Veteran new police officer

Chapter 429 The best of both worlds

At 9:45 a.m., the launching ceremony of the 2020 Binjiang City Drug Centralized Destruction Activity and Anti-Drug Awareness Month officially kicked off in the municipal square in front of the administrative center.

Yesterday, the leaders of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps, who came to commend the joint task force for the 12.26 extremely large drug production and trafficking case and the participating police officers, happened to be at the meeting and all attended today's ceremony.

The stage background is large, and it is not painted, but a long LED screen.

Bureau Yang, who is also the director of the Municipal Anti-Drug Office, presided over the event and introduced the leaders present, units participating in the event, and representatives of various social groups.

There was a row of white shirts standing on the stage, and the lineup under the stage was also very strong.

Nearly a hundred heavily armed special police officers arrived, flanked by "phalanxes" of district and county anti-drug departments and various social groups.

Among the rows of "red vests" and "blue vests", the "Linghai Anti-Drug" team stands out because of its most fashionable attire.

“In recent years, departments at all levels in the city have thoroughly implemented the spirit of a series of important instructions issued by the Central Committee on anti-drug work. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the Provincial Anti-Drug Committee, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, they have adhered to strict anti-drug policies, fought the people’s war against drugs, and comprehensively promoted the ‘anti-drug prevention’ policy. Measures to control publicity, treatment, assistance, education and construction..."

The leader was speaking on the stage, but Li Duwang secretly thought in the audience that the "Anti-Drug Month" activities had actually started long ago, and the anti-drug publicity activities in various districts and counties were even coming to an end.

I feel that the reason why the city bureau arranged this launching ceremony today is to wait for the superiors to commend the joint task force on the 12.26 extremely large drug production and trafficking case.

As for Binjiang, three people participated in the "Red and Blue Confrontation 2020 Anti-Drug Actual Competition" and won two advanced individuals in the competition and one advanced individual in "pulling nails and chasing escape". It can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

It is estimated that even the speech prepared for the leaders was only finalized yesterday afternoon. After all, it’s not easy to achieve something, so if you have it, you must add it.

Qian Shanghong didn't expect that he would come over so early in the morning to do the "atmosphere group".

Not only did they not even have a chair, they had to line up neatly, stand upright, and even have to be exposed to the sun.

Cao Na hid behind and looked around, wondering if Zhang Yuhang was here. The deputy mayor and public security director was on the stage through a large screen, video linking to the drug destruction site set up in the development zone.

Following the leader's order, the staff, under the protection of special police, put boxes of drugs into the incinerator for destruction. The whole process was tense, rigorous and orderly.

Immediately afterwards, Director Yang, who was presiding over the event, said in a cadence: "******, *********! The elimination of opium in Humen is an unprecedented feat in human history. It has safeguarded the dignity and dignity of the Chinese nation. Interests have inspired countless patriots to join the fight against drugs.

Let us remember history, never forget poison, and work together to build a safe, happy and drug-free home. Next, please invite citizen representatives and volunteer representatives to read out the "Binjiang City Comprehensive Drug Control Initiative"! "

The activities carried out by the municipal bureau are, as always, nothing new.

Even the venue selection was not good enough. Although it looked quite big, there were no crowds. Even with the "atmosphere group" in the audience, it still felt deserted.

But then again, land in urban areas is at a premium, and if there is any vacant land, real estate development is needed. There are many plazas for selling things, but not many plazas where activities can be held.

And there are roads being built everywhere, and it’s a big construction site. It’s not easy to find a venue like the Linghai Culture and Art Center Square.

Cao Na and Qian Shanghong had participated in the preparation of many events, but they found it boring.

Fortunately, the first part of the event ended quickly. Next was the Binjiang City Anti-Drug People's War Achievements Exhibition, the display of drug samples, and anti-drug equipment, as well as anti-email fraud propaganda.

Just like participating in an exhibition, "Linghai Anti-Drug" also has its own booth.

The display boards were ready-made, and a dozen pieces were brought over.

There is also a lot of equipment, including a portable hair detector, a Raman spectrometer borrowed from Mr. Chai, the special patrol drone unit must come, and even the guard "Chinese pastoral dog" raised by the special patrol unit. All brought.

He put on a black vest with the slogan "Linghai Anti-Drug" and tied a dog leash to pretend to be a police dog.

