The Special Intelligence Squadron discovered another clue. After research, the Chonggang Branch decided to organize forces to set up a special investigation team and asked the special agents who had been involved in the criminal gang to continue to provide assistance. Chen Changjun was very happy to receive the feedback.

However, before he could make a phone call to praise him, he was invited to have a talk by Lei Xinghua, deputy director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team!

Zhang Yuhang was startled and quickly reported to Director Liu of the Political Department.

"It's not necessarily his problem. What can happen if he, the deputy director of the command center, doesn't handle the case?" Director Liu knew Chen Changjun too well. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Maybe it's not a matter of discussion. It's very possible. It’s about other work.”

"I feel relieved now that you say it." Zhang Yuhang finally relaxed and took this opportunity to report that the Special Intelligence Squadron had discovered another clue.

Director Liu couldn't believe this was true, and asked doubtfully: "Have the clues been verified?"

The old subordinate did not disappoint. Zhang Yuhang was very considerate and confirmed with a smile: "It has been verified that it is indeed suspected of fraud, and may also be suspected of organizing pyramid schemes, and the amount involved is not small."

"Of course I am happy that the Special Situation Squadron has made new achievements, but such a blatant fraud gang has even gone to a five-star hotel for public meetings more than once. Why didn't so many case-handling units find out?" Director Liu stared at Zhang Yuhang.

A leader is a leader, he thinks more and further than others.

Zhang Yuhang said quickly: "Director Liu, this cannot be blamed on the police station in the jurisdiction, nor on the criminal investigation, economic investigation and other case-handling units. The grassroots police force is too tight. The police not only have to handle cases, but also participate in various studies. They have no time to go out and collect clues. It can be said that the grassroots teams cannot do without the auxiliary police."

"So it means that the auxiliary police at the grassroots level are not professional enough?"

"Compared to the auxiliary police of the special situation squadron, the auxiliary police of the grassroots team are definitely not very professional in collecting intelligence clues, but they are not recruited for the purpose of collecting intelligence clues. In addition, management, training and salary and other reasons , it is difficult to be as deep and even integrated into all walks of life as the Special Situation Squadron."

If even the auxiliary police officers are like this, it means that the grid officers are more superficial. At least in terms of collecting various illegal clues, they are far from comparable to the special situation squadron, which is very professional in selecting personnel and training.

Director Liu pondered for a moment, raised his head and said with a smile: "Yuhang, I have been thinking about the future arrangements for those special situations brought out by Han Xin? They are all young and passionate now, and they do have a sense of accomplishment in this line of work, so Be able to devote yourself to collecting intelligence clues.

But in a few years, men will get married in college and women will get married in college. They will start families and start businesses by then. It is definitely impossible to be as devoted as now, and they may even change careers and change jobs. "

Zhang Yuhang didn't expect the leader to say this. He was stunned for a while before he realized: "Director, you are saying that from a work perspective, of course, the more professional the better. But from a management perspective, sometimes it is not good to be too professional?" "

"I can imagine that Xiao Han must have taught them everything. Otherwise, the squadron would not have been able to achieve so many achievements less than two months after its establishment. However, special operations work has certain special characteristics, and we must consider the long term."

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

If you want to collect various intelligence clues, you must first understand various illegal and criminal activities.

Coupled with a series of training and actual combat, the auxiliary police officers of the Special Situation Squadron will become more and more experienced, familiar with the case-handling procedures of the public security organs, understand the case-handling techniques of the police handling cases, and be proficient in investigation and counter-investigation.

It would be absolutely terrible if such people were allowed to flow into society in the future and they could not resist the temptation and turn to crime.

Thinking again that when the police were organized to learn some police skills, teaching materials were not distributed, and they were not even allowed to take records. Zhang Yuhang realized that the leader's worries were justified.

"Director Liu, I think no matter what you do, you can't overdo it. Besides, there are only a few people in the Special Situation Squadron. As long as the ideological work is done properly, there should be no problems in future management."

Zhang Yuhang thought for a while, then continued: "As for how to arrange those special situations in the future, it is not difficult to solve. We can completely treat the special situation squadron as a training class, and let Han Xin lead them to work for a few years, and wait until they get married and start a business. Then entrust them with important responsibilities and transfer them to the grassroots teams to serve as auxiliary police squad leaders to strengthen the ability of the grassroots teams to collect intelligence clues."

Director Liu nodded: "Well, this is the best of both worlds."

The two were chatting about work when Chen Changjun came back disgraced.

Zhang Yuhang quickly found an excuse to avoid it. Director Liu called Chen Changjun into the office, walked to the door and asked, "What's going on?"

"I...I usually don't pay enough attention, I..."

"What am I, what am I not paying enough attention to?"

"Not paying attention to the impact, Director Liu, I was wrong, I will review it."

"Why don't you pay attention to the impact?" Director Liu was anxious, with a look of hatred on his face.

