Veteran new police officer

Chapter 290 You have an advantage!

The winter rain continued, and a police car drove towards the airport at a speed of about 40 kilometers per hour.

The police car drove so slowly that many drivers who wanted to overtake did not dare to overtake easily, so they could only follow behind.

Liu Haipeng, who had just escorted the suspect back, had to go on a business trip again. Although it was very hard, he didn't feel aggrieved. After all, what he lacked most was qualifications and what he needed most was to handle cases.

He looked back and couldn't help but laugh: "Those drivers must think we are traffic police."

Yu Wenqiang, who was also on a business trip, put down his mobile phone: "The road is slippery on rainy days, drive slower for safety."

They are always asked to go on business trips, and this time they went to Nayun. I don’t know when they will come back.

As the instructor of the brigade and the specific person in charge of the 2020.01.01 case, Li Duwang felt really sorry. He held the steering wheel and said, "I'm sorry that I made you leave again just after you came back, and you didn't get to go home to take a look."

"It's okay, I've already made arrangements at home."

"Me too. My dad and mom are here, so I don't have to worry about the kids."

"Unfortunately this time, Doudou has just boarded the train and won't get home until tomorrow morning."

Li Duwang looked back and sighed: "Unexpectedly, the drug case has not made any major progress for the time being. Instead, we pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud, and first discovered a serious case of infringement of citizens' privacy.

District Chief Zhang attaches great importance to this case. After listening to the report, he set up a task force with personnel from the Anti-Electric Fraud Center, Internet Security, and Economic Investigation. Director Chen personally led Fan Ziyu and others to fly to Yanyang, and they may have to travel with Yanyang next. Joint investigation. "

There were many seizures, and the amount of money involved in the case for the suspects just captured by Lan Doudou and his disciples alone was as high as more than 4 million. It can be seen that the company that specializes in collecting and selling personal information is involved in the amount of money, and the bureau leaders certainly pay attention to it.

However, investigating this kind of case is very professional. The anti-drug brigade does not have that many people and does not have experience in this field, so it can only hand over clues and suspects to brother handling units.

Liu Haipeng did not feel it was a pity, but asked with a smile: "Li Jiao, is Yu really going to the detention center to accompany Wu Shouyi this time?"

This task is "difficult" and different from the previous custodial care.

Li Duwang was really embarrassed to say it, so he simply picked up his cell phone and dialed Han Keng's number, asking the charlatan who was cheating on the teacher's wife to tell them.

The heater was on in the car, so it was a bit hot.

The master, sister, and suspect took off their coats. Han Xin felt a little uncomfortable sitting with them, so she simply stood at the end of the carriage and looked at the scenery of the northern countryside.

Hearing the phone ringing, he looked at the caller ID, opened the call button and asked, "Jiao Li, what are your instructions?"

"You are the leader of the detachment. How dare I instruct you? Your wife wants to talk to you."

"Did he call for my master? I asked my master to answer the phone."

"I'm looking for you, don't try to hide!"

"Okay." Han Xin wanted to laugh when she thought about the tasks that "Public Enemy of the Precinct" would perform.

Yu Wenqiang took the phone from Li Duwang, turned on the speakerphone at Liu Haipeng's signal, and asked with a wry smile: "Han Xin, do your old army leaders and comrades really plan to let me accompany Wu Shouyi?"

"They checked for two days and found that there was nothing suspicious about the person surnamed Zhu, at least on the surface. If they take action now and no drugs are found, not only will they alert the snake, but they will also be unable to get off."

"So you have to go?"

"Master Wife, there is no other way. Besides, you have an advantage when performing such a task!"

As the deputy director of the detention center, Yu Wenqiang knew very well that it was uncomfortable to stay in jail. He gritted his teeth and asked, "What advantages do I have?"

Han Xin suppressed a smile and said confidently: "You know the business and the rules. You don't even have to memorize the prison rules by rote after entering!"

"Tell me honestly, did you do it on purpose?"

