Veteran new police officer

Chapter 381 Actual combat training!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the meeting officially started.

As usual, the meeting was chaired by Sister Jiang.

Political Commissar Yun first congratulated Gu Xiaohui and Li Yijun on their transfer to the anti-drug system, talked about the glorious history of the anti-drug detachment, and emphasized the importance of transferring them to the joint task force for actual combat training.

After briefly introducing the situation of the joint task force, Sister Jiang and Li Yamei took them to visit the detachment's honor room.

After visiting the Honor Room, Hou Wen took them to the Police Officer Training Center to check in, and introduced the case to them there.

It was difficult to seize a few grams of drugs before, but the next operation we are going to take part in is not to arrest one or two small drug dealers, but to seize drug manufacturing factories!

Li Yijun had never participated in the investigation of such a major case. He was as excited as a chicken. As soon as he heard the introduction, he couldn't help but ask: "Brother Hou, you will lead the team tomorrow. Why doesn't the Korean team go?"

"It's like playing football, he's played the first half and now he needs a break."

"So that factory that was crazy about manufacturing and selling ephedrine was destroyed by the Korean team?"

Hou Wen smiled and explained: "The Korean team cannot handle such a big case alone. Let's put it this way, we are the fourth batch to join the joint task force. Before that, we had already joined the criminal police detachment, the special police detachment, Chonggang The branch and Xingdong Public Security Bureau transferred more than 100 people."

Wang Yan subconsciously asked: "Hou Wen, is this case related to the 12.26 case?"

"Yes, by controlling the Tairong couple and following the clues, we destroyed the gang that was crazy about manufacturing and selling ephedrine. Now we are following the flow of ephedrine downwards, first targeting the manufacturers who buy ephedrine to make methamphetamine. Drug factories, and then down to the network that sells methamphetamine."

Tons of ephedrine and other drug-making raw materials have been seized, and the total amount of methamphetamine seized is hundreds of kilograms!

Gu Xiaohui had never participated in the investigation of such a major case and couldn't help but smile: "So I really want to thank Han Keng. If it weren't for him, there would be no chance that I would be transferred in."

"It's easy to thank him. Isn't he treating you tonight? You can toast him with a few more glasses of wine."

"Can I drink tonight?"

"We'll go by car tomorrow, not by car. It'll be fine if we have some drinks at night."

At the same time, Han Xin was sitting in the office of the deputy detachment leader, and she and Ren Zhongnian were "reviewing" the drug case investigated by their counterparts in Xindao through video with a single unit of the Anle City Public Security Bureau.

"They were too careless. They had been watching for two or three months, but they didn't even understand the basic situation of the drug gang."

"I listened to the interrogation for a while at night and found that they really couldn't be blamed for this. The main culprit was so cunning that he almost didn't use the phone to avoid being hit."

"Then how did they get in touch?"

"You may not believe it, but they contacted via email and used all code words."

Shanzhi paused, then continued: "And you don't use your mobile phone to surf the Internet, you use your tablet to surf the Internet. You don't even surf the Internet at home. Every time you send and receive emails, you have to go to KFC or Starbucks and use the merchant's WIFI. If there is no emergency, no Easy to call.”

Thinking of investigating drug cases or telecom fraud cases, either through "information flow" or "capital flow", Han Xin asked in a low voice: "What about the drug money?"

"Wei Xiaoyong and Shi Bin sold drugs through WeChat and Alipay, but paid Qian Junhai in cash."

"So they are not an ordinary gang, but have an up-and-down relationship?"

"It can be said that they are on two levels, but they are not upper and lower families in the usual sense. Qian Haijun and Wei Xiaoyong agreed to share the money they earned equally. Every time they received payment, Wei Xiaoyong would deduct his own share and spend the bulk of the rest. Leave it to Qian Junhai."

Ren Zhongnian asked: "What role does Shi Bin play?"

Shan Zhang held his chin and said: "Shi Bin is addicted to drugs. If he spends money to buy drugs, he can't live without four or five hundred yuan a day. So Qian Junhai and Wei Xiaoyong gave Shi Bin no money, only drugs. , I also take care of my food and shelter."

Han Xin pondered: "Why do they want to stay with such a dangerous person?"

"According to Wei Xiaoyong's account, Shi Bin knew many drug addicts, and they wanted to use Shi Bin to open up sales. And because Shi Bin was addicted to drugs, he was a bit broken. So when they needed to deliver goods, they asked Shi Bin to deliver the goods. .”

"Did Zhang Hui participate?"

"I participated. In order to raise money for purchasing goods, Zhang Hui also helped Qian Junhai with online loans."

"Have you figured out the situation at home?"

"I don't know about that. After all, it's someone else's case. They found out the source of the drugs, so I took the initiative to go out."

