Veteran new police officer

Chapter 261 A chance encounter at the station

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Han Xin drove to the train station.

Wearing a baseball cap and backpack, we took the elevator from the underground parking lot to the station square and found a clean flower bed to sit down.

Using a mobile phone with incredible camera capabilities as a telescope, while observing the exit, he called Li Yijun's mobile phone using the police call.

"I'm here and I see you. Why are you wearing this and going out on a mission?"

"Brother, what's wrong with me?"

Li Yijun subconsciously turned around to find where his elusive cousin was hiding.

Han Xin stared at the screen of her mobile phone, pressed the Bluetooth headset and said: "I'm talking about pants. As long as the suspect has been investigated and dealt with, they can tell at a glance that you are a policeman. You are still a criminal policeman!"

Li Yijun looked around, but he didn't find where his cousin was hiding. He simply walked aside and explained: "Everyone who was in the meeting just now was wearing police uniforms, so I didn't bother to change. Besides, today's task is very simple, there is no need to be so exaggerated. .”

"Habits are formed. If you don't pay attention to these details, big problems will occur at critical times."

"I know, where are you? I'll go find you."

"Look towards two o'clock."

"What direction is two o'clock... I saw it!"

Li Yijun put down his cell phone and ran over.

Just after running a few steps, I suddenly thought that this would reveal my identity, and maybe I would be criticized by my cousin for not paying attention to details.

He quickly slowed down, pretended to be strolling around, walked around in a small circle, then walked to Han Xin with a smile, dusted off the dust on the flower bed, and sat down.

Han Xin looked back at him and said, "Where's Lao Li? You're not the only one, are you?"

"Li Jiao didn't come. Team Nie came. He knew the people from the station police station. He said hello to them and went to the platform."

"Where's Zhu Haiwen, why didn't he come to pick him up?"

"Zhu Haiwen is here too. He just went to the toilet. Don't worry, I asked the auxiliary police from the Chengdong Police Station to keep an eye on him. He has no chance of playing tricks."

The public toilet in the square in front of the station is in the southeast corner. Han Xin turned the camera to the direction of the public toilet: "When will the girl who takes drugs arrive?"

"The train she's on arrives at the station at 3:45."

Li Yijun glanced at his phone and added: "We are early, there are still thirty minutes."

"It's better to come early than to be late. Since it's a pick-up, you have to be sincere."

Han Xin smiled and turned the phone camera back to the exit.

Li Yijun always felt that it was a waste for his cousin to spend so much money on this kind of mobile phone, but looking at the clear picture on the screen, he suddenly found that it was worth the money.

Then I thought that the whole family was supporting Xu Linlin to open a dance school. I really didn't have the spare money to buy a mobile phone, so I simply changed the topic: "Brother, where did you go this morning? Did you go to the Police Officer Training Center to see Xiao Yue?"

Although I am currently on semi-vacation, there is actually a lot of work to do.

In the morning, I found people from the sewage treatment company to help collect more than thirty water samples and sent them to the laboratory of the Environmental Monitoring Center, where I asked the Wang Gong team to help test them.

I'm going to Xingdong tomorrow to do the same job, because "sewage drug testing" is not a one-time deal, but requires long-term monitoring.

However, this work is in the secret pilot stage. Only when it is fully mature can it be truly promoted, so no nonsense can be said for the time being.

Han Xin put down her phone and said perfunctorily: "I would like to go, but if I really go, she will definitely be angry."

Li Yijun smiled and asked, "Go and see her. She should be happy. How can she be angry?"

"Please, she is your school girl, and she is now a trainee police officer! She has just registered and started training. There are so many classmates, and she will be very embarrassed if I just run over there like this."

"It's not appropriate to go during the day, then go at night. You are familiar with the leaders of the Police Officer Training Center. You can ask for help, and you can book a room!"

"What are you thinking about all day long? Zhu Haiwen comes out. Hurry up and keep an eye on him. The more critical the moment, the less you can take it lightly."

"Okay, I'll go there first."

That female college student named Pan is really hopeless.

Li Duwang and Nie Guangjun did some ideological work for Zhu Haiwen and asked Zhu Haiwen to send her a WeChat message, implying that as long as she came, she would get money. The girl actually skipped class and came!

In order to raise drug funds, not only did he lie a lot, he even gave up the most basic dignity of being a human being.

Thinking that she was so beautiful and about the same age as Han Lu, Han Xin felt sorry from the bottom of her heart.

Just as she was wondering how she got into drugs, the station announced that a train was arriving.

The unlicensed car drivers and taxi drivers who were hanging out and chatting in the square were rushing to the station exit from all directions. They would definitely be soliciting customers in a ferocious manner later.

Young travelers all have mobile phones and know how to surf the Internet. They will definitely order online ride-hailing services and will not take their cars.

Only those who are older, have little education, and don’t know how to order online ride-hailing services will be ripped off by them.

Linghai's economy is developing well and public security is very good. Why does this phenomenon still exist to this day...

Han Xin really couldn't figure it out, and secretly planned to mention this matter to the Chengnan Police Station if she had the chance.

At this time, two familiar figures appeared at the exit.

Maybe this was not the train to pick up. Li Yijun was standing in the corner talking to Zhu Haiwen and didn't even notice.

Yang Biaohan and You Yaoxing, who suddenly appeared on the mobile phone screen, also did not see Li Yijun. One of them was holding a pick-up sign, and the other was holding a mobile phone to make a call.

