Veteran new police officer

Chapter 564 A new stage

The municipal bureau has a lot of work, meetings, and studies, and Xu Haibin really can't spare time to come to the company.

The reason why Director Chen made him the deputy squadron leader of the Special Situation Squadron was not because he really wanted him to work in the squadron, but mainly because he wanted to play a role in communication, coordination and even cooperation through this method.

As for Jiang Limin from the Party Style and Government Style Office, he has more and busier work. Wang Xiaohui tried her best to encourage him to serve as the deputy squadron leader of the special service squadron. The main reason was to let him come to a nearby place on a first-come-first-served basis so that he could pursue Miss Liu, so he did not Don't come to the company for particularly important things.

The previous duty system therefore came to an end.

Han Xin has never thought about rearranging shifts. There are only a few people in the company. If one person is assigned to sit in the office every day, it will become a small organization.

In addition, before taking turns on duty, a dedicated person sat in front of the computer and watched several groups. This was mainly because the company had just been established and the employees had just started running business and had little experience.

After a period of training and running-in, it is no longer necessary to arrange for someone to sit in front of the computer and provide guidance on the sidelines. Even the equipment previously distributed to each group must be taken back, and only mobile phones can be used from now on.

Liu Beibei didn't quite understand.

Geng Wanyu also couldn't figure it out.

Seeing everyone hesitant to speak, Han Xin smiled and said: "High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods! If you can get what you want, and there are always people on the sidelines to guide you, then who can do this? Can you do it?"

Liu Beibei took out a power bank with a secret camera and eavesdropping function from his bag and muttered: "But without these equipment, it will be inconvenient to move around in the future."

"It's inconvenient to carry it around."

Han Xin picked up the tea cup and explained with a smile: "We have met some unprofessional customers before. Bringing these equipment to discuss business will not reveal your identity. But what if we meet a very professional and vigilant customer? So plan ahead and develop the habit of not relying on off-field coaching and high technology.”

As a former government cadre, although He Jun had never actually handled a case, he had read a lot of materials reported by grassroots case-handling units. Knowing that Han Xin was not joking, he raised his head and added: "If you meet a very professional client, don't even mention using these." Equipment, I’m afraid I won’t even have a chance to use my mobile phone.”

He Jun has a very special identity, and he is Boss Han’s old leader. Liu Beibei respects him very much and can’t help but ask: "Uncle He, if you can’t even use your mobile phone, how can you do this business?"

"You have to ask Mr. Han about this, he is a professional."


"Four words, adapt to changes!"

Han Xin smiled and continued: "Besides, we are not fighting alone, we all have partners. There is nothing to do today. You can first think about how to provide customers with services without arousing customer suspicion if we encounter such a situation. Partner delivers the message.

Then there are the details, which are really important. Zhiyong and Xinghe almost exposed their identities a few days ago because they used ropes and batons, but in fact they have been exposed. But I don’t blame you for this. The main responsibility lies with me. I’m always worried about what dangers you might encounter outside, and I let you bring equipment you shouldn’t. "

Thinking of what happened in Linghai four days ago, Gong Zhiyong couldn't help laughing and said: "That officer Wang has very poisonous eyes."

"How many years have you been working at the grassroots level and how rich your experience is? Not to mention you, even I have been taken back for questioning as a suspect before."

"Ah, there is such a thing!"

"Let's not talk about that, let's get down to business." Han Xin took a sip of water and continued: "First of all, we need to adjust the personnel groups. Mr. Liu will be in the same group as Uncle He, Hailin will be in the group with Huang Dong, and Xiao Geng will continue to follow Xie Meng is in a group, Zhiyong is in a group with Jianwei, Xinghe and I are in a group, so we have five groups."

"Boss, are you also taking part in the operation?" Geng Wanyu asked subconsciously.

"It's time for me to exercise. I can't just sit in the office all the time." For fear of their objections, Han Xin added: "This was agreed by Wang Zhi and the political commissar. Besides, our grouping is just a very basic division of labor. In fact, what follows is Most of them act alone.”

Huo Jianwei asked curiously: "Boss, should we come to the company to check in every day in the future like now?"

"You have to come to the company to check in unless there are special circumstances. If you encounter special circumstances, you need to report to me or Mr. Liu or Uncle He in advance. I almost forgot, from now on, Uncle He will be the back office of our squadron, responsible for daily work logs, invoice reimbursement Things like that are all under Uncle He's control."

"Uncle He, I'll trouble you later."

"No trouble." He Jun smiled slightly, then turned around and asked: "Mr. Han, can you let the big guys call me Brother He? I'm a little uncomfortable with calling me Uncle He."

"Let's call you Uncle He, don't mess up the seniority."

