Veteran new police officer

Chapter 370 Maybe it’s just the beginning

On Thursday, the dance school was not as busy as the holidays.

Jiang Yue knew that her mother "get off work" early and would prepare delicious food in the evening. As soon as I got home, I was busy changing my shoes and preparing to go to the kitchen to see what was going to be cooked tonight. Unexpectedly, I heard the sound of snoring coming from the bedroom.

She felt very strange, so she walked over and opened the door, and was surprised to find that the big guy was sleeping soundly.

Afraid of disturbing her son-in-law's sleep, Jiang's mother quickly ran over, closed the door, and pulled her to the kitchen: "Let Xinxin sleep for a while. He worked overtime at night and didn't get much sleep."

"When did he come back?"

"I came back at noon and went to bed after eating. I have been sleeping until now."

I was urgently transferred there last night by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and I came back at noon today. What kind of mission is this...

Jiang Yue was puzzled and murmured: "He went to bed after eating. Did he wash his feet?"

Jiang's mother didn't expect her daughter to ask this, so she couldn't help laughing and said: "Why can't he not wash his feet? He took a bath and went to bed. I had to watch him at the dance school in the afternoon and didn't bother to wash his clothes. The clothes he changed out of It’s still stuffed in the washing machine.”

The more Jiang Yue thought about it, the weirder she became. She felt it was necessary to ask clearly. She opened the kitchen door and muttered: "I have slept all afternoon. I can't sleep anymore, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night."

"But he was sleeping soundly."

"It's okay, I'll call him."

Today's young people are more thoughtful than each other.

Mother Jiang simply ignored it, sat down and continued picking vegetables, leaving her daughter to call her son-in-law.

Han Xin slept soundly, without even dreaming.

After being woken up by Jiang Yue, he looked at her pretty face, rubbed his eyes and asked, "Honey, are you off work?"

"Just got home."

Jiang Yue sat beside the bed, pointed to the suitcase placed beside the wardrobe and asked, "Didn't you go to assist the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in handling the case? Why did you come back so soon?"

The door is closed!

Han Xin immediately sat up and hugged her: "Before they came to me, they didn't know that I had just returned from a business trip. After they found out, their conscience showed that they let me come back to rest."

Mom is outside. It would be so embarrassing if Mom opened the door and came in to see her.

Jiang Yue quickly pushed his hands away, stood up and asked, "Do you want to go then?"

"There's no need to go anymore. My mission has been completed. Even if I go, I can't help them."

"Have you ever been on a mission at night?"


"What mission?" Jiang Yue asked curiously.

It's no secret that Li Yongchun was detained. Even if they didn't tell them, they would know it soon.

The details of the case must be kept secret, but he was only responsible for helping arrest people. He knew nothing about the case and could not leak it even if he wanted to.

Thinking of this, he yawned and said: "Deputy Director Li Yongchun of the Changzhou Branch, who helped keep an eye on him all night, assisted them in taking detention measures against Li Yongchun in the morning, and also helped send the person to the detention center."

His mouth smelled bad, and Jiang Yue subconsciously covered her nose: "You helped the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision arrest the deputy director of the Changzhou branch!"

"There haven't been many black sheep caught in the past two years. He's just a deputy director at the department level. What's all the fuss about?"

"But you're not a disciplinary inspector. Why don't they look for someone else but you?"

"Maybe I helped them catch Chen Guoping, and they think I have more experience in catching black sheep in the public security system."

"You have more experience. This is something that offends people. They must treat you as a fool and use you to your death!"

"Do you think I am willing? Secretary Guan personally called my name. Can I not go?"

If you do this kind of thing too much, it will be really hard to get along in the workplace in the future.

Jiang Yue was very depressed, and sighed faintly: "I just said that my master wanted to take the selection test to go to the Discipline Inspection Commission, but she didn't take the test, and you helped the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee arrest a deputy director first. What a big deal."

