Veteran new police officer

Chapter 316 Investigation (2)

Jiang Yue was curious about whether her boyfriend could really tell at a glance whether someone had taken drugs. Yao Wei, the new captain of the anti-drug brigade of Chonggang Branch, was even more curious.

On the first day when he was transferred from the deputy director of the police station to the captain of the anti-drug brigade, he heard from the instructor that there was a very powerful scammer in the anti-drug detachment.

There is a lot of pressure to carry out drug control under Han Keng's nose. If you are not careful, he will give you a surprise.

Fortunately, "Ren Dasha" was transferred to the detachment, and Xu Haoran also became a police officer in the detachment. With the help of the old captain and police officers who had worked in the brigade, it would not be too embarrassing even if there were some omissions in the anti-drug work of the brigade.

Although "there are people in the detachment", he still kept his attitude as low as possible and showed that he respected Han Xin's opinions.

The first person to be investigated was an owner who engaged in car detailing and car washing. The household registration information showed that he was from Hui Province, and his wife was from an ethnic minority in the Liangshan area of ​​Xichuan Province.

The couple has been working hard in Binjiang for more than ten years. Not only did they open their own shop, but they also bought a house, moved all their household registrations here, and their children go to school here. The family of three can be said to be new Binjiang people.

Compared with other owners on the list, this one is the least suspicious, but Han Xin proposed to investigate this one first.

Xu Haoran is still responsible for knocking on the door and reminding the other party to wear a mask.

Unexpectedly, the male owner said he would come right away, but he waited three or four minutes before opening the door.

Yao Wei realized that there might be something wrong with this family, and Jiang Yue turned on the law enforcement recorder and pulled out the baton from his waist.

"What's up……"

"Hello, we are from the street, here to check if there are any outsiders."


The male owner’s eyes flickered and he looked nervous.

The female owner, wearing a mask, stood behind him and hesitated to speak.

Han Xin opened the folder and took a look, stared at him closely and reminded: "Gu Guogui, please think carefully before speaking. During the epidemic prevention and control period, if you conceal anything and fail to report it, leading to the spread of the epidemic, you will be held legally responsible!"

"Really not..."

Gu Guogui was not only nervous, but also did not mean what he said.

What surprised Han Xin and Xu Haoran was that his wife actually looked towards the bedroom and kept winking.

Do they really have any difficulties?

Han Xin calmed down and asked calmly: "Where is the child? Why don't you see your son?"

"Doing homework."

"Please let the children come out for a moment. I want to take your temperature."

"Binbin, come here quickly. We'll do the homework later."


Following the sound of footsteps, a cute little boy ran to the door.

Han Xin took out the thermometer gun from her bag, glanced at Ambassador Yao who was carrying a real gun, then held up the thermometer gun and tested Gu Guogui's wrist.

After confirming that the couple had no fever, he looked at their child with a smile and said, "Child, come here, uncle will help you take your temperature."

"Thank you uncle."

The little guy was very sensible. He walked to the door and stretched out his hand.

Han Xin leaned over and picked him up. Yao Wei pulled out his gun tacitly, pushed Gu Guogui and his wife to the side, and rushed in with Xu Haoran.

There is no one in the living room.

The kitchen is empty.

The master bedroom door was open and no one was inside.

Yao Da ran over and opened the second bedroom door, while Xu Haoran ran to the bathroom door.

Han Xin handed the child to Jiang Yue and took the baton. As soon as she rushed into the living room, she heard Yao Da holding a gun and yelling: "We are from the Public Security Bureau, don't move!"

The whole process took less than a minute. Jiang Yue didn't know what was going on with Gu Guogui and his wife. She wanted to follow them but was worried that they would run away, so she could only hold the little boy tightly and guard the door.

At this time, a baby's cry came from inside.

Immediately afterwards, a woman yelled something unknown in a southwestern dialect.

"Speak in Mandarin, what's your surname, what's your name, do you have an ID card?" Yao Da realized that it was a false alarm and quickly put away his gun.

The short and thin woman pretended not to understand, holding the baby in her arms and saying nothing.

Yao was furious and turned around and said: "Gu Guogui, come in!"

“You are the police, you are not from the community?”

"Look clearly, I am Yao Wei, a police officer from Chonggang Branch, and these are my colleagues. Didn't you say there are no outsiders? Who is she?"

"She...she is my sister-in-law."

"When did she come here? Why didn't she report it to the property management and the community?"

"She came on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, comrade policeman. She is really my sister-in-law. She is not an outsider. She has never been to Hanwu..."

