Veteran new police officer

Chapter 221 Intricacies

When Han Xin returned to the unit, she was shocked to find that everyone from the leader to the auxiliary police had to work overtime.

Go to the cafeteria to have a meal and quickly go upstairs for a meeting.

There are only eight official police officers in total, and two of them will work together.

Sister Jiang, like the ground manager of a travel agency, first reported on the preparations for the province's anti-drug intelligence business training class.

She went online as early as a week ago and formed a conference team with the police in charge of this work in the corps and the staff of the police training center to be responsible for the logistics work.

There are many things to do, and there are many units to connect with, such as inviting the heads of the member units of the Municipal Anti-Narcotics Committee and commended advanced units and individuals, and even going to the Linghai Grand Theater for a rehearsal half a day in advance...

Han Xin had seen how Zhang Yuhang, Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou carried out activities, and felt that doing this work was more tiring than handling cases. It was simply not a job for humans!

Xu Haoran and Hou Wen were also very scared and felt that being leaders was too tiring.

After Sister Jiang reported on the preparations, she replied to a few WeChat messages, and divided the work between the detachment leader and the political commissar: "Xiao Branch, the department leaders and the corps leaders will arrive tomorrow evening, and you can only come forward to receive them; the political commissar, city leaders, and bureau leaders are here , it all depends on you.”

"Okay, the trainees will be reporting in tomorrow, so hurry up and get busy."

"Then I'll go there first."

"Go ahead."

Xiao Zhimu sent Sister Jiang away and turned around and said: "Comrades, there are three cases in total. Let's start with the one we investigated ourselves. Xiao Xu, you come first."


Xu Haoran calmed down and quickly took out a stack of transcripts and a stack of printed materials. He stood up and distributed them while reporting the report: "Reporting to the leaders, Cai Jiasheng was relatively cooperative. He explained many problems and reported twenty A few clues, but not a very good confession.”

"After all this, he still doesn't plead guilty?" Xiao Zhi asked, looking at the transcript.

"It's not that he doesn't admit guilt, but he regrets it."

"Just regret it!"

"Xiao Zhi, I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear. He doesn't regret manufacturing and selling drugs, but regrets not running away six years ago."

Xiao Zhi asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Political Commissar Yun and Guizhi also looked confused.

Han Xin made a guess, looked at the transcript and asked with a smile: "Does he want to hire a lawyer?"

Before Xu Haoran could speak, Guizhi raised his head and said, "When Sister Jiang and I interrogated him yesterday, he clamored to hire a lawyer."

"Xiao Han, stop being so pretentious, what's going on?" Xiao Zhi asked in a low voice.

"Xiao Zhi, political commissar, if he guessed correctly, he felt that if he didn't run away at that time, he might only be sentenced to a suspended death sentence or even life, and maybe his sentence could be reduced. But after we captured him, it was difficult for him to survive, at least like him This will definitely be a death sentence in Binjiang!"

"Xiao Zhi, although he didn't say it clearly, through the interrogation Hou Wen and I could feel that this is what he thought."

Xiao Zhi reacted: "After Dongguang took action against their hometown, they may have considered that the case was too big, too complex, and involved many people.

At the same time, considering social stability, it cannot be delayed for too long. Coupled with the fact that it was a family-style crime, some of the principal criminals carried everything they could, and it seemed that only about twenty people were sentenced to death in the end. "

Political Commissar Yun also realized why Cai Jiasheng regretted it, and sneered: "It's too late to regret it now."

This topic is quite sensitive, Xiao Zhi said quickly: "Xiao Xu, go on."

"After we returned from the detention center, we conducted inquiries on the suspects involved one by one based on what he told us, and found that six of them had been arrested. Two of the six had been sentenced to death and had already been executed."

Xu Haoran looked at the materials and continued: "Hou Wen and I read the verdict, contacted the case handling unit, and even contacted the police handling the case at the time.

