Veteran new police officer

Chapter 434 The new tradition of drug control in Linghai

Her boyfriend had only been back for a little over a week and had to go on a business trip again. Jiang Yue was just a little reluctant but not unhappy.

First, he had been busy before and traveled frequently, and she had long been used to it.

What's more, he is still going to participate in the competition this time. There is no danger. He can call and send videos every day. It is impossible for him to "miss and lose contact" for more than half a year.

Secondly, she will be very busy in the next period of time.

The branch is organizing education and rectification in accordance with the requirements of superiors. We must study every day, hold meetings every day, and write down our experiences every day;

The district's Chuangwen National Examination is about to take place, and anyone who is a civil servant has something to do. In a few days, I will join the foreign affairs police from the police station to participate in the entry-exit business training and competition organized by the municipal bureau...

The more understanding and supportive she became, the more apologetic Han Xin became.

At the same time, I also regretted that I missed Xiao Hanlu’s college entrance examination and couldn’t attend her aunt’s birthday party.

That's the way life is, plans always change.

While they were calling their mother and aunt to explain, Lan Doudou, who had returned home with great honor, was treating Li Duwang, Li Yijun, Cao Na, Qian Shanghong and others to dinner.

Tonight's dinner is different from usual colleagues' gatherings.

Not only her family members, the "public enemy of the bureau" Yu Wenqiang and Li Yijun's "family member" Xu Linlin came, but also Li Yamei, deputy squadron leader of the anti-drug publicity and education brigade of the municipal bureau's anti-drug detachment, who should have been very busy these days, also participated.

Everyone is no stranger to Li Yamei, because as early as the Spring Festival when the epidemic was at its worst, Li Yamei had been providing grassroots support for a period of time, not to mention she was also Lan Doudou's apprentice.

As for Commissioner Xu, who has a lot of titles and is usually so busy that he can even talk to district leaders, he couldn't be hired before.

But now is not the past. Seeing Li Yijun's embarrassed look, Li Duwang couldn't help but joked: "Yamei, Chairman Xu is not only a family member of our brigade, but also the newly elected vice president of our Linghai Anti-Drug Association. He is very important to our work." support."

"Li Da, it's not as exaggerated as you said." Xu Linlin couldn't help but laugh.

"That's not an exaggeration."

Li Duwang put down his chopsticks and explained very seriously and sincerely: "Our funds are small. If we only rely on that amount of funds, we can only carry out one or two anti-drug publicity activities a year.

Chairman Xu really helped us a lot this time. Not only did he put on a dance show, but he also helped us hire a host, a singer, and calligraphers and painters from the district to help us organize an anti-drug calligraphy and painting exhibition. "

A circle is different from a circle.

It was difficult for them to organize an event, but it was really easy for Xu Linlin.

Seeing that she had done something for them, they actually took it to heart. She subconsciously looked back at Li Yijun and said with an embarrassed look: "Who told me that I am a family member of the anti-drug brigade? Besides, Sister Doudou takes care of her just like Sister Shang Hong." My business."

Li Yamei was confused, holding a drink and asked curiously: "What business?"

Xu Linlin looked at Lan Doudou, Qian Shanghong and others with a smile and explained: "I opened a dance training school, and Sister Doudou and Sister Shanghong are all the parents of my students."

Looking at the smiling Xu Linlin, Yu Wenqiang couldn't help but think of Han Keng, and suddenly said: "Captain Li, there is a situation you may not know. Chairman Xu is not only Yijun's girlfriend, but also Han Keng's cousin. The relationship between the Chairman and the Anti-Narcotics Brigade is like 'closer to closer' and 'iron to iron'!"

Li Yamei really didn't know about this situation, and she didn't want to call her Chairman Xu like Li Duwang and Yu Wenqiang. She subconsciously asked: "Mr. Xu, Yu Suo is not kidding, is our Korean team really your cousin?"

"Yes." Xu Linlin smiled and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? The flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple, and one family doesn't know the other!"