The little guy thought that the police didn't believe his father, so he struggled and jumped down and said timidly: "Uncle police, it's really my aunt, that's my brother."

Han Xin sniffed the smell in the second bedroom, walked out and looked at the young woman holding the baby, then looked at Gu Guogui's wife, and probably guessed what was going on.

Xu Haoran also saw that Gu Guogui's sister-in-law was a drug addict and asked coldly: "Stop pretending, I know you understand Mandarin. Tell me honestly where the drugs are hidden!"

The short, thin young woman looked up, still pretending to be dumbfounded.

Gu Guogui said with a grimace: "Comrade police, you must have made a mistake about drugs."

"How long has it been and you are still making excuses? Do you know that you will be held criminally responsible for allowing others to take drugs?"

"What is Rongliu? Comrade police, she is my sister-in-law..."

Han Xin had seen many drug addicts like his sister-in-law who were not afraid of boiling water. She simply took out the law enforcement recorder from her bag and stuck it on her chest. She walked into the second bedroom again, turned on the light, and searched carefully. stand up.

Jiang Yue wanted to follow them and take a look, but she realized that Yao Da and Xu Haoran didn't have law enforcement recorders, so they could only put on security doors and stand on the side to help take pictures.

Not only did the young woman pretend to be confused, she even lifted up her clothes in front of everyone and breastfed the crying child.

Gu Guogui frowned.

Gu Guogui's wife had an expressionless face, neither defending nor looking very scared.

The little guy was so frightened that he hid behind his mother and peeked with half of his head exposed.

This was the first time Yao Da encountered this situation, and he didn't know how to ask for a while.

Xu Haoran also had a headache and was about to suggest taking them all to the police station for questioning. Han Xin came out with a small bag of brown powder and held it up to the young woman who was breastfeeding her baby.

"What's this?"


Han Xin snorted coldly, and then asked in a not very standard southwest dialect: "Stop pretending, look up, what is this?"

The young woman did not expect that the policeman in protective clothing would speak the dialect of their hometown. She simply thought that he was chasing him from his hometown. She raised her head and whispered: "Qingpi."

"Where did it come from?"


"Who did you buy it from?"

"My cousin."

"Where is your cousin?"

"You guys caught me."

Han Xin asked while the iron was hot: "What are you buying for?"

The young woman looked at her sister and brother-in-law with a bit of embarrassment, and muttered: "Suck it."

"Just sucking? Think about it later!"

"Sold some too."

"Where was it sold?"

"Sold in my hometown."

"Who have they been sold to?"

The young woman patted the baby in her arms gently, as if she didn't hear him and didn't answer.

Han Xin simply pulled up a chair, sat in front of her, looked at the baby, and asked her in a normal manner: "Sister, which baby is this?"

The young woman didn't expect him to ask this, so she said nonchalantly: "The third one."

"Are you tired of having so many babies?" Han Xin knew that she was not afraid of the police, so she could only ask.

"What if I don't have a baby... What if I don't have a baby? If you want to live, a man is shot, so he has to rely on himself."

"Then you have given birth to so many children. Where are the two you gave birth to before?"

"Give it away, why keep it? I can't afford it!"

"You're giving away the meat you shed when you say you're going to give it away. Why can't you do something serious if you're willing to give it away? Besides, you can't make much money selling drugs, and most of it has been taken by the people above!"

"What are you doing? I'm looked down upon everywhere. Where can we work? Besides, I don't have any culture or skills. If I don't sell this, what will I do? It's just that some people often owe money and don't pay it back, which makes me get scolded. , I am begging for it very much!”

Xichuan dialect is actually not difficult to understand, and Han Xin speaks very slowly.

Yao Da didn't expect that a drug dealer would be so confident, and Jiang Yue was even more shocked.

Han Xin was not surprised and asked: "What will you do after this baby is past the lactation period, and then find a man to get pregnant?"

"It depends on whether the baby can be born. If it can be born, it will be born. If it can't be born, there is nothing we can do. I can only let you catch it."

"How old are you this year?"

"twenty one."

"You're only 21 and you've given birth to three children. Not only do you sell drugs, but you also take them yourself. Do you know how much damage it does to your body? Do you want to live?"

"Stop asking, just arrest them if you want. It's so annoying to ask so many questions about what to do..."

"You think we don't dare to arrest you, get up, put on your mask, and come with us!"

After struggling for a whole day, we finally caught such a suspect.

Han Xin didn't want to waste time, so she motioned to Jiang Yue to come and take her downstairs.

Yao Da calmed down and quickly took Gu Guogui out with Xu Haoran.

Han Xin took the time to ask Gu Guogui's wife.