It was found that the four criminals who were serving their sentences did not confess all the facts of the crime when they were arrested. At least according to Cai Jiasheng's report, the four criminals did not confess. "

"It's been seven or eight years since this happened. Can it be verified now?"

"Xiao Zhi, the drug case is not like other cases. It's really difficult to handle without evidence."

Xiao Yunbo carefully read the clues reported by Cai Jiasheng and asked in a low voice: "Lao Gui, Xiao Han, what do you think?"

Guizhi muttered: "Let's hand it over. After all, it's been so long and it's too far away from our Binjiang."

Han Xin also felt that it was too difficult to investigate, and it would be more conducive to the investigation to hand over the clues to others. She put down the materials and said, "I also think it is better to hand over the clues."

Xiao Zhi weighed it up, knocked on the table and said: "It's a handover, but it can't be handed over just like that. Since the first team wants to add the name of the Intelligence and Information Brigade, it should formulate a set of procedures as soon as possible, or establish a set of rules about intelligence. Mechanism for clue collection, submission, analysis, judgment, use and feedback.”

Make a phone call, or send the intelligence clues directly to them. What if nothing happens?

Political Commissar Yun thought there was some truth to what Xiao Zhi said and said with a smile: "Leave this matter to me. If I'm not very busy tomorrow morning, I'll look for the legal system and see if it can be formulated as soon as possible."

"Xiao Xu, continue."

"Hou Wen and I will continue to interrogate whether he has anything else in his stomach, but the top priority is to find out what happened during his absconding in fear of crime, and to find out whether he committed any other illegal or criminal acts while he was absconding in fear of crime."

Xu Haoran held up a photo: "According to the timeline, we will first go to Dongguang to find his landlord at the time, and then go to Xiguang to find this man named Ren Chao to verify his renting and smuggling out of the country.

We couldn’t find out what happened during our stay in Vietnam and Thailand even if we wanted to. But we still have the conditions to investigate his situation after entering the country.

In fact, after he arrived in Binjiang, he discovered that our Binjiang crackdown on drug crimes was very strict, and the court sentenced suspects suspected of producing and selling drugs very severely. He had long thought about leaving this "place of right and wrong."

Therefore, although he changed his mobile phone card, he still has the contact information of the people who assisted him in smuggling and the several illegal car drivers who took him to Binjiang. "

Knowing that if you are caught by the Binjiang police, there will be no good consequences, it is normal to want to leave Binjiang.

Han Xin thought for a while, raised her head and asked, "Since he knows that our Binjiang crackdown on drug crimes is very strict, and he knows that our public security prevention and control here is so good, why hasn't he left yet?"

"He confessed that he found that not only Binjiang is strictly controlled, but other places have also been strictly controlled in recent years. People like him who go out with other people's ID cards can easily be checked, so they don't dare to leave even if they want to."

"Did you ask him where he wanted to go?"

"We asked and he said he wanted to go abroad, to Myanmar or Laos."

Xu Haoran sat down and added: "I can see and hear that he not only regrets that he should not have run away, but also regrets that he was afraid of wolves and tigers two years ago and has never made up his mind to leave Binjiang."

Han Xin asked: "Have you checked your mobile phone call records and bank statements?"

Hou Wen quickly took out a stack of materials: "I checked it. I analyzed it this afternoon and found nothing suspicious."

The lads are very capable and efficient.

Xiao Zhi felt that they could not be used as ordinary policemen, so he turned around and said: "Lao Gui, in Director Yang's words, Cai Jiasheng is a 'rich mine'. Xiao Xu and Xiao Hou will have to repeatedly interrogate to see if they can dig out more clue.

As for investigating what happened when he was absconding in fear of crime, you can discuss it with the Chonggang Branch tomorrow and see if you can dispatch two policemen from them to help us make a trip. "

Does the Chonggang Branch dare not send anyone out now?

What's more, it is not difficult to investigate these situations. It can be done by dispatching two police officers from the police station to handle the case.

