Veteran new police officer

Chapter 484 Madman Cheng scolds his mother

In the ambulance speeding towards the county seat, the emergency doctor was working nervously on the rescue.

Han Keng's injuries were more serious than imagined. When he first got in the car, his heartbeat and breathing had stopped, and his pupils were dilated and fixed.

The emergency doctor did not bother to report to the chief physician who was watching the video, and immediately intubated for mechanical ventilation, and then performed chest cardiac compressions. After three or four minutes of compression, Han Xin's heartbeat recovered.

Zhang Mengcheng was too frightened to speak, and he couldn't help because he didn't understand medicine. He could only sit in the corner and quietly send a video invitation to the old leader, and broadcast it live to the old leader who was anxiously waiting for the news.

Finally, the person was temporarily brought back from the door of hell. The emergency doctor breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't even bother to wipe off the sweat, so he inspected the wound and reported the situation.

"Pulse 126 beats per minute, blood pressure undetectable, confusion, shortness of breath, pale complexion..."

"Where is the bullet hole, and did the bullet penetrate it?"

The emergency doctor and the nurse helped Han Xin up, checked Han Xin's back, and made the unconscious Han Xin lie down again. Then he put on the stethoscope, looked at the wound on his chest, and listened for a while:

"There was a bullet hole with a diameter of about 0.5 centimeters in the third and fourth intercostal spaces of the midclavicular line of the left chest. A small amount of bleeding occurred with breathing, the jugular veins were distended, the heart sounds were distant, and the breath sounds disappeared on the left side. It was a typical open chest trauma."

"Adjust the camera and let me take a look."


"The bullet holes are here. There may be damage to the heart and major blood vessels, and the bullet is still in the body... You first resuscitate me, and I will notify the operating room and anesthesiology department to perform the operation as soon as the people arrive."

Cheng Wenming could clearly see the situation in the ambulance.

Cheng Wenming could also hear clearly the conversation between the emergency doctor and the chief physician.

His heartbeat and breathing had stopped just now, and the recovery now is only temporary. The doctor is probably not sure how long the young man can last!

Cheng Wenming didn't want to affect the doctor's rescue, and he didn't even dare to watch or listen anymore. He quietly ended the video and looked at the dark mountains outside the car window with tears streaming down his face.

Director He, who rushed to the border all night together, was more worried and nervous than Cheng Wenming, because he and Tang Zhila brought Han Xin to Nanyun. What if... if they couldn't be rescued, how would they explain to Han Xin's family after they returned.

Seeing his phone vibrating again, he looked down at the caller ID, turned around and said anxiously: "Cheng Zhi, Bureau Yang's number."

"Take it!"


Director He calmed down, opened the call button with a trembling hand, and raised the phone to his ear: "Report to Bureau Yang that the comrades from the Banna Border Management Detachment have received Xiao Han and sent him to the ambulance. Now I’m working on the rescue in the car right now…”

As a bureau leader, what I worry about most is that something like this will happen.

Director Yang stood on the balcony and asked solemnly: "Is the injury serious? How long will it take for the ambulance to take Xiao Han to the hospital?"

"Zhang Mengcheng is in the ambulance. He watched us quietly for a while just now. It seems that he was seriously injured. His heartbeat and breathing were gone. Fortunately, he was rescued in time and he has recovered now."

"Have you contacted the hospital leaders?"

"If you contact the command center, they will definitely do their best to rescue you."

"Where's Lao Cheng?"

"Cheng Zhi is with me, Cheng Zhi, Director Yang, please answer the phone."

Cheng Wenming knew what the bureau leader wanted to say. He really didn't want to answer the call, but he had no choice but to take a deep breath, wiped his tears, took the phone and asked, "I'm here, what's your order?"

Director Yang looked at the lights of Wanjia outside the window, hesitated and said, "Old Cheng, if something like this happens, we have to inform our relatives. I want to ask for your opinion first."

"I'm not the leader, what advice do you want from me? I don't know how to talk to people, so I won't make this call!"

"Old Cheng, I understand your feelings, but you are an old comrade, and you are relatively familiar with the Xiao Han family."

"Whoever wants to call me, don't call me for this kind of thing!"

The more Cheng Wenming thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, and he choked up and said: "Besides, the case that Xiao Han participated in is not our city bureau's case. Including me as the mouthpiece, we all have to listen to the headquarters. If something like this happens, the headquarters has to come forward." .”

How could Director Yang not know what Cheng Wenming really wanted to say, but after thinking about it he still said helplessly: "Old Cheng, this is a special operation organized by the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. I can ask Lao He to report it to his superiors, but even if Even after we reported it to our superiors, they still made us responsible for the aftermath."

"What are you doing? The person has just been rescued. Now he has a heartbeat and breathing. He hasn't died yet!"

"Lao Cheng, that's not what I meant. How could I curse my own policeman to death? But if something like this happens, we have to prepare for the worst. Besides, even if the injury is minor, relatives must be notified."

