Veteran new police officer

Chapter 238 Curiosity killed the cat

After failing to find the drug addict and meeting Ma Lulu's class, Li Duwang was a little confused and didn't notice Han Xin following behind.

Nie Guangjunguang was thinking about how to find drug addicts, but he also didn't pay attention to the back of the car.

The two drove back to the institute and hurriedly reported to the director who was so busy that he hadn't even returned home from get off work yet.

Jinsuo figured out the ins and outs of the matter, held his chin and said: "The information is so vague, it is difficult to find. But no matter how difficult it is to find, we must find ways to find drug addicts as soon as possible!"

"It's easy to find out, just organize a few units to do a hair test, but it's not easy to do."

Nie Guangjun really couldn't think of a better way. Seeing the director's instructor thoughtful, he muttered: "The information was transferred to Zhang Yuhang by the anti-drug detachment. Besides, drug cases are now under the first-level jurisdiction. He, Zhang Yuhang, If we’re not in a hurry, why should we be in a hurry?”

Jin Suo didn't expect him to say that. He put down his hand and knocked on the table: "Old Nie, your idea is very dangerous."

"What's wrong with my mind?"

"Drug cases are under first-level jurisdiction, but that doesn't mean it has nothing to do with us. If something happens in the future, the anti-drug brigade is responsible, and we are also responsible. If the board is slapped, it may hit us harder than Zhang Yuhang."

Nie Guangjun realized that he had said the wrong thing and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Li Duwang thought he didn't believe it, so he explained with a wry smile: "Old Nie, the information from Han Keng made it clear that there are people in our area who take drugs, and they take methamphetamine. And people who take methamphetamine will have hallucinations, murder, suicide, and so on. Anything can be done!”

This was what Jin was worried about, and he furrowed his brows: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. If something like that really happens, the superiors must feel that the tragedy can be completely avoided, and they will definitely ask why you didn't check it out if there was information in advance."

Li Duwang believed it: "We won't be able to explain it clearly at that time. If drug addicts go crazy with drugs and kill people on sight like a lunatic, then it will be the turn of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Procuratorate to investigate us! "

"But we can't ask you one by one whether you have taken drugs, and some drug addicts really can't tell that they are taking drugs on the surface."

"Lao Li, Lao Nie, how about we rule it out again."

"How to rule it out?"

Jinsuo stared at the two of them closely and said: "There are three groups of drug addicts. One is the extremely rich, the second is the extremely poor, and the third is young people who are curious about everything and like to seek excitement."

Li Duwang said with a wry smile: "The particularly rich ones are the bosses of the three companies and their relatives. There are not many who are particularly poor. As for the third group, the Science and Technology Park is full of young people. Who likes to seek excitement? , this is really hard to tell from the surface.”

"Are there any from areas with serious drug problems?"

"There are three young men. Lao Qian went to get to know them in the afternoon. Those three children are performing very well in the factory and are not sluggish."

As soon as Li Duwang finished speaking, Nie Guangjun couldn't help but add: "Ma Luluban is from a place with a serious drug problem, but she is unlikely to take drugs."

Jin Suo subconsciously asked: "Ma Lulu's class also works in that area?"

Li Duwang thought to himself that he really didn't want to lift the pot, and said angrily: "I was working as a cleaner in the Science and Technology Park, and we happened to meet him when we came back."

Nie Guangjun muttered: "Jin Institute, Li Jiao, when I mentioned the Ma Lulu class, I suddenly remembered something."

"What's up?"

"A few days after Ma Lulu was deported back to Myanmar, Han Keng suddenly went out to participate in training. No one knew what kind of training he participated in.

A few days after Ma Lulu's class came back, Han Keng also came back. Do you think that Han Keng's participation in the so-called training in the first half of the year has anything to do with Ma Lulu's class? "

Li Duwang banged the table repeatedly: "It's true, it must be related, otherwise how could such a coincidence happen in the world!"

The more Nie Guangjun thought about it, the more he felt that his speculation had some truth, and then analyzed: "Han Keng knows Ma Lulu Ban, and the information about people taking drugs in the Science and Technology Park was provided by Han Keng, and Ma Lulu Ban happened to be working as a cleaner in the Science and Technology Park. You think this is strange, is there any connection between these things?"

Too many coincidences are no coincidence...

Li Duwang thought it was very reasonable and turned back to the director: "Jin Institute, according to Zhang Yuhang, Han Keng claimed that the intelligence clues were reported by the masses. I think this crowd is probably Ma Lulu's class!"

