

Moreover, he is a trainee police officer from the public security team, not a community police officer whose photos are plastered all over the streets. Most of the leaders and colleagues in the bureau do not recognize him, let alone the people in the jurisdiction.

Face to face, this is an advantage!

Seeing him running into the drugstore with his bag on his back, covering his face, Han Xin couldn't help but think of the scene when he was first seconded to the investigation team.

I was also a rookie at that time, maybe even better than Li Rookie, but because of the nature of my work, my boss and colleagues felt that the more rookie, the better!

After several operations, because I forgot to "switch" roles, I was caught by the pickets wandering around in the camp. On the surface, the team leader and instructor was very angry, and wanted to punish me and put me in solitary confinement. But after the pickets left, not only did I They won't be punished, and may even be asked to continue.

In addition, the work of the investigation team must be kept secret not only externally, but also internally. In the detachment, his identity is the driver of the investigation team, not a law enforcement officer.

Over time, he became a "soldier" in the eyes of the detachment cadres and soldiers!

Political Commissar Ding resigned early, and "Boss Chen" simply asked Commissar Ding to take the blame. Everyone knew that Commissar Ding was the one who resigned, otherwise how could he join the party with his careless performance, let alone become a non-commissioned officer.

The detachment has changed from active duty to a police establishment. It will no longer have new recruits every year as before. It can only openly recruit police school students and college graduates from local universities like the local public security bureaus, and the number will not be large. Where can the investigation team find new recruits? face……

Just when Han Xin's thoughts drifted to "Caiyun Company" thousands of miles away, Li Yijun walked into the second pharmacy with his face covered.

"Hello, what's wrong with you? What medicine do you want to buy?" A shopping guide sister wearing a nurse's uniform came up to her.

"My toothache hurts so much that I can't eat or sleep..."

Li Yijun put down the hand covering his face, opened his mouth and let the shopping guide sister take a look, then covered his face and asked: "Do you have Tramadol? Taking other medicines will not work, only Tramadol will work."

The shopping guide looked back behind her and walked to the opposite side of the shelf to get three boxes of medicine: "Tramadol is for pain relief and treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Your gingivitis is very serious and your face is swollen like this. You need to reduce inflammation and reduce inflammation. It’s also analgesic, it’s anti-inflammatory, it’s an anti-inflammatory.”

"I have anti-inflammatory drugs, and I have several boxes of Cephalosporin. Your painkillers probably won't work either."

“Does it have to be Tramadol?”

"I've had it before, and it really works. Do you have any? If not, I'll go check it out elsewhere."

The shopping guide hesitated for a moment, put down the medicine and said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask the store manager."

"Okay, hurry up, it hurts so much."

Li Yijun's teeth really hurt, but he was very excited. He quickly and quietly pointed the pinhole camera on the left side of his bag at the cashier.

The shopping guide whispered a few words to a fat woman. The fat store manager took a look, turned and walked towards the innermost counter.

"Young man, come here."


The shopping guide sister pulled him in: "The camera over there can capture it, let's talk here."

Li Yijun covered his face and said, "I'm here to buy medicine. I'm not doing anything shameful. Just shoot. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Tramadol is not any other medicine. I'm very nervous and won't let you sell it casually!"

"I haven't bought painkillers before. My mother always takes them when she has a toothache."

"That was before, and now is now. If you really want to buy it, I will find you some cards, but you can't swipe your medical insurance card."

"You're selling it on a plate basis, shouldn't you be selling it in a box?"

"If you want to buy just one board, I can give you a few more boards, but I can't give you the box."

Li Yijun moved his shoulder bag, took out his cell phone and said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I'm hurting so much, please get me a five-board!"

The shopping guide took out a plastic payment QR code from her pocket: "Twenty-one boards, a total of one hundred, you can use Alipay and WeChat."

"So expensive!"

"Didn't I tell you that this medicine is very stressful?"

"All right."

After Li Yijun paid the money, the fat store manager had already taken out a carton from under the counter. The box was full of compound tramadol. It was visually estimated that there were thirty or forty boxes.

I don’t know what considerations she had, but she opened several boxes in front of Li Yijun, took out the five boards and put them into plastic bags, then put the boxes into her pocket, apparently planning to find a place where no one was around before throwing them away.

This is the second store we visited undercover, and there are still more than 180 we haven’t visited yet!

Li Yijun didn't expect it to go so smoothly. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He said thank you and ran out of the pharmacy for a short walk back to the car.

"Brother Han, look, what is this? You didn't expect it, did you?"

"Isn't it just Tramadol? What's unexpected about this?"

Han Xin opened the plastic bag and looked at it, turned around and picked up the bag on the back seat, took out an evidence bag, stuffed the five tablets of tramadol into it together with the plastic bag, then took out a pen and a sticker, and put it in He stuffed it in his hand and said, "Fill in the time and place."


Li Yijun said excitedly while filling in: "Brother Han, there are many more in this store. They are hidden under the counter in the back and placed in a health product packaging box. They only sell them by the board, not by the box."

Han Xin took out a notebook from her bag and smiled: "Write it down."

