Veteran new police officer

Chapter 297 Shift of focus

In the large conference room, Director Yang gave instructions with a gloomy face and an extremely serious tone.

Director Liu, Xiao Yunbo, Yun Weiting, and Ren Zhongnian, who had just been promoted to deputy detachment leader, who were also sitting on the rostrum, looked solemn.

The heads of the anti-narcotics departments of the seven district and county public security bureaus and the policemen from the detachment such as Sister Jiang and Li Yamei listened very carefully in the audience and kept taking notes. No one dared to doze off or play with their mobile phones.

When summarizing the work in 2019 just now, Bureau Yang reported on the QAT draft that occurred in Sigang and reported on the reports from people in various districts and counties during the "Storm No. 1" operation.

Not only did they focus on criticizing the Sigang Public Security Bureau, they even asked the participants of the Sigang Public Security Bureau to stand up and question in front of so many people how the anti-drug propaganda in Sigang was carried out and where the "six advances" of anti-drug propaganda went. Six places.

Zhang Yuhang was made disgraced. This was just a scolding on behalf of others. It seemed unfair, but it wasn't unfair if you think about it carefully.

He is now the director of the Sigang City Anti-Drug Office, the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the captain of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade, and is the real person in charge of the "Sigang Anti-Drug".

There are such big problems in Si Gang's anti-drug work. If he doesn't get punished, who will? If he doesn't criticize, who will?

"Don't be complacent. Anti-drug propaganda is not carried out well enough. This can be seen from the number of reports from the masses. It can also be seen from your work summary. To this day, anti-drug propaganda is still based on 'campaign-style' education. For the main purpose, both in terms of quantity and intensity, it is far from enough.”

Director Yang raised his head and looked around the crowd. He held the speech and continued: "At the same time, it is just a formality. It is usually concentrated around the International Anti-Drug Day. It only talks about concepts without seeking methods and effects. Up to now, it is still limited to how many news and posts it has published. How many slogans were read and how many slogans were shouted..."

The leaders were so stern that the captains of the anti-drug brigade in each district and county and the deputy captains of the criminal police in charge of drug control were on pins and needles.

Because the previous anti-drug propaganda work was indeed carried out in this way, and the summary and submission materials also stated this. Only Li Duwang, who was enjoying the shade under the big tree planted by Zhang Yuhang, was not very worried.

"Linghai Anti-Drug" is outstanding. Director Yang has just praised it. Even Director Liu of the Political Department asked Sister Jiang, who is in charge of conference affairs, to play several short videos released by "Linghai Anti-Drug" on the spot.

Not only did they emphasize the number of followers, reposts and comments on several video accounts, they even praised "Linghai Anti-Drug" for having created its own new media publicity matrix.

The last item on the agenda is to read out the notice of the Municipal Anti-Drug Office on Carrying out Anti-Drug Publicity During the Spring Festival, which requires each district and county Anti-Drug Office to come up with a plan and organize its implementation within four days. The Municipal Anti-Drug Office will supervise and inspect the anti-drug publicity work of each district and county.

After the conference is over, if you are close, you can go back to eat, if you are far away, you can have a working meal in the cafeteria before going back.

Zhang Yuhang was not in the mood to eat. As soon as the leader walked out of the conference room, he took out the report materials he had prepared in advance and chased after him.

Li Duwang originally wanted to chat with Zhang Yuhang, and even wanted to have a meal together, but now he obviously had no chance, so he could only follow Sister Jiang and Li Yamei downstairs to the cafeteria.

Han Xin didn't like queuing, so she went downstairs to have a meal before the meeting was over.

They waited in the office until half past twelve before Sister Jiang came up with Li Duwang and accompanied him to visit the Honor Room according to the tradition of the detachment.

Zhang Yuhang didn't come up and left after eating with Xiao Zhi, political commissar and Ren Dasha, but he didn't forget his old subordinate and called him as soon as he got in the car.