Nie Guangjun struck while the iron was hot and said: "Ma Lulu's hometown is not an area with a serious drug problem, but the famous 'Golden Triangle'. Poppies are grown in their hometown. She has seen people taking drugs and even manufacturing and selling drugs since she was a child. She has made phone calls when she saw people taking drugs. Reporting is normal.”

This idea is a bit big, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed possible.

Jin Suo weighed it up, raised his head and said, "Then go find Ma Lulu's class and ask her sideways if she is the one who reported someone taking drugs.

If so, ask her to help us identify it. If not, we can also ask her to keep an eye on it for us. "

Thinking of the grievances between that woman and the Chengdong Police Station, Nie Guangjun asked cautiously: "Who is going?"

"Lao Li, I think it would be more appropriate for you to make a trip. You and the couple are not acquainted with each other. Only by going in person can you show the sincerity of our Chengdong Police Station."


"Finding drug addicts as quickly as possible is the first priority."

Li Duwang really didn't want to go, but the director had already stopped talking about this, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "Okay, I happen to have her husband's mobile phone number here, let's ask her where she lives first. .”

Nie Guangjun suppressed a smile and said: "She lives in Chengdong Garden, and her husband just bought a house in Chengdong Garden."

"Since you know, let's go together."

"It's okay to go together. It will better reflect our sincerity if you go together."

The director made the final decision, and Nie Guangjun realized that he had shot himself in the foot.

When I think about the interrogation of Feng Tailin at that time, and when I think about Feng Tailin kneeling in the hall with tears streaming down his face and kowtow, I feel very uncomfortable.

Jinsuo wanted to dig out the drug addicts as soon as possible, but regardless of whether they were embarrassed or not, he picked up his phone and looked at the time:

"Our troops are divided into two groups. You can verify whether Ma Lulu's class is a whistleblower. I will organize the personnel on duty to investigate the outsiders."

Li Duwang reacted and quickly took out a stack of lists from his bag: "Most of the foreign workers working in that area live in our jurisdiction."

"That's what I thought. I haven't checked my ID card for a long time, so I just took this opportunity to check it."

"Okay, let's go find Ma Lulu's class first, and then we'll meet you after understanding the situation."

At the same time, Ma Lulu's class was receiving a call from Wang Xiaohui, a police officer from the immigration brigade.

In her opinion, Linghai is the place with the best security in the world. She can't believe that someone would take drugs where she works.

"Officer Wang, are you mistaken? The people in the Science and Technology Park are all college students and they are all very good. How can they take drugs?"

Wang Xiaohui made this call with a mission, and whispered: "There should be no mistake, so I want to ask you to help me pay attention."

"Okay, I'll call you when I find something is wrong."

"Pay attention, but don't be too deliberate. You are a family member with children, and your good days have just begun."

"I know, thank you, Officer Wang."

"What's there to thank you for? As I said before, never call your hometown."

"Don't worry, I won't hit you."

"Just remember, I'll hang up first."

Ma Luluban put down her cell phone and hurried to the kitchen to cook.

My husband works overtime in the factory and takes care of the meals at night. If he works overtime until 12 o'clock, the cafeteria will also prepare late-night snacks.

There was no need to worry about whether the husband was hungry or not, all he had to do was cook food for the two of them. Unexpectedly, as soon as the dishes were cooked, there was a knock on the door from outside.

She quickly took off her apron, ran out of the kitchen, glanced at her son who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and walked over to open the security door.

What surprised her was that the people who knocked on the door were Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun, whom she had just met before leaving get off work. They quickly greeted: "Officer Li, Officer Nie, why are you here? Come in and sit down."

"The new home is nice. Do you have slippers..."

"I don't need to change my slippers. This house is a second-hand house. It's okay. Come in."

The mother was arrested by the police, which left a psychological shadow on the child. As soon as the little boy saw the police, he jumped off the sofa and hid in the room.

Ma Lulu Ban, who wanted her child to call someone, looked embarrassed.

Li Duwang was even more embarrassed than she was. He looked around at the room type and decoration, walked to the sofa and said with a smile, "No need to pour water. We just stopped by to take a look. We'll leave after saying a few words."

"Yeah, stop working so hard, you sit down too, and we'll sit down and talk."

Nie Guangjun pointed to the sofa.

Ma Lulu’s class realized that if they didn’t sit down, they wouldn’t sit down either, so they quickly sat down and asked, “Officer Li, Officer Nie, are you okay with coming here so late?”

