Veteran new police officer

Chapter 302 The Unlucky Wife

Just because Han Xin didn't return to work doesn't mean he doesn't have to work overtime.

At this moment, he and Li Duwang are sitting in the small conference room of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of Linghai Branch. Accompanying Bureau Sun, who came over overnight, they are connected to the Mangjing Branch Headquarters on the 2020.01.01 drug case.

There are three laptops in front of him, one can see Lu Xiangyang and Sister Zhang working nervously, one can live broadcast Lao Qu and Liu Haipeng interrogating the suspect, and the other can see a villa being monitored by the police of the detachment investigation team. .

It’s the same picture from a thermal imager, but the dedicated one is clearer than the civilian one bought online.

Director Sun confirmed that the Nanyun border defense was about to take action and couldn't help but smile: "Du Wang, all your hard work some time ago was not in vain. If you hadn't helped Xiao Han's old troops catch the man named Wu, how could they have taken the surname Zhu?" Leave it to us."

Li Duwang was a little embarrassed to be praised, especially in front of Han Keng.

He picked up his mobile phone and ordered takeout, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Director Sun, I really didn't think so much at the time, and I couldn't have thought so far. It's just for Xiao Han's sake that I'm willing to hand it over."

Is it better for everyone to get what they need...

The fugitives from the old army must be captured and brought to justice. As for the man named Zhu and the twelve kilograms of methamphetamine that are still unknown where they are hidden, the old army does not look down upon them, but is more important to the Linghai branch.

After all, in Linghai and even the entire Binjiang, it is difficult to catch such drug dealers and seize so much methamphetamine under normal circumstances.

Han Xin was not sure how to explain it when Sister Zhang received a call on the laptop screen and her expression suddenly changed.

Did something unexpected happen?

Director Sun frowned immediately, and Li Duwang didn't bother ordering takeout.

Han Xin picked up her cell phone and was about to ask what was going on through the group chat that never hung up. Sister Zhang looked at the camera and smiled bitterly: "Bureau Sun, Jiao Li, the detention center called and said that Wu Shouyi died five minutes ago. Yes, they are busy reporting to the supervision detachment of the State Public Security Bureau and the stationed prosecutor."

"That old bastard died at the right time. It doesn't matter whether he is there or not now."

"Although it's not important, as a police officer handling the case, I have to go and take a look."

"Going overnight?"

"We have to go, otherwise it would be bad if the supervisory detachment leaders and prosecutors arrive and we don't have anyone to go."

When someone dies in a detention center, even if it is a suspect who has committed a heinous crime, it is not a small matter.

Director Sun could understand, but after thinking about it, he raised his cell phone and asked: "Zhang Da, Wu Shouyi has died. There is no point in Comrade Yu Wenqiang staying in the detention center anymore. Can you let him come out quickly and participate in the next arrest operation?"

Sister Zhang said helplessly: "I'm sorry, the correctional police in the center arranged for him to take care of Wu Shouyi, which means he watched Wu Shouyi die.

Although there is surveillance in the cell, there may be some procedures to investigate the death of Wu Shouyi. "

"Public Enemy of the Precinct" is so unlucky!

While the suspect is alive, he has to perform a close mission and cannot come out.

The suspect is dead and he has to cooperate with the investigation, but he still can't come out.

Director Sun could only express his infinite sympathy in his heart for what happened to the "public enemy of the bureau".

Li Duwang expressed regret that the "public enemies of the branch" would not be able to participate in the upcoming arrest operation. After all, for such a big case and such an important operation, it is really unjustifiable that only one police officer from the branch will participate.

Han Xin wanted to laugh but was a little worried, because this time she really screwed up the teacher's wife. She was detained administratively for only fifteen days, but she deceived him into performing a close-up mission, which actually led to him being detained for a full ten days. Shaved head!

He will definitely not give up after coming back, no matter whether he can make meritorious service or receive awards.

Han Xin secretly decided not to return to her old workplace if she could, so as not to give the master and his wife a chance to get angry.

At this time, Lu Xiangyang issued the order to take action.

I saw the screen on the third laptop shaking for a while, and several figures quickly climbed over the wall and rushed into the villa to arrest people.

In fact, it was not just the group that took over from Lao Qu and Liu Haipeng to monitor the villa.

The old comrades in the reconnaissance team divided into four groups and led the brothers transferred from the mobile brigade to Zhu Chunwan's home, company warehouse and shops in the jewelry market.

In case Zhu Chunwan’s family or company employees learn that Zhu Chunwan transferred drugs and assets after being caught.

They were operating overnight, so there was nothing we could do to help. The only thing we could do was wait for news.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the thermal imager screen changed to a normal screen.

Zhu Chunwan, with his head hanging down, was taken out of the villa by several policemen.

His mistress was uncooperative, struggling and making a fuss.

I don’t know which unit the policewoman was transferred from, so naturally she wouldn’t look down upon her, so she simply handcuffed her and stuffed her directly into the police car.

Next comes the interrogation.

Zhu Chunwan, who was taken to the detachment's case handling center, was very uncooperative at first, refusing to admit drug trafficking or knowing Wu Shouyi, and even plausibly claimed how much tax he paid to the country in a year.

