Veteran new police officer

Chapter 132 A murder case solved without investigation

I had told Xiao Zhi and Bureau Chen before that murder cases were more difficult to solve than drug cases, but this murder case was mainly aimed at those that occurred in the wilderness or where the identity of the victim was unclear.

Linghai is not a remote and impoverished border area, nor is it an uninhabited deep mountain or forest.

Not only are major and minor intersections in urban areas, towns, and administrative villages monitored, but even many people have cameras installed in their homes.

Because of this, Han Xin did not think that the murder that had just occurred was difficult to solve. She felt that the brigade leader asked to rush to the scene. It was likely that the suspect ran away after committing the crime, and the police needed to be organized to round him up.

After driving to the vicinity of Wenfeng Shopping Mall, two police cars with sirens on ran through the red light and roared away towards the bus station.

Immediately afterwards, several black explosion-proof police cars from the special patrol brigade came over. People passing by stopped to take photos and videos. You can imagine how lively the WeChat group will be tonight.

It is only two kilometers away from the bus station and there are four traffic lights on this road.

Running a red light is very troublesome, and there are too many cars in front of you, so even if you want to, you can't get through now. Han Xin was secretly worried when Li Cainiao suddenly called.

"Brother Han, there was a murder at the bus station, have you been notified?"

"Got it, come to the scene immediately."

"I've received it too. I'm on my way to the city. It will take twenty minutes at the fastest. What's the situation now?"

"Like you, I don't know anything."

Just as he was talking, the car in front moved.

Han Xin decisively ended the call, clicked on the electronic handbrake, lightly stepped on the accelerator and followed.

There were more cars and onlookers in front of the car. Although there were six or seven traffic police and auxiliary police officers trying to divert traffic and maintain order, the two-way six-lane road was still blocked and only two lanes were left to pass.

Han Xin pressed down the window and drove slowly to a traffic policeman, showing his ID: "Brother, Han Xin from the criminal police brigade, where is the scene?"

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Most of the policemen in the branch did not know him, but they knew Han Keng's name well.

The traffic policeman looked at his work permit and said quickly: "It turns out to be the Korean team. The scene is at the entrance of the small hotel south of the east gate of the station. Huang Da and Yang Jiao have just passed by."

"OK, thanks."

"Wait, let me clear the way for you."

Another police car and an ambulance came from behind. The traffic police simply put on their motorcycles and kept honking their horns to guide them in front.

It's different when the traffic police help. You don't even have to worry about where the car is parked.

Han Xin just parked the car behind the police car of the special patrol team at the signal of the traffic police brother.

There are more people on the other side of the road, so it is easy to be photographed by the crowd watching the excitement.

He quickly opened the suitcase, took out the hood, goggles, and mask and put them on. Then he quickly put on the "on-site inspection" vest, locked the car and jogged across the road.

"Give way, make way for the ambulance. What's there to see? If you don't give way, you will be obstructing official business!"

"As for you, you know how to take pictures. If there's anything good to take, stand back."

"Old Chen, there's a warning tape, from here to there, pull it up!"

The bicycle lanes and sidewalks were completely blocked, and the area near the east gate of the station was packed with people.

The policemen and auxiliary policemen from the Chengnan Police Station and the policemen and special agents from the Special Patrol Brigade were overwhelmed by the onlookers and tried their best to maintain order.

There are not only people in front, but also electric cars.

Han Xin couldn't squeeze in even if she wanted to. Showing her ID and identifying herself was probably of no use. She could only squeeze to the side, wait for the ambulance to come, and then slowly walk in behind it.

The auxiliary police officer who was maintaining order thought he was a technical police officer surveying the scene. He pointed inside and motioned for him to go in quickly. Then he quickly pulled up the warning tape to block the gap that was finally opened to prevent the curious people from rushing in. .

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t come in, but you’d be shocked when you come in and see it.

A woman curled up and fell at the door of the small hotel, with blood on the ground all over her body. Forensic doctor Chen probably just arrived and was squatting next to the woman to check her injuries.

