Veteran new police officer

Chapter 411 Cut the mess with a sharp knife!

Not only were there people under the fork in the road ahead, there were also people ambushed in the woods behind the big billboard opposite!

When Han Xin was crossing the road to make a U-turn just now, she noticed that there was bright light reflected from a night vision device or a telescope over there. Just when she was thinking it was funny, Wei Jinsheng said again: "If you guessed it right, we have been targeted. Even if we want to leave, we can't leave." Can’t leave.”

"Brother Wei, are you saying they know someone is going to bring poison?"

"They should be keeping an eye on the off-road vehicle in front."

"Are the people on the off-road vehicle here to pick up the goods?"

"should be."

"But after we drove around here twice, will the people in the car become suspicious?"

"It's midnight, and it's still raining outside. Who would come here if nothing happens? They must be suspicious."

"What should we do? Will the people in the car run away? Will we cause trouble to others?" Han Xin asked pretending to be anxious.

Wei Jinsheng thought for a while, smiled and shook his head: "The people in the car should have been controlled long ago. They were fishing, how could they escape at the critical moment? They should be worried about us running away."

Although he got into someone's ambush in a confused way, he must admit that the information provided by Master Yu's friends was very accurate.

Han Xin was thinking about how to end it later when Xiao Chen suddenly called.

"Team Han, Team Han, we have found out what Wei Da just told us. The situation is a bit wrong. The next actions may be a bit troublesome."

Wei Jinsheng didn't wait for Han Xin to speak, and asked eagerly: "What's wrong with the situation?"

Xiao Chen quickly clicked the mouse, looked at the surveillance screenshot he had just pulled up, and said with a wry smile: "Report to Wei Da, you have guessed that there are cars following the bus, all the way from Spring City, and there are more than one!"

"How many are there?"

"At least three, and two others were not following closely enough. It was impossible to tell whether they were following the bus."

"Hurry and check those cars and find out who the owners are."


There is an ambush here, and a car of unknown origin is following on the highway.

This is the Ludian South Expressway exit, not the Longmen Inn. This is getting more and more interesting.

Han Xin couldn't help but ask: "Brother Wei, are you also traveling with us?"

Wei Jinsheng also did not expect to encounter such a situation, and said thoughtfully: "There must be colleagues, but this is not a bad thing."

Han Xin continued to pretend to be dumbfounded and asked nervously: "What does it mean that there must be a companion?"

Wei Jinsheng thought for a while and sneered: "Maybe the drug dealers were following his accomplices on the bus, which was equivalent to a secret escort. As a result, the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole was behind, and he and his accomplices on the bus were all captured by their colleagues who didn't know where they were. Got targeted."

"My colleagues on the expressway want to put their long-term goals to catch big fish, and want to catch the delivery person?"

"So the colleagues who are ambushing around us probably don't know who the superior is, at least not their true identity, or even whether the superior came by bus or drove."

"If that's the case, if we are included, it will be the third group!"

"If that's the case, we can't withdraw."

"Brother Wei, I don't quite understand..."

"If you think about it, both sides are engaging in such a big battle, which shows that the drugs to be transported will not be as simple as dozens or hundreds of grams."

"But this is too chaotic. No one knows the identity of the other party. Even if they report to the headquarters in the middle of the night, it will be difficult for the leaders of the headquarters to figure out which units are targeting the drug dealers on the bus. Wait a moment What if I accidentally injure the other party?"

You've come here, but you can't leave.

After all, no one can tell who the people lurking around are.

As for the situation on the highway, it was also impossible to verify it for a while.

To withdraw like this would mean letting the drug dealers go. But the current situation is indeed chaotic, and how to investigate next is indeed a problem!

Wei Jinsheng frowned and thought for a while, then asked abruptly: "Xiao Han, you provided the information. How do you think the investigation is more appropriate?"

Revealing one's identity and carrying out an inspection as grandly as at the checkpoint at the bottom of the valley is definitely not realistic.

First, it was unclear whether the people in the car in front were here to pick up the goods. If it was a suspect who came to pick up the goods, I don't know if he was controlled by the mysterious person ambushing around. If the suspect escaped, it would be troublesome.