Han Xin knew that she was thinking about herself, so she held her hand and smiled: "It's actually nothing. I came out of the army and have no education. It's not easy to be a squadron leader. It's not like me. Mistress wants to make progress so much and doesn’t care what others think or say.”

"Although I say that, Secretary Guan can't do this."

"Secretary Guan has his own reasons for doing this, and besides, it's not a big deal."

"What are Secretary Guan's considerations?"

Thinking of the topics he had discussed with several veterans of the army last year, Han Xin sighed: "With so many military cadres transferred to the army in recent years, very few of them can be assigned to real-duty positions like Secretary Guan. I heard that they are now in the army. Only level 4 researchers can be assigned, and they may not be able to join the team.

The deputy regiments have no actual duties. Whether they are deputy regiments or deputy battalions, they are demoted to a certain level and placed in various departments as ordinary cadres. The same is true for districts and counties. Except for the deputy regiment, which can arrange for third-level chief section officers to serve as deputy section chiefs and join the team, the rest are all section staff placements! "

Jiang Yue asked in a low voice: "What does this have to do with you?"

"I'm pretty good at it. After I came back, I participated in the investigation of several drug cases and established a firm foothold in the anti-drug system. At least no one doubts my ability as a squadron leader."

"So Secretary Guan wants to take this opportunity to show your face in the disciplinary inspection system to prove that military cadres who have been transferred to the military can achieve results as long as they are entrusted with important tasks?"

"That's more or less what it means."

The situation of transferred military cadres in their respective units is really embarrassing.

First, my major was not quite suitable, and I had to start all over again. In the beginning, I was really not as good at business as those colleagues who were admitted from local universities.

Second, they are generally older and are on the same competitive starting line as the new young people in their early twenties. You can imagine the pressure! Even their direct leaders are younger than them. It is almost impossible to make progress through aging.

There are some cadres transferred from the army below the regiment level who are able to serve in deputy departments at the local level, but those who are able to serve in full departments are really rare, let alone deputy departments.

Getting a second job is really difficult.

This topic was a bit heavy, Jiang Yue quickly smiled and said: "At least the salary of military cadres is high."

"But working within the system, who doesn't want to make progress?"


"I don't have a degree. If I went to college like you, I would also want to make progress."

Jiang Yue didn't want to talk about this anymore, so she asked pretending to be curious: "Husband, if a person is detained, can relatives ask a lawyer to visit him?"

If asked yesterday, Han Xin really couldn't answer.

Today at the detention center, Han Xin happened to ask Director Cai this question and couldn't help laughing: "No."

"Why?" Jiang Yue asked.

"Because the Supervision Law is different from the Criminal Procedure Law, the Supervision Committee's investigation is not a legal procedure, the person under investigation is not a legal suspect, and lawyers cannot intervene as a defender."

Han Xin thought about Director Cai's explanation and continued: "Furthermore, official corruption cases such as embezzlement and bribery are different from other cases. Most of them rely on verbal evidence. Most of them are confidential and sensitive cases. It is necessary to avoid collusion and other behaviors that affect the investigation of the case."

"I understand, it's time for you to get up. Go brush your teeth and rinse your mouth. Your mouth stinks!"

"Does it stink?"

Seeing him approaching for a kiss, Jiang Yue hurriedly avoided: "Stay away from me, you want to smoke me to death."

Han Xin didn't know whether her mouth smelled bad or not. She only knew that her mouth was bitter. She had just gotten up and was about to put on clothes and wash up when her cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be "old comrade-in-arms" Gu Xiaohui.

What is supposed to come will come sooner or later!

Han Xin knew that the "old comrade" was planning to launch an attack on the enemy, so she held back a smile and turned on the call button.

"Captain Han, are you busy? It's inconvenient to talk?"

“Not busy, convenient.”

Seeing his girlfriend's curious face, Han Xin simply put down her phone and clicked on speakerphone.

Gu Xiaohui didn't know who he was with. He only knew that he had to ask him for an explanation. He asked angrily: "Captain Han, it's your business to help the Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee to arrest our Bureau Li. Why do you have to come to me?"