A man fell in the flower bed, also covered in blood. Lao Chen's apprentice was checking him.

There was also a man who had just been stuffed into the police car by You Yaoxing and others. Xu Wenjing opened the investigation box, took out an evidence bag, picked up a dagger from under a tree with gloved hands, and carefully stuffed it into the bag. .

Fan Ziyu looked like he was asking the person in charge of the small hotel. While taking notes, he looked up from time to time to look at the camera at the door.

The brothers from the urban squadron were busy questioning the people who were watching. They worked in pairs, one took notes, and the other added people’s WeChat accounts, and asked witnesses for photos and videos taken at that time...

Han Xin finally found Huang Da who was on the phone in the corner. Forensic doctor Chen ran over and reported: "Huang Da, the two of them had multiple sharp injuries, excessive blood loss, and no vital signs. The doctor at the emergency center suggested that we Contact the funeral home.”

"No need to rescue?"

"No breathing, no heartbeat, no pulse, the pupils are dilated, the corneal reflex disappears, the orbits are pressed and there is no reflex, the person is already dead, how to save him!"

"Contact the funeral home."

Seeing that Han Xin was hesitant to speak, Huang Da continued to make a call and ordered: "Xiao Han, you first go to see the two victims and the suspect, and then go upstairs to see the room where the two victims lived to confirm. Whether they are involved in drugs or not, if they are not involved in drugs, they will go back and rest.”

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Has the suspect been arrested?"

"The suspect didn't run away. Let's not talk about this. Let's get to work quickly."


No need to ask, everyone knows that the murder must have been caused by emotional disputes.

Han Xin sighed secretly, walked quickly to the police car, and knocked on the window.

You Yaoxing was seizing the time to interrogate the suspect, thinking that the technical squadron had collected some more evidence. When he pressed the window, he discovered that it was Han Keng. He asked in confusion: "Captain Han, what are you doing here?"

"Huang Dayang is here, let me see the suspect."

"Let's see."

You Yaoxing then remembered that after the brigade received the order from the command center, Huang Da and Yang Jiaorang notified all the brigade personnel on duty and immediately reached out to turn on the roof lights.

The suspect is thirty-three or four years old, has a Chinese character face, messy hair, and a pale face. His handcuffed hands are shaking slightly. It seems that he regrets and is afraid.

Han Xin whispered: "Turn your face around."

"He is not a local. Speak Mandarin to him."


Han Xin did not dare to waste the time of her colleagues and quickly asked the suspect to raise his head, turn around and open his mouth in Mandarin. Ask You Yaoxing to raise the suspect's hands and look at the suspect's fingers, especially the nails. Then he turned around and looked at the two victims lying in a pool of blood.

After watching the victim go upstairs, Yang Qianli and Xu Wenjing, who had just finished investigating the first scene, were checking in the room.

The room was a bit messy and the smell was a bit strange.

There are several cigarette butts in the ashtray on the bedside table, piles of toilet paper thrown on the floor, and several takeaway lunch boxes in the trash can...

Han Xinzai looked at it carefully, raised his head and said, "Jiao Yang, the suspect doesn't look like a drug addict, and the two victims don't look alike either."

As soon as he took office, he encountered a murder case in which two people died. Although the suspect had been arrested, Yang Qianli still felt uncomfortable. He turned around and asked, "Wen Jing, where are you?"

"The first scene is downstairs. There is nothing to explore here."

"How was the survey downstairs?"

"Everyone who should be investigating has been investigated, and Team Xing and the others who should be questioning are doing the questioning. There are cameras outside, and the suspect quarreled and pushed the two victims for a while before using the knife. There were several witnesses to the whole process. Several onlookers took photos.”

"Then let's go down first."


Just as Xu Wenjing walked out of the room carrying the survey box, Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng arrived.

Before they could speak, Yang Qianli said solemnly: "People in their thirties still imitate young people's online dating, spend some money, and feel that they have been deceived. They still imitate others to catch an adulterer, even if they are not a couple, and then commit murder." kill!"