Secondly, there is a car following the bus on the highway. If the people in the car notice something is wrong and flee in a hurry without leaving the highway, even if a pursuit can be organized immediately, there is no guarantee that a traffic accident will not occur during the pursuit.

Time was urgent. Han Xin did not dare to pretend to be stupid anymore and said half-jokingly: "Since it's such a mess and since we can't figure out the identities of the uninvited guests, let's cut through the mess quickly, control them all, and take them back together." Check slowly!"

Wei Jinsheng also had this idea, but it was too bold, so he pretended to be confused and asked: "How to control it?"

"It depends on whether the leader has that determination. If the leader can make this determination, let alone two or three groups of uninvited guests, even if there are two or three groups of uninvited guests, it won't be a problem."

Han Xin thought for a while, then patted the steering wheel and said: "This is the battlefield for our competition, and the checkpoint is not far from here. We have plenty of people!"

There are more than twenty members of the Jiangnan Anti-Drug Team conducting investigations. If they can hand over their shift twenty minutes early, they can rush to the rescue.

Counting the railway police team preparing for duty at the checkpoint and the other four investigation teams of the Donghai team conducting mobile searches nearby, more than 70 police officers could be assembled in half an hour!

If more than seventy brothers can be mobilized, we can completely seal off the area around the toll station. Regardless of drug dealers or fellow drug dealers, everyone must be inspected honestly, and no one can escape...

Thinking of this, Wei Jinsheng simply made a smooth move: "Xiao Han, you provided the information. You make this call."

"What call and who do you call?"

"Call and report to your Chiang Kai-shek branch and ask if Chiang Kai-shek can hand over the shift twenty minutes early and lead a large force to come over for support."

"What about your Donghai team?"

"You report first. If the Jiang branch can make this determination, I will report it to our Cao branch immediately. Our Cao branch will definitely support it."

"Okay, I'll try."

In fact, Jiang Zhi was standing behind Xiao Chen and already knew that a suspicious vehicle was following the bus, but he didn't know that the situation at the toll station was also very complicated.

After receiving Han Xin's call and figuring out the whole story, Jiang Zhi didn't dare to waste a moment and immediately took Miao Chengyu with him to report to the commander on duty.

"Now I just think that they may be traveling together, but I can't verify it for a while. Han Xin from our team and Comrade Wei Jinsheng from the Donghai team can no longer withdraw.

Even if they can escape unscathed, they cannot withdraw until the situation is clear. Otherwise, who will be responsible for letting the drugs on the bus flow into the inland provinces? "

Unlike other provinces, Nanyun has many case-handling units with the power to conduct anti-narcotics investigations, and car collisions often occur.

The commander on duty was experienced and said without hesitation: "Now that we have entered our battlefield, we cannot ignore it."

"Xu Zhi, we have also considered this. The problem now is that it is too chaotic over there. Just relying on an investigation team from the Donghai Team is not enough. What if we accidentally injure the opponent?"

"Jiang Zhi, Miao Bureau, what are your plans?"

There must be a big fish over there!

Jiang Zhi didn't want to miss it just like that. He clenched his fists and said, "We want to hand over the shift twenty minutes early and go with the other teams of the Donghai team who are conducting mobile searches to support us. If possible, can we let the railway police team on standby come with us?" go."

In such a situation, the more police forces, the better.

Only when there are enough people can the situation be controlled.

The commander on duty weighed it up and agreed: "Special circumstances will be treated with special treatment, and the shift handover will be organized immediately, and the shift will be set off immediately."


"Jiang Zhi, I have to stay at the checkpoint. I really can't leave. Cao Zhi doesn't know when he can get there. If you arrive before him, you will have full command."


Following the order from the commander on duty, the investigation team members at the checkpoint became busy at the same time.

Because the shift is about to be handed over, the buses rented by several teams have arrived. There is no need to worry about insufficient vehicles. The weapons and equipment are all ready. You can just board the bus and set off.

Jiang Zhi got into the car that was clearing the way, formed a small group, and turned on the group voice:

"Cao Branch, Cao Branch, the large force has set off. We will arrive at the toll station in 18 minutes. Your team will be responsible for the mobile search tonight. We will let you decide how to deploy it."