"How is that possible? The main reason is that this mission belongs to you. The only thing...the only bad thing is that you have to shave your head when you go in. A haircut is actually nothing. My Xiaoyue has to have her hair shaved to participate in the new police training!"

Yu Wenqiang realized that he couldn't escape, but after thinking about it, he still asked: "Xiao Han, have your leaders and comrades in the old army considered that even if I, Yu Wenqiang, degenerate and collect black money, it will not be their turn to hold me criminally responsible. , it should be the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision that first opens the case for investigation."

"Master's wife, don't worry, we have already thought about this."

"Have you ever thought about letting me work as a slave?"

"We have thought of it, but it does not mean that Wu Shouyi can. Not only has he not been dealt with before, but he has also been hiding abroad for so many years. He doesn't know much about the case-handling procedures of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Public Security Bureau. He probably doesn't even know what the Supervision Commission does. Something like that, there will definitely not be any suspicion.”

Yu Wenqiang had served Wu Shouyi for so many days and had a certain understanding of Wu Shouyi. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly found that there was some truth to what he said was a scam.

Han Xin smiled and continued: "Besides, we won't put you in the same prison cell. We will arrange for you to meet by chance when you are released. You have to think about what to say now."

"If it's really because of him that I went in, what can I say to him? Is there any use in scolding him?"

"Master Wife, you have entered the role!"

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, how will you speak after seeing me?"

"You ask me, who am I asking? It's you who performs this task, not me."

"Put yourself in my shoes, what would you do if it were you?"

"If it were me, I would beat him."

"Aren't you afraid that he will be punched to death?"

"So I am not suitable to carry out such a task. Only a thoughtful person like you can."

"Stop talking nice. Where is my wife?"

Han Xin looked back and said: "She and Li Yamei are watching the suspect. Master, please rest assured, I will help you keep an eye on her the whole time when you come out this time!

She took a few photos with the pretty boy from Yanyang yesterday, but they didn't spend time together alone. Moreover, she took the photos mainly because she wanted to bring them back for publicity. "

Yu Wenqiang thought that she not only wanted to do publicity, but also wanted to make Wang Xiaohui angry, but this topic was too embarrassing to continue, so he simply said: "hang up now, I will call her if there is anything."

"You can call her. I know you and Liu Da are going on a business trip soon. I wish you a safe journey."

Lan Doudou took a glass of boiling water and saw him talking on the phone. She stood by the aisle and looked at her lower bunk, and asked curiously: "Who are you calling?"

"I didn't call anyone. It was my wife who called me to check your position."

"He checked my position?"

"Master, you even posted a selfie with the 'most handsome policeman' on WeChat Moments so arrogantly, can he rest assured?"

Lan Doudou turned back and glared at the evil disciple: "Why is he worried? Don't there even be the most basic trust between husband and wife? Besides, I called him last night and told him about this!"

"This shows that Master Wife cares about you. Don't worry, I have proved it for you and said many nice things to you."

"I need your proof!"

"The main reason is that the 'most handsome policeman' is too handsome and looks like a fake pretty face. No one would be at ease with you. Moreover, Master, you are so beautiful and have such a good figure. It is normal for my wife to be worried."

Yu Wenqiang is now a good boy who keeps his integrity like a jade, how can he be worried...

Lan Doudou would not believe the villain's nonsense, and muttered: "There are few people in the car now, but there will be more people in the car later. Yamei and I can't sleep now, you go and get some sleep first, and we'll have more people in the car later." You stare."

"Master, I can't sleep right now either."

"You have to sleep even if you can't sleep. Otherwise, how can we sleep if you snore at night?"

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Master, how do you know that I snore in my sleep?"

Lan Doudou chuckled and said, "Xiao Yue said it."

"Why did she even tell you this!"

"There are many handsome guys among the new police officers participating in the training. I suggest you call her immediately and check her position."

"Master, you are hurting each other!"

"You hurt me first, stop talking and go to sleep."

Thinking that Jiang Yue had said that not only did he snore while sleeping, but his feet were also smelly, Lan Doudou subconsciously covered her nose: "Wait a minute, didn't I ask you to bring the slippers from the hotel? Hurry up and put on your slippers and go to the toilet to wash them. Get off your feet, use the hand sanitizer on the sink if you don’t have soap, and wash them well.”