"Lao Gu, don't get excited yet."

"You tricked me into this, how can I not be excited?"

"Then continue, I'll listen."

"I want to hear what you have to say. You must give me an explanation!"

It would be nice to let the "old comrade" have a taste of what it was like after he captured Chen Guoping. The more Han Xin thought about it, the more interesting it became. She plausibly said: "I'm not looking for you. I took the opportunity of handling the case to stop by to see you. This You have told me and Li Zheng many times before."

Gu Xiaohui was confused and subconsciously asked: "What did I tell you?"

"You said that whenever we have the opportunity to go to Changzhou to handle the case, we must give you a call and ask you to show your kindness as a landlord. Have you really forgotten, or are you pretending to forget?"

"I have said this, but what kind of case are you here to handle this time!"

"Lao Gu, think about it, if I wanted to trick you, I would have asked you to go catch Li Yongchun together, but I didn't, just because we are comrades-in-arms and brothers!"

"Now that things have turned out like this, does it make any difference whether I go up with you or arrest Director Li together?"

"What's the meaning?"

"You have the nerve to ask what you mean. Now everyone thinks that I brought you and the people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Your identity needs to be kept secret. I can't explain it at all. I couldn't clean it up even if I jumped into the Yellow River! "

Han Xin's face straightened up and she pretended to be serious: "So what if you brought him here? Don't talk about Director Li again. He will be removed as deputy director soon, and even his party membership and public office will be removed soon." He was expelled, a black sheep like him, if we don’t catch him, how can we keep him for the New Year?”

Gu Xiaohui was made to laugh and cry: "One code is one code, don't talk nonsense to me!"

"How big of a deal is it? Do you take it to heart? You just received me and didn't do anything else. If Xiang Da has such random thoughts as you, will his captain be able to do anything? Will he still have to live this day?"

"Don't mention Xiang Da, I'm different from him."

"What's wrong with Xiang Da? Is there anything different?"

Gu Xiaohui smiled bitterly and said: "Xiang Da will soon be relegated to the second line. He has no taboos now. When he saw that the explanation was unclear, he simply refused to explain. He also pretended to be secretive. He just told people who you and the people from the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee were. He brought it with him, and his relationship with the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee is unusual."

Han Xin didn't expect Comrade Lao Xiang to be so tough, so she couldn't help laughing and asked: "Does he want to be responsible for this?"

"I said in the morning that I had been tricked by you, but in the afternoon I looked like a different person. He is about to become the second senior official of our branch!"

"Look, this is the consciousness of the old comrades. We should really learn from the old comrades."

"If I imitate him, I'll be in trouble. I won't tell you, but I'm not done with you."

"Lao Gu, stop doing this..."

"Didn't you just say study? We will start studying and rectifying from today. We must write down our experiences and self-examine and self-correct."

You don't need to ask to know that one person is sick again and the whole family is taking medicine.

But then again, Li Yongcheng's gang has been causing trouble in Changzhou for eleven years. Countless entrepreneurs have been bankrupted by this gang. It is impossible for them, the police, to know nothing.

The reason why the gang was allowed to go unpunished for so long was not because they were afraid of offending Li Yongchun, or because they were worried about offending the recently retired district leader.

From this perspective, it should be rectified!

Han Xin sighed secretly and hung up the phone.

Jiang Yue got the general idea, stared at him and asked: "Husband, you have cheated others again. Why do you always cheat your own people?"

"I never thought about tricking Lao Gu, mainly because I had no other way at the time. It would be difficult to complete the task without him."

"Then you can't cheat your own people..."

"Lao Gu has been tricked. He can at least call us to accuse me. Next time we meet, he can blackmail me for a meal. But I have also been tricked by Director Ma and the others. Who should I ask for explanation?"

As long as you get involved with the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission, nothing good will happen.

Jiang Yue suddenly thought of a terrible possibility and smiled bitterly: "Husband, I think this may just be the beginning. If there is such a task in the future, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission may come to you again."

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