Government departments are very efficient in external affairs. For example, when faced with problems or complaints from the masses, they must respond within the prescribed time limit regardless of whether they can be resolved. Otherwise, they will ignore the sufferings of the masses.

However, the efficiency of internal work is getting slower and slower. For example, applying for funds for activities or reimbursing travel expenses requires reporting and approval at all levels. If any leader is not at home, just wait.

Another example is that I participated in some competition and won an award.

Trophies and certificates are issued very quickly, but it takes at least three to five months to get the bonus, sometimes even one or two years.

The Public Security Bureau is also a component department of the government, and its internal efficiency is the same.

District Chief Zhang thought that Han Keng's transfer order would take at least a month to arrive at the branch. Unexpectedly, the municipal bureau's work efficiency was surprisingly high this time, and it only took five days to arrive.

Let’s take another look at the municipal bureau that Bureau Chen just brought in. The municipal bureau requires the branch to arrange an anti-drug policeman to participate in the fourth application training class of the province’s anti-drug intelligence research and judgment system organized by the provincial anti-drug corps at the Binjiang Municipal Bureau Police Officer Training Center next Tuesday. Zhang The district chief realized why the municipal bureau was so efficient.

He put down the notice document from the city bureau about arranging police officers to participate in training, and said thoughtfully: "The positions are different, and the entry points for the work are also different. It seems that Xiao Yunbo wants to work hard and make a fuss about intelligence guidance and detection."

Director Chen also thinks so, and lamented: "Most of the current anti-drug policemen come from the criminal investigation department. They have long developed habitual thinking and like to follow the traditional investigation model, which results in one end being heavy and the other light."

District Chief Zhang asked curiously: "Which end is heavier and which one is lighter?"

"The emphasis is on confiscating drugs to solve crimes, and the emphasis is on basics and intelligence."

Afraid that his immediate boss would not understand, Chen Ju added: "It's a bit like seeing trees but not the forest. If there is no overall view, if you don't pay attention to basic information collection and intelligence analysis and judgment, it will lead to many achievements but not enough." But the drugs became more and more common."

District Chief Zhang pondered for a moment and nodded slightly: "It seems that the continuous investigation of several major cases has given Xiao Yunbo a sense of crisis. What he wants now is not just results, but also wants to consolidate the base and control the fundamentals."

"Probably, after all, there are so many new types of synthetic drugs emerging in endlessly now. If we don't work hard on intelligence, they will be out of control once they become widespread."

In this business, one should be prepared for danger in times of peace. In fact, this is a bloody lesson!

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s talk about the Salt Sea next to the Binjiang River.

Before, I only knew that there were many chemical companies producing hydroxyimine, but at that time not enough attention was paid to hydroxyimine. When it was discovered that hydroxyimine was the main raw material for manufacturing K powder, it was already out of control. To this day, there is still salt Criminals with overseas nationality are manufacturing drugs in other places.

The anti-drug situation in Linghai is very good. District Chief Zhang felt that it must be maintained. He pointed to the notification document and said: "Forward it to Zhang Yuhang and let him arrange for individuals to participate in training."

"If Han Keng hadn't been transferred, he would definitely arrange for Han Keng to go."

"The transfers have all been transferred. It's useless to talk about this."

District Chief Zhang picked up the tea cup and asked with great interest: "Is there any news about Han Keng? What is he busy with these days?"

Chen Ju smiled and said: "I met Liu Haipeng yesterday afternoon. Liu Haipeng said that boy is busy doing research these days."

"He's not a leader, so what kind of research is he doing?"

"I didn't make it clear. He followed Xiao Zhi to investigate everywhere, to the customs, to the Binjiang International Mail Supervision Center, to the entry-exit border inspection station, and to several external terminals."

"I understand, Xiao Yunbo is taking him to visit the pier."

"I heard that a second-level senior police sergeant from the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau also returned from Nanyun Border Guard and was in the same detachment as him."

"The checkpoint is now under the control of the Immigration Bureau. It seems to be the same system as before."

"So I think Xiao Yunbo wants him to take advantage of his border defense background and make a fuss about intelligence cooperation and exchanges."

"This is a good thing. After all, he is from our Linghai branch, and he also came out of our Linghai branch. After the transfer order, you ask Zhang Yuhang to call and ask him when he is free, and then organize a farewell."


The transfer order was a big deal. As soon as Lan Doudou received the news, she called Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue actually knew about it yesterday and didn't feel too surprised.