Li Duwang didn't want to ask for help as soon as he opened his mouth, so he pretended to be curious and asked: "Where's Tai Lin? Why are you and the child at home?"

"They are busy in the factory and work overtime every day."

"It's good to work overtime. Only by working overtime can you make money. Their factory has good profits and the wages are very high."

"The wages are higher than other factories, but it's also harder than other factories."

"It's just as hard to take care of children, not to mention that you not only have to take care of children, but you also have to do housework and go to work."

"I'm not working hard... Officer Li, Officer Nie, what do you want? If you have anything, just ask."

Li Duwang didn't know how to speak, so he subconsciously looked at Nie Guangjun.

Nie Guangjun scratched his neck, looked at her with a smile and said, "Chen Hong, to be honest, we came here so late because we wanted to find out something about the situation from you."

"what's the situation?"

"Have you noticed anything unusual these days when you have been working in the Science and Technology Park?"

Thinking of Wang Xiaohui's call just now, Ma Luluban reacted suddenly and said with a grimace: "No, I think the people in the Science and Technology Park are quite normal. Officer Nie, Officer Li, are you suspicious because I came back from Myanmar?" I’m on drugs!”

She mentioned taking drugs as soon as she opened her mouth...

Li Duwang realized that Nie Guangjun's suspicion was correct, and thought that she must be the one who reported drug abuse to Han Keng!

He subconsciously took out his cell phone and pulled out the photo that he had been keeping for more than half a year. The owner of the photo named it "A strong life does not need explanation". He held it up in front of Ma Lulu's class: "Chen Hong, in the photo Do you recognize the second person on the left?"

Ma Luluban took the phone and looked at it, and was stunned.

"Chen Hong, what's wrong?"

"This is Xiao Jiang, Officer Li, how come you have his photo? Isn't he in Myanmar? How do you know him..."

It turns out that Han Keng went to Myanmar after missing for more than half a year!

Li Duwang calmed down and asked: "Why do I have his photo? Don't worry about it. First, tell me how you know him. What is his full name?"

First, Officer Wang called to say that someone in the Science and Technology Park was taking drugs, and then people from the Chengdong Police Station came to ask about Myanmar.

Ma Luluban directly thought that she was under suspicion again, and said eagerly: "Officer Li, I don't know what you are investigating, but this is really none of my business!"

"Don't be nervous. We know you will be fine. We just want to understand the situation."

"I met Xiao Jiang in a factory in Myanmar. His name is Jiang Xinhan. He is an engineer at a sugar factory. He was a good young man at first, but was led astray by the car repair boss. He followed him to the casino and even signed a bill after losing all his money.

He called our manager to borrow money, but our manager didn't lend him money. He also called me, and I didn't have any money to lend him. Officer Li, what's wrong with him now? Has something happened? "

This trip was indeed not in vain!

Li Duwang was a little excited when he accidentally found out something that others didn't know. He said calmly: "He did encounter something. Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

"It's okay."

"By the way, are you in contact now?"

"No, he hasn't contacted me since he went to the casino to sign the bill, and we haven't contacted him for several months. Besides, I've come back and changed my mobile phone number, so he can't contact me even if he wants to."

"How many months have we not seen each other? How many months have we not contacted you?"

"No, if you don't believe it, you can call and ask Officer Wang."

"What does this have to do with Officer Wang?"

Ma Lulu's class realized that they had leaked the truth, but they were all police officers and they took out Xiao Jiang's photo. They couldn't tell the truth!

She ran out of ideas for a moment and didn't know what to say. After nervously hesitating for a while, she simply picked up her cell phone and dialed Officer Wang's number in front of them.

Li Duwang wanted to find out as soon as possible whether she was the person who reported someone taking drugs, but did not think deeply.

Nie Guangjun felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.

There was no news about Han Keng going to Myanmar before, and he went under a pseudonym. Ma Lulu's class didn't know Han Keng's true identity until this moment, which shows that Han Keng went to Myanmar to perform a secret mission!

Don't pry when you shouldn't pry.

Thinking that curiosity would not only kill cats, but also people, he hurriedly tugged on Li Duwang's sleeve: "Li Jiao, Jiang Xinhan's affairs are not our business, so let's talk about business."

Li Duwang was stunned and suddenly reacted: "Yes, yes, yes, let's get down to business first, Chen Hong..."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Luluban held up her mobile phone and said with a frown: "Officer Wang, Officer Li and Officer Nie from the Chengdong Police Station came to me to understand the situation. They asked about Myanmar and asked me if I knew Xiao Jiang. How about you tell them for me?"

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