Chen Changjun never thought that he would be asked to talk to the disciplinary inspector on this day. He said with a grimace: "Director Liu, I want to learn from Director Zhang. I will not smoke anymore. I will quit smoking from today."

Director Liu asked, dumbfounded, "Were you caught smoking by the inspector of the Discipline Inspection Commission?"

"I usually pay attention to it. I have never smoked in the office or the command hall. I will definitely not smoke in public places as long as I wear a police uniform. Someone may have reported me and said that I smoked, and that the cigarettes I smoked are still good ones."

"Then did you smoke, and what exactly did you smoke?"

"Yes, I smoked a good cigarette."

"How good is it?"

"Sometimes it's soft and medium, sometimes it's..."

Director Liu knew why "Thunder God" came to talk to him, and asked coldly: "Where did the smoke come from?"

Chen Changjun took a deep breath and said anxiously: "The cigarettes I received at first were given by my son-in-law, and they were also given to me during meals. I'm used to smoking, and if I change, I'm afraid of being laughed at. If I run out, I'll buy them myself."

Director Liu asked: "What do you want to eat?"

"It's just a normal interpersonal relationship. When friends and relatives get together, there are always a few boxes of cigarettes on the table."

"that's it?"

"That's all, Director Liu, you know best what kind of person I am. How can I accept bribes, even if I have the courage to do so?"

This situation is universal to a certain extent. Many police officers who smoke smoke are good cigarettes.

This impact is indeed bad. How much is your monthly salary? Do you need to support your family? If you say you paid for it with your own money, will the public believe it?

Director Liu basically understood the ins and outs and asked sullenly: "What did the disciplinary inspection say?"

"A profound review."

"How are you going to review it?"

"Write a checkup and quit smoking." Chen Changjun glanced at the leader and said cautiously: "I won't attend dinner parties anymore, no matter who calls me."

"It's good to know. Let's go back and review it slowly."

"Thunder Lord" has already come to talk to him, so Director Liu can't say anything else.

Just after he was sent away, Zhang Yuhang was feeling angry when he left and came back again.

"Yuhang, what's going on?"

"I just received news that the Fourth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision just went to the Vehicle Management Office and took away a policeman, three auxiliary police officers and a doctor from the Third People's Hospital stationed at the Vehicle Management Office." Zhang Yuhang took a deep breath, Then he said: "Two police officers from the driving test center were also called to assist in the investigation."

It’s really a wave of ups and downs!

Director Liu stood up subconsciously: "Do Mayor Xu and Secretary Qian know?"

Zhang Yuhang took a deep breath and whispered: "Secretary Qian has just received a notification from the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and is preparing to report to Mayor Xu. Mayor Xu is in a meeting in the city. His cell phone may be on mute and he has not been able to get through."

"What the hell is this? It seems that the rectification of education is not deep enough!"

"I plan to organize the office police to strengthen their studies. Starting today, they will study for two hours every day after get off work."

“Not only must the police be organized to study, but the auxiliary police must also study.”


Han Xin didn't know that because she was "turning the knife inward", the auxiliary police officers in the city bureau office would have to work overtime and study every day from today on, write down their learning experience, and even do self-examination and self-correction. She was busy receiving city residents who came to the company on foot to conduct research. Deputy Secretary Guan of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director Hu of the Party and Government Style Office.

Wang Zhi returned from the capital, but as the deputy leader of the task force, she could not leave her post without authorization and could only ask political commissar Liu Chunhui to come over to accompany her.

As the first political instructor and deputy squadron leader of the special service squadron, Wang Xiaohui and Jiang Limin not only have to come, but also report on their work.

After watching the real-time video of two special agents assisting the disciplinary inspection cadres of the Fourth Supervision and Inspection Office to go to the vehicle management office and the driving test center to find relevant personnel for investigation, and listening to the report for a while, Secretary Guan was very satisfied with the work of Han Xin and the squadron.

"Xiao Han, your bureau leader will definitely not be happy if he knows that you are eating inside and outside." Secretary Guan sat on the sofa and picked up the teacup and joked.

He is not so much here for investigation as he is here for a visit. He is very casual and does not look like a leader at all.

Han Xin grinned and said: "Reporting to Secretary Guan, we have a very clear distinction here, and the team members are also very strict. When they assisted Sister Wang and Liming in their work, and what they did, they need to be kept strictly confidential. Let alone the bureau leaders. , even our Wang Zhi doesn’t know about it.”

Wang Xiaohui knew that the relationship between the leader and the scammer was unusual, and she became more courageous than before. She couldn't help but add: "Secretary Guan, Director Hu, the first lesson in special service training is confidentiality discipline. To assist us in our work, we need to keep confidentiality from the police. Assist the police The bureau’s various case-handling units will still keep our confidentiality confidential during the investigation.”

"Keeping secrets from the police, isn't he a police officer!" Secretary Guan pointed at Han Xin and couldn't help but laugh.