In a few days, there will be a commendation ceremony to commend advanced anti-drug groups, advanced individuals and the most beautiful anti-drug people. Li Yamei came to Linghai today not only at the invitation of Lan Doudou, but also by the way to watch Xu Linlin and the others rehearse.

Thinking that the most important person in charge of the singing and dancing team in the entire party was actually Han Keng's cousin, Li Yamei immediately picked up her phone: "I have to report such an important situation to the leader immediately. Teacher Xu, when our detachment holds activities in the future, don't find anyone else." Yes, I’ll come to you directly.”

Lan Doudou grabbed her and said, "It's so late. Let's report tomorrow. Let's eat first."


Li Yamei put down her phone, thought about it and murmured: "It's true, Captain Han, it's not like he hasn't seen the party plan. He clearly knows that Teacher Xu will attend, but he pretends not to know anything and doesn't even mention it."

Lan Doudou asked them to eat more, and said bitterly: "Don't mention him, I will get angry when I mention him."

"Sister Doudou, what's wrong with my brother?" Xu Linlin asked with a smile.

"Didn't I know that he was hanging out with Xiaoyue at first? I called him in the afternoon and asked him to have dinner with me in the evening. Do you know what he told me?"

"What did my brother say?"

"He said he was out and couldn't participate. He also said he would no longer attend dinner parties and reduce ineffective social interactions!"

"My brother is serious too. How could he talk like that?"

"Yes, having a meal with us is no social interaction. He still treats me as his master, and he doesn't treat us as colleagues!"

Thinking that Li Yamei was not invited to attend the dinner for no reason, and thinking that his angry wife would soon go to the Provincial Anti-Narcotics Corps to take a temporary post, Yu Wenqiang said sourly:

"He's kidding you. He's always on business trips. He spends less time with Xiaoyue and more time apart. He finally has some time. Of course he has to spend time with his girlfriend."

"He values ​​sex over friends. When he has a girlfriend, he forgets about his master."

"Master, don't you still have me? You are not just his apprentice." Li Yamei held her arm and said meaningfully.

How could Lan Doudou not understand what she meant? He immediately took out his hand to pick up the drink and said sincerely: "Yamei, thank you."

"What's there to thank you for? I'm your disciple. Besides, this is also an opportunity for me."

"I still have to thank you. I must thank you."

Li Duwang had already received the notice and knew that after the detachment held the commendation ceremony for the most beautiful anti-drug person, Li Yamei would come to the brigade as deputy instructor. It can be said that the police beauty in front of him would be his partner for the next year. He smiled and asked: "Yamei , you take a temporary job at the grassroots level, does your wife have any objections?"

"He is busier than me. He is too busy to stay home all day long. I haven't said anything to him yet. How could he say anything to me?"

Li Yamei smiled and continued: "Not only does he have no objection, but he is also very supportive. His cousin is from Linghai. Now she has gone to Donghai and has a house in Linghai. He just called his cousin in the morning and asked him to My cousin’s house was lent to me to live in.”

She is her boyfriend's immediate boss. Xu Linlin asked curiously: "Sister Yamei, which community is the house in?"

"Wanda, it seems to be quite close to the Chengnan Police Station."

"It's right next to us." Yu Wenqiang confirmed with a smile.

Lan Doudou felt a little regretful that she and her lover were separated in two places, and said in a low voice: "Actually, Linghai is not far from the city. Xiao Han just drives to and from get off work every day."

"It's more convenient to have a place to live. I can go back if I'm not busy, and he can come over if he's not busy. Anyway, we have a car."

Li Yamei knew very well that the next work needed the support of Cao Na, Qian Shanghong and others, so she picked up a drink to pay tribute to the several full-time social workers who had been smiling and saying nothing.

We had interacted with each other during the Spring Festival, and we already knew each other.

Cao Na and others like Li Yamei very much, but are somewhat alienated from Teacher Xu, the "family member" of the brigade. They feel that Teacher Xu has too many social responsibilities and is too powerful to play with ordinary people like them.

