Veteran new police officer

Chapter 163 Reunion after a long separation

In the past half day, I didn't go to the movies, go shopping, or check out a house.

Last time I went to Mr. Han's big villa, my mother gave Jiang Yue a key card and said that it would be her home from now on.

She has been there, but Han Xin, the real little master, has never been there.

The two finished lunch at a small restaurant near the school, called Mr. Han, and then took a taxi.

Mr. Han was discussing a project out of town and it was too late to come back in time.

There was no one at home, and the home was unfamiliar to the two of them, so naturally they wouldn't stay long. They went in to take a look, and then rushed to Jiangcheng Normal University without stopping.

I sneaked into the campus, walked around inside and outside, and felt the atmosphere of the ivory tower.

I bought two cups of milk tea at the school gate, sat down and chatted for a while, and took the subway straight to the airport without even saying hello to Da Hanlu who was in class at school.

Jiang Yue knew that he was worried and wanted to get to know his father and sister's life in Jiangcheng before setting off.

When she returned to the dormitory, she opened her bag and looked at the passbook and bank card hidden in the bag. She couldn't control it anymore and tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Third brother, what's wrong?"

"Where did you go this afternoon, and what did the captain want you to do?"


Jiang Yue quickly wiped away her tears, zipped up her bag and put it in the corner.

The more Yu Xiaoyu thought about it, the more worried she became. She climbed to the upper bunk and asked, "My little aunt, what's going on? Please say something!"

Cai Mei also said eagerly: "Do you think we are best friends? If you don't say anything, we will be more worried and anxious."

Jiang Yue took a few deep breaths and pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's really okay. There's really no need to worry."

"Whether it's true or false, you have to explain clearly what's going on."

"Yeah, what did you do this afternoon?"

If he didn't explain clearly, they would definitely get to the bottom of it.

The lights will be turned off soon, and it will be very troublesome if caught by the inspector.

Jiang Yue could only say with a grimace: "I met my boyfriend. He has to go out for six months of training. It's closed. The management is stricter than our school. You can't even make phone calls, so... it's a bit uncomfortable."

Yu Xiaoyu didn't expect that she would cry because of this. He held her in his arms and comforted her: "We have only been separated for six months. I meant we should break up. Compared with me, you are already very happy."

Cai Mei finally breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged on the canopy bed opposite, and said with a smile: "We said we will graduate in one and a half months, but the leader said it will take two months to be liberated. Calculate carefully, you and your rich man The second generation can’t see each other for only four months.”

"Yeah, we can't get out anyway, and we can't go back home."

"But you can't even make a phone call."

"If the love lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night? This is also a test for your relationship."

"I don't need such a test." Jiang Yue murmured.

Cai Mei suddenly remembered something: "That's wrong!"

Yu Xiaoyu subconsciously asked: "What's wrong?"

"Third brother, does your rich second generation know the leaders of the brigade or the leaders of the school?"

"Really, this is the first time I've seen my boyfriend so arrogant! You damn girl, tell me honestly, what on earth does your rich second generation do?"

"He is just a little deputy squadron leader of the criminal police."

Thinking of the job her boyfriend was engaged in, Jiang Yue felt worried and scared but also felt a sense of pride. She smiled after thinking about it:

"His leader may know the leader of our school. Not only do I not know who he knows, but he probably doesn't know either."

Yu Xiaoyu's heart for gossip was ignited again, and she exclaimed: "So he is doing well in the unit. His leader will be your future leader. With him, do you still worry about work arrangements after you arrive at the unit?"

"Stop talking, I need to call home quickly."

"Don't change the subject."

"It's not a matter of changing the subject. My mother is worried. My mother and father are waiting for my call."

"Okay, it's birdsong again..."

Just when Jiang Yue told her parents in her hometown dialect that their good son-in-law "Comrade Xinxin" had come to school today, Li Zheng, who had become the leader of the fourth team by accident, was sitting in the office of the police officer training center. , and together with new partner Hou Wen, they studied how to clean up the "mess" left by Han Keng.

Hou Wen had just participated in the anti-drug operation and did not understand many situations. He looked at the materials and asked: "What is the attitude of the Development Zone Bureau?"

"I informed them of the situation yesterday, and they kicked the ball to us again. Coach Cui said that we think we need to dig deeper and investigate more carefully, so we should investigate carefully and they will fully cooperate."

"They discovered the two marijuana plants and eradicated them. It is their job to trace the source of the marijuana seeds. It is their job to kick the ball to us!"

Li Zheng stuffed the materials in his hand into the file bag and said helplessly: "You can't blame them. Think about it, we just suspect that the marijuana seeds were bought by the student's parents unintentionally when they were shopping for flower seeds online. Sprinkled in the grass.”

"Just suspicion, no evidence."

"Not only is there no evidence, but there are only two marijuana plants in total, which does not meet the conditions for filing a case for investigation."

"What about the online store that sells seeds? Isn't it suspicious?"

"How can we know if there is any problem with that online store without investigation? The problem now is that if the conditions for filing a case are not met, we cannot apply to inquire about the online store's situation."