The leaders took a quick tour, asked reporters to take a few photos, and left quickly.

In addition to the staff participating in the promotional activities, there were only a few old men and women hanging around.

Seeing that the brigade captain came back after saying hello to the people from the district and county public security bureau, Cao Na took out a bottle of mineral water from under the table, handed it to her and asked, "Li Da, why didn't you see Bureau Zhang?"

"He is no longer the captain of the anti-narcotics brigade. The person who just spoke is the new captain of the anti-narcotics brigade of the Sigang Public Security Bureau."

Li Duwang unscrewed the lid and took a sip of water. He thought about it and smiled: "I just sent him a WeChat message. He is also here today. He is having a meeting at the city bureau right now, but he did not participate in this event."

Cao Na asked curiously: "What meeting is more important than this event?"

The old friend got better and better as he worked harder. Li Duwang was happy from the bottom of his heart and explained with a smile: "You have met Bureau Wang of Sigang Public Security Bureau. Bureau Wang has been transferred. Their bureau has just adjusted the division of labor. Bureau Zhang is now In charge of criminal investigation, Internet security, drug control, and drug control, contact Liangzhuang Police Station. There are many tasks to be responsible for, and it is impossible to just focus on drug control."

"In charge of several brigades, Zhang Ju is really awesome!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that he was just a squadron leader last spring."

When mentioning the squadron leader, Cao Na thought of Han Keng: "Li Da, where is the Korean team? This is an event for their detachment. Why didn't he come?"

"Do you have to participate in the activities of your unit?"

Li Duwang looked back and said with a smile: "When he was in our brigade, how many activities did you see him participate in?"

"That's true." Cao Na nodded, thought about it and then asked: "Li Da, there are not many people here, who should we show it to? When will we close the stall?"

"Just wait a little longer. No one has withdrawn. We can't be the first to stand out."

"It's almost eleven o'clock, do you care about lunch?"

"I don't know. Why don't you call Han Keng and ask him? If their unit doesn't care, let him take care of it."

"This is okay. It's rare for us to come to the city once. He should do his best to be a landlord."

Han Xin sat in the detachment's general room, answered calls all morning, and watched the live broadcast all morning.

I had long seen my colleagues from my old workplace on my phone. As soon as I received Li Duwang’s call, I couldn’t help but smile and said, “Li Da, I just saw you while watching the live broadcast and was about to call you.”

Li Duwang would not be polite to him. He held up his mobile phone and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, there are more than a dozen of us here. What do you think of lunch? Nana hasn't had breakfast yet."

"I'm on duty at my unit and I can't get out, so why don't you guys come over?"

"Go to your workplace cafeteria to eat?"

"The food in our cafeteria is pretty good. I just want to bring Cao Na and the others to check in."

"Forget it, I'll see when the stall closes. If it's late, we'll order takeout ourselves."

Li Duwang looked back at his surroundings, thought about it and complained: "Xiao Han, your city bureau is too impersonal in handling affairs. Whether you ask us to come over for a meeting or to participate in an event, send us a notice telling us the time and place. When you are done, Not even a working meal. Sometimes there is no parking space, so we have to find a place to park ourselves."

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Li Da, I'm not a leader. It's useless to tell me this. Besides, it's not the same when we go to the provincial department for a meeting."

"I don't care about that. I know that you have been asking us at the grassroots level all day long to solve the problems of the masses and not to ignore the sufferings of the masses. But you just don't solve the problems for us at the grassroots level and always ignore the sufferings of us grassroots police officers."

"Xiao Zhi, Li Da is talking about you."

Li Duwang was startled and said quickly: "Xiao Zhi is here, Xiao Zhi, I'm sorry, please don't take it seriously, I was joking with Xiao Han..."

Han Xin laughed and said: "Li Da, don't worry, I'm joking with you. Xiao Zhi is very busy. He should be accompanying the leader at the moment, and he has to go to the city hall to hold a press conference in the afternoon. How can he be in the workplace? .”

Li Duwang then relaxed and said bitterly: "You kid, you tricked me again!"

"Just kidding, Li Da, is Director Zhang here? I didn't see him when I watched the live broadcast just now."

"He's here, but he didn't participate in this event. He was in a meeting at the city bureau, and the meeting should be ending soon."