It is said that three people and one woman can make a show, let alone so many young ladies.

The meal was enjoyable, the only one who was a little unhappy was Yu Wenqiang.

After finishing the meal, pay the bill.

Lan Doudou stood by the car talking to Li Yamei, while Li Duwang stood in front of the electric car to persuade Yu Wenqiang.

"Isn't it just one year? This is really an opportunity. Others can't go if they want to. Besides, the promotion will not be affected. When the publicity period is over, she will be a deputy major."

"I know, I just think..."

"What do you think? I think it's pretty good."

Li Duwang actually sympathized with the fate of the "public enemy of the bureau", and even felt a little gloating about his misfortune, but he persuaded him: "Doudou just went to the corps for a temporary job, and he didn't really become a big leader. If you can't even accept this, , then Miao Tianxu can’t survive his life?”

Miao Tianxu is not only a police officer in the political department of the branch, but also an outstanding representative of the men behind successful women in the whole branch and even in Linghai.

His lover was a senior official of the Youth League before Linghai was evacuated from the city and was established as a district. He then became the mayor of the town, and later the secretary of the street. Now he is a deputy director-level leader and the deputy mayor of Xingdong City.

Thinking of Lao Tian's cautious life, always spending less time with his lover and spending more time away from her, Yu Wenqiang smiled bitterly and said: "If she really has Lao Tian's ability to be a lover, I will resign and become the head of the family."

"Don't think nonsense. Even the bureau leaders support it, and you should support it even more."

Li Duwang suppressed his laughter and patted his arm again: "The transportation is so convenient now. The train to Jiangcheng leaves more than ten times a day and it only takes two hours."

Yu Wenqiang thought that it was easy for you to say it. Going to Jiangcheng was very convenient, but you must have time first!

Lan Doudou didn't know that her husband was unhappy, so she asked a little apologetically: "Yamei, if you come here to take a temporary post, will the work in the detachment be affected?"

"The impact will be more or less small. Fortunately, the anti-drug awareness month activities are almost done."

Li Yamei smiled and continued: "However, the next days for the detachment are indeed not easy. Xiao Zhi said that the Finance Bureau will conduct a performance evaluation on our public security anti-drug funds, and will ask an accounting firm to audit the accounts, and will provide information to each member unit, Those who distribute questionnaires to primary and secondary schools and the masses may not have an easy time passing this test."

The district finance bureau also conducts performance evaluations on the district's anti-drug office funds every year. This is different from a general audit, and it is also different from the supervision of the disciplinary inspection and supervision department. It is not as simple as discovering problems and rectifying them, but is directly related to next year's budget. !

The municipal anti-drug office, like the district anti-drug office, does not have much funding to begin with.

If another part is cut off by the "God of Wealth", it will be more difficult to carry out future work.

In fact it's not an "if", it's definitely going to be axed.

The city's economy has been greatly affected by the epidemic this year. The "God of Wealth" does not have as much money as before. In addition to the increase in the budget of the health department, almost all other units' budgets have been significantly reduced.

This is caused by the general environment, and it is useless for anyone to say it.

Li Yamei didn't want to talk about this anymore, so she immediately changed the topic: "Sister Doudou, there is something I only learned about at night."

"What's the matter?" Lan Doudou asked subconsciously.

"The Korean team will go to Nayun next week to participate in the competition with the police dog technical brigade people and police dogs. This trip will take more than a month."

"I know about the police dog competition, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

"Just because he has to go on a business trip again, and I have to come to work again in a few days, the detachment will have a meeting on Monday morning to adjust the division of work."

"How to adjust?" Lan Doudou asked.

Li Yamei smiled and said: "The division of labor between the Xiao branch and the political commissar remains unchanged. One is still in charge of the overall work, and the other is in charge of anti-drug publicity and education while assisting in the overall work. The division of labor in the Ren branch will not be adjusted. It is mainly Hou Wen who wants to adjust." Deputy squadron leader, take over from me to assist the political commissar in carrying out anti-drug publicity and education.”