It wasn't until Lu Xiangyang talked about how he met Wu Shouyi and how he became friends with Wu Shouyi, and then played a video of Wu Shouyi and Bai Jinsheng being arrested, and showed the bank transfer and remittance records, that he realized that sophistry was useless.

He seemed to be a different person, crying loudly, with runny nose and tears, claiming that he had already changed his ways, and begged the government to treat him leniently.

As for the twelve kilograms of methamphetamine, he did not sell it and was not willing to throw it away. He hid it in the garage of his home.

Just possessing twelve kilograms of methamphetamine is suspected of committing a crime, not to mention that he had sold so many drugs before...

Director Sun didn't want to have long nights and long dreams. As soon as he received the materials sent back by Liu Haipeng, he called the legal team overnight and asked Li Duwang to prepare the procedures overnight. After dawn, he applied to freeze the suspect's bank account and personally led the team to fly to South Korea. Yun, escort the two suspects and the seized drugs back!

If you achieve such great results, you must report to the leadership.

Although District Chief Zhang was woken up at 2:30 in the morning, he was very happy after hearing the report and said with a smile: "Then please go there in person. If you don't go, it will appear that we don't take it seriously!"

"District Chief Zhang, there are two suspects to be escorted now. Liu Haipeng and Yu Wenqiang are over there. Plus Li Duwang and I, there are four people. Considering that drugs are also very important and they are so far away, I plan to start from the special patrol again. The brigade dispatched two policemen."

"Okay, hurry up and decide who will go, and book a flight immediately."

At the same time, Han Xin was also on the phone in the lobby reporting to his immediate boss.

Ren Zhongnian only knew that Wu Shouyi had given a few clues after he was arrested. He didn't know that the Linghai branch had made such a big fuss, so he subconsciously asked, "Xiao Han, don't you plan to go there?"

"Ren Da, I would like to go back and have a look, but you know my situation. I can't just go back without the permission of the old army leader."

"If you don't go, nothing will happen to our detachment!"

This is a cross-border drug case. One of the suspects is a Burmese, and more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine were seized at one time. It can be said that this case is very important to the branch, and it is equally important to the detachment.

Ren Zhongnian thought for a while and then said: "Xiao Han, although the focus of our work has shifted to intelligence, we must participate in the investigation of the case before the meeting to the end.

I will report to the Xiao Branch immediately, and you should also tell Bureau Sun of the Linghai Branch that our detachment will definitely arrange for police to participate in the escort operation. Who will be arranged to wait for my call? "


Bureau Sun, who was about to go home and pack his luggage, heard clearly. He looked at him with a smile and asked, "Xiao Han, what did Ren Zhi say?"

Han Xin smiled and said: "Ren Zhi said that the detachment will definitely arrange for someone to go with you."

Thinking that the anti-drug detachment had been involved in this case from the beginning, not to mention the special status of "Ren Dasha", Director Sun couldn't miss this opportunity to show his face, and immediately patted his arm: "Who are we going to arrange? Please come with us, Ren Dasha" Go, not with us, but ask him to lead the team and take us there!"

"Director Sun, for such a big matter, it doesn't matter what I say. How can I command the leader?"

"Call him and I'll tell him."

"Okay, I'll get through to you."

Han Xin originally thought that it was the end of the year and there was still SARS outside, so Ren Zhongnian would most likely not take action in person. Unexpectedly, Director Sun called him and chatted for a few words, and he actually agreed.

The personnel of the escort team were also adjusted accordingly. Li Duwang did not need to go and stayed at home to continue presiding over the work of the team.

Bureau Sun and the two policemen transferred from the Special Patrol Brigade packed their things overnight and rushed to the city to meet up with Ren Zhi. Then they rushed to Pudong International Airport in Donghai without stopping and took the first flight to Nanyun.

Han Xin went back to her father-in-law's house and slept until ten in the morning. She got up and called Lu Xiangyang. Only then did she know that Ren Zhi and Bureau Sun had arrived, but the wife had to cooperate with the investigation and would not be able to leave the detention center until four in the afternoon at the earliest. come out.

"Boss Chen personally said hello, and we have to go through the necessary procedures."

"I know, but if this happens, Director Ren and Director Sun will not be able to escort the suspect back today."

Lu Xiangyang rubbed his bloodshot eyes, yawned and said, "I just asked your Sun Bureau, they plan to take the high-speed rail back tomorrow morning."

There are only bullet trains in Linghai and even Binjiang, and the high-speed railway is under construction. I heard that it will not be open to traffic until May.

Han Xin was confused: "It seems we don't have high-speed rail here!"

"Are you awake? If there is no direct connection, you can change trains."

"How to turn?"

"Thankfully you are from Binjiang and don't even know this."

"When I went back to my hometown, I either took a sleeper berth or took a plane. I never transferred to a train. How could I know."

Lu Xiangyang was completely convinced and could only cheer up and explained: "They checked online and found that there is a high-speed train from Chuncheng to Hefei. It departs from Chuncheng at ten in the morning and arrives at eight in the evening. From Hefei to You have a train there, and it only takes thirteen hours in total."

Han Xin reacted: "You can still turn around like this, I understand."

From the time he received the tip about Wu Shouyi's illegal entry until now, Lu Xiangyang had not had a good rest. He couldn't bear it anymore and said listlessly: "I won't talk to you anymore, I have to get some sleep quickly."

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