Veteran new police officer

Chapter 258 No credit but hard work

Criminal Police Brigade, Instructor's Office.

Yang Qianli had just returned from the Xinba Gang Squadron and was about to ask the General Office to call the new recruits assigned to the Xitang Squadron this year to rest tomorrow so that they could go to the Municipal Police Officer Training Center to participate in new police training the day after tomorrow. Li Yijun hurried in.

"Teacher Yang, Lanzhi called and said that the hidden drug addict was found. They stopped the comparison. I just asked Old Tang and the others to stop too."

"found it?"

"That's the woman I thought was suspicious yesterday."

Yang Qianli didn't expect that hidden drug addicts could be identified in this way, and subconsciously asked: "How did they check and confirm?"

Li Yijun scratched his neck and said, "There seemed to be some action over there at Blue Finger. He said a few words and then died. I didn't even have time to ask."

"Call and ask Han Keng. Han Keng will definitely know."

"Okay, I'll call him right now."

The more Yang Qianli thought about it, the more something was wrong. He immediately picked up the phone and said, "I'd better call him. We participated in both investigations, and it was requested by the bureau leaders. If we can't identify drug addicts, our criminal police brigade will have nothing to do!"

It was because of this that Li Yijun came to report and said cautiously: "Someone is taking drugs and someone is selling it. This is not an ordinary administrative case."

These words touched Yang Qianli's heart. He raised his arm and pointed at Li Yijun: "It's not that easy for them to burn down the bridge. I'll call Han Keng. You go to the anti-drug brigade and jointly investigate with them after you figure out the situation."

"What if they don't let me participate?"

"Why don't they let it go? Didn't I just say that this is an instruction from the bureau leader!"


Han Xin didn't receive Yang Qianli's call because she was talking to Wang Gong and the line was busy.

Jiang Yue, who had just gotten off work, was busy packing a change of clothes, and even brought the suitcase he used to go to the police academy from home.

Han Xin looked back at her busy back, held up her mobile phone and said, "Wang Gong, I remember that during the last sampling, I collected water samples from the community just mentioned.

The drug addict has lived in the community for two days and it is impossible for him to go to the toilet. Why didn't we detect him? "

Gong Wang looked at the pipe network diagram on the computer and explained: "It was detected the first time, but it was detected in water samples collected from the same sewage treatment plant. The second and third times were not detected."

"Why wasn't it checked?"

"There are shopping malls and hotels next to this community. At that time, we considered that the mobility of people was too high, so when tracing the source, we prioritized testing water samples in places with low mobility of people."

"I asked why it was not detected in the community, but it was detected in the Science and Technology Park."

Wang Gong was also disturbed in his heart, and he muttered: "Captain Han, why don't you confirm again whether the drug addict has ever used the toilet in the Science and Technology Park."

“I confirmed that drug addicts were on it once.

"That's good. If the drug addict has never used the toilet in the Science and Technology Park, it means there was something wrong with the previous test."

"It seems that more water samples need to be collected after the rollout, and more water samples need to be collected when tracing the source."

"You want to tire us out?"

"Xiao Zhi said that he will apply for funds when the time comes."

The monitoring center is very busy, and it cannot continue like this. After all, once it is rolled out, it will help the Anti-Narcotics Office monitor the drug situation in the city, which will definitely affect its own work.

Wang Gong suggested: "Team Han, this technology is actually very mature. You can ask your detachment leader if you can entrust a third-party agency to help with monitoring. We can provide technical guidance."

Thinking that even if they could apply for special funds, Wang Gong's team wouldn't get much. Han Xin smiled and said: "No problem, I'll ask Xiao Zhi later. After all, the workload is too big and we can't always let you work overtime."

“Long live understanding.”

Han Xin ended the call and was about to help Jiang Yue pack her things for training the day after tomorrow when Yang Qianli called in again and could only smile apologetically.

Jiang Yue didn't expect him to be so busy at home, so she waved her hand and motioned for him to pick up quickly.

"Jiao Yang, what are your instructions?"

"Xiao Han, I heard that the drug addict is that woman?"

"Yeah, just confirmed."

Yang Qianli closed the door and asked in a low voice: "How do you confirm that she is in Linghai?"

Han Xin briefly introduced the confirmation process, then smiled after thinking about it: "High technology is good. I later suggested that Liu Da also apply to purchase one. Although it is more expensive, it can come in handy at critical moments."

"I don't care whether I buy that spectrometer or not. I just want to know how you plan to investigate this case."

"That woman has taken drugs in the area under the jurisdiction of the Chengdong Police Station. Li Jiao is doing her boyfriend's work to see if he can call her to our Linghai as soon as possible through her boyfriend. As long as she comes to Linghai, the next step will be It’s easy to handle.”

Yang Qianli thought he heard wrongly and asked doubtfully, "Liu Haipeng and Lan Doudou don't care?"

"They are cooperating with the Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau to arrest suspects suspected of smuggling, and they can't take care of it now."

"So the case was handed over to Li Duwang?"

"It's not a big case, he can definitely handle it."

"Xiao Han, this is not something that Li Duwang can handle, but that it cannot be done this way!"

Han Xin realized why he made this call and couldn't help laughing: "Jiao Yang, it's useless for you to tell me about this. Although the information was provided by our detachment and the drug addicts were found with my assistance, I said It doesn’t matter.”

Grasshoppers are also meat, and you can’t do without them if you have good grades.

Yang Qianli asked unhappily: "Then who has the final say?"

"The Anti-Narcotics Brigade has the final say, and Liu Da has the final say."