Guizhi lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll talk to them tomorrow. I feel like the problem shouldn't be big."

"Then tell me about the situation over there."


Guizhi took two puffs of cigarette, puffed out smoke and said: "Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing are awake, and they really don't know about Sun Baoping's murder.

But I knew that in order to raise drug funds, Sun Baoping had stolen other people's mobile phones, stolen bags when others were not paying attention, and even smashed car windows and stole items from other people's cars.

They met Sun Baoping when they were working in a restaurant. However, Sun Baoping only worked at the restaurant where they worked for two days before he was fired after being discovered by the boss's wife and the head chef for stealing another chef's mobile phone.

The proprietress did not call the police at that time. If the police had been called earlier, and if that guy had a criminal record, the Chonggang Branch would not have been so passive, and they would have traced the clues to Cao and Zhu. "

Han Xin was more concerned about the drug case than the murder case: "Guizhi, how did the three of them get addicted to drugs?"

"Cao Guoxiang confessed that he became addicted to tobacco under the bewitchment of several friends when he was singing with friends in his hometown in June last year."

Guizhi paused and said unhurriedly: "Zhu Ailing turned out to be a waiter in a hotel. After meeting him in March this year, she got into smoking under his temptation. Zhu Ailing confessed that she was out of curiosity and seeking excitement. "

Xiao Zhi held the pen and asked: "Where is Sun Baoping?"

"Sun Baoping has not been taking drugs for a long time. When he was working at a food stall in the first half of this year, he met Jiang Zhengfei, who delivered crayfish to the food stall, and he started taking drugs under Jiang Zhengfei's spell.

After he became addicted, he not only bought drugs from Jiang Zhengfei, but also sold them to Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing, who he accidentally discovered were also taking drugs while working in a restaurant. The three of them even got together to take drugs more than once. "

Guizhi put out the cigarette butt and continued: "Maybe his immunity is relatively strong. He took drugs with Zhu Ailing many times and had sex with Zhu Ailing many times. However, he did not contract AIDS. It is also possible that it has not been detected for the time being."

“Where did Cao’s previous drugs come from?”

"He said he mainly bought it from several friends in his hometown. We have verified this. There are mobile phone payment records and express logistics records.

Considering that the price was more expensive than what Sun Baoping sold him, and Sun Baoping's source of drugs was not very stable, and his financial income was not stable either, the two of them formed a relationship of mutual support and support. "

It sounds a bit convoluted...

Political Commissar Yun pondered his thoughts, stared at him and asked: "Sometimes Sun Baoping sells drugs to him and Zhu Ailing, and sometimes he also sells drugs to Sun Baoping, and then the three of them take drugs together?"

"It's almost the same, but the accounts between them are not very clear, and they occasionally ask each other to smoke. Compared to Sun Baoping, Cao Guoxiang is more cunning. He is worried about cutting off the source of drugs, so he always hides the inventory he bought at a high price."

"After Sun Guoping committed the murder, the methamphetamine he smoked with them was the inventory he bought at a high price?"

"Yeah, and there's more."

Han Xin asked in a low voice: "Also, where did he hide the drugs?"

Guizhi knew that he had searched last night, and explained with a smile: "It was hidden in Zhu Ailing's electric car battery box. He knew that Zhu Ailing went crazy after smoking it and dared to say anything. So even Zhu Ailing didn't tell, let alone Sun Baoping. Know."

I was in such a hurry yesterday that I didn't even search carefully.

The more Han Xin thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and asked: "Xiao Zhi, did he take the initiative to confess the possession of drugs, or was it discovered by the Chonggang Branch?"

"The Criminal Police Brigade of Chonggang Branch found a total of four small bags this morning, totaling 3.2 grams. After they were found, they were sent to the Criminal Technology Center for testing. The test results showed that the purity was not high, and it was adulterated by nearly 100%. Forty rock candy.”

"What price did he buy it for?"