"Yes, Uncle He. You are about the same age as my dad, and you are the leader. How can we call you brother? That is too small."

Liu Beibei spoke plausibly.

Xie Meng and others couldn't help laughing.

Only by calling him uncle can he really establish prestige for the old leader. Han Xin did not want to have long nights and dreams, so she immediately changed the topic, reported the situation of the money laundering case and the drug case, and announced that the city bureau planned to recruit Geng Wanyu and Zhao Hailin as business editors.

The amount of money laundered was more than 20 billion, and the illegal profit was nearly 2 billion!

Everyone, including He Jun, was stunned and couldn't believe this was true.

Geng Wanyu and Zhao Hailin were shocked and excited. It was a career establishment, and many college students might not be able to pass the exam for many years...

Xie Meng was very envious, fearing that others would see it, so she subconsciously lowered her head.

Liu Beibei didn't feel much. After working at the 110 police reception desk for so long, she knew very well that the career editors of the Public Security Bureau were completely different from the career officers of other units. It was just that their salary and benefits were slightly better than those of ordinary auxiliary police officers. There is no need to consider things like salary at all.

Their reactions were basically as expected by Han Xin.

Just as he was about to speak, Geng Wanyu suddenly asked: "Boss, the career editor sounds nice, but it's actually nothing. I don't really need it, can you give it to Mengmeng?"

Xie Meng was startled and said hurriedly: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you want to be compiled, I will take the exam myself. You don't need to give in."

Han Xin saw that this boy really had some interest in Xie Meng, and couldn't help but smile: "Wan Yu, you and Lao Zhao have performed outstandingly and made great contributions. The bureau has decided to make an exception for you two to solve the establishment. This is really not easy to give in to. .”

"Did you hear that? Stop making trouble." Xie Meng glared at Geng Wanyu and quickly lowered his head when he saw that everyone was looking at him.

Liu Beibei also noticed it, and said with a chuckle: "If you can't give in, then don't give in. Although this career is not very valuable, others can't solve it if they want to. Don't give up. This is a good thing. .”

"Yeah, congratulations."

"Mr. Geng, Brother Zhao, you want to treat us, and we want to learn from you."

"Mr. Geng, the boss and Uncle He are here. Don't let the boss and Uncle He laugh."

"How could we laugh at you? You did a great job this time."

Han Xin patted him on the shoulder, turned around and said with a smile: "Beibei, the party branch of the city bureau has decided to include you in the party member training plan. Go back and ask Uncle He for advice on how to write an application for joining the party. After writing it, give it to Director Chen. Director Chen said that we should try to identify you as a party activist before the Spring Festival."

"Join the party!" Liu Beibei asked subconsciously.

"You are an instructor, you can't always be a party member. And developing and training you is also an exception!"

"Understood, Uncle He, I have never written an application for party membership. You can teach me later."

"No problem, let's have a meeting first."

He Jun did not expect that this newly established squadron would achieve so many achievements, and felt that working as an internal support officer was somewhat interesting.

Han Xin turned to look at Xie Meng and others, and continued: "After the Spring Festival, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission Lien Center and Information Center will openly recruit a group of personnel, including 22 business establishments. The recruitment brochure has been published. , it is clearly stated that extra points will be given for relevant work experience, and those who have made achievements and contributions in relevant positions will be given priority.

Mengmeng, you and Beibei meet the relevant conditions. Wang Zhi and Political Commissar Liu not only hope that you can take the exam, but also plan to let you participate in the studies organized by the detachment. The study time is arranged on Saturday and Sunday. Nothing is more important than taking the exam, and the company will definitely support it. "

Liu Beibei was most afraid of exams and was not very interested in career establishment. He asked in a low voice: "Is there anyone else in the detachment who is taking the exam?"

"I heard that more than a dozen people want to sign up. Mengmeng should know some of the details."

"Mengmeng, what's going on?"

Xie Meng was stunned and said quickly: "It is originally the job of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission to take care of the detained objects. It seems that because of lagging legislation and some other reasons, the public security is entrusted to recruit and manage the caregivers. Therefore, every time the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission recruits people, , all give priority to hiring auxiliary police officers from our detachment, but no matter how prioritized they will only hire two or three at most."

Liu Beibei asked: "Why don't you recruit more people?"

"Those with academic qualifications must have a full-time college degree or above before they can apply. However, most of our detachments are veterans with a high school degree and do not meet the registration requirements. Moreover, the detachment's nursing work must be taken into consideration. If there are too many recruits, who will take care of the detainees? object."

To put it bluntly, it is to give the boys and girls in the detention detachment something to look forward to, and at least two or three establishments can be solved a year.

Liu Beibei reacted, thought about it and asked again: "Boss, the bureau is preparing to train me to join the party. I will take the Discipline Inspection Commission's recruitment examination. It doesn't matter if I fail. If I do, will I still be a member of the bureau?" Will joining the party be considered obscene?"