As soon as she put down her phone, Wang Xiaohui asked in confusion: "Xiao Yue, what do you think? Isn't it good for two people to be together?"

Jiang Yue didn't want to be seen by the people who came to apply for certificates, so she closed the door to the window and said with a wry smile: "Master, actually he wants to go."

"The last time we had dinner together, he said he didn't want to go anywhere."

"That's what he said, but that's not what he thought."

"What does he want?"

If Lan Doudou is a good playmate, then the master is a good person to talk to.

Jiang Yue took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Master, you can definitely guess what he did before. His education level is not high, he can't even write well, and he doesn't like to make friends. If he doesn't go to the anti-drug detachment , if you stay in the branch like this, it will only become more and more boring in the future."

Linghai is not an area with a serious drug problem, and there are not that many drugs that can be banned.

In addition to inspecting precursor chemical companies, pharmacies and pharmacies, and conducting anti-drug propaganda, the anti-drug brigade also works with the traffic police to inspect vehicles, goes to the police station to visit with community police, or participates in various studies to think carefully about Han Keng's stay. The Anti-Narcotics Brigade is really good at "wasting".

Thinking of the Ma Lulu class that Han Keng had secretly protected, Wang Xiaohui murmured: "It's okay to go to the anti-drug detachment. After all, Linghai is too small."

"Master, what's too small?"

"The temple is too small to accommodate your husband's big Buddha."

Wang Xiaohui realized that she almost spilled the beans and quickly opened the door: "It's time to work, smile!"

At the same time, Han Xin, who had just completed non-stop research on six units with Xiao Zhi, was sitting in the detachment's small conference room, participating in the detachment's first intelligence work meeting.

Xiao Zhi put down his notebook and said very seriously: "Comrades, we always talk about 'intelligence comes first in the anti-drug fight' and 'intelligence work is the soul and lifeline of the fight against drug crimes', and always emphasize that intelligence leads the way." Investigation, emphasizing intelligence information-led policing.

But in fact, it is not implemented in practice. It is important to say it but not to do it. Intelligence and clues are often confused.

They don’t even know the difference between technical intelligence, clue intelligence, public intelligence, data intelligence and predictive intelligence. "

This is an internal meeting and the truth can and must be told.

He glanced back at Political Commissar Yun and continued: "There are both subjective and objective reasons for this situation. For example, the institutions are not sound, the personnel are lacking, and the degree of professionalism is low.

To this day, there are still several districts and counties that have not set up specialized anti-drug agencies. Even our detachment has not established an anti-drug intelligence agency.

Last month I went to the provincial department for a meeting. A leader of the Anti-Narcotics Corps made statistics and said that several prefecture-level cities have not set up specialized anti-drug intelligence agencies. Even if it is established, there will not be many full-time intelligence personnel.

The proportion of full-time intelligence officers in the province among the anti-drug police is less than five percent, and most of them are monks halfway through their careers. They have not received professional training, and their ability to collect and analyze intelligence is very limited..."

Improve the working mechanism and establish a sound communication mechanism.

Not only should we expand the breadth of communication surfaces, but we should also consider strengthening the depth of communication points.

It is necessary to strengthen the intelligence cooperation linkage mechanism between various police departments internally, and to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the military, customs, security agencies, courts, procuratorates, prisons, financial departments and other departments externally to achieve intelligence sharing and benefit sharing.

In short, we must have an overall view and stand at the height of the city's anti-drug work. We must collect and analyze intelligence to truly grasp the drug situation, crack down on the existing drug crime network, and eliminate any signs of drug crimes that may spread!

Xu Haoran and Hou Wen were so excited that they wanted to go back to the office immediately to study the intelligence research and judgment system.

Han Xin no longer drew circles on the paper like she did during previous meetings, but instead held her chin in deep thought.

After Xiao Zhi finished talking about the importance of intelligence work and the following training on anti-drug intelligence research and judgment in the province, he looked around the three people and asked:

"Xiao Han, Xiao Xu, do you have any good ideas or ideas? After all, the specific work will be done by the three of you."

On the day of registration, the moment she saw Xu Haoran and Hou Wen, Han Xin realized that the detachment leader was copying the work of the old army.

The so-called intelligence squadron is actually a combat team.

One is responsible for reconnaissance, one is responsible for reconnaissance support, and the other is responsible for intelligence support.

