Veteran new police officer

Chapter 147 The real big picture

The Special Patrol Brigade, like the Chengnan Police Station, has moved countless times since its establishment.

We probably won't move again this time. Firstly, the location is relatively remote, and secondly, the investment is relatively large. The main building has six floors and the annex building has three floors. The construction area is estimated to be four to five thousand square meters.

The training ground behind the courtyard and main building is huge, like a military camp.

It is worth mentioning that the Special Patrol Brigade is not the real "owner" here. The Chengbei Traffic Police Squadron and the previous Urban Criminal Police Squadron both work here.

When a major case or operation occurs, the bureau will set up the project headquarters or action headquarters here; since there are several large conference rooms, the bureau often arranges some meetings to be held here.

Now two new units have been welcomed. The former Interpol City Squadron office area on the fifth floor of the main building has become the offices of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade and the Food, Drug and Environmental Protection Brigade.

The Food and Drug Environmental Protection Brigade is smaller than the Anti-Narcotics Brigade, with only three official police officers including the captain.

And two of them are seniors who have just retired to the second line. It is said that the bureau will assign four more auxiliary police officers to them. It is not known when they will be in place.

Just like in the criminal police brigade, the elevator entrance is used as the boundary, with half a family, the anti-drug brigade is on the left, and the food and drug environmental brigade is on the right.

Even the anti-theft doors are ready-made and don’t need to be installed.

The sixth floor is not so much for the anti-drug brigade as it is the office space of the district anti-drug office.

Zhang Yuhang is indeed a very thoughtful person. After taking a look, he has an idea of ​​how to arrange it.

After discussing it with Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou, we asked a designer to come up with a simple plan and then reported it to the bureau leaders.

Early this morning, Director Chen accompanied Secretary Huang of the Political and Legal Committee and Director Wang of the Government Office to have an on-site inspection and was very satisfied with the plan proposed by Zhang Yuhang.

According to the design drawings, when you step out of the elevator, you will see a "Linghai Anti-Drug" background wall. Instead of a police badge, the word "forbidden" and the anti-drug symbol of a dove are used.

On the left is an open office area with seven workstations. Full-time anti-drug social workers who are paid by the anti-drug office will have to clock in here from now on.

Opposite are the reception room and small conference room, and further inside are the deputy director's office, archives room, dressing room and tea room, as well as a warehouse for storing anti-drug publicity materials and display boards.

On the right is a small exhibition hall displaying Linghai's anti-drug achievements. Opposite is an activity room for anti-drug volunteers. Further inside is an activity room reserved for the Anti-Drug Association and the Anti-Drug Foundation. The innermost is an activity room that can accommodate more than 100 people. Large conference room.

The conference room is very high-end, with a rostrum that can be used as a stage. Behind the rostrum is a large LED screen, and on both sides are equipment rooms for debugging audio equipment. However, this conference room is not exclusively used by the Anti-Narcotics Office.

It is worth mentioning that the Anti-Drug Association and the Anti-Drug Foundation are in preparation.

Zhang Yuhang originally planned to set up an anti-drug association during the anti-drug days. Secretary Huang and the bureau leaders asked to speed up the progress and requested that it be established when the leaders of the Provincial Anti-Drug Committee came to investigate.

Preparations for the anti-drug foundation must also be stepped up, but this is the first anti-drug foundation at the district and county level in the province. No one knows how it is going to be established. Zhang Yuhang is really unsure whether it can be established before the anti-drug day.

There are also anti-drug volunteers. In the past, due to restrictions on unit staffing and office space, there was a lot of development, but they were scattered. How to unite the volunteers to play their role is also an urgent task.

Zhang Yuhang first went to the District Civil Affairs Bureau, then the Civil Affairs Bureau, and then contacted more than 30 member units of the District Anti-Narcotics Committee and related social groups. He was extremely busy.

While assisting Zhang Yuhang in the daily work of the brigade, Liu Haipeng is also responsible for the progress of the decoration and layout project. Fortunately, the project is mainly reflected on the "wall" and does not require large-scale construction.

Lan Doudou became the "president". She not only helped them attend various meetings, but also took care of the management of precursor chemicals and anti-drug publicity and education. She was very busy.

Their work was too challenging, and Han Xin couldn't help them even if she wanted to. She could only do her job wholeheartedly.

Fortunately, colleagues from the Xitang Police Station were very helpful. Not only did they quickly clear up the ideological work of the truck drivers and assist them in dealing with the aftermath, but they also joined forces with the Criminal Police Brigade and the Traffic Police Brigade to investigate the case based on the existing evidence. The third phase.

"Although it is not Hao Jianguo's first time smoking, this is the first time he has been investigated and punished. He will be given a chance to reform, and he will be fined 500 and administratively detained for five days."