"Secretary Guan, Director Hu, I am a public security officer, but I am different from other policemen. I am the captain of the special service squadron that specializes in assisting the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Although I am not a disciplinary inspection cadre stationed in the municipal bureau like Political Commissar Liu, I am still different. Not too much.”

"So we are our own people?"

"Of course, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where I would be working right now."

Liu Chunhui knew very well what his subordinates were going to say next, so he lost no time in saying: "Secretary Guan, Director Hu, Xiao Han has great respect for you two. As long as it is a task assigned by the Discipline Inspection Commission, he never hesitates. In team management The same is true for me, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken the initiative to invite Comrade Xiaohui, who is also the squadron’s first political instructor.”

The young man finally got the idea, and Secretary Guan was very satisfied.

He put down the tea cup and looked back at the computer monitors on his desk: "Xiao Han, actually there is no need to go to such trouble. It would be better to transfer them here directly. The Discipline Inspection Commission needs case investigators, and it also needs experienced investigators like you. .”

Director Hu was convinced: "I think it will work. He can be transferred to our Party Style and Government Style Office, or he can be transferred to the Lien Management Center."

If you are transferred here, you will just be a jobber, and you will have no status at all.

Han Xin would not be fooled by this, and said quickly: "Thank you two leaders for your concern, but I think it is good now. After all, the team can only develop combat effectiveness after repeated training. In fact, it can only add the brand of the Special Situation Squadron of the Municipal Bureau Command Center , our special teams have all kinds of training opportunities.”

Secretary Guan knew that he "would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix" and that he was unwilling to be transferred to the Discipline Inspection Commission. He was just joking with him just now.

Seeing that he gave an excuse that sounded reasonable, he said nonchalantly: "Since you think it's good now, then keep running in both directions. As for moving, I don't think it's necessary. It's just these two offices. As for the rent, Director Hu, please find a way to solve it."

Director Hu became more and more fond of this obedient and capable auxiliary force, and agreed: "No problem."

It seems that the leader wants to go home. If he doesn't say anything, he will have no chance.

Han Xin thanked him and said while the iron was hot: "Secretary Guan, Director Hu, there is another situation I almost forgot to report."

"what's the situation?"

"In the past two months, we have collected several clues and assisted the Criminal Police Detachment, Anti-Narcotics Detachment and Economic Investigation Detachment in handling several cases, one of which involved a relatively large amount of money. The bureau leaders were very satisfied with the work of our squadron and planned to give us unprecedented support. There are two business positions, one management position, and one labor position.”

"This is a good thing." Secretary Guan smiled.

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said: "It is indeed a good thing, but until now I have not dared to tell the team members. First, there are too many monks and too few people, and it is a headache to solve the problem for whom. Second, I am worried that after the team members know about it, they will have trouble in future work. You may not be able to distinguish between priorities.”

Afraid that the leader would not be able to understand what his subordinates were saying, Liu Chunhui added: "Being able to solve the problem of establishment, even if it is a labor establishment, is the best motivation for the team members."

Secretary Guan was happy, looked at Han Xin with a smile and said: "Xiao Han, it seems that you have entered the role of team leader. You know how to consider your subordinates and how to encourage comrades to work enthusiastically."

Han Xin said helplessly: "Secretary Guan, if the bureau doesn't provide establishments for these two undertakings, I will definitely not talk to you and Director Hu. Now that the bureau has decided to give them, if I don't talk to you two, If you don’t help fight for it, it will really affect the next work.”

Seeing his subordinates looking at him, Liu Chunhui could only bite the bullet and said: "There is hope for working for the Municipal Bureau, but there is no hope for assisting the Discipline Inspection Commission. This is a very real problem. Secretary Guan, Director Hu, as the squadron leader, Xiao Han really We have to take into account the morale of the team and a balance.”

"Comrade Chunhui, are you working together to set me up?"

"How can it be……"

If the young man mentioned other difficulties, Secretary Guan would be able to help solve them immediately.

But this is not another difficulty, but two business establishments!

But the reason given by the young man was sufficient. They worked for two families at the same time. This family treated them better than that family, and his special agents would definitely work for the family that treated them better in the future.

Thinking about the two career staff, it is not difficult for the Discipline Inspection Commission to solve it. In fact, when the Supervisory Committee was first established, it even considered providing staff for all nursing staff, but it was not implemented in the end due to various reasons.

More importantly, the special service squadron did achieve something.

He weighed it up, put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, I can't promise you this now, but I will study it when I go back. Xiao Wang, aren't you also the first political instructor of the special service squadron? I'll sort out some materials later. .”

Wang Xiaohui said hurriedly: "Yes."

"Thank you, Secretary Guan." The leader said this, which meant that there was hope. Even if two could not be solved, it should be no problem to solve one. Han Xin was very happy.

PS: I have a bad cold and a terrible headache. There is only one chapter today.

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