Veteran new police officer

Chapter 420 The intelligence is very accurate

At the exit of the Ludian South Toll Station, Jiang Zhi, who did not want to wait for suspicious vehicles to fall into a trap, was organizing team members to check the vehicles exiting the highway.

All the search equipment was brought, and two awnings were even set up at the entrance of the toll station office building.

The red flag of the Jiangnan Anti-Drug Team of the "2020 Red and Blue Confrontation" anti-drug competition was placed on the side, and signs for parking inspection and drug inspection were set up in front of the awning.

The team members were fully armed, some wearing body armor and some wearing reflective vests. As soon as they saw the vehicle driving down the highway, they were guided to the front of the awning for inspection.

Except that there are not as many police officers as before, the lineup is not as strong, and the location has been changed, it is no different from an open search at the checkpoint at the bottom of the valley.

It can be said that mobile searches have become fixed-point public searches!

Ludian County Public Security Bureau also has a security checkpoint at the highway exit. The traffic police on duty and the police from Yunshan Police Station saw that their "business" was being robbed, so they simply brought two auxiliary police officers over to assist.

After all, it was a white shirt who did not play by the rules and led the team to grab business.

More importantly, if people and vehicles suspected of traffic violations such as drunk driving, drug driving or driving without a license can be seized, the Jiangnan Anti-drug Team will definitely be handed over to the Traffic Police Yunshan Squadron;

If persons suspected of other crimes are found, they will also be handed over to Yunshan Police Station.

In a sense, the Jiangnan Anti-drug Team sent out so many people to help them work!

In short, this is a matter of mutual benefit. They joined forces without communicating in advance, and the cooperation is very tacit.

The only regret is that there are not many vehicles getting off the highway from here, only one every seven or eight minutes on average.

However, there are advantages to not having many cars, so you can check more carefully.

Li Guosheng, the team leader of the freight team, looked at the ID handed over by the driver and asked in a low voice: "Where did you come from?"

"Ze Hui."

"Where are you going?"


"What are you doing in Yunshan?"

"Visit the dealer and see if the dealer wants to restock."

This was a van. The police officer in charge of inspecting the van signaled the middle-aged woman escorting the van to open the back door. She climbed up and looked through it. After confirming that it was all filled with drinks, she jumped out and asked Tang Chuanbing, who had been waiting for a long time, to get in with the drug-detection dog. examine.

The car was equipped with ETC and it came out of the ETC channel just now. They couldn't figure out for a while whether it was coming from the Zehui expressway.

The team members who were inspecting the car together ran to the toll booth and asked the toll lady to help check and confirm that the driver and the middle-aged woman escorting the car were not lying. They also asked for the opinions of local colleagues who were most familiar with the situation, and then handed the certificate back to the driver. , and let the team members on guard in front let go.

Lao Bai, a policeman from the Patrol Prevention and Control Team of the Yunshan Police Station, looked at the toll station that had become deserted again, and kindly reminded: "Jiang Zhi, there are suspects who want to go around here to avoid traffic jams, but there are not many during the day."

"Really?" Jiang Zhi smiled, raised his arm and glanced at the time.

Although he had good intentions, Lao Bai didn't want the leader from Jiangnan to feel that he was teaching him how to do things, so he quickly changed the topic: "Jiang Zhi, I just reported to our director about the mobile search you led here. We Lu Suo asked me to ask a few people here so that the canteen can cook more food and deliver it to us later."

"There is no need to be so polite. We have ordered food and it will be delivered around 11:30. Please help me thank you, Lu Suo."

"Did you really order it?"

"It's really booked. Work is important, and eating is equally important. It has been arranged long ago."

Just as he was talking, a team member sitting in the awning suddenly stood up: "Report to Jiang Zhi, the guest is about to arrive, about twelve kilometers away from the toll station."

"Xiao Pei, you stay and check the equipment. Xiao Qu, notify the highway traffic police and the others will set off."


Following Jiang Zhi's order, the team members ran to the toll gate in unison.

Two high-speed traffic police pickup trucks parked inside the toll station immediately sounded their sirens and turned on their lights, and slowly drove onto the highway with the team members who had just gotten into three cars also parked inside.

Dozens of triangular cones were prepared in the pickup truck, as well as warning signs saying "Construction ahead," "Slow down," and "Speed ​​limit 40."

After confirming that there were not many vehicles traveling north, more than a dozen people worked together and quickly separated the two lanes into a single lane with triangular cones. Signs reminding drivers to slow down were quickly put in place.

"Jiang Zhi Jiang Zhi, the guest is about six kilometers away from the south exit of Ludian. Please be ready to pick up the car. Please be ready to pick up the car."

"We have arranged it and everything is ready. Please pay attention to your safety."


The suspicious vehicle that is about to get into the "pocket array" must be suspicious, otherwise I will be "escorted" from the Daibu service area one stop after another, escorting the team members for nearly two hundred kilometers!

Considering that the suspect was speeding all the way here, he was likely to rush through the checkpoints and get stuck.

Jiang Zhi put down his mobile phone and reminded: "Comrades, be more vigilant and pay attention to safety."


"Xiao Liu, hurry up and check the equipment. If the suspect rushes the card, it's up to you whether you can stop him."

Xiao Liu lowered his head and glanced at the equipment in his hand, and said with a wry smile: "Jiang Zhi, we have never put this thing into actual combat. We have only tested it a few times with the Korean group's cars. The models are different, and the engines are also different. In the end, what does it matter? I feel really unsure whether it works or not."