"Xiao Han, there are a lot of things going on at work. I have to go back quickly, so I won't go upstairs to say hello to you. I know you are also very busy. Let's get together during the Spring Festival."

"I'm going downstairs to see you off."

"I'm not an outsider. If you have anything to give, that's it. Remember to bring it to Xiaoyue for me."

"Okay, let's get together during the New Year."

Just after hanging up the phone, Li Duwang knocked on the door and walked in, saying that he also had to return to his work quickly.

It’s the end of the year and everyone is busy.

Han Xin understood and sent him downstairs with Li Yamei.

Ren Zhongnian stood in the office just vacated by Gui Zhi, opened the window and looked downstairs. He couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and dial the number of his fellow villager.

"Zhongnian, have you been promoted and want to treat me?"

"I used to be a deputy department, but now I am still a deputy department. The salary has not increased at all, but when I am transferred to the city bureau, it will be reduced. This is not a promotion, and it is not a treat!"

The wages at the grassroots level are higher than those in government agencies, and the wages in development zones are higher than those in urban areas, so a promotion in Binjiang may not necessarily result in a salary increase.

Thinking of this, Cheng Wenming couldn't help but laugh and said: "You don't have to be the deputy detachment leader if you think the salary is low, and no one is forcing you to do it at gunpoint."

Ren Zhongnian chuckled: "Lao Cheng, don't be ridiculous. Although the salary is lower, the deputy detachment leader can still do his job. At least it sounds better than the captain."


"I'm not as enlightened as you. I'm a bit vain. Lao Cheng, what I want to tell you is another thing."

"What's up?"

"That kid from Han Keng, Xiao Zhi originally planned to assign him to our branch, but the leader of our branch thought that he didn't have high academic qualifications and said he didn't have a staff. Unexpectedly, after a big detour, he still wanted to work under me. This is fate, don’t you think?”

A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find!

Anyone would be happy to have a capable subordinate.

Cheng Wenming could understand his mood at this moment and said meaningfully: "You can lead him now, but if you want him to obey you, that is another matter."

"Don't worry, I will convince people with my virtue and make them convinced!"

Ren Zhongnian was so happy that last night he thought about letting Han Keng go to several districts and counties to clean up the area, and later let the plastic brothers have a taste of what it's like to be cheated.

Cheng Wenming knew very well that Han Keng was not a prick, and he didn't even care about getting a promotion or a salary increase. He didn't have to worry about Han Keng disrespecting his leader.

Compared with Han Keng, he was more concerned about how the deputy detachment leader "Ren Dasha" got his job. He said calmly: "Zhongnian, you have done a good job in keeping secrets. There was no news about this transfer in advance. If Wang Yan hadn’t called me just now, I wouldn’t have known about it.”

"What kind of confidentiality work is done well? This is a temporary decision. It was just discussed with me last night."

"Does the one in the capital know?"

"I haven't bothered to call him yet, Lao Cheng, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, it just feels very sudden."

People who come from Liangzhuang must consider the influence of all aspects.

Ren Zhongnian realized that this transfer to deputy detachment leader might not be as simple as "work needs". At Cheng Wenming's reminder, he quickly closed the office door and reported to the old leader in the capital.

The old leader understood the ins and outs of the matter. He didn't say yes or no, but asked curiously: "What are you responsible for?"

"We only had a meeting in the afternoon to study the division of labor, but Xiao Zhi said in the morning that he plans to make me the captain of the drug case brigade. The drug case brigade will be branded as an intelligence brigade. It will be mainly responsible for guiding the investigation of drug cases and the collection, research and judgment of anti-drug intelligence."

"It's just to guide the investigation, not organize the investigation, nor is it a joint investigation?"

"I asked Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Zhi said that the detachment has a small number of people. If we only participate in the investigation of drug cases, we will focus on one thing and neglect the other, which will affect the intelligence work. He said that our intelligence work has just improved a little, and we should put more effort into intelligence."

"I know, do it well."

The old leader was very busy and hung up without saying anything else.

