Veteran new police officer

Chapter 400 “It’s so cold at high places”

The suspect we are looking for on this trip is named Zhu Yanjun. He is 26 years old this year.

According to the information, his hometown is not in Hezhang County, but in a county more than 100 kilometers away.

His parents died early, and when he was fifteen, he went to work in Chuncheng with the villagers. While working, he met Zhang Rong, a girl from Hezhang who also came out to work very early, and the two soon lived together.

When he was eighteen, Zhang Rong, who was only seventeen at the time, became pregnant again.

Because I had had two miscarriages before, I was worried that it would be difficult to conceive and have children in the future if I had another abortion, so I gave birth to the child. But because Zhang Rong's parents, brother and sister-in-law did not agree, and the two were still young and had never been married, the child was born into a "black family".

In 2016, he went to Jiangcheng to work on the recommendation of a friend.

He has no education or skills, so he can only do the hardest and most tiring work, and the salary is not high.

Zhang Rong, on the other hand, has to take care of her children and cannot go to work even if she wants to. Her monthly salary is just enough to survive, and sometimes she has no money to pay rent.

In addition, the child will go to school soon, and he cannot always live without a household registration. After he accidentally met a drug addict, he thought of meeting a drug dealer when he was working in Nanyun, so he took the risk and started buying and selling only a few grams. The bigger you get, the more you sell.

In just one and a half years, several drug addicts who were drug addicts were gathered together to weave a six-level drug trafficking network!

He achieved "financial freedom" through drug trafficking. Not only did he buy a car and an apartment in Jiangcheng, he also brought his wife and children back to Hezhang to "glorify his ancestors."

The reason why Zhang Rong's parents, brother and sister-in-law did not agree with their marriage was because he was poor.

Seeing that he had become rich, he gave him a full bride price of 600,000 yuan. Not only did he agree to their marriage, but he also asked the village to help him transfer his household registration by intervening in the door, and also helped his children to register.

However, Skynet is sparse and not leaking.

Just when he was high-spirited and ready to start another big fight, the Dongxia Branch of the Jiangcheng City Public Security Bureau found a drug addict and followed the clues to eradicate the drug trafficking network he had weaved in one fell swoop.

On the day the net was closed, he ran away because of his luck.

The 600,000 yuan gift he gave to his father-in-law was recovered in time by the case handling department because it was drug money.

Because of this, Han Xin felt that it was impossible for him to hide with his father-in-law. After all, the Zhang family could be called "compensating for their daughters and losing their troops". It was impossible for them to like him, let alone tolerate and protect him.

But as long as there was a glimmer of hope, Han Xin could not let it go. So Han Xin and Xiao Chen first found the Hezhang County Public Security Bureau, and then, under the arrangement of the bureau leader, rushed to the police station in the jurisdiction without stopping.

I briefly introduced the situation to the leaders and community police, treated people to a meal in the town, asked them to help keep an eye on it, and then returned quickly.

"Team Han, where do you think Zhu Yanjun will be hiding?"

"I'm not a god, how would I know."

"His wife has a family and can't come back. She is still in Jiangcheng. Do you think he will sneak back?"

"Dongxia Branch has been keeping tabs on him for such a long time, and even in order to take a long-term view to catch big fish, and considering humanitarian considerations, it has not sealed the house he bought with the money earned from drug trafficking until now, and has allowed his wife and children to live in it. If he If you dare to sneak back, you will definitely not be able to escape."

Xiao Chen thought about it and asked, "Will he go back to his hometown?"

Han Xin said without hesitation: "At the police station in his hometown, colleagues from the Dongxia Branch have already gone to ask for help. And judging from the information obtained by the Dongxia Branch, he does not have a good relationship with his cousins ​​in his hometown. He went out to work when he was five years old and has not been back much, so I think it is unlikely that he will return to his hometown."

"He doesn't dare to go back to Jiangcheng. It's impossible to go back here, and it's impossible to hide in his hometown. Where can he run?"

Xiao Chen took a sip of water and continued: "Some time ago, the epidemic prevention and control was so strict, so many fugitives were arrested, and some even voluntarily surrendered because they had no escape. Fortunately for him, there is no news at all!"