There are so many uncertainties in everything, and there is no evidence, just suspicion. This matter is indeed difficult to handle.

Hou Wen was also at a loss. After thinking hard for a while, he raised his head and asked, "Old Li, if Han Keng is here, what will he do?"

Li Zheng rubbed his temples: "If he were here, he would definitely get to the bottom of it. Have you ever seen how exaggerated he was in his investigation? In order to find out where the wild marijuana plants in Linghai came from, he asked his superiors to help find them. I have met several experts.”

"Then we'll just follow suit."

"That was in Linghai. The leader attached great importance to drug control and his superiors supported his work."

"We can also ask our superiors for instructions."

"I reported to Sister Jiang, and Sister Jiang also reported to Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi asked us to be responsible for sweeping out clues and problems and handing them over to the Development Zone Bureau for investigation."

"Going around and back again?"

"So this matter is a headache. If the Development Zone Bureau does not issue a letter of assistance, we will not be able to ask online shopping platforms and telecom operators to help us inquire about the basic information of online store operators."

The 3.13 case has just been closed, with 27 suspects arrested, more than 70 kilograms of K powder, more than 400 kilograms of semi-finished K powder, and more than 2.4 million in drug money.

Three trucks were loaded with reaction kettles, filters, vacuum pumps and other drug-making tools seized at the scene.

Hydroxylimine hydrochloride, ketamine, activated carbon, barium sulfate precursor chemicals and other suspected drug substances totaled nearly two tons.

It can be said that the 3.13 case is the largest drug case solved by the Binjiang City Public Security System in recent years.

Hou Wen had participated in the operation to destroy the drug manufacturing factory, and now he was a man who had seen the world. He couldn't help laughing: "It's just two marijuana plants. Since we don't have the conditions for investigation, let's release them first."

Li Zheng knew that he looked down upon this small case and reminded him: "The clues to the big cases all come from the small cases. How can we just let them go?"

"I don't want to let him go either, but what if he doesn't have the conditions for investigation?"

“We don’t have so many resources, so we can only use the stupidest method.”

Hou Wenxiao asked: "What can we do?"

Li Zheng picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the web page of the online store: "Place an order first, buy some seeds, and see if they are shipped from the same place. If so, go to the express delivery point to investigate the situation of the shipper."

Hou Wen reminded: "You have to go to a different place to handle the case, and you have to ask for help from others."

"We are just going to understand the situation, not to make an arrest. And judging from the situation reported by the student's parents and the location displayed on this online store, they are both in the province, more than 300 kilometers away, not too far away."

"Okay, if you want to check it out, I'll go with you once I receive the seeds."

"I don't have to wait to receive the seeds. As long as the other party delivers the goods, I can see the logistics information and I can probably leave the day after tomorrow."

"What will you do tomorrow?"

Thinking of what Han Keng did in Linghai, Li Zheng was confident: "The Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Development Zone Bureau has only inspected precursor chemical companies, not other chemical companies. We will check the chemical companies tomorrow. As long as they are related to the chemical industry Everything above needs to be checked.”

Hou Wen asked in a low voice: "Do you know chemical engineering?"

"I don't understand, but some people do. Go to the detachment tomorrow morning to find more sampling utensils. No matter what chemicals you see, take some samples. Take more photos of the places where you should take them, and pay attention to the person in charge of the company. reaction."

"Okay, you are the team leader, I will listen to you, and I will do whatever you say."

Han Xin had just gotten off the plane and was breathing the humid tropical air and enjoying the camaraderie of reunited comrades after a long absence. She had no idea that she had left Li Zheng with a big problem.

"Where has your kid been these past few months? I thought you were glorious!"

"Brother Xu, do you welcome people like this? My life is tough. I won't be honored even if you are honored!"

"You kid dare to curse me?"

"It was you who cursed me first!"

Han Xin hurriedly hid behind the tall old comrade and said with a smile: "Brother Qu, you heard clearly just now. Do you think it was Old Xu who cursed me first?"

"Stop making trouble and don't care what the occasion is."

The tall man pulled the man named Xu aside and walked to Cheng Wenming and others: "Cheng Zhi, since you have a car to pick you up, let's go back first. Han Xin has your contact information. If your people want to Participate in the training and ask Han Xin to send you a position tomorrow and ask your people to go there on time at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Ok, thanks."

"You're welcome. Goodbye Cheng Zhi. Goodbye leaders."

No matter how powerful the Xinkang Border Management Detachment is, it is still just a detachment.

Cheng Wenming came to communicate on behalf of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau this time, so the first thing he had to visit was the Xingangzhou Public Security Bureau. After visiting the leaders of the bureau, he could visit the Xingang Border Management Detachment accompanied by someone arranged by the bureau. .

Watching Han Xin get into an SUV with local license plates following two people who looked neither like soldiers nor police officers, Cheng Wenming turned around and said, "Political Commissar Yun, Director He, let's get in the car too. "

Political Commissar Yun also felt that the people in Han Xin's old army were a bit interesting. He turned around and said with a smile: "Okay, go to the hotel early and rest early. There are still a lot of things to do tomorrow."

In fact, Han Xin's mood at the moment was really interesting, not to mention how excited she was.