He said Zhang Yuhang, and Zhang Yuhang’s phone number came over.

Han Xin glanced at the police officer and said quickly: "Li Da, I have something to do here. I'll hang up first."

Li Duwang smiled and said: "Okay, you are busy with your business and don't worry about us."

Han Xin put down her mobile phone, picked up the police app and opened the call button: "Bureau Zhang, I heard that you came to the city bureau for a meeting?"

"Well, the meeting just ended."

Zhang Yuhang walked out of the office building, said hello to Director Chen who had come to attend the meeting with him, stood beside his car and asked with a smile: "Xiao Han, do you know about Doudou?"

Han Xin knew that he must be calling because of this, so she couldn't help but smile and said, "Did she call you?"

"You called me this morning. There was about to be a meeting. I didn't say a few words before hanging up. It wasn't until Political Commissar Yun came over just now to ask for help that we figured out what was going on."

"Is Chen Ju here here?"

"You are with me. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I know you are on duty in the detachment. Can Director Chen and I go to your place for a meal?"

"Okay, come here quickly."

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

Lan Doudou's matter is very troublesome. If she really wants to be seconded to the provincial anti-drug corps, the branch leaders will definitely not be happy, and the newly launched cadre inspection process will probably press the pause button.

If the secondment period expires, it is okay to be able to apply for a formal transfer.

But if you can't adjust it, it will be embarrassing then.

In fact, the establishment of the provincial department is so tight that it is really difficult to formally transfer him.

However, Han Xin believed that this matter would definitely not be a problem for Zhang Yuhang.

What he didn't expect was that Zhang Yuhang and Chen Ju didn't really come to the detachment cafeteria. They had just arrived, and Political Commissar Yun, who was so busy today, actually found time to come back.

Seeing them walking into the conference room, apparently wanting to study it seriously, Han Xin hurried downstairs to the cafeteria to help pack some meals in disposable lunch boxes, and brought them to the conference room to let them eat and talk. .

"Xiao Han, you are not an outsider. You are talking about your master. Why are you hiding?"

"Political Commissar, I'm not hiding, I'm worried that no one will answer the phone."

"The door is open, you can hear it."


Han Xin had no choice but to sit aside with the lunch box.

The most worrying thing has happened. Bureau Chen now represents the branch. District Chief Zhang is not happy, so he must be unhappy too.

"Political Commissar Yun, we all understand what you just said. The problem now is that our branch party committee, especially District Chief Zhang, tried every means and did a lot of work to bring her into the Municipal Bureau and District Committee Organization Department. inspection list.”

Director Chen paused and then said: "If she is seconded to the provincial department at this time, should the inspection process continue?"

This is a very real problem!

After all, the branch office has its own difficulties. There are so many police officers and so few positions. If you promote someone, he will leave and still occupy the branch office. It is difficult to explain to the superiors and subordinates.

But the problem now is that Mr. Wang mentioned this matter to the director when he participated in the morning activity. The director didn't know whether he was in a good mood or didn't understand the situation well, but he agreed immediately.

What's more, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places. You can't block other people's future.

Political Commissar Yun really didn't know how to speak, so he subconsciously turned around: "Yuhang, Linghai Anti-Narcotics Brigade is your old unit, Lan Doudou is your old subordinate, and Lan Doudou respects you very much, and even called you for advice. Yes, we also want to hear your opinion."

Zhang Yuhang put down his chopsticks and said with a smile: "Political Commissar, Chen Bureau, first of all, I think this is a good thing. The corps agency wants to second Lan Doudou. It can be said to be an affirmation of the Linghai Branch and even our Binjiang anti-drug work."

Chen Ju picked up a piece of potato and said with a wry smile: "Picking peaches and poaching, I definitely don't want this."

"Old Chen, please let Yuhang finish speaking first."

"Oh, go on."

Zhang Yuhang was really happy that his old subordinate could be valued by the superior agency. He weighed it and analyzed it slowly: "The reason why the corps wanted to second Doudou is probably because he felt that the anti-drug publicity and education carried out by the Linghai Anti-Drug Brigade was relatively poor. Good, especially in terms of new media promotion.”

Director Chen said helplessly: "Doudou is now an Internet celebrity policeman, and he brings his own traffic. If he goes there, he can help divert traffic to the "Jiangnan Anti-Drug" of the Corps!"