As expected, everything was as speculated before, and their family of three did have some last resort difficulties.

When I took the elevator downstairs, the police station car had already arrived.

Yao Da put the two suspects into the police car, came up to them and asked, "Team Han, what happened to that one just now?"

Han Xin looked around and said with a wry smile: "The one who evaded punishment by selling drugs and getting pregnant and giving birth to babies is called Qubi Ami. Her man was shot for drug trafficking.

The crackdown on drugs in her hometown is getting stronger and stronger. Now, isn't it targeted poverty alleviation? The superiors have sent many village cadres to her hometown to keep an eye on her every day. Drugs cannot be sold and business is difficult to do.

She heard that the drugs in Donghai could be sold at a high price, so she went to Donghai several times, hoping to sell drugs in Donghai. As a result, the epidemic caught up with her and she was a fugitive who violated community correction regulations. She really had no place to go, so she came to join her sister and brother-in-law. "

Yao Da subconsciously asked: "Has she been beaten?"

"I was arrested several times and sentenced several times."

Han Xin paused and then continued: "Her sister, who is Gu Guogui's lover, is now named Qu, and her name is Qu Aguo, but actually her name is Qu Bi Aguo. She is better than her, and she came to work here when she was a teenager. I met Gu Guogui in our Binjiang.

But there is a tradition in their hometown that girls are not allowed to marry outside the family. In order to marry Gu Guogui, she asked Qubi Amei, who was still a child at the time, to help her steal the household registration book from home and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get married to Gu Guogui. certificate. "

Yao Da pondered: "So Gu Guogui and his wife did not sell drugs?"

"Probably not. Qu Aguo not only hates taking drugs and selling drugs, but also feels that her brothers and sisters in her hometown are too lazy to work. She has never gone back since she came out. But if she doesn't go back, her family will look for her. Her father and her brothers have wanted to leave over the years. Hundreds of thousands.

No matter what, Qubi Ami was kind to the two of them, so he couldn't turn them away after he came over. But she can't tolerate her sister taking drugs at her house, let alone taking drugs in front of her son. Because of this, the two sisters have been quarreling these days, so she kept giving us winks just now. "

Yao Da asked in a low voice: "Why didn't she report it?"

Han Xin said helplessly: "Qubi Amei is her biological sister, and this is related to the entire family's view of her."


"Yao Da, it may be difficult for you to understand what I say. If you go to their hometown and learn about them, you will know how much influence the family has on a person."

Han Xin thought for a while and then said: "Gu Guogui helped hide it, largely because he considered Qu Aguo's family. First, it was unlikely that Qu Aguo would marry him under normal circumstances, and secondly, even if he married , he also had to spend hundreds of thousands in betrothal gifts, but he didn’t spend much money.”

Yao Da was confused: "Isn't their hometown very poor? How can the woman get so many colorful gifts for the man?"

"This shows the importance of family. Relatives and friends help get it together. I'll help you get it together this time, and you'll help me get it together next time. That's how marriages are done over there."

"There are a lot of drug users over there, and the drug problem is serious?"

"It's much better now. It was very serious before."

Thinking of the women he had arrested when he was first transferred to the investigation team, Han Xin sighed: "When it comes to ethnic minorities, there are many in Nanyun. For example, in Chuxiong Autonomous Prefecture, there are many ethnic minority compatriots of the same ethnic group as them. It’s closer to the Golden Triangle and you can buy drugs just by walking there, but there are very few people taking drugs in Chuxiong and not many drug dealers.”

Yao Da ignored his emotions and asked with a grimace: "Team Han, that so-and-so Ami is breastfeeding, what should I do now?"

"Notify their hometown police bureau, but it's useless to notify them now. I have no good way to deal with this kind of thing, so I'd better report it to the leader."

"By the way, what kind of drug is the green leather you just found?"

"Crude heroin, also known as No. 1 heroin."

"Okay, I'll report first."

This is a case of the Chonggang Branch.

Han Xin didn't want to worry too much and hurried to Langshan Police Station to say goodbye to his girlfriend.

Jiang Yuegang helped search the suspect's body, assisted the eldest sister in the station to complete the urine test on the suspect, washed his hands, walked out and asked reluctantly: "Are you going back now?"

"If you don't go back, why don't you live here?"

Han Xin asked back and said helplessly: "Besides, there is a lot of pressure at the isolation point. If I don't go back, my wife won't be able to bear it alone."

"Okay, let's go back early."

Jiang Yue put him in the car, then thought about it and muttered: "If you encounter a female suspect breastfeeding in the future, don't stare at her again!"

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