"There are many people on the run who have no news. Let's talk about Yanhai. At least there are still more than a dozen suspects involved in drug production and trafficking at large."

Han Xin patted the steering wheel lightly and said with a smile: "But they can hide for a while, but they can't hide forever. As long as they don't run out of China, they will be arrested sooner or later."

Xiao Chen asked: "Team Han, do you think it is possible to hide outside the country, such as going to Myanmar?"

That kid had gone to Chuncheng to work for the first time and was familiar with Nanyun's situation. Han Xin mused: "It's possible, but someone like him probably won't be able to stay there."

"Why can't you stay?"

"Isn't it clearly written in the materials? He ran in a hurry and didn't have time to withdraw the money. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't. Because several bank accounts under his name were frozen by the case handling unit immediately. "

“It’s hard to move without money. Is it the same in Myanmar?”

"If you have no money at home, you can still beg for food. If you have no money in northern Myanmar, you can't even beg for food, and you can only starve to death on the streets."

While talking about this, Han Xin suddenly thought of a possibility and frowned.

Xiao Chen didn't know what he was thinking. He turned around and picked up his bag from the back seat, stuffed the receipt for the lunch treat into it, put down the bag again and sighed: "This is a national-level poverty-stricken county, with a GDP of only over 10 billion a year. It’s not as good as our town over there, but the consumption is not low, and eating is more expensive than in our Jiangcheng city!”

"It's normal. Consumption in Ludian County is also very high."

Han Xin smiled and then changed the subject: "Call and ask the case-handling policeman at Dongxia Branch what kind of work Zhu Yanjun did before drug trafficking."

"Then what?" Xiao Chen asked subconsciously.

"We may go to Spring City. I think he will probably return to his old business because he needs to eat and live."

"He has no culture and a small social circle. If he wants to survive, he can only go to familiar places?"

"Well, call immediately and ask."

"Okay, I'll make a call right now."

At the same time, Wei Jinsheng had hurried from Zehui County to Gudi Town.

The Donghai anti-drug team will go to the checkpoint to take over soon, and the teammates are preparing nervously.

As soon as he put on his combat uniform and ran downstairs, he saw the hotel lobby manager helping to carry iced mineral water to the bus.

Master Yu helped to tear open the packaging and put the mineral water into a large thermal bucket filled with ice cubes.

"Thank you, sorry for bothering you."

"Let's not talk about trouble. Team Leader Han told me early in the morning that I asked the kitchen to pack up a freezer to help you freeze mineral water."

Just as he was talking, the lady at the front desk ran to the car holding a large cardboard box: "Manager Yang, where are the instant noodles, ham sausages and bread?"

Before Manager Yang could speak, Master Yu turned around and said with a smile: "Put the suitcases away, I'll go down and open the door."

I had only told Han Xin before that he should be prepared as when the Jiangnan team was investigating, but I didn't expect that he was so fully prepared.

Wei Jinsheng suddenly felt that he, the logistics team leader, was not competent enough, so he handed cigarettes to Master Yu and Manager Yang, and asked with a smile: "Master Yu, Manager Yang, have you seen Team Leader Han?"

"He went out early in the morning and hasn't come back yet, and the car is not here either."

"It seems like we are going to the Martyrs Cemetery."

"Oh, I remembered, he is busy preparing for Party Member Day activities."

At this time, the large troops came down.

Cao Zhi was as fully armed as the team members. Not only was he wearing a bulletproof vest, but he also wore a reflective vest over the bulletproof vest.

Wei Jinsheng ignored the small talk and quickly organized the comrades to board the train with Cao Zhi.

Lan Doudou has been sleeping since 8:40 in the morning until now.

I originally wanted to eat some fruit and go back to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep after eating, so I just stood by the window and watched my colleagues "camp out" in the East China Sea.

Just when I was wondering whether the railway police team on the "morning shift" would gain anything, and whether the Donghai anti-drug team could achieve the same results as the Jiangnan anti-drug team after taking over, Guo Jia, a police officer from the corps far away in Jiangcheng, actually sent a notice in the group.