"I thought you asked me to bring the disposable slippers for you."

"If I need it, can you help me carry it?"

Lan Doudou glared at him, then thought about it and smiled: "Yamei has specially prepared a plastic bag for you. Remember to put the shoes and smelly socks you changed into later, and tie the mouth of the bag tightly. Don't put it in the bag." The carriage stunk."

Going on a business trip with a woman is troublesome!

Han Xin was embarrassed and said angrily: "Are my feet that smelly?"

At the same time, Han Chaoyang, who had just reported the situation to the branch leaders, could finally go home and rest.

As a result, when the police car of the patrol prevention and control team passed by the former Zhongshan Road police reception platform, now Chaoyang Community and the Sixth Hospital Police Office, I saw Grandpa Gu standing at the door talking to an old lady. He quickly asked the auxiliary police to stop the car and got down to follow Gu. Grandpa says hello.

"Chaoyang, are the people from Jiangnan gone?"

"I just left. I put them in the car and then went back to the institute to change clothes."

"Then go back quickly. Your mother is here once in a while. Go back and talk to your mother as soon as possible."

Han Chaoyang took out his mobile phone to check the time and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Yingying just called me. They took Qiqi to Haizhu's house to play. They had dinner at Haizhu's house at noon and they won't be able to go back until later. "

Talking about the children, Grandpa Gu held the thermos cup and smiled: "Your wife was talking about Qiqi yesterday. When your mother goes back, let your mother-in-law bring Qiqi to play. We haven't seen Qiqi in more than a month." .”

"Okay, I'll tell her tonight."

Han Chaoyang turned around and said hello to the young man in the police station. While walking forward with Grandpa Gu, he sighed: "Master, you won't believe it. That Han Xin who came with Lan Zhi and Captain Li , it’s very possible that he really specializes in anti-narcotics.”

"The division of labor is different. No matter what job, someone has to do it. Why don't you believe it?"

"He may be better than Bao Dadu."

"How do you know?" Grandpa Gu asked curiously.

Han Chaoyang leaned into Grandpa Gu's ear: "The Tang Jiaofeng arrested this morning, his personal information was leaked. The overseas drug lord brought guns and grenades. He was pursued all the way from Myanmar to Binjiang, and he was the one he was looking for!"

Grandpa Gu was shocked: "So he has investigated cross-border drug trafficking cases?"

"Landou Doudou said that he had been a soldier before. Bao Da suspected that he was not an ordinary soldier. It turned out that he was probably a border armed policeman in Nanyun."

"No wonder he has such a poisonous eye. He can tell who is a drug addict at a glance."

"He gave us two big gifts in a row, and we treated him to a beef noodles and a work meal. You always bought the noodles for me, which is really embarrassing. When their colleagues arrived, I Find an opportunity to treat them to a meal."

Grandpa Gu asked in confusion: "What two big gifts, what are their colleagues doing here?"

"There is a case within the case, and it is probably a major case. However, Lan Zhi and my family are only responsible for drug control and in-depth investigation of violations of citizens' privacy. Their branch will arrange for other police officers to take charge. Bureau Liu has communicated with their bureau leaders. ”

"Are you willing to cooperate with our branch in a joint investigation?"

"I told them shamelessly, they are very easy to talk to. Director Liu takes this case very seriously. He not only asked He Yichang to be responsible for the docking and joint investigation with them, but also planned to pick him up at the airport in person in the evening."

"Has the police arranged for Binjiang to come again?"

"Well, we came by plane. He Yichang and the others will be busy next."

Thinking that this case was shamelessly requested by his apprentice, but he had no chance to participate in the investigation, Grandpa Gu couldn't help but tease: "What's the matter without you again?"

Han Chaoyang has long been used to it and said with a smile: "I am originally a support person. I am not like Wu Weijing who thinks about solving major cases. I just want to guard this three-acre land and maintain public security in my own jurisdiction."

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