"So the team values ​​Doudou's traffic rather than Doudou's ability. In other words, if she really works for a year and a half, after the team's new media promotion is launched and she has a certain number of followers, then She just doesn’t seem that important.”

Zhang Yuhang took a sip of water and continued: "The establishment of the provincial government agencies is so tight, it is not so easy to transfer her officially. It can be said that there is great uncertainty whether she can be officially transferred in the end. As for whether Yu Wenqiang can be transferred in the future Transferring it is almost certainly impossible.

The first one is uncertain, plus the second one is certain, plus when you go to a new unit, everything has to start from scratch, and there are no relatives or friends around you. It is really not that easy to integrate into the new environment.

But we cannot arbitrarily advise her not to go, so I think we should give her some time and a chance at the same time. "

Political Commissar Yun said helplessly: "There is no time, Mr. Wang is waiting for a reply."

Zhang Yuhang smiled confidently and said: "Political Commissar, this time is not that time. If you think of a way, you can definitely win it."

"What's the meaning?"

"I think this matter should be looked at in two. From a personal point of view, Lan Doudou may want to go, after all, the opportunity is rare;

From a work perspective, we must not only satisfy our superiors, but also consider that the "Linghai Drug Control" that we have finally built cannot be affected by this. "

Chen Ju smiled at him and asked, "Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?"

"Yes, I have."

Zhang Yuhang said confidently: "First of all, we must make our attitude clear. Both the city bureau and the branch bureau support her going, but not in the form of secondment. Can you ask the leaders of the corps if you can let Doudou go?"

Political Commissar Yun pondered: "The inspection process cannot be stopped. When she is promoted to deputy department, let her take a position in the corps. It will not only show that we value talents, but also reflect that we, especially the branch, care about her. Even the corps Leaders will pay more attention to it.”

Zhang Yuhang smiled and added: "And it is conducive to the ongoing inspection. Think about it, the provincial department wants her to be promoted. It is normal for the branch party committee to promote her. If we don't promote such a comrade, who will be promoted?"

Director Chen frowned and asked, "What about the work of the anti-drug brigade? What about the new media matrix of 'Linghai anti-drug' that we finally built?"

"The job is simple, just shoot a few short videos. Whether she is posted or seconded, she will still be a branch police officer before she is officially transferred. Moreover, she has feelings for the branch and the brigade. She will definitely use her spare time to update on time. question."

Zhang Yuhang glanced at Han Xin, who was silent, and continued: "Of course, we can't put our eggs in one basket. Grassroots police can be posted at the higher level, and police from government agencies can also be posted at the grassroots level. Moreover, the upper and lower levels are originally members of the detachment. Tradition."

Political Commissar Yun suddenly reacted: "Let Li Yamei go to Linghai Anti-Narcotics Brigade for a temporary job. She has a good image and good eloquence, but she just doesn't have a chance. Let her learn and work at the same time. Over time, we can train another Internet celebrity policeman!"

I knew this would not be a problem for Zhang Yuhang.

He is so amazing that he can think of such a way.

First, play the emotional card and give Lan Doudou a chance. Just like a trial marriage, go to the corps office to try it out first.

If she feels that staying in Jiangcheng is good, her work goes smoothly, and she can get a formal transfer when the time comes, she will really be grateful to her old unit, especially to the leaders of her old unit for the rest of her life.

If you are unfamiliar with the place, feel uncomfortable staying there, or cannot handle a formal transfer, you will still have a way out when the time comes.

As for Li Yamei, she is definitely willing to take a temporary job in the Linghai Anti-Narcotics Brigade.

After all, as long as you are a subordinate, you must be a deputy captain or deputy instructor. This opportunity is too rare, and the city bureau is not very far from Linghai.

She went to take a temporary job, and Lan Doudou used his spare time to "help and guide", so the work of "Linghai anti-drug" will not be affected.

Both personal wishes and work are taken into consideration, and it is even very humane. It is really the best of both worlds.

As Han Xin expected, Director Chen called to report to District Chief Zhang, and District Chief Zhang agreed immediately.

She called Lan Doudou again and told her about the branch's plans. Not to mention how moved Lan Doudou was, she kept thanking the leader for his concern and love for her.

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