"If you really pass the exam, your working relationship will be with the Discipline Inspection Commission. Of course, you will no longer be a member of the Municipal Bureau Command Center, but your joining the party will not be affected, and your work will not be affected."

Han Xin paused, then smiled and said: "And this will be more in line with the staffing requirements of our detachment. Wang Zhi is selected by the municipal bureau, and the political commissar is selected by the Discipline Inspection Commission. Specifically for our squadron, I, the squadron leader, are the municipal Bureau police officer, you, the instructor, are a staff member of the Discipline Inspection Commission, so as long as you can pass the exam, the relationship will be straightened out."

"Boss, I...I'm just like you. I'm just a bad student. I may not be able to pass the exam. Why don't you let Huang Dong and Jianwei take the exam?"

"The recruitment brochure clearly states that they are either fresh graduates or have two years of relevant work experience. Huang Dong and Jianwei are temporarily not eligible for registration."

"We're fine, we don't care."

"Yes, boss, I know the business editor. To put it bluntly, we are employees, and the salary package is not necessarily higher than our current salary plus performance."

"We have to take a long-term view. When you retire in the future, your retirement salary will definitely be higher than that of those who are not employed. Don't worry, as long as you work hard and achieve some results, you don't need to take any exams. You have every chance to compete with Wan Yu and Lao Zhao. That’s an exceptional hire.”

Han Xin encouraged her and looked at Miss Liu again: "Beibei, I know that studying is tiring and the exam is difficult, but the opportunity is rare. I suggest you seize it. And there are people who are more anxious than you and even do it well." I have to take time to prepare for your tutoring."

Xie Meng knowingly asked: "Boss, who is it?"

"Jiang Limin, I heard from Sister Wang that he has prepared a lot of review materials. Fortunately, he is in the Party Style and Political Style Office, not the Organization Department of the Discipline Inspection Commission, otherwise there would be problems with this exam, hahaha."

"Boss, why is he in a hurry? Don't talk nonsense!" When talking about Jiang Limin, Liu Beibei's pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

"Okay, no more joking." Han Xin changed the topic: "As for the next work, with the consent of Wang Zhi and Political Commissar Liu, we need to divide the work again."

"How to divide the work?"

"In the past, we have always focused on the public security side and assisted the Discipline Inspection Commission as a supplement, at least in our thinking. But in fact, the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission is very important and many, so we need to arrange two teams to be responsible for Assisting the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission, mainly under the leadership of Sister Wang and Limin, assisting the Party Style and Government Style Office to initially verify some clues to problems."

Han Xin took a sip of water and continued: "Uncle He, Beibei, Wan Yu, Mengmeng, in the next two months, your first and second teams will mainly assist the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission; Hailin, Zhiyong, you The third and fourth teams will focus on collecting clues of various crimes for the next two months. Xinghe and I are the fifth team, we take care of both ends, and as the mobile force of the squadron, we can provide you with support at any time."

It is actually easier to achieve results by assisting the Discipline Inspection Commission than by assisting the police, but no matter how many achievements you achieve, they cannot be made public, and it is difficult to get commendations from superiors.

Otherwise, Liu Beibei had achieved so many achievements and even assisted the Discipline Inspection Commission to remove a deputy director-level leader suspected of job-related crimes. If he wanted to solve the problem of career establishment, he would have to take the exam according to the procedures.

He Jun is not a civil servant, but he is no different from one. The retirement pension he gets every month is about the same as Wang Zhi's salary.

Liu Beibei and Xie Meng will participate in the Discipline Inspection Commission's carrot recruitment next, and Geng Wanyu's establishment has basically been resolved. With such great achievements, there is no controversy even in the city bureau.

It is appropriate for the four of them to assist the Discipline Inspection Commission and do obscure work.

How could Gong Zhiyong, Huo Jianwei, Huang Dong and Cao Xinghe, who had not been able to solve the problem for the time being, not knowing that Boss Han wanted them to have a chance to show their faces, so they all said in unison: "Yes!"

"In short, from now on, we have entered a new stage. And our superiors, whether it is the Municipal Bureau or the Discipline Inspection Commission, have higher requirements for us. We have done well before, but the results can only represent the past. We must not only Keep it up and do better.”

Han Xin spoke very seriously, and He Jun suddenly discovered that the "recruit egg" was becoming more and more like a leader.

Liu Beibei, Geng Wanyu, Zhao Hailin and others felt that what he said was not official talk. After all, the municipal bureau and the Discipline Inspection Commission had given so much to the special service (special service) squadron, which was unimaginable in other units. They should do better. Otherwise, I'm sorry to the leader.

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