"Okay, I'll call Liu Haipeng right now. In order to help him find drug addicts, we invested so much police force and finally found some clues. He shouldn't want to cross the river and burn the bridge!"

"He was probably busy and didn't think about it."

"Well, he is busy. Now he is jointly handling cases with the Customs and Anti-Smuggling Bureau, so he doesn't like these small cases."

Thinking about Zhang Yuhang's promotion, even Liu Haipeng, who had become a monk halfway, became the deputy captain, Yang Qianli became even more depressed and muttered:

"Deputy Captain of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade, instead of investigating drug cases, he cooperated with the Customs and Anti-Smuggling Bureau. Isn't this not doing his job properly?"

Han Xin knew that Zhang Yuhang was the deputy director of the Shangsi Gang Public Security Bureau. It was a really big blow to Yang Biaohan, who had punched the criminal police brigade, kicked the security brigade and several police stations in the east and north of the city. She suppressed a smile and said:

"Yes, Liu Da is not doing his job properly. You should criticize him."

"Don't make fun of me. No one can criticize him if I criticize him. He is now the deputy captain and the deputy captain in charge of the work!"

"Jiao Yang, Liu Da has worked under you just like me. You are our old leader. We must accept a few criticisms from the old leader with an open mind."

How could Yang Qianli not hear that he was teasing, he knocked on the table and said plausibly: "Xiao Han, Li Duwang, Nie Guangjun, Zhang Yuhang, Liu Haipeng, they see my joke, I'm not angry.

Because I had beaten them for so many years, it was normal for them to feel proud and laugh at my jokes.

You are different from them. I have never offended you before. You cannot follow them and add insult to injury.

Besides, Xiao Li participated in the investigation from the beginning of this case, so even if he didn’t get any credit, he still had hard work! As his cousin, you can't just kick him away as soon as you find out something about him. "

Han Xin wondered how many people you had offended...

It seems that you should keep a low profile as a person and not be too arrogant or tough, otherwise you may get slapped in the face like him.

However, what he said makes sense. Li Yijun has participated in the investigation from the beginning. Li Yijun should be allowed to continue to participate in the investigation, both publicly and privately.

I was about to call Lan Doudou to talk about this matter.

Unexpectedly, Li Yijun called in first. As soon as the call was connected, he smiled bitterly and asked: "Brother, I just arrived at the anti-drug brigade, where are you?"

Han Xin smiled and asked, "Did Yang Biaohan ask you to go?"

"Did our Teacher Yang tell you?"

"You just called me. I'll help you tell Liu Da and Lan Zhi. Liu Da doesn't act like Yang Biao. He will definitely help you say hello to the Chengdong Police Station. You can go directly to the Chengdong Police Station to find Li Jiao."

This is a drug case!

Li Yijun was really excited to be able to participate in the investigation: "Okay, I'll go there right away."

Han Xin turned around and looked at his girlfriend who had just packed her luggage and was gesturing to go to the opposite side for dinner, and then said:

"Xiaoyue is going to attend new police training the day after tomorrow. I heard that it will be under closed management and she won't be able to come back for a short time. Let's come over for dinner tomorrow night. Remember to tell Linlin for me and I won't call her. .”

At the same time, Wu Shouyi just saw the news released by the official account of the Xinkang Border Management Detachment.

He has only seen photos of people named Han, but has never seen anyone named Han in person, and the person named Han was not wearing a police uniform when his son was alive.

He was unsure for a moment, and frowned and asked: "It looks similar, but not very similar. Xiaojun, you have good eyesight. Do you think we are the same person?"

The energy a person feels after wearing a uniform is completely different from wearing casual clothes.

Yao Xiaojun was also unsure and looked at it carefully for a while: "It should be a person, uncle. Didn't you say that a friend has seen him? Why don't you send the photo to your friend for help."

Someone named Han has met someone, but that person is not a friend, and it is dangerous to contact him now.

Wu Shouyi weighed it up and said coldly: "If it is one person, then this is a trap. Because there are many people at the border, but they will only send photos of ordinary armed police officers, not photos of people named Han."

"These are all police officers, not armed police."

"They have changed their status. They used to be armed police, but now they are public security."

"What should we do?"

"Just pretend you didn't see it. Once we get the film, we will go to Jiangnan with the medical records and X-ray films."

The 100,000 yuan was not wasted!

Through people who resold express delivery information, I found that seven months ago, a man named Liu Haipeng delivered fresh produce to a man named Han from Linghai District, Binjiang City, Jiangnan Province, and sent several boxes.

But thinking that the delivery address was in Mangjing, Yao Xiaojun asked in confusion: "Uncle, don't you want to vent your anger on the man named Han? What's the use of going to Jiangnan to find Liu Haipeng?"

"The person surnamed Han is from Jiangnan. He has no other express delivery, only this one sent from Jiangnan, which shows that the person surnamed Liu should be his relative.

Even if we are not his relatives, if we find someone named Liu, we can still ask him where his hometown is from him. "

Wu Shouyi took a deep breath and continued: "I can't go to Mangjing. Even if I go, I can't beat them, but I have to make them think I'm going. Please ask friends from the gambling company to make some calls for me later."

Yao Xiaojun asked in a low voice: "Who to fight?"

"Check the number of the Mangjing brigade online, and the people at the police station below also check it, so I told you to report it to Han Xin."

"Okay, I'll tell them online."

Yao Xiaojun was very scared, but thought that as long as he sent the old man to the place, he would have half a million. Moreover, the second-hand RV I just bought belongs to me, and I feel that the risk is not very high.

Even if the police find out in the future, they can just push it away.

As long as the old man doesn't say anything, who knows what's going on?

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