The more Ren Zhongnian thought about it, the weirder he got. He wanted to call Cheng Wenming, but he was worried that Cheng Wenming was talking nonsense, so he simply dialed Wang Yan's number.

Wang Yan waited for him to finish and couldn't help but smile: "I know, let's do it well."

"Why are you all acting like this? It's like I'm not responsible for my work and haven't done it well."

"Then what do you want me to say, congratulations and wish you a promotion?"

"Sister, you are my biological sister. Stop showing off and tell me what's going on with this transfer?"

Wang Yan made a guess, held up her mobile phone and explained: "From the division of labor you just mentioned, especially the focus of the detachment's next work, it can be seen that at least the first detachment will focus on intelligence. Although intelligence work is very important, , but it is difficult to do well.

After all, the leading investigation is to cooperate with the investigation and cooperate with the brother investigation unit. In short, you can't do your job but get no results. Even if you can't judge your merits and awards as before, you should let your superiors know. "

Ren Zhongnian understood as if he was enlightened, and asked with a grimace: "So the bureau leaders and Xiao Zhi are using me as a mouthpiece?"

Wang Yan smiled and said: "This involves collective honor. If it were me, I would arrange it like this."

After figuring out how this deputy detachment leader came to be, Ren Zhongnian was not as happy as before, and said angrily: "When it comes to collective honor, Si Gang has the least honor today. He was criticized by Director Yang as a negative example, and so many people Let Zhang Yuhang stand up and review."

"I heard that I didn't do my job well, so I accept criticism humbly."

Wang Yan didn't want to hurt each other with him, so she immediately changed the subject: "Zhongnian, there is nothing wrong with being a mouthpiece, as long as there is something to pass on. In other words, you must first make some achievements in intelligence."


"As I say, don't think too much, just do your best."

After a half-hour break, the meeting continued.

The detachment has a small number of people, so the party committee and team affairs meeting are held together.

First study the division of work, and then arrange the next work according to the spirit of the morning meeting.

As expected, Ren Zhongnian served as the captain of the first team, and Li Yamei continued to participate in the investigation of drug cases in Linghai Branch. However, it can be heard that the so-called participation in the investigation was actually an opportunity for her to get training at the grassroots level.

Han Xin, Xu Haoran, and Hou Wen returned to the team and continued to participate in several drug cases that they had previously participated in, but the focus of their work had to shift to intelligence.

"Comrades, considering the special nature of drug cases, do not ask each other about the progress of each other's participation in the investigation of the case before the case is settled. After the case is settled, we will review the case and conduct research and analysis."


"Then Yamei, you should take advantage of this precious opportunity and humbly learn from the comrades of the anti-drug brigade of Linghai Branch. Their anti-drug publicity and education are really good. When you come back, you must really carry out the anti-drug publicity and education work of the detachment. .”

seeing is believing.

Li Yamei now really admired Ling Hai's anti-drug colleagues, and stood up quickly: "Yes!"

"Sit, no need to stand."

Xiao Zhi closed his notebook, looked back at Ren Zhongnian, and then turned to Hou Wen: "Everyone, today is a good day! Not only did Ren Zhi take office, but I also heard that Xiao Hou's mother is here. We treat the two things as One thing to do, take care of Ren Zhi and Xiao Hou’s mother at night.”

Hou Wen is from Dongshan, and Hou Wen's mother came all the way to see her son, just like a parent going to the army to visit relatives.

This is a big deal for the detachment!

Political Commissar Yun took over the conversation, looked at everyone with a smile and said, "I have already booked the hotel. At seven o'clock in the evening, I will be in private room 306 of Wangjiang Tower."

I have worked in Xingdong for several years and my family has been there twice, but the bureau leaders have never been so enthusiastic.

Hou Wen was very moved and stood up hurriedly: "Thank you, leaders. I didn't dare to say it just now. In fact, my mother would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the leaders."

"How can your mother invite us? We should be the landlords."

Political Commissar Yun motioned for him to sit down, looked at Han Xin with a smile and asked: "Xiao Han, please call your girlfriend and ask if she can take two hours off tonight."