"They have so much tramadol at home, are you not excited at all?"

"What's so exciting about this? They are already selling drugs. It's too easy to purchase. When tramadol was not controlled, they could purchase as much as they wanted and sell as much as they wanted."

"What now?"

"Of course you can't sell it now, but selling it to you is just illegal. Only selling it to drug addicts is illegal."

"Illegal violations must also be investigated and punished."

"But not now. We still have so many houses that we haven't visited yet. After the unannounced visit is completed, we will hand it over to Team Liu and Lan Zhi to investigate and deal with them."

"They are obviously not allowed to sell it, but they still sell it secretly. They are so brave!"

Li Yijun thought about it and sighed: "I said these pharmacies usually don't see many people, and the rent is so high. How do they make money? It turns out that they make money from this. A plate of twelve tablets sells for twenty. It's really dark!"

Han Xin put on her seat belt, started the engine, and slowly drove the car out of the parking space. She held the steering wheel and smiled: "There should be very few illegal businesses like this. Most pharmacies mainly make money by selling so-called new drugs and health products with rebranded names." .”

"I see."

Li Yijun quickly took notes, put down his notebook and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go to the next one!"

As Han Xin said, there are only a few pharmacies that dare to violate laws and regulations.

After a whole morning of unannounced visits, we could only find that the previous store sold tramadol.

Lunch was eaten in the car. Li Yijun had a severe toothache and could only drink gruel. Han Xin had just invited a guest last night, and tonight he was going to have a feast of fish and meat, so she might as well drink porridge with him.

After eating and drinking, go to several pharmacies in the east of the city.

Li Yijun looked at the group, raised his head and said, "Brother Han, Captain Wang and my master have just received orders. They will be on a business trip tomorrow and will have to carry out arrest missions in other places."

Han Xin also read the group chat while drinking porridge, and said lightly: "Yang Chaomei and Lin Lihong have been arrested, and their next family has not yet been arrested. Even if their next family only buys drugs for smoking, they must find those drug addicts, otherwise How to prove that they are selling drugs?"

"The two of them combined have more than 20 underlings, so they deserve to be arrested!"

"Their dealers don't know that they have been arrested. There is no rush for this kind of thing. At least there is no need to mobilize so many people. You can wait for those dealers to ask for goods, send them an empty package, and then rush over and wait. "

"That's true."

Li Yijun nodded and said eloquently: "Brother Han, the senior fellow in the station just said in the group that the city's inspection team is coming to inspect our branch. The senior who retired last year and the auxiliary policeman of our security team, Chen Gang, I received a notice to go to the administrative center tomorrow morning to attend the inspection mobilization meeting."

Let retired police officers and auxiliary police officers participate in the mobilization meeting because we want to hear real voices...

Han Xin realized that this time she was serious and asked calmly: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Li Yijun smiled and said: "You didn't inform me, so it has nothing to do with me."

The first drugstore visited during the second half of the unannounced visit soon arrived. Han Xin was looking around for a parking space when a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in the front right.

Li Yijun also noticed it and asked in a low voice: "Brother Han, is that Team Chen from your serious crime squadron?"

"It looks a bit similar."

"Would you like to say hello?"

"What do you say hello? I'm not familiar with him."

"You guys are from the same team, why aren't you familiar with each other?"

Chen Guoping was talking to a short, fat bald man. It was obvious at first glance that the bald man was not a good person. He was holding a cigarette in his mouth and was sweating. He also wore a thick gold chain around his neck.

Han Xin didn't want to be recognized, let alone affect other people's work, so she lowered her head and glanced at the list of pharmacies to be visited secretly: "He has just been transferred here a few days ago and has little contact with our squadron. Let's go, let's go to the next one first. We'll wait at this one. Come back later."

"Okay." Li Yijun thought about it and smiled: "We, Mr. Yang, don't like us interacting with people from your brigade, especially the serious crime squadron and the urban squadron."

Han Xin was just about to say that you, Mr. Yang, look down on the criminal police brigade, when suddenly a call came in.

After taking a look at the caller ID, he saw that the call was from the brigade general room. He quickly clicked the call button on the large central control screen.

"Han Xin, right? Guo Xiuying from my general room."

"Hello, Sister Guo, do you have any instructions?"

"Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m., go to conference room 302 on the third floor of the administrative center on time to participate in the inspection mobilization meeting of the municipal party committee's inspection team. You can't be late, let alone ask for leave."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Sister Guo, I'm not the leader, what should I do?"

Guo Xiuying looked at the urgent notice issued by the branch and said meaningfully: "Old Tang is not only not a leader, he is not even a formal policeman. Doesn't he still have to participate?"

"Understood, I'll be there on time."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Li Yijun asked curiously: "Brother Han, what do you understand?"

"Maybe I just came here and don't have so many scruples, so I dare to tell the truth!"

"I've just joined the job, why didn't you notify me to participate?"

"Are you a party member?"


"Why are you asking?"

Han Xin looked back at him and said earnestly: "Young man, you must work hard and actively move closer to the organization. When you join the party in the future, you can also participate in the inspection and mobilization meeting like me."

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