The only difference is that this combat team must have an overall view and be responsible for the city's anti-drug intelligence research and analysis while fighting.

Thinking that among all the people here, she seems to have participated in professional anti-drug intelligence training and is a professional anti-drug policeman, Han Xin said bluntly:

"Xiao Zhi, political commissar, intelligence is indeed not the same thing as clues, and developing a few informants cannot be regarded as intelligence work, but I don't think we can overdo it."

"Go on, be specific."

"The intelligence research and judgment system is very important, and intelligence cooperation and exchange are also very important, but offline work is equally important. I am not very good at talking, so let me give you a simple analogy. It can be seen from the drug cases that have been detected and dealt with in the past six months. Young people, especially college students and international students, tend to take new synthetic drugs out of curiosity and other reasons.

I think we can't just sit in the office and face the computer operating system. We need to understand college students, what they are thinking and what they are busy with in their spare time, especially what those college students with poor grades are doing. "

This is the reason why you young people were transferred to the detachment. After all, only young people understand young people.

Xiao Zhi nodded with satisfaction and motioned for him to continue.

Han Xin thought for a while and then said: "As for developing informants, I don't know about other district and county public security bureaus. I only know some of Linghai's practices.

Because drug addicts are worried about luring others to take drugs and then reporting others to take drugs for profit, although there are documents on rewards for reporting clues about drug crimes, they are rarely publicized.

But there are not many drug addicts in Binjiang, and society is developing and changing so rapidly. If we want to successfully fight the people's war against drugs, we cannot be separated from the masses. .

The masses should be mobilized and sources of intelligence clues should be widely explored, such as mobilizing delivery boys, takeaway boys, online ride-hailing drivers, etc. "

Afraid of something happening, this sentence is to the point.

To put it mildly, people in Binjiang are relatively conservative; to put it harshly, they would rather not do anything, but they must not get into trouble!

The same is true for Binjiang Public Security Bureau. Over the years, a lot of various systems have been installed, and many large screens have been installed, but there has been no innovation in other aspects, so much so that several district and county public security bureaus have not yet set up anti-drug brigades.

Police reforms such as the establishment of mounted police and various police law enforcement platforms will never happen in Binjiang.

He was very cautious in publicity, which resulted in the city's public security system producing only two heroes in recent years, and they were promoted only after sacrifice.

Thinking about it, the city has already formulated and promulgated documents on holding rewards for drug crime clues, but in fact it has never been implemented. The reason is a bit ridiculous, because as long as money is involved, it is very troublesome.

To apply, you need to ask your leader for approval.

Because you need to keep a lot of information secret and cannot tell managers at all levels, you have gone to great lengths to help others win rewards. It is obviously all for work, but to outsiders, it seems that you have received some benefits...

Xiao Yunbo sighed secretly, raised his head and said: "The masses must be mobilized, and the rewards for reporting must be implemented. Political Commissar, let's think of a way to see if we can ask the superiors to agree to simplify the procedures."

Political Commissar Yun calmed down and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll write a report later."

"Xiao Han, continue."

"Xiao Zhi, that's all I can think of right now, I have nothing else."

"Xiao Xu, tell me."

Xu Haoran was also very aware of his own advantages and said hurriedly: "Report to Xiao Zhi, I am not as good as Hou Wen in terms of intelligence information. After all, I am not a computer major, but I am from the urban area and have worked in the urban area for a long time. After all, I am familiar with the situation in the urban area, so I can try to mobilize the masses and build our own informants for the detachment."

"Any more?"

"I need to learn how to analyze and judge existing clues, and sort out the drug cases that have been investigated and dealt with in the past few years. This is what I think of."

"Xiao Hou, it's your turn."

Hou Wen was not as confident as Han Xin and Xu Haoran, so he quickly sat up straight: "Report to Xiao Zhi, I will seriously study the anti-drug intelligence research and judgment system, master several other case handling systems as soon as possible, and seize the time to become familiar with several other platforms."

The boys all knew what they were going to do next. Xiao Zhi was very happy and said with a smile: "It seems that I don't need to divide the labor among you, but there are two urgent tasks now. One is that the Donghai Anti-Narcotics Corps has grasped an important clue. , need our assistance.

Their people have already arrived at the Municipal Bureau, and Guizhi went to pick them up. Only after they are picked up and the situation is clear can we know what kind of assistance we need. The second is next week’s training, all three of you will participate. Cannot be absent. "

PS: New position, new journey, Han Keng starts again!

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