Veteran new police officer

Chapter 266 Upgraded!

Anyone who has been to northern Myanmar or dealt with a gambling company will know how bad a person can be!

Wu Shouyi has never believed in Yao Xiaojun, and even if he did, he would not give him half a million.

Because the dozen kilograms of methamphetamine were sold very cheaply and the expenses were so high some time ago, he left a card with 300,000 yuan in Zhengkang, and only 120,000 yuan was left in the card with him.

After leaving the "camp", he followed the road signs and walked until he was near the highway entrance.

Bypassing the toll station, I climbed over the iron fence from the farmland, climbed onto the highway, and walked along the emergency lane for more than an hour before arriving at a service area full of large trucks.

He took out a hat and a mask from his pocket and put them on. He avoided the security and walked into the shopping mall in the service area. He bought a travel bag, a teacup, towels, toothbrushes and other daily necessities. Then he went to the bathroom to wash up, cleaned up and went to the restaurant to eat. After buying something, we went to the parking lot to wait for the bus.

Passenger buses entering the service area for a rest came one at a time. He stopped a few drivers to inquire, and was finally put on a long-distance bus to the provincial capital of Xijiang by an enthusiastic driver.

Looking at the traffic outside and the night view in the distance, he secretly lamented that the country has changed so much in recent years, and lamented that highways are good.

From now on, there is no need to get off the expressway. By changing trains all the way on the expressway, you can reach Linghai in two days at most.

As for whether Yao Xiaojun, a bad-tempered brat, would call the police, he wasn't worried at all.

He had nothing to worry about whether the old woman who was interested in money would be suspicious. To be precise, he believed that the brat named Yao would help him solve this problem.

Thinking of the poor child again, he took out a mobile phone, fished out a high-priced card bought in northern Myanmar from his bag, and inserted it carefully.

Then he turned on his phone, entered a number that he remembered clearly but had not contacted for more than a year, and dialed after hesitating.

After waiting for about ten seconds, a familiar voice came from the phone.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Yunyun, it's me."

"Abba, why did you remember to call me? Are you okay?"

There were not many passengers on the bus, and most of them were asleep.

Wu Shouyi looked up and lowered his voice and said, "I'm fine. Is there anyone around you who can't talk easily?"

"It's convenient, there's no one around me."

"Where's the child?"

"The child is downstairs, sleeping with her grandmother. The child's father works night shift. Dad, I'm sorry, I...I..."

Hearing the voice of that sensible girl, Wu Shouyi couldn't help but think of his second son, and his heart suddenly twisted. He said quickly: "Don't say stupid things. The better your life, the happier my father will be."

The woman choked on the phone: "Yeah."

Wu Shouyi didn't want to alarm the passengers in the same car, so he decided to keep the story short: "Yunyun, my father left you a card with some money in it. Leave it in the same place. It's still the same password as before. Go get it when you have time."

"Abba, I have money, I am not short of money."

"I'm so old, and I'm not short of money. If I don't give it to you, who else can I give it to?"

"You keep it for use, everything is expensive over there, you can't be without money!"

"I still have some money, you don't have to worry about me."

Wu Shouyi took a deep breath and continued: "I will never call you again, and you don't have to think about the past anymore. Live your life well, you know?"

"Abba, are you...

"I'm fine, I'm hanging up."

Wu Shouyi hung up the phone, turned off the phone, pulled out the card, and looked out the window with tears streaming down his face.

At the same time, Lu Xiangyang and the instructor who had just returned from handling the case rushed to the checkpoint that Yao Xiaojun passed by last night.

This is not so much a checkpoint as a security checkpoint set up by the local public security bureau.

The people on duty here are neither the police from the border management detachment nor the anti-drug police, but the traffic police and public security police. However, a lot of drugs have been seized in the past few years.

The two of them followed the county bureau's criminal police captain into the conference room. A tall policeman who had been waiting for a long time quickly stood up.

"Jiao Li, Captain Lu, this is Comrade Xu Yongxing I'm telling you about."

Xu Yongxing actually let the suspect escape from under his nose. Xu Yongxing regretted it and said with a bitter face: "I report to the leaders that I was careless. I will review it!"

"Xiao Xu, it's not your fault. Your boss, Dong Da, told us that you came to work after taking your marriage leave. You didn't see the investigation notice before you took up the post.

Moreover, the suspect is very cunning. He knew that we knew that he probably had cancer, but he pretended to have leukemia. He didn't even know where to get a set of real medical records. "

"You know?"

"We chased them all the way, and they fooled us through the first two checkpoints in this way."

Xu Yongxing couldn't help but ask: "How did you two know that he was the suspect?"

Li Jiao asked him to sit down and said with a smile: "We compared the pictures of border crossing people you uploaded through facial recognition."

The three checkpoints where the suspect surnamed Yao helped Wu Shouyi sneak through the border were all far away from the border and relatively close to surrounding provinces and cities.

And the main purpose is to search for drugs. The search for people is not as strict as the border checkpoints and the second- and third-line checkpoints not far from the border. After all, the traffic efficiency of the highway must be taken into consideration.

Lu Xiangyang neither complained about the other party not catching the suspect nor had time to chat with them. As soon as he sat down, he watched the law enforcement video of Xu Yongxing inspecting the RV and the surveillance video of the checkpoint.