"I don't care, don't tell me, I'm busy!"

"Crazy Cheng" hangs up whenever he wants.

Director Yang listened to the busy tone in his earphones and sighed helplessly. He stood on the balcony in silence for a moment, then found the number of Wang Yan, the captain of the detention care detachment, and dialed it.

Spring City is about 600 kilometers away from the border, and it takes seven and a half hours at the fastest to get there.

Just when the driver reminded them that there was a service area five kilometers ahead and asked the two of them if they wanted to go to the toilet, Cheng Wenming finally received good news that was not good news at all.

Zhang Mengcheng called and said that the ambulance had arrived at the County People's Hospital. He was sent directly to the operating room without even performing various examinations.

The Political Commissar of the County Public Security Bureau and the Political Commissar of the Border Management Brigade took this matter very seriously and were sitting with him outside the operating room waiting. The Commander of the Banna Branch Headquarters had just called to inquire about the situation.

Whether the young man can survive this or not depends on the next few hours.

Cheng Wenming, who had never been superstitious, suddenly became superstitious. He was leaning against the car window and secretly praying to the gods to keep the young man safe when his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Cheng Zhi, phone."


He took out his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID. He was stunned for a moment. Then he turned on the call button and heard the familiar voice of an old leader and comrade from far away in the capital.

"Lao Cheng, I know about your cheating man. The headquarters just reported it to me, and Wang Yan just called me."

"What's the point of knowing? You're not a doctor, let alone an expert."

"Old Cheng, I understand how you feel, but you can't scold anyone you catch. First, you attacked the leaders of the headquarters, and I heard that you just attacked the leaders of your bureau. I know that you are strong without desires and don't care what others think or think, but can you give me some advice? I’ll save some face.”

"How much is face worth? No matter how important it is, can it be more important than the life of a police officer?"

Cheng Wenming became more and more angry and said through gritted teeth: "They want to solve a major case and catch the main culprit. I can understand this. In fact, I, Cheng Wenming, think the same thing. But it may not be possible to do it, and it depends on the conditions. Not allowed!

There are only three investigators and a few informants there, and they have to keep an eye on more than 70 suspects. Can they keep track of them? Do you think that our grassroots policemen have three heads and six arms, or do you think that our grassroots policemen will spread their lies and become an army?

Always looking forward and backward, indecisive, and procrastinating again and again, it lasted for more than a month. Our police officers are also human beings, and they also need to eat and sleep.

But in the past month or so, they couldn't eat well or sleep well, and were highly nervous. They had to turn a blind eye even when they took a nap. It would be strange if nothing happened! "

The old leader on the other end of the phone knew the temper of "Crazy Cheng" better than anyone else. Knowing that he needed to vent now, he whispered: "Go on, I'm listening."

"The funniest thing is that my people took action and Xiao Han had already been shot. They then told me the final decision of the four main suspects. The one whose identity was exposed ran away quickly, and the remaining three went to find someone to arrest. The suspect who suspected that he was infected with the virus and wanted to return to China and surrender should be silenced."

"That's it? Is there anything more?"

"No, isn't this enough?"

"Lao Cheng, there are indeed many shortcomings in the deployment of the headquarters. You have also been a deputy detachment leader. You should know that there are subjective reasons, but more of them are objective factors. After all, you can destroy more than 800 people involved in the case in one fell swoop. The gang has such a rare opportunity and can obtain evidence and transfer those suspects to the prosecutor's office for review and prosecution."

The old leader on the other end of the phone paused, and then said: "And it's outside the country. The command headquarters can't do anything, so we can only count on your investigation team."

"Counting on us, so although we have no credit, we still have some hard work?"

"What are you talking about? Your investigation team played a key role in solving the case. And your decision to adjust the deployment two and a half hours ago and let the investigators escort the four main suspects back is not only okay, but also It can be said to be firm and decisive.”

Cheng Wenming finished venting and felt a little better. He muttered: "I don't need praise, let alone any praise. You should think about how to praise Han Keng. He is working for you because of your Guns in special operations!”

"Don't worry, I will personally take care of it. In fact, even if I don't, the Special Operations Command will help him fight for it. As someone who has been through this, you should know that we will never let the police who have been through life and death shed blood and tears!"

"This is what you said. If you can't keep it in the future, don't blame me for scolding you."

"I hope you will just scold me. By the way, you are responsible for notifying relatives. You are his direct superior now, and you know his family's situation better. You are also an old comrade and hero, and you are the ideological work of Xiao Han's relatives. , it would be more appropriate for you and Wang Yan to take the initiative."

"Okay, but let's talk about it first. You can't fool me or let me talk nonsense to others."

"I know, let me tell you, Lao Cheng, how did you become a mother-in-law?"

"I learned this from you. When I had the accident, you were more mother-in-law than I am now!"

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