Zhang Yuhang asked in a low voice: "Jiao Yang, I heard that the suspect is a foreigner?"

"The two victims are not locals either."

"It doesn't matter where the person is, as long as the suspect is arrested."

"That's all I can think of."

Yang Qianli walked to the door, turned around and patted Han Xin on the shoulder: "Xiao Han, I'm sorry, if a murder occurs, a plan will be activated. You won't be able to rest well at night."


"Lao Zhang, Lao Liu, you should go back too, there are a lot of things to do tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go down and say hello to Huang Da and then leave."

The three of them walked downstairs, where the suspect had been escorted to the law enforcement case handling center.

The funeral home's car also arrived and was carrying the two victims into the car.

The crowd of onlookers continued to grow, and everyone was holding up their mobile phones to take photos, not knowing what they were taking. Han Xin quickly put on a mask, said hello to Huang Da along with Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng, and squeezed out of the crowd.

The first murder case that occurred in Linghai this year happened so suddenly and was solved so quickly...

On the way home, I was lamenting that a murder like this, or that such a tragedy could be completely avoided, saw a familiar girl sitting on an electric car, holding a young man in her arms, and passed by the car while talking and laughing.

I stepped on the accelerator lightly and drove up to them, and I was shocked to find that it was really that little girl!

It's just that she has changed a bit. She no longer wears as much makeup as before, and her clothes are not as revealing as before. She feels much more comfortable than before.

And the person she was hugging was her so-called "little uncle". The relationship between the two was definitely extraordinary.

The more Han Xin thought about it, the weirder it became, but it was inconvenient to ask questions on the road, and it was also inconvenient to inquire, so she might as well go back to the community first.

Unexpectedly, after parking the car and going upstairs, I met them again in the elevator!

"Uncle, will you go to the community tomorrow?"

"Go ahead, go to the community in the morning, and go to the district committee meeting in the afternoon."

The little girl was either forgetful or face-blind, and she still didn't recognize the neighbor who introduced her to someone who knew of a house.

Her "little uncle" had a good memory. Not only did he recognize Han Xin at once, but he also greeted her with a polite smile.

The little girl didn't care if there were any outsiders in the elevator, so she held his arm and asked, "You just applied for the job and you're going to the district for a meeting?"

The young man was a little embarrassed by the question. He smiled apologetically at Han Xin and did not answer her question again.

"Which community do you work in? Is it our Linghai community? If it is Linghai community, I can ask you for help if I need anything in the future."

Han Xin looked at him with a smile and curiosity on his face.

The young man smiled and said: "It's not Linghai Community, it's Yanggang Community diagonally opposite the community."

“Yangang community is also good, close to home.”

Han Xin said this, but felt even stranger in her heart.

Because the community is equivalent to the former village committee or neighborhood committee in a big city. The salary is not high, but there is a lot to do.

Jobs in the community are more suitable for lesbians with good family conditions. If a young man goes to work in the community, not only will he be laughed at, but he may not even be able to find a girlfriend.

The man in front of me is polite and seems to have some culture. Why would he think of going to work in the community? The salary may not even be enough to rent...

has a problem.

There must be something wrong!

As soon as she got home, Han Xin called Lan Doudou.

Lan Doudou thought it was a murder, so after finishing the code, she asked nervously: "Xiao Han, what's the matter?"

Han Xin put on her slippers, walked to the sink and said, "Master, you are very familiar with the Yangang community. Can you help me find someone?"

"Don't you have a girlfriend? Asking people in the community what they do, the community is full of women!"

"I asked about a man who must have just arrived in Yangang Community. His surname seems to be Han. He is in his twenties or seventies."

"What is this person doing?"

"He lives in our community in the same building as me. He is mysterious and a bit suspicious. All you need to know is that you can quietly help me find out and get to know him."

"Evildoers" never doubt a person without reason. Lan Doudou agreed: "Okay, I will give you the news before ten o'clock tomorrow."

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