The instructor of the criminal police brigade and the captain of the serious crime squadron came to pick him up in person. Could it be that he came to pick up the leader of the provincial criminal police corps?

But if they are really the leaders of the team, they are not high enough.

The more Han Xin thought about it, the weirder it became. Just as she was puzzled, a more familiar face came out, held Yang Biaohan's hand tightly to express her gratitude, and then walked to the relatively empty square and introduced the three people who were leaving the station together. partner.

Xu Jun is here!

Not only did he come all the way to Linghai, he even brought with him Zhu Jinming, the former instructor of the Third Squadron of the Mobile Group 1 and now the instructor of the rotation training team, as well as Li Jiale and Lu Benwei, who have the best military qualities in the Mobile Group!

Suddenly seeing four old comrades, Han Xin stood up subconsciously.

But thinking that it was Yang Biaohan and You Yaoxing who picked them up, they slowly sat down again, looked at them stupidly through their mobile phones, and took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

They must be coming for that old bastard Wu Shouyi...

But Wu Shouyi probably didn't know that I was transferred back to my hometown or that I was in Linghai.

The more Han Xin thought about it, the more anxious she became. The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. She took a few deep breaths, adjusted her mood, picked up the police phone and dialed Yang Biaohan's number.

Yang Qianli was busy introducing the situation to his counterpart Nanyun, and was stunned when he saw the caller ID.

You Yaoxing turned around and asked, "Jiao Yang, who is it?"

"Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Yang Qianli held up his cell phone and said with a wry smile: "Consultant Xu, your old comrade called you as soon as I received you."

Xu Jun didn't expect such a coincidence, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Then take it, we won't talk."

"Okay, I'll take it first."

Yang Qianli calmed down, opened the call button, and asked calmly: "Xiao Han, why did you suddenly remember to call me? Is there something wrong?"

They pretend to look alike!

Han Xin secretly slandered and said calmly: "Nothing else, I just want to report to you about the female college student suspected of taking drugs.

She came to Linghai by train this afternoon, and Captain Nie and Xiao Li took her boyfriend to pick her up at the station. I just called my master and asked him. My master will be there later.

There are various signs that she should have picked up drugs in Jiangcheng, or bought drugs in Jiangcheng.

Therefore, she does not need to play a long game to catch the big fish. As soon as she leaves the station, Captain Nie and Xiao Li will take her to the Chengdong Police Station for a urine test. "

Xu Jun did not expect that his old comrades would go so far as to catch drug addicts, and he couldn't help laughing.

Zhu Jinming, Li Jiale and Lu Benwei heard Han Xin's voice again. Not only did they laugh like Xu Jun, but they also remembered Han Xin's careless look when he was in the army.

Although they were in the same detachment, if they hadn't been transferred to a special work class and went to Linghai to perform the task of waiting for the enemy, they really wouldn't know what Han Xin did in the reconnaissance team before.

I am afraid that as before, I will still think that Han Xin is just a gangster who relies on his hometown connections and drives in the investigation team.

Yang Qianli didn't know what his colleague Nan Yun was thinking. He held up his mobile phone and said perfunctorily: "Drug dealers must be investigated for drug abuse. Make it clear to Lao Li and let him interrogate it carefully. If there are clues in the interrogation, there are not enough manpower, or the Chengdong Police Station cannot handle it. Just call me and I’ll arrange for someone to dig in and investigate!”

"Okay, I'll call him later."

Han Xin looked back at the exit of the underground parking lot and changed the topic: "Teacher Yang, there is one more thing. Do you have time tonight? It's been a long time since we got together. I would like to treat you to a meal."

"What a coincidence, I have plans and activities tonight."

"What about tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow?"

Han Keng is so arrogant that if he says he has no time tomorrow, he will definitely become suspicious.

Yang Qianli didn't want to make things too complicated, so he pretended to be curious and asked: "Xiao Han, is there any happy event?"

"It's not a happy event. I made a joke to you last time. It's hard to get over it. Mr. Yang, please give me a chance to drink and apologize."

"There's no need to take it personally. I'm willing to admit defeat. But gathering together is still possible, but the team is a little busy these days. Once we finish the things at hand, I will organize and arrange it."

"How embarrassing is this? I should be the one inviting you."

"Are you sorry? I'm a little busy at the moment. I'll hang up now and talk to you later."

Yang Biaohan hung up when he said yes, but left without saying yes.

Through her mobile phone with incredible camera capabilities, Han Xin clearly saw that he had sent Xu Jun and other old comrades to the Dongcheng International Hotel diagonally opposite the train station and facing the coastal market.

Why don't you live in the city? Why do you want to live here...

Han Xin was confused when Li Yijun called suddenly.

"Brother, the train that Pan Yuting is riding has arrived at the station, but she can't get through the phone, and she doesn't reply to her WeChat messages!"

"Is her phone out of battery?"

"It's impossible. The call was connected, but I didn't answer it."

Something went wrong at a critical moment, and Li Yijun was in a panic.

Zhu Haiwen looked innocent and wanted to explain that this matter had nothing to do with him, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Han Xin turned her phone camera back to the exit, frowned and said, "Don't worry, the car has just entered the station, and the people on the car haven't left the station yet. Keep an eye on me, I'll be there right away."


PS: Add another chapter, please subscribe!

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