Veteran new police officer

Chapter 464 Stupid method

Brother Yang went all out and actually wanted to do that kind of live broadcast. Han Xin was surprised, but after thinking about it, it felt normal.

After all, he has to eat and survive, but it is difficult to find a job here, and even if he can find a job, the salary is very small.

What's more, people like him who have high ambitions but low abilities and are accustomed to living a life of debauchery can no longer do those low-paying and very hard jobs.

In fact, his future life trajectory is already very clear. Even if he can make money by doing live broadcasts with Xiaoqin, it will not be enough for him to lose.

For a gambler like him, gambling is really addicting.

When one day he loses his mind, he will sign the contract without hesitation.

After signing the contract, he will never be free and unrestrained in his life, and there is no doubt whether he can return to China alive.

Just as he was thinking about whether to intervene in his future life trajectory, such as packing them up and sending them back for processing, Cheng Wenming called and asked if he could get the mobile phone numbers of several major targets.

Han Xin's head grew bigger, and he stared at the yard not far away and said: "They are very careful and cautious. They rarely interact with outsiders. They use cash whether they buy things or go out to eat. I want to avoid making them suspicious." It’s harder to get a cellphone number, and you need four cellphone numbers.”

Cheng Wenming knew very well that this was a young man who was in trouble, so he quickly said: "Anyone who can get one of them will be fine."

"It's not easy either. I'm just an investigator, not the all-powerful agent in the movies. I also want to pass by him, steal his mobile phone without anyone noticing, and find out the phone number. I can stuff it back without anyone noticing, but I don’t have the ability to do it, so I can’t do it!”

Han Xin thought about it and laughed: "Besides, the current mobile phones are all locked, and I don't know the password. Without his fingerprints, even if I have the ability to steal it, I can't unlock it. How can I know his mobile phone number if I can't unlock it?"

This request is a bit excessive, but this is the last step in solving the case.

Cheng Wenming was silent for a moment and analyzed: "Xiao Han, this is what I think. For a company with a relatively large scale like theirs, it is impossible not to pay protection fees and not have a protective umbrella."

Han Xin said without hesitation: "That's for sure. I estimate that the various fees they pay will only be more than the companies in the 'Science and Technology Park', and will never be less than those companies settled in the 'Science and Technology Park'."

"Can you think of something from the military police who provide them with protection?"

"That's an idea, but I have no friends here and can't talk to those people. Besides what they do, I'm sure their awareness of anti-investigation is even stronger than that of most drug dealers, and they may not be able to use their work phones to communicate with others at work. Contact outsiders.”

"You're saying that even if you can get his mobile phone number from the military and police, it may not be useful."

"You can't say it to death, but you can't rule out the possibility."

Just as he was talking, Director He opened the door and walked in.

Cheng Wenming immediately raised his head. Seeing that his expression was wrong, Director He quickly raised his hand to say hello, and hurried out to help close the door.

I don't understand any rules at all, and I didn't knock on the door first when I came in.

Cheng Wenming cursed, stood up, limped over and locked the door. Then he returned to his desk, held up his cell phone and asked, "Can you think of another way?"

Although Madman Cheng is "crazy", he would not force others to do anything difficult under normal circumstances.

More importantly, Han Xin also didn't want to waste too much time on other people's cases, so she asked: "Brother Cheng, I can think of a way, but we must first figure out what the Lukai branch needs a mobile phone number for."

"I don't want to find out their capital flow. The case has been solved and the suspect has been arrested, but the stolen money cannot be recovered." Cheng Wenming paused and continued: "And are these four guys the big boss? , it’s not clear yet.”

"Probably not the big boss."

"How did you know?"

"I followed them for several days. By eavesdropping on their words, I could tell that they had fought in several countries and regions before coming here. They were all people who had seen the world. If I were a big boss, I would have deceived so many people. Money, I won’t stay in a hellish place where public security is chaotic, medical conditions are poor, and I may even be chased by the police.”

Although the epidemic in northern Myanmar is not very serious, the medical conditions are too backward.

No one wants to make money but spend his life. As long as he has the ability, conditions and connections, he will definitely not stay in northern Myanmar and go to a place with good medical conditions...

Cheng Wenming thought the young man's analysis was reasonable and asked, "You just said you can think of ways. What do you mean?"

Han Xin looked back at the dirt road leading to Xiaolameng City, and said calmly: "There is no good way, but there is a stupid way."

"any solution?"

"Because of the impact of the epidemic, it is difficult to do any business. As long as you are here, life is difficult. Even old bastards like Yang Tao are eating too much and actually plan to engage in pornographic live broadcasts. Some Guys who have done worse than Yang Tao simply take risks and commit theft or even robbery. I heard that we just arrested a few of them a few days ago."

Cheng Wenming was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Are you planning to rob?"

Han Xin smiled and said: "I can't think of a better way besides robbery, and roadblocking and robbery are normal here."

"What a way!"

"It's a stupid idea, didn't I just say it?"