Drug cases need to be kept confidential, and if there are clues involving the previous family, even colleagues must avoid them.

Han Xin did not ask about the source of the drugs anymore, but asked curiously: "There is another person named Cai. What role does that kid play in this gang?"

"The man surnamed Cai is a real Ma Zi. Because he is too lazy to make ends meet, he falls into online loans. The compound interest has already increased to more than 300,000 yuan. He has no way out and cannot return home, so he follows Qian Junhai. Qian Junhai takes care of everything. Take care of it, let him deliver goods to Wei Xiaoyong on a regular basis, and occasionally give him three to five hundred pocket money."

Ren Zhongnian couldn't help but laugh: "It looks very professional, but it turns out that it's just a grassroots team!"

Shanzhi lit a cigarette and said solemnly: "Fortunately, it was discovered early. If we give them time to 'operate' and wait until they have enough capital to find a stable supply channel, then this grassroots team will become extremely harmful." Professional drug gang.”

"They won't have that much time. I don't know about other places. At least in Binjiang, I haven't seen a drug dealer who can survive for more than three years."

"Zhongnian, don't talk so much. If there is such a drug dealer, you will be slapped in the face."

"You have only been engaged in drug control for a few days. Do you know what it means for a drug dealer to be active for three years?"

"What does it mean?" Shanzhi asked.

Ren Zhongnian did not answer, but looked at Xiang Hanxin with a smile: "Xiao Han, you tell me."

Han Xin was stunned and said quickly: "If someone sells it, someone will buy it. If drug dealers really get away with it for three years, this means that there are at least ten drug addicts."

"I know what you mean. The question now is who can guarantee that there are no hidden drug addicts in their jurisdiction?"

"No one dares to take this guarantee, but we can monitor the drug situation through technical means, such as the sewage drug testing I told you last night. As long as someone takes drugs, we can detect it through water samples."

"I reported the sewage poison testing to the bureau leaders this morning. Our bureau leaders asked me to visit your place and learn from you first."

"What can you learn from me? I don't understand technology. I can introduce Gong Wang to you. You can see if you can invite Gong Wang to give you guidance."

When it comes to economic investigation, the team is very professional.

But when it comes to anti-drugs, Shan Zhi is really a newcomer.

When a new official takes office, he doesn't have to talk about making trouble, but he must at least understand the drug situation in his jurisdiction.

He weighed it up and said with a smile: "Zhongnian, I discussed with the political commissar and planned to organize the detachment police to visit your place in a few days. I heard from the Wang Bureau that Linghai has done the best in drug control. You can help me then." We have arranged it, and we would like to stop by the Linghai Branch to have a look."

"I don't need to arrange this. Just tell Xiao Han directly."

"Xiao Han, can you help me get in touch?"

"No problem, the leaders of our old unit will definitely welcome you warmly."


Shanzhi nodded slightly, then changed the topic: "One more thing. I went to the provincial department for a meeting a few days ago. The leader of the corps conveyed the spirit of the instructions from the superiors asking the provincial anti-drug departments to dispatch elite soldiers and generals to Nanyun for actual combat training."

This is a big deal.

In fact, it was precisely because the provincial department wanted to form a "team" to go to Nanyun that Xiao Zhi and "Crazy Cheng" asked Han Xin to come back.

It's just that there were only rumors before, and there was no concrete evidence, so I didn't tell Han Xin.

When Ren Zhongnian saw that his fellow countryman and old comrade-in-arms had made it clear, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Political Commissar Yun also attended that meeting. I heard our political commissar Yun mentioned this matter."

"Each municipal bureau must arrange for anti-drug police to go there, at least four or five of them. Your Binjiang anti-drug system moves quickly. Last year, it started a major blood change. It is easy to recruit four or five young police officers who are brave enough to fight. Our situation is the same as yours before. Likewise, the average age is over forty-five, there are very few young police officers, and even fewer have anti-drug experience.”

"Then we will transfer a few people from the criminal police brigade of each district and county public security bureau."

"This is an anti-drug operation. If people are transferred from the criminal police team, what will the anti-drug detachment do, and what will I, the detachment leader, do?"

Although my old friend became the detachment leader, he had no one available to him.

Ren Zhongnian thought it was funny and asked in a low voice: "Then what are you going to do?"

Shanzhi said helplessly: "To learn from you, I will first transfer a few people from the brother detachment, but it will definitely be too late for anti-drug training, and this cannot be learned in just a few classes. I plan to gather the people first, and wait until the province Department, when the provincial department organizes the trip to Nanyun, you can help me take care of him."

Actual combat training is also an actual combat competition.

This is not a military exercise, not a confrontation between the red team and the blue team, but a real-life operation. The comparison is how many drugs were seized, how many drug dealers were captured, how many gangs were eliminated, how many channels were destroyed, and everything will be judged by the results!