"Jiang Zhi Jiang Zhi, I'm on my way to the toll station. I'm not familiar with the situation at the scene. Why don't we bring our team's logistics team leader Wei Jinsheng into the group and listen to his opinions."

"Okay, pull it quickly."

Qian Zhi of the railway police team smiled and asked: "I tell you two, it doesn't matter if you don't take us with you. Since you have brought our railway team with you, if drugs are really discovered and drug dealers are captured, how will the results be calculated then?"

"Old Qian, we didn't bring you here, the commander asked you to cooperate with us in the investigation."

"What kind of cooperation, how can you be like this? Is this a union? It can only be a union, it must be a union!"

"Okay, okay, let's unite!"

Just as he was talking, Wei Jinsheng was pulled into the group.

Cao Zhi didn't bother joking with Jiang Zhiqianzhi and said eagerly: "Jin Sheng, the main force has already set off. You are the most familiar with the situation on the scene. Jiang Zhiqianzhi would like to seek your opinion on how to deploy it more appropriately. "


Wei Jinsheng was well prepared. He looked at the electronic map on Han Xin's mobile phone and said: "Reporting to the leaders, I suggest that the large force be divided into four groups, leaving ten to twenty policemen divided into two groups on the highway, and one group of policemen on the highway. Exit card inspection.

After the large group got off the expressway, they walked three kilometers toward Yunshan, then blocked the road near the toll station and set up a pocket array! "

Jiang Zhi held up his mobile phone and asked, "Would it be possible to set up a card check now and alert the enemy?"

"You can park the car at the expressway exit, wait for the target bus to get off the expressway, and then organize the team members on the car to quickly get out of the car and set up checkpoints."

"Can we accurately know when the bus will arrive and when it will get off the expressway?" Qian Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Wei Jinshengzheng didn't know how to report, so Jiang Zhi smiled and said: "Qian Zhi, don't worry, there is our informant on the bus."

"I have no problem. How about our railway team takes charge of the highway and stays on the highway to protect you."

"no problem."

Those who can lead the team to participate in the competition are the most experienced anti-drug department leaders in each province and city.

In a few words, the final deployment was determined.

The railway team's bus pulled over and a dozen investigation team members got off. They transferred to three cars from the headquarters. They got off the expressway first, then got on the expressway. They parked the car in the emergency lane one kilometer in front of the expressway exit and put up a triangle sign. , pretending that the car has broken down and waiting for rescue.

Their own bus was not afraid of breaking the rules. After getting off the expressway, it turned around and reversed in the emergency lane with double flashes until it backed up one kilometer north of the expressway entrance. It put up a triangle sign and was on standby.

The members of the Jiangnan Anti-drug Team were also divided into two groups and took two buses to slowly drive out of the highway.

One continued to drive forward, and the other stopped on the side of the road.

The car curtains are all closed, and people inside can see outside through the gaps in the curtains, but people outside can't see inside.

The plainclothes detective who had been guarding the toll booth all afternoon could not see what was going on on the expressway. He only knew that a few cars were getting off the expressway and then on again. The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

He squatted behind the lady at the toll booth, held up the walkie-talkie and asked: "Group 2, can you see the situation of the bus on the roadside?"

"Report to Captain Liu, the car curtains are all closed and you can't see anything."

"There's no curtain at the front of the car, so find an excuse and go take a look."

"Got it, right away."

"Three groups of three, and then ask Li Hao to send a WeChat message to his family to ask when they will arrive. If he doesn't come back, he will leave."

"Captain Liu, I just asked you ten minutes ago. If you ask me again, you may become suspicious."

"What about the gray Hyundai just now? What were the two people in the car doing?"

"The guy sitting in the passenger seat is talking on the phone. He looks suspicious. Maybe he is here to explore the road."

It was just two uninvited guests, but now another bus came.

The middle-aged detective felt that it would not be a problem to continue to stay like this. After weighing it, he gritted his teeth and said: "Wait for another twenty minutes. If there is no movement at home, go check what happened to these two cars!"

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