Lao Cui sat in front of a pile of case files, flipping through his notes.

Yan Wei, who was sitting on the left side of the conference table, added: "Because of suspected drug driving, my driver's license has been revoked."

Han Xin recorded it, raised his head and asked, "Where is Hao Hailong?"

Lao Cui said with a smile: "This is the third time that Hao Hailong has been investigated and punished. We have communicated with the legal system, and the legal system said that he has refused to change despite repeated admonitions. He is addicted and must be ordered to detoxify in the community. The petition materials have been submitted, and it is expected to be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It will be approved."

You Yaoxing, who took the time to attend the meeting, looked at the case file and said: "Not only did Lu Zhengmin smoke 'Best-quality Pianpian', but this was the second time he was investigated and punished. When he was questioned yesterday, his drug addiction came up and he was restless. , which shows how serious addiction is, and people like him must give up forcibly!”

"Ma Dalei's situation is even worse. Not only did he possess 1.2 kilograms of 'tablets', he also provided them to others many times and invited others to smoke them many times. Although he did not make any profit from it, it is enough to pursue criminal responsibility. We have already prosecuted him We took criminal detention and sent him to the detention center just this morning."

Just "possession" is suspected of a criminal offense, let alone inviting others to take it multiple times...

One of the eleven drivers has been detained, and their driver's licenses will be revoked or cancelled. Two of them will have to undergo compulsory drug rehabilitation for two years, and three of them will be sentenced to criminal detention. They will then be transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution, and will be sentenced. of.

Being fined and detained may not matter to those big-vehicle drivers, but being unable to drive again for the next three years or more means losing their jobs.

Han Xin thought that they must regret coming to Binjiang, but they should regret taking drugs even more!

But now was not the time to feel emotional. He picked up his phone, opened his email, glanced at the email Lan Doudou had forwarded in the morning, looked up and said:

"You team, Chief Cui, the city bureau has just held a mobilization meeting for the deployment of the 'Anti-Drug 2019 Two Strikes and Two Controls' special operation and the 'Clean Border' special operation. The detachment leaders and bureau leaders asked us to compare this case with the ongoing investigation of 3.13 The case will be included in these two special actions.”

Lao Cui smiled and said: "This is a good thing. We have achieved results as soon as the operation started!"

"It's a good thing, but then I'll be very busy."

The leaders were all busy. Han Xin could only act as a leader on behalf of the anti-drug brigade and even the city bureau’s anti-drug detachment. She put down her mobile phone and said slowly: "Now we have got three masters, and they are still far away from each other. That is to say, three arrest teams will be set up, You team and Chief Cui. How about each of our three families is responsible for arresting one?"

"No problem. We know Ma Dalei's situation better. Let's go and arrest Ma Dalei's boss."


"Team Han, leave the matters of Hao Hailong and others to us."

"Okay, that's it."

Han Xin smiled and looked back at his colleague Sigang: "Li Zheng, Xu Haoran and Hou Wen escorted the suspect back this afternoon. Cheng Zhi and Jiang Da asked you to prepare. When they hand over the suspect to Yu Jiao, you will Go with them to arrest the home of Zhang Jie and other drug addicts."

Li Zheng really wanted to catch drug dealers, but Director Wang made it very clear that when he came to Linghai this time, he had to learn both anti-drug and drug control.

Zhang Da, Team Liu and Lan Zhi are busy carrying out a "big anti-drug campaign". Compared with catching a small drug dealer, it is obviously more important to learn how other people carry out social anti-drugs.

He was stunned and asked in a low voice: "Captain Han, what about you?"

"I would like to go, but Cheng Zhi and Zhang Da disagree. Cheng Zhi asked me to continue sweeping, and Zhang Da asked me to take time to train the anti-drug social workers who are about to return to the team. After training the anti-drug social workers, I have to participate in the branch's anti-drug business training. I really can't leave. .”

He was always asking questions these days. Han Xin knew that he was "stealing his skills from his master". After thinking about it, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, the arrest will take up to four or five days. You are only responsible for arresting the case." It’s not up to you, just capture the suspect and hand him over to Chief Cui.”

"Okay, as soon as Xu Haoran and the others come back, I will set off with them."

"You are not following them. You are leading the team this time, as Cheng Zhi told you."

Han Xin picked up her phone and checked the time: "You team, Chief Cui, our brigade has just moved, and you have to move too today. The bureau leader asked that the case headquarters be moved to our brigade, as well as the 2.12 case and 3.13 case headquarters. Move over.

Political Commissar Yun of the Anti-Narcotics Detachment of the Municipal Bureau and our Bureau Chen will go over at two o'clock this afternoon to listen to the report and determine the final arrest plan. It seems that we need to mobilize before the battle, so we need to move quickly. "

"No problem, I'll go report to the leader first."