"Jiao Li, it's still these three RVs!"

"You can actually come up with this trick, but now that he's exposed, he can't run away."

"He shaved his head and wore a mask, so he looked like he was pretending to have leukemia."

"Li Jiao, Captain Lu, now that we have the car number and the identities of these two suspects, it shouldn't be difficult to locate their whereabouts." Dong Da said, touching his chin.

"They have entered Nanhu and got off the highway. Our captain will take people there in the afternoon."

Li Jiao glanced at Wu Shouyi in the video, then raised his head and said, "Xiao Xu, it's not a bad thing that you didn't recognize him at the time, because this old bastard is very dangerous. He not only has a gun but also a grenade in his hand. If he discovers his identity If exposed, it is very likely that the dog will jump over the wall!"

Xu Yongxing was startled. Just when he didn't know what to say, Lu Xiangyang's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Jiao Li, captain's."

"Hurry up and pick it up."


Lu Xiangyang picked up the phone, and as soon as he connected it, he heard the captain saying urgently on the other end of the phone: "Xiang Yang, where are Wu Shouyi and Yao Xiaojun going? We are monitoring and investigating them here. Feng Lanmei has been found, but he has been killed."

"Feng Lanmei is dead!"

"The body was dumped in the ravine. A member of the public accidentally discovered it. The local public security bureau is investigating the scene. This is both their case and our case. I can't leave. Come over quickly and check the surveillance with your colleagues in Nanhu. Hunt.”

"Understood, let's go right away!"

The pursuit escalated into a murder case, and Dong Da and Xu Yongxing were secretly frightened.

Although Lu Xiangyang was equally surprised, he was not surprised that such a thing happened.

After all, the old bastard named Wu is a drug lord who has been shot several times, and the little bastard named Yao is suspected of telecommunications and network fraud, so he is not a good bird either!

Just as they were rushing to Nanhu at starry night, Cheng Wenming, the second-level senior sergeant of the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau, and Cui Tao, the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Detachment, also rushed to the Linghai Branch Command Center.

Bureau Chen and Bureau Sun both came and sat around in the trial room, looking at the large surveillance screen and listening to Nanyun's report.

As soon as the video connection ended, Cheng Wenming said coldly: "There are various signs that that old bastard is determined to come to Linghai to find Liu Haipeng, and then use Liu Haipeng to find Han Xin's relatives to exact revenge.

He and the guy named Yao had already killed one person, and they didn't care if they killed a few more. Folks, we cannot take this lightly. "

"Don't worry Cheng Zhi, as long as he dares to come, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

"You can't talk so much. You heard it just now. You should know what kind of suspects we are dealing with."

Director Chen quickly said: "Cheng Zhi, considering that they can check the express logistics information of Liu Haipeng to Han Xin, they can also check the express logistics information of Liu Haipeng.

We have promptly communicated with the leaders of Liu Haipeng’s lover’s workplace and asked them to arrange for Liu Haipeng’s lover to attend accounting training in the province. Liu Haipeng's children were also sent to the home of Liu Haipeng's father-in-law and mother-in-law. "

Cheng Wenming looked around at everyone: "Think again and see if there are any other omissions."

"Everything that should be considered has been taken into consideration, and nothing should be missed."

"Where is Han Xin?"

"Xu Jun, who came with Nanyun, is stationed at Yanhai Market."

Cheng Wenming nodded slightly: "No matter how hard and tiring it is, just these few days, just hold on."

Cui Zhi said meaningfully: "Lao Chen, Lao Sun, I have something to report to you. Cheng Zhi communicated with Nanyun this afternoon, considering that this is both a pursuit and a drug case!

After arresting Wu Shouyi and other suspects, the Xinkang Border Management Detachment will work with us to trace the whereabouts of the more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine. "

this is a good news!

If we can cooperate with Nanyun to investigate the case of more than ten kilograms of poison, then the sins of these days will not be in vain.

Director Chen couldn't help but smile and said: "Cheng Zhi, Cui Zhi, give this task to our branch!"

“I asked the bureau leader before coming here, and the bureau leader said that as long as the suspect can be successfully captured, this task can be handed over to your branch.

But if the suspect escapes from under your nose, then you can't even think about this mission. "

As soon as Cui Zhi finished speaking, Cheng Wenming suddenly straightened his face: "If the suspect fires a gun on our riverside and injures someone, or detonates a grenade and causes casualties, then it is not a matter of joint investigation between the two parties. The question is whether you will be held accountable!”

"Understood, I'm going to call the special patrol team and ask them to be on standby 24 hours a day from now on."

"All preparations must be made, but we must not create chaos or scare away suspects."


"Lao Cui and I will not go back tonight. From now on, we will take turns watching here until the suspect is arrested."

"Cheng Zhi, you don't need to be like this, you are not in good health..."

"Tell me clearly, what's wrong with me?"

Director Chen realized that he had said something wrong and said with a grimace: "Cheng Zhi, please don't misunderstand me. I mean it's enough for me and Lao Sun to be here. I'll help you and Cui Zhi arrange a hotel."

"No need to make arrangements. It's not like there's no rest room." Cheng Wenming put out his cigarette butt, raised his arm and pointed diagonally across the street, his tone unquestionable.

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