As soon as he got in the car, he begged for mercy: "Brother Xu, I was wrong. I shouldn't have cursed you. Can you be merciful tomorrow and don't kill me?"

"Don't worry, I won't torture you to death. I'll just help you move your muscles and bones."

"Okay, I just know it won't be a good idea if I fall into your hands."

"What are you talking about? You know how much we miss you, but you actually came back by plane. How awesome!"

"Why don't you take a plane when you go back to visit relatives?"

"I didn't go back during the New Year."

"Why, didn't you agree to go back?"

The former deputy company-level reconnaissance staff patted his pockets and said mockingly: "I don't dare to go back. Going home is a risk and my wallet will be flat!"

"Why are you crying about poverty? You used to be a cadre and now you are a policeman. How come you have no money?"

Han Xin snorted coldly, and then asked curiously: "Brother Xu, I was not there on the day of dressing up, and I couldn't participate in such a sacred ceremony. It's a pity to think about it. Tell me, were you happy or excited that day?" "

Brother Xu rolled down the car window a crack and took out a cigarette: "I am happy and excited, but I am only happy and excited when I put on the police uniform, hahaha."

Nothing has been implemented since the restructuring, which is really a sad topic.

Comrades reunited after a long absence. Laoqu, who was driving the car, didn't want to talk about those disappointing things. He raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror: "Han Xin, I heard from Chen Zhi that your boy has found a girlfriend. Is it good?"

"Of course they look good, and I won't talk about the ones that don't look good!"

"Do you have any photos?"


"Then what are you waiting for? Let us take a look quickly."

"Why are you so anxious? Look, this is a selfie we took together this afternoon."

Brother Xu grabbed the phone, looked at Jiang Yue in the photo, and sighed: "She is very pretty. Seeing your girlfriend reminds me of my girlfriend, who is as beautiful as her."

Han Xin said proudly: "My girlfriend is not only good-looking, but also sensible."

Just as Brother Xu was about to speak, Lao Qu laughed and said, "Xu Jun's girlfriend is also very sensible. Knowing that he was under great pressure, she ran away with someone else."

"Brother Qu, is it fun to laugh at me all the time? Believe it or not, I will find a better-looking one in a few days!"

"Xiaoxue from the canteen is very good-looking. Brother Xu, I think you and Xiaoxue are a good match. Don't worry, I have a girlfriend now, and I won't not fight with you."

Han Xin patted his old comrade on the shoulder, and even his movements were full of encouragement.

Xu Jun immediately pushed his hand away: "Don't mention that girl to me, she and I are not suitable."

How could Han Xin miss this opportunity to add insult to injury and ask, "Why is it inappropriate? Xiaoxue is really pretty, better looking than my girlfriend."

When Lao Qu mentioned this, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "That girl Xiaoxue is very pretty, but no matter how beautiful she is, she already belongs to someone else."

"What do you mean, she has a boyfriend?"

"I've had it for a long time. I lied to you for three years and almost made you a love rival."

"Brother Xu, is it true or false?"

At that time, Comrade Xu was an army officer and had the best conditions among all the singles, and he also ran to small shops the most frequently. The salary is high, and the consumption is probably the highest, but in the end, the wrong payment was made...

When talking about this matter, he didn't mention how depressed he was, and said unhappily: "You guys are done, can you talk about something serious?"

Han Xin suppressed a smile and said quickly: "Okay, okay, talk about business."

"The old guy who threatened to take revenge on you is now like a lost dog. Someone saw him some time ago. You won't believe it if he tells you. He is so poor that he borrows money from people everywhere."

"He was so miserable?"

"This is what happens when he threatens to retaliate against us. The leader of the militia group who used to protect him starts not to take it seriously. Boss Chen asked someone to let out some rumors. The little warlord was so frightened that he quickly distanced himself from him. The little warlord's subordinates even more He took the opportunity to come in and swallow up all the coffins he had."

This is the benefit of a strong motherland!

Although the warlords on the border are usually very arrogant, and some even dare to confront the Myanmar government forces, no one dares to take China seriously.

There is no need for big leaders to come forward. The leaders of the public security bureaus or border brigade leaders of several border counties have to weigh it carefully.

Han Xin had expected it and asked: "Do you know where he is hiding now?"

"He doesn't dare to stay on the other side anymore. There is a lot of chaos in the west at this time, and he seems to have gone west. He can offer a reward, and we can also mobilize the border people. I want to see how long he can hide in the mountains and forests!"

"I'm going east, so I won't meet him."

"It's our business to catch him, you go and do yours."

"If only he dared to go east."

"He doesn't even dare to stay on the opposite side, let alone the east side. Even if you give him some courage, he doesn't dare to go."

There are several "special zones" across the border.

The two special zones in the east have better security and stricter management.

Although the special zone opposite was taken over by government forces, they could not control the situation with the help of government forces, so they supported more than a dozen militia groups, large and small, which were equivalent to small warlords and were quite chaotic. The special zone to the west is currently in a melee and has long existed in name only.

Thinking that it was indeed unlikely that the old bastard would dare to go east, Han Xin sighed: "What a pity."

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