"So Xiao Xu is the only commander left in the intelligence squadron."

"There are few people, so there is nothing we can do. The superiors seem to have issued another document, making it more difficult than before to second people from the grassroots."

There are very few drug cases in Binjiang and the drug problem is not serious.

The anti-drug detachment has a small establishment and few positions, so there is nothing we can do about it.

Just when the two lamented that both the district and county public security bureau's anti-drug brigade and the city bureau's anti-drug detachment were too busy, Xu Linlin, who was walking home with Li Yijun on the road, called Han Xin's number.

"Brother, do you know who I met at dinner tonight?"

"Li Yamei from our detachment, who else can we have besides her?"

"How did you know?"

"My master called me and wanted me to go to dinner with Xiaoyue."

"Oh, I almost forgot, she said it last night."

Han Xin had just finished her performance and was lying on the bed with her girlfriend in her arms, discussing what souvenirs to bring when she goes back tomorrow.

Thinking of the great significance of Lan Doudou's dinner at night, she couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Linlin, is my wife going?"

"His wife is treating her to a treat, how could he not come?"

"Is he unhappy?"

Xu Linlin was busy talking to a few "student parents" at night, and didn't pay attention to Yu Wenqiang's expression and murmured: "No, he looks quite happy."

Han Xin didn't believe that "Public Enemy of the Bureau" would be happy, so she smiled and said, "Is Li Yijun by your side?"


"Give him the phone and ask him to answer it."

"What's the matter? You can't tell me?" Xu Linlin asked unhappily.

"Is it useful to tell you about work matters?" Han Xin pretended to be serious.

Xu Linlin had no choice but to hand the phone to her boyfriend.

Hearing that they were going to talk about work, Li Yijun deliberately slowed down, held up his mobile phone and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Han Xin looked down at Jiang Yue, who was snickering, and asked curiously: "Brother, is the 'Public Enemy of the Precinct' a little unhappy tonight?"

Li Yijun didn't expect that his cousin was going to talk about this job, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "A little bit, but it's understandable."

"It's not easy to change your mind from the head of the family to the man behind a successful woman. You have more experience than him in this aspect. If you have time and opportunity, please persuade him and enlighten him. By the way, Let’s share our experiences in this regard.”

Jiang Yue snorted and couldn't help laughing.

Li Yijun was stunned, suddenly reacted, and asked dumbfounded: "Brother, you are laughing at me again, is it fun to laugh at me?"

Han Xin suppressed her laughter and said plausibly: "How could I laugh at you? After all, whether you have a girlfriend or get married, there must be a master outside and a master inside. I am really happy and relieved that you can silently support Linlin. I can I leave her to you with confidence, treat her well, you know?"

Unlike Yu Wenqiang, Li Yijun does not feel ashamed of the man behind a successful woman, and there is no problem of separation between the two places.

Seeing that my cousin was so upset about the matter of "Public Enemy of the Bureau" and "Teacher Lan", and even truly accepted himself, I couldn't help but grinned and said: "Thank you, brother, don't worry, I promise to treat Linlin well."


Han Xin thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "It seems that the Linghai Anti-Narcotics Brigade has a new fine tradition, either letting your lover silently support your work, or silently supporting your lover's work. First it was my master, and now it's you, I don’t know whose turn it will be next.”

Li Yijun didn't expect that his cousin also liked to eat melons, so he couldn't help but laugh.

Han Xin hung up the phone and as soon as she put down the phone, Jiang Yue laughed and cursed: "Look, I'm making fun of you. Isn't it fun to take pleasure in others' misfortune?"

"I am not gloating, but I feel that compared with them, I am really happy. Wife, thank you. It is the luckiest thing for me to find a wife like you in this life!"


"Isn't this obvious? I don't want to live their life of hesitation."

PS: I'm not feeling well, so I still have one chapter today, and I once again hope that all book friends will forgive me.

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