Xiao Zhi smiled and added: "I made a mistake just now. Instead of doing two things as one thing, we should do three things as one thing. The Chinese New Year is about to come, and we are getting busier as time goes by. It's a good time to take advantage of it. This opportunity to get together is equivalent to having a dinner at the end of the year. Those who have family members will bring their families, and those who have girlfriends will bring their girlfriends."

Ren Zhongnian smiled and asked: "Xiao Zhi, political commissar, can you sit down?"

"You can sit there, the political commissar booked a large box!"

"Okay, I'll call my lover right now. Xiao Han, if your girlfriend can't ask for leave, I'll call Cheng Zhi and ask Cheng Zhi to ask for it for her."

"Ren Da, do you know that my girlfriend is participating in new police training?"

"Not only have I heard of it, but I have also seen it."

"When did you see her?" Han Xin asked curiously.

Before Ren Zhongnian could speak, Xiao Zhi explained with a smile: "Your girlfriend assisted us in the escort mission. After the suspect was escorted back, he was not sent directly to the detention center, but was first sent to the case handling center of the Chonggang Branch. Ren Zhi I happened to be working on a case at the case handling center, and I happened to meet him, and I introduced him."

"My girlfriend is very beautiful. You are so lucky."

Ren Zhongnian praised him, then turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Hou, you are the only one left, so you need to pay close attention to this matter. Haoran and Yamei, you are both from the urban area and have many relatives and friends. Please help and pay attention. If there is anyone suitable, please help introduce me!”

"Ren Zhi, I have told my lover a long time ago. My lover said that there is really a suitable one, but he has been very busy some time ago and has not been able to arrange a meeting."

"Then we need to make arrangements quickly. While Xiaohou's mother is here, we can arrange a blind date."

"Thank you Ren Zhi, thank you Captain Xu."

Hou Wen smiled from ear to ear and thanked him hurriedly.

Han Xin was surprised to find that her new boss was very easy to get along with. Not only did he have no airs, but he also cared about his subordinates.

Just as she was feeling the warmth of the big family of the detachment, Sister Jiang's cell phone suddenly received a WeChat notification.

Others have to turn off their mobile phones or put them on mute during meetings. As the director of the general office, she is responsible for uploading and distributing information, and her mobile phone cannot be turned off 24 hours a day.

She clicked on WeChat and looked at it, then frowned slightly.

"Sister Jiang, what's wrong?" Xiao Zhi asked subconsciously.


"There must be something going on. Tell me, what's going on?"

Sister Jiang put down her cell phone and said with a wry smile: "My daughter goes to college in Hanwu. She said that the news has gone crazy in several of her groups. It is very possible that someone there is really infected with SARS."

Xiao Zhi subconsciously asked: "SARS?"

"It stands to reason that you should not believe or spread rumors, but my girl is studying medicine, and she is interning in a tertiary A hospital over there..."

SARS is so old!

What's more, you can't disbelieve what the doctor says, nor can you believe everything.

If you just listen to the doctor, you can't eat this thing, you can't eat that, you can't smoke, and you can't drink alcohol, life will be meaningless.

Compared to SARS, which has almost been forgotten, Xiao Zhi envied her a daughter who was both good in character and academics, and asked with a smile: "When will your daughter graduate? She has been in college for several years."

"Don't mention it, I get anxious when I mention this. I really shouldn't have listened to her father and told her to apply for some medical school. She studied for seven years in a row, and finally got a master's degree. Then she started studying for a doctorate, and she turned into an old girl. Got it!"

"Jiang University, your master's degree is already very good, why do you have to study for a doctorate?" Han Xin asked puzzledly.

Sister Jiang said helplessly: "Studying medicine is not about learning anything else. You can't do it without a doctorate degree."

"Why not?"

"I can't find a job. If I want to enter Binjiang University Hospital, I need a doctorate."

"Your daughter is so powerful. If I were asked to go to school for so many years, I would be stupid."

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