"He told me that the payment was not by grams, but by bags. A small bag costs 600 yuan. This situation is also consistent with the transfer records queried in the morning."

"How did Jiang Zhengfei sell it to Sun Baoping?"

"It is said that Sun Baoping confessed that Jiang Zhengfei also sold the package to him at that time. At first, he not only wanted to support drug trafficking, but also wanted to make a fortune by selling drugs!

He specifically bought electronic scales from the Internet. He claimed that Jiang Zhengfei's products were very generous and genuine, and the smoking sensation was better than those bought by Cao Guoxiang. "

The price of drugs directly reflects the drug situation in a place!

Xiao Zhi asked in a low voice: "How many grams is a pack and how much does it cost per gram?"

"He said one pack weighed a little more than a gram. Jiang Zhengfei initially sold it to him for 300 yuan per pack, and then it gradually increased to 550 yuan."

"The very pure methamphetamine only sells for 551 grams!"

"So we need to pay enough attention to this Jiang Zhengfei. Not only does he have channels for purchasing goods, he is also crazy about convincing others to take drugs and develop a sales network."

Xiao Zhi frowned and asked, "Have you found out his whereabouts?"

"Not yet. He seemed to have disappeared from the world after returning to his hometown. There is no call record, no ticket purchase record, and there is no transaction record in the bank account under his name."

Guizhi picked up the tea cup and added: "Ren Zhongnian personally led the team to their hometown. They set off at 4:30 in the afternoon. They will arrive around 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest."

Judging from the cases that have been studied before, the "market price" of methamphetamine seized by various district and county public security bureaus in the past two years is more than one thousand yuan per gram!

Han Xin knew why Xiao Zhi was so anxious and asked in a low voice: "Guizhi, you just said that Sun Baoping had just begun to think about making a fortune from drug trafficking, and he had a supply of goods at the time. Does this mean he had several customers?"

"He only has two clients, Cao Guoxiang and Zhu Ailing, and they are clients with a relatively complicated relationship."

"how can that be possible."

"At first I thought it was impossible. After repeated interrogations, I can see that he didn't lie. It's not that he didn't want to sell on a large scale, but he just couldn't find customers and couldn't open up the market."

Looking at Han Xin's thoughtful look, Guizhi smiled again and said: "According to his confession, he even wanted to squat near the drug rehabilitation center and sell it to people who had completed their drug rehabilitation period.

As a result, after squatting for a few days, I only saw police officers escorting drug addicts in, but no drug addicts came out, so I gave up halfway. "

"Which drug rehab did he go to?"

"Our city bureau's drug rehabilitation center."

Thinking of the common-sense questions his girlfriend asked on the phone in the afternoon, Han Xin couldn't help but laugh: "Our city bureau drug rehabilitation center is only responsible for the 'first half'. Drug addicts who are forced to detoxify will be detained in our city bureau drug rehabilitation center for a period of time." He has to be transferred to a judicial drug rehabilitation center. That kid can't find any clients even if he squats outside the drug rehabilitation center for a month, let alone a few days."

Xiao Zhi couldn't laugh when such cheap drugs appeared in his jurisdiction. He rubbed his temples and asked: "Lao Gui, Xiao Han, you said that Jiang Zhengfei left our Binjiang, is it possible that it was because he couldn't find customers and couldn't open the market?"

Guizhi said solemnly: "The Chonggang Branch is using big data to analyze his activities during his stay in our Binjiang. It is studying and analyzing his mobile phone call records and bank account transaction records, and is applying to query his WeChat and QQ chat records. , we will know when these are investigated.”

Han Xin analyzed: "He has developed even for idle people like Sun Baoping, which shows that he wants to open up sales and has probably found a dealer."

This case must be taken seriously...

Xiao Zhi knocked on the table: "Xiao Han, Guizhi can't keep an eye on two cases by himself. You have to participate in Jiang Zhengfei's line, at least keep abreast of the investigation progress of the task force!"

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