First, he reminded everyone to watch "Xinwen Lianbo" and "News Live Room" in the evening, and then sent several thumbs-up emoticons in succession.

I've just been on "Morning News", can I still go on at night?

Lan Doudou was really a little excited. She wanted to ask but was embarrassed, so she just replied "received".

Unexpectedly, there were so many people who woke up and expressed "received" like her!

Perhaps considering that there were still people sleeping, everyone tacitly agreed not to talk much.

As soon as she put down her cell phone, the villain who had been a "passerby" since she was transferred to the team unexpectedly called her.

"Han Group, why did you remember to call me? Do you have any instructions?"

"Master, I don't dare to instruct you despite all my courage. I only called you after I saw you talking in the group. I really don't dare to hit you if you don't speak, for fear of affecting your rest."

"Stop talking about being a master. You are the leader now. What is going on?" Lan Doudou asked pretending to be unhappy.

Xiao Chen was changing cars. Han Xin was sitting in the passenger seat and said with a smile in his hometown dialect: "I was in such a hurry this morning that I didn't bother to say hello to you. I stayed up all night. How do you feel? Can you handle it?" live?"

"Han Group, do you care about me?"

"Master, can we talk nicely? I'm here with a mission. Before I came, my master's wife told me to take good care of you. If you are exhausted or fall ill, what should I tell my master's wife?"

Thinking that her husband, who was far away from home, had told him, Lan Doudou couldn't help laughing and said: "It's not bad, but there are too many mosquitoes, and I got bitten several times. But I brought the potion Xiaoyu used and applied it in the morning. It’ll get better soon.”

"It's okay."

Han Xin smiled and then changed the topic: "Master, I have news that I think I should tell you as soon as possible."

Lan Doudou subconsciously asked: "What news?"

"Wang Xiaohui knew that she couldn't beat you, so she gave up and will leave the branch soon. This means that she is completely eliminated. We have the last laugh, and we no longer have to worry about the teacher's wife being disconnected from her."

"If she doesn't leave, your wife won't dare. Besides, they are nothing."

Lan Doudou was made to laugh and cry. After thinking about it, she asked doubtfully: "Xiao Han, are you saying that she has been transferred and she really wants to go to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

Han Xin smiled and confirmed: "I have passed the written test and interview, and I am just waiting for the announcement."

"She, the teller who has been sitting at the counter for nearly ten years, can she be subject to disciplinary inspection and supervision?"

"Yes, she has never handled a serious case. She is just a fake police officer. How can she be a disciplinary inspection supervisor? I guess I can only do escort work, and keep an eye on those detained like a police officer. woman."

"You're already in your early thirties, why bother?"

"Isn't this because there is no future in the branch? Master, to her, you are like an insurmountable mountain, crushing her to death. She can only look up!"

After fighting openly and secretly for nearly ten years, Lan Doudou suddenly lost her opponent. She was a little disappointed and asked in a low voice: "Is it really because of me that she participated in the selection and she found a way to transfer her away?"

"I think this possibility is relatively high, at least there are factors in this aspect."

"They are all people with children, and they are not just children. As for leaving because of this matter, besides, I never thought about targeting her!"

You haven't thought about it, but you have done it.

The more Han Xin thought about it, the funnier she became. She couldn't help but ask: "Master, do you feel bored without your opponent? Do you feel that you are too cold at high places?"

Lan Doudou muttered: "A bit."

Han Xin said seriously: "Then find a new opponent, master. In fact, with your current achievements, Wang Xiaohui is no longer qualified to be your opponent."

Lan Doudou chuckled and said: "Who are you looking for, who are you competing against?"

Han Xin thought for a while and murmured: "Oh, come to think of it, you have already defeated the invincible opponents in Binjiang. It is really not easy to find this opponent."

"Don't be ridiculous, you are invincible in Binjiang."

"Originally, now that I think about it, you can compare yourself with Master. What's so great about the deputy director of the Chengnan Police Station? Isn't he just a deputy chief? Let's work hard and strive to become a deputy chief as soon as possible, and then become a full-time chief, so that he can be the man behind a successful woman. !”

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