"Team Han, I won't go over. I'll let the police handling the case go over."

You Yaoxing has a lot of things going on, but he won't put all his energy into this drug case.

Yan Wei even stood up and said: "Captain Han, our traffic police brigade should have nothing to do next. I'll go back first and help you take care of your blue fingers."

Thinking of what Fan Ziyu said about them back then, Han Xin couldn't help but smile and said: "Brother Yan, you are obsessed with my master!"

"She and I are colleagues, what's wrong with taking her along?"

Yan Wei asked back, turned around and patted You Yaoxing on the shoulder: "This is the one who has never forgotten your master. He was the one who chased you the most fiercely back then."

"What nonsense are you talking about? They are all people with wives and children."

You Yaoxing packed up the case files, stood up and said with a smile: "Team Han, Lao Cui, the team is so busy that I won't say hello to your leader."

"It's okay, I'll tell them later."

After the meeting, go back to work.

Li Zheng held the steering wheel and asked in confusion: "Team Han, are we just ignoring the drone inspection?"

"It's not about ignoring it, it's about managing it in a different way."

"In what other way?"

Han Xin couldn't ask for leave and Jiang Yue, who couldn't come back this weekend, replied to a WeChat message and explained with a smile: "Didn't Professor Yang say that we should make a fuss about the word 'big' and have a big picture? What exactly does he mean?" I don’t know if we can create a big picture, but we Zhang Da can definitely do it.”

Li Zheng asked curiously: "What is Zhang Da going to do?"

"We used to be a squadron, and we didn't say anything, and people didn't take it seriously. Now we have become a brigade, and we don't just have the brand name of the Anti-Drug Office, but we are a veritable district Anti-Drug Office. Those who wanted to do it but couldn't do it before Things can be done now.”

Han Xin paused for a moment, then continued: "For example, to ban the cultivation of drugs and eradicate drugs, it can be arranged in the name of the Anti-Narcotics Office, and let the police stations in each jurisdiction assist the drone special service unit of the patrol special police brigade; another example is anti-drug publicity and education, which used to be carried out by Liu Team and Lan pointed out that they would give lectures, and from now on they would train others and let others give lectures.

The same goes for carrying out activities. The brigade only carries out big activities and organizes relevant departments to carry out small activities. In the past, the police station, streets and even the community were responsible for the dynamic management and control of community drug addicts and rehabilitation personnel. In the future, we will be the main ones. "

Li Zheng subconsciously asked: "Grab the work that needs to be done, and let go of the work that should be done?"

“There is no way to take over dynamic control, because the drug addicts are too scattered, and it is useless to build so many community drug treatment workstations. We have to ask for space from others and spend money on decoration, but in fact few people go there all year round.

It would be better to bring back all the full-time anti-drug social workers and let them take charge of more than a dozen drug addicts and carry out their work under the direct leadership of the brigade. "

Han Xin thought for a while and then said: "In fact, we only catch, not release. Because anti-drug propaganda is not only done by us, but also by all the member units of the Anti-Narcotics Committee, but most of them are to complete the task, pull up a banner, put up a few pieces Display board, take a few photos, and that's it.

Therefore, Zhang Da wants to communicate and coordinate with relevant units, and invite people to come to our unit to sit down and study how to do it better, how to form a joint force and build momentum. Anyway, Zhang Da and Team Liu have a lot to do next. "

Thinking of the uneventful anti-drug work in his hometown, Li Zheng sighed: "Zhang Da is really amazing, and so are Captain Liu and Lan Zhi."

"They are very powerful."

Han Xin nodded, put down the phone after thinking about it, and said, "But this has a lot to do with the leadership's attention. A whole floor was given to me. I never dared to think about it before."

As long as the leader pays attention to it, any job will be easy to do.

If the leader doesn't pay attention, nothing can be done.

Li Zheng was deeply touched by this, and was secretly envious when Han Xin changed the subject: "Go to the detention center later, do a good job of Zhang Jie's ideological work, and ask him to help you fish out the family. Cheng Zhi gave him this morning I called and said that Xiao Zhi had helped us coordinate with our local colleagues.

The local colleagues will help us rent a big car. When we get there, you will take Zhang Jie and drive the big car to do the business with us, and then give him all the stolen goods! "

Li Zheng was shocked: "Take drug addicts to trap?"

"Drug dealers are very cunning. They only sell 'Pianpian' to familiar truck drivers. They can't go without drug addicts. The same goes for the two groups from the Criminal Police Brigade and Xitang Police Station."

"But we don't have enough people!"

"You forgot who we are neighbors with now. Zhang Da said that the bureau leaders have agreed to how many people are needed to be transferred from the special patrol brigade."

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