"But after snatching it away, you can't return the phone to him, otherwise he will definitely become suspicious. And if his phone is snatched, it is impossible to get a replacement card over there. Even if you want to, you can't get it replaced. Grab the number If it’s useless, what’s the point?”

Cheng Wenming took a deep breath and added: "Besides, what if you can't handle it alone, what if you can't handle it? It's too dangerous and inappropriate."

Han Xin didn't want to drag on this case and wanted to solve it quickly. She smiled and said: "If I really rob him, I will definitely not return it to him. He will not be able to use the same mobile phone number again in the future, but the Lukai branch can pass it." After checking the call records of this abandoned account, I found the mobile phone numbers of three other guys, and even the contact information of the big boss."

"This is not a trivial matter, please let me think about it first."

"Brother Cheng, what's so good about this? And we won't come back again when the opportunity is too late."

"What opportunity is too good to miss and never comes again?"

"Several Chinese people have committed crimes here in the past few days. This is the right time to rob."

Afraid that Cheng Wenming would disagree, Han Xin struck the iron while the iron was hot and said: "As for me being alone, it's not a problem. Because the guy in the second den may have made a transition cautiously. No matter where he goes, he is alone. There’s no need for a driver or a bodyguard.”

The risk is too great!

Cheng Wenming didn't want to fight an uncertain battle, so he whispered: "But wouldn't your identity be exposed? Once your identity is exposed, how will you keep track of them next? You must know that our ultimate goal is to take them all in one go and find a way to figure them out. Their cell phone numbers are just a means."

"I'm not a fool. How could I just go up and grab her? Even if I'm acting, I have to do the whole thing. At least I have to find a piece of cloth to cover my face."

"Are you really sure?"

"Brother Cheng, you don't trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, but it's too dangerous..."

Seeing the target come out of the yard, Han Xin quickly said: "This kind of thing should be cut off immediately, without hesitation. He is out. If he doesn't go out alone after he goes back, it will be even harder to do it again!"

The young man is on the front lines and knows the situation best.

Remote control is possible, but it cannot be so rigid.

The fighter plane was fleeting, and Cheng Wenming did not dare to hesitate any longer. He conditionally agreed: "You can take action, but you must be careful. If you find something wrong, retreat immediately!"


The target is already on board.

Han Xin did not dare to waste a moment, and immediately followed the weed-covered ditch in the melon field and quickly reached the woods on the roadside. She straightened up immediately, ran to the motorcycle hidden under a tree, and opened the cover. Step on the branches above, step on the car, start the engine and drive through the forest.

It is unlikely that the target will go to Xiaolamengcheng District, and should go back to their villa.

Han Xin rushed out of the forest along a vaguely visible path, followed the bumpy dirt road, and took the lead in arriving at a three-way intersection about three kilometers away from the mountainside villa.

There are no villages or shops here, which is a good place for robbery!

Through the tracking and surveillance in the past few days, we found that the target must have learned the traffic rules, and the car did not drive very fast. It would take fifteen minutes at the fastest to get here, so there was enough time to prepare.

Han Xin stopped the car and quickly looked around, then opened the luggage compartment of the motorcycle, took out the helmet he had not had time to put on and put it on.

I pulled up my mask and looked in the rearview mirror of my motorcycle. I was shocked to find that the dirt road was too dusty. Not only was my body dirty, but my face was also covered in dust. There was no need to pretend.

Weapons are readily available. There is a wrench in the car. The reason why it is brought is that it can be used for repairing the car and for self-defense. The rubber band rope used to fix the suitcase can also come in handy...

Untie the rubber band rope with hooks at both ends, lay the motorcycle down on the road, then pretend to have broken your leg, sit on the roadside and wait for the target to fall into your trap.

As for the motorcycle’s license plate, it’s too late to remove it now.

In fact, even if there is time to remove the license plate or cover it with something, the motorcycle will no longer be usable. Once the target is bitten by a snake, he will definitely be afraid of the rope for ten years. After being robbed, he will definitely pay special attention to the same motorcycle if he sees it.

Just as I was thinking about whether I would like to say some lines to suit the occasion later, I heard the sound of a car engine in the distance.

Looking back, I saw that it was indeed the Porsche Cayenne.

The mountain road is difficult to drive, and repairing a car here is not only inconvenient but also very expensive. Lin Baoying held the steering wheel and paid attention to the road conditions ahead, avoiding as many pits as possible to avoid having to send the car to the repair shop.

Unexpectedly, just after avoiding a pit, I saw someone fell down not far ahead and the motorcycle was lying in the middle of the road.

He quickly released the accelerator and slowed down the car, taxied to a place five or six meters away from the "accident scene" and stepped on the brakes. He pressed the window and looked out and asked, "Are you okay? You're blocking the road."

No sympathy at all, no help at all!

Han Xin complained, pretending to be in pain, hugging her left leg, and speaking in Mandarin with a strong Nanyun accent: "I can't move my legs. Please come down and push the car to the side."

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