At the provincial and departmental level, we have to compete with brother provinces and cities, and there is also competition between municipal bureaus.

Ren Zhongnian knew that he was afraid of losing, so he said proudly: "Old Dan, I can help with other things, but I can't help with this one. At that time, it will definitely be the leader of the general team who will lead the team. How to organize the personnel, where to go to check, all It’s the team leader who has the final say.”

"I know, I mean, if possible, our two families will investigate together."

"It will depend on the situation at that time. It is useless to say more now."

Friendship is friendship, work is work.

Ren Zhongnian would not be stupid enough to agree immediately, ramble on for a few words, and decisively end the video.

Seeing that Han Xin was hesitant to speak, he didn't want to show off anymore and said bluntly: "Xiao Han, you must participate in the actual combat training. Director Yang even plans to let you lead the team."

"Who else but me?"

"Gu Xiaohui and the others were transferred to the joint task force to replace Xu Haoran and Li Zheng. Xiao Zhi and the political commissar are still considering how to arrange the remaining two places. You are familiar with the situation over at Nanyun. Who do you think is appropriate to transfer?"

Han Xin thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "I have encountered this once before when each province arranged for people to conduct actual combat training. Perhaps considering that the policemen in each province were not familiar with the place, they were arranged to set up checkpoints at that time. It is probably similar this time. "

"How to fight gangs by setting up card and interrogation?"

"When drugs are seized, there will be clues. If there are clues, we can follow the clues and investigate."

Han Xin touched the corner of his mouth and continued: "In several provinces around Nanyun, their teams have intelligence support because of geographical relations. We are too far away from there, and there is very little intelligence on drug cases involving Nanyun. We can only rely on investigations. Collecting clues can only rely on luck."

Ren Zhongnian asked with a smile: "Can you ask your old leaders and comrades to help?"

"Ren Zhi, I can't open the door. Even if I open the door, they won't help. At most, they will provide us with assistance when we have intelligence clues."

"The leaders of your old army are so kind to you. How could they not help you when you encounter difficulties?"

"Ren Zhi, let's think about it for a moment. Suddenly a large number of colleagues came to search for drugs in our jurisdiction. As the leader of the detachment, what would you think?"

"The more we seize, the less we are doing our job."

"So they're not going to help with that."

"What should we do?"

This task is really tricky.

If you go there excitedly and come back empty-handed, but the brothers' city bureau representative team comes back with a full load, then this person will be in great disgrace.

As a police officer in the Binjiang Public Security System, Han Xin must bring glory to the unit. She muttered: "Haoran and Li Zheng don't have to go, only one of them needs to go. Then we will allocate one person from each of the Internet Security, Economic Investigation and Technical Investigation. Together with me, there are two main investigators and three supporting investigators. If there are any clues, we can handle it ourselves."

It's a good idea to form a multi-type police team for combined operations.

But Ren Zhongnian thought about it and asked, "The key is where do the clues come from?"

"Since it is an investigation, the clues must come from interrogations. Although I have never done it at a checkpoint, I can still tell which pedestrians and vehicles are more suspicious and whether drugs are hidden."

"Okay, you should think about it carefully these days and make preparations."

"When will you go?"

"I really don't know about this. What we need to do now is to identify the personnel and submit the list to the headquarters. The headquarters will probably need to review it. If we submit it, the superiors will agree."

Han Xin was really excited to be able to return to Nanyun and have the opportunity to return to the old army to see the old leaders and comrades-in-arms.

As soon as he returned to the office, he opened the door and called Xu Jun.

I thought that Xu Jun would not have to go on missions during the epidemic, but the phone was not in the service area and could only be called Lu Xiangyang.

I called, beeped twice, and hung up immediately.

After waiting for about two minutes, Lu Xiangyang called back and asked with a smile: "Where did your kid go? Why didn't you call me at such a time?"

"I'm very busy, you think I sit in the office every day like you!"

Han Xin laughed and cursed, then got down to business.

Lu Xiangyang figured out the whole story and pretended to be unhappy and said: "You are coming to our place to train troops again. What do you think our place is? If you think you are better than us, then change it and you will come to defend the country!"

"It's not me who wants to go, it's the request of my superiors. If you're not convinced, go tell your superiors." Han Xin smiled and continued: "Old Lu, I don't want you to take over when the time comes, as long as you help me find something. "

"What are you looking for?"

"Don't worry, I didn't want to ask you for information. I just wanted you to help me borrow a drug detector from my brother at the checkpoint."

"Steel needles and other things are all homemade. If I lend you a meal guy, how can they check for drugs? Besides, you can't do it yourself?"

"I'm not very good at using my hands. I really can't make those things. Think of a way and lend me a set."

"Okay, let me ask for you."

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