The new equipment purchased before coming here is said to be able to stop motor vehicles by remote control.

Jiang Zhi was still confused as to whether it would work or not, so he simply turned around and said: "There can't be other cars in front of the suspected vehicle. Wait another three minutes to start the investigation. Stop a few vehicles first and block the road first."


Police officer Lao Bai from the Yunshan Police Station didn't know why the Jiangnan Anti-Drug Team suddenly ran onto the highway. Seeing that there was nothing going on outside the toll station, he simply followed along with traffic police officer Xiao Ye.

But I didn’t know it from the first glance. I was shocked at first glance. I couldn’t believe that the Jiangnan Anti-Drug Team actually set up a checkpoint on the highway.

Just as he was secretly thinking about what kind of mobile search this was, a large vehicle slowed down and drove over. The highway traffic police guided the large vehicle to a relatively spacious ramp according to the plan for inspection.

"Xiaoqu, you go over to investigate, the others are on standby."


Jiang Zhi stared southward and waited for about four minutes before the target appeared in sight.

The white off-road vehicle probably didn't expect that there were so many police officers on the highway, so it seemed very panicked. Not only did it drive along the white line of the emergency lane, but it also drove very slowly.

"Public security inspection, drive over there."

"Come here, please pull over."

The team members stood on both sides to command, and the team members responsible for security even held guns with both hands.

The driver of the off-road vehicle did not dare to disobey the instructions and drove the vehicle to the side of the road honestly.

"Stop the engine and set the handbrake!"

"Please get out of the car and get checked."

A team member knocked on the car window. The thirty-year-old woman sitting in the passenger seat was so frightened that she refused to open the door or get out of the car.

The young man driving the car was scared but much calmer.

Seeing a team member's bulletproof vest with the words "Jiangnan Anti-Drug" written on it, he rolled down the window and said unconvinced: "You are not the police in Nayun. This is Nayun, not Jiangnan. Why did you let me get out of the car?" ?”

"See clearly, we are police officers participating in the Ministry of Public Security's 2020 red and blue combat competition against drugs. I have the right to inspect you."

A team member pointed to the team's red flag planted on the edge of the guardrail, then took out his baton and swung it down: "Now I order you to get off the car immediately. If you refuse to cooperate, we will take coercive measures!"

"Where is your police officer ID? Why should you check me if you don't have a police officer ID?"

"Police uniforms can prove our identity, please get out of the car immediately!"

"I won't get off the bus without a certificate."

"Listen clearly, I'm warning you for the first time!"

"I will still be afraid of you. Believe it or not, I will take a photo of you and post it online."

"Second warning!"

The tall member raised his telescopic baton and prepared to break the window.

The security team members even aimed their guns to prevent them from possessing guns.

Seeing that there were all police outside, and they also had guns, the man sitting in the back row was frightened and quickly opened the back door: "Comrade police, let's get out of the car and we will be inspected."

Half an hour ago, the research team found out through facial recognition that the woman sitting in the passenger seat had a drug abuse record!

What's more, they were speeding all the way and were already suspected of violating traffic laws.

The team members would not be polite to them. They swarmed up and dragged down the young man who had just refused to cooperate and the woman with a history of drug abuse. Then they got into the off-road vehicle and escorted the man sitting in the back seat off the highway.

The remaining people worked together to put away the triangular cones they had just laid out. Under the guidance of the highway traffic police, they returned to the checkpoint outside the toll station.

Body searches and car searches were conducted at the same time.

After the search, they were taken to the bathroom inside the toll station for a urine test.

The man driving the car didn't dare to yell any more. When he saw a policeman taking out a small bag of white crystals from his female companion's bag, he shivered with fear.

Jiang Zhi motioned to the two team members to take the female suspect aside and asked coldly: "What is this?"


"Any more?"

The female suspect hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and said, "No, that's all."

Jiang Zhi snorted coldly and reminded: "Your name is Zhu Hui, right? I can tell you clearly that we have been eyeing you for a long time. Look over there and think about it before we talk!"

I didn't even check my ID card just now, I just searched my bag, and the police actually called me by name.

Looking in the direction of the police's fingers, I was surprised to find that several police officers were searching my companion's body, several more police officers were searching the car, and there was even a police dog.

The female suspect did not dare to tell lies with her eyes open, and said in a daze: "There is still something in the car."

"how many,"

"One pack."

"Hiding where?"

"In the spare tire."

Lao Bai could see and hear clearly.

I thought to myself that no wonder they only checked this one car after getting on the highway, and only took the people in this car down for inspection. It turned out that they had information!

Jiang Zhi didn’t know what the police officers at Yunshan Police Station were thinking. He didn’t care to continue the interrogation now. He walked to the side and clicked on the investigation group. He held up his mobile phone and voiced: “Miao Bureau Miao Bureau, I, old Jiang, your intelligence It’s very accurate, the three suspects have been controlled, and the drugs have been found!”

Miao Chengyu was not surprised that drugs could be found.

Because I had already seen that the woman was a drug addict, and she was addicted to drugs.

He sat in the car, looked at a large car slowly driving out of the service area not far away, and asked with a smile: "How many drugs were seized?"

"About 20 grams were just found in the female suspect's bag. She said there was another bag hidden in the car's spare tire. Xiao Liu and the others were removing the spare tire, but I didn't bother to ask how many grams that bag contained."

"Don't be in a hurry, search slowly, check slowly."

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