Veteran new police officer

Chapter 578 The ancestor was dug out

Geng Wanyu was not so much studying how to collect clues from the dark web as he was waiting for Xie Meng, who was studying in the detention management center for "late night self-study".

In two hours, he would drive to pick Xie Meng up from school and take her home.

When he chases a girl, Han Xin and Jiang Yue won't wait with him.

The two went downstairs to browse the mall for a while, bought two pieces of clothing and then drove home. As a result, as soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, Mr. Han suddenly called.

Han Xin thought it was another push to get married and signaled Jiang Yue to answer.

Jiang Yue was also afraid of being rushed, but Han Xin was driving, so she could only press the call button and ask: "Dad, what's going on so late?"

Mr. Han and Ge Sulan were on their way back overnight and asked into the car microphone: "Xiaoyue, where is Xinxin?"

"Beside me, he was driving."

"Can he hear it?"


"As long as you can hear me." Mr. Han held the steering wheel tightly and asked eagerly: "Xinxin, can you and Xiaoyue take a day off tomorrow?"

Han Xin was startled and asked quickly: "Dad, why are we asked to take leave? Did something happen?"

"It's not a big deal to others, but it's a big deal to our family. To the east of the Yanggang River... is the land east of the Central Square. A few days ago, we broke ground and started digging for foundation development. As a result, our house was dug. ancestral graves!”

"Didn't our family move the graves during the demolition? I remember we received compensation."

"The graves that were moved that time were the graves of your grandfather, your grandmother, my grandfather and my grandmother. There are monuments and grave heads. I go to the grave every year and burn paper. I know where they are buried. It was easy to move at that time and there is no mistake. What was dug up this time is The ancestral grave is the grave of your grandfather’s grandfather, or it may be the grave of my grandfather’s grandfather!”

It is said that the ancestors are eighteen generations old, and it is quite good to be able to remember the last four generations.

Who has seen grandpa’s grandpa? Who knows who grandpa’s grandpa is?

Han Xin felt that her brain was not full and she could no longer calculate. She subconsciously asked: "Dad, do you know the name of my grandfather's grandfather?"

"I just remember that my grandfather, your great-grandfather, is called Han Xuezhang. I heard your grandfather say it when I was a child when I was worshiping ancestors. I don't know the name of my grandfather's grandfather."

"Then how do you know that what you dug up is our family's ancestral grave?"

"The cadres of the Yanggang community called me and told me that Director Cui of the museum and the old director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau had contacted the old neighbors of Laolinghai Team 3 and conducted archaeological research. They must be from our family. You can’t go wrong!”

Han Xin was confused, parked the car and asked puzzledly: "Since we dug it out, we can find a place to bury it again. It's not like our family has never moved graves. At most, we can burn some paper and kowtow a few times. The deceased is the oldest, so even kowtow." It’s okay to be wrong, but what does this have to do with the museum?”

Logically speaking, it is not a happy thing to have the ancestral grave dug out, but Mr. Han said excitedly: "What do you know? The ancestor dug out this time was an official. There is a tombstone with clear carvings on it. There are burial objects, all cultural relics!”

Han Xin was doubtful: "Dad, are you saying that someone in our family has been an official, and our family is an official family?"

"A serious official family, a scholarly family!"

"It's true, my grandparents never told me when they were alive."

"They probably didn't know, so they didn't tell you."

Mr. Han turned out to be excited because of this...

But then again, if you have money, you will naturally have higher-level pursuits. If you have an ancestor who has been a high official, then he will be more confident and even dare to tell people confidently that he comes from a famous family, and he may spend a lot of money to hire someone. People compile a family tree.

Jiang Yue had never encountered such a thing before and couldn't help but laugh.

Han Xin couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Dad, do you know which dynasty the ancestors were dug up from?"

"I know. I just had a phone call with Director Cui, and he said it was from the Qing Dynasty."

"What is your name?"

"Han Shiju!"

"Then...then how big an official was this ancestor of our family at that time?"

"Director Cui spoke quickly, but I didn't hear him clearly. He seemed to be a Jinshi."

Han Xin asked in surprise: "Jinshi!"

Mr. Han said with a proud smile: "How difficult it is to get admitted to the Jinshi. This is the title on the gold list, so our family is said to be a scholarly family."

Han Xin couldn't believe this was true and asked: "Dad, there are many people named Han. Could they be their ancestors? Could it be a mistake?"

Mr. Han patted the steering wheel and said happily: "It's true. Director Cui of the museum and the old director of the Cultural Bureau have visited. Our family is named Han in Laolinghai Village, and the location dug out is close to my grandfather and grandmother. The previous grave was not far away. When I was a child, I actually visited the grave, burned paper, and kowtowed to the grave. At that time, my grandfather said that that area was our family’s ancestral grave.”

When it came to whether the old Han family was a scholarly family and an official, Ge Sulan was also very excited and couldn't help but smile: "Xinxin, actually we should have thought of it earlier. In the past, our family was a landlord, and no one remembered the Qing Dynasty. But your grandpa remembers this, and so does your grandma."


Mr. Han realized that this was the key point and said with excitement: "I clearly remember my grandfather saying that before liberation, our family had hundreds of acres of land and more than a dozen shops on East Street. If our ancestors were not officials, where would they be? So much money to buy such a big property?”

According to what you say, it really seems more and more true the more you say it.

Han Xin thought about it and asked, "What should we do tomorrow?"

"The coffin is in the museum. Museum experts have opened the coffin. The bones have not been reburied for the time being. Let's go kowtow a few times tomorrow. What to do next depends on Director Cui's arrangements. This is not an ordinary tomb relocation, this is equivalent to archaeology. , what was unearthed are cultural relics!”

Jiang Yue was dumbfounded when he heard Mr. Han's ups and downs, thinking that even if the ancestors dug up were not the ancestors of the old Han family, with Mr. Han's enthusiasm in recognizing ancestors, he would become the ancestors of the old Han family.

Han Xin also felt that this was a bit unreliable and couldn't help but joked: "Dad, since our family's cultural relics have been dug up, will the museum return the cultural relics to our family?"

"I didn't ask. It doesn't matter if you don't return it. It's good to put it on display in a museum. We can go to the museum to see it at any time. Besides, people donate things to the museum."

"Then the museum will put the skeletons of our ancestors on display there?"

"I'll find out tomorrow if I ask."

"When a person dies, he must be buried in peace. It would be disrespectful to the ancestors to put it on display there."

For Mr. Han, it is not important whether the ancestor can be buried in peace. What is important is that there is an officially recognized ancestor who has been a high official!

He hesitated and said vaguely: "Since it is archeology now, everything must be listened to by the government. You are a party member and cadre, you should take the lead."

"Yes, yes, listen to the government." Han Xin couldn't help it anymore and almost burst out laughing.

Although Mr. Han was also laughing, he thought this matter should be more serious, at least not laughing out loud, and asked seriously: "Why are you laughing? The matter of asking for leave has been decided. Your mother and I should be there around 12:30 If you can get home, the museum will start work at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, so we will be at the museum on time at eight o'clock sharp."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "You are back, where will you stay at night?"

"I called my in-laws and I'm staying at Xiaoyue's house. Leave us alone and go to bed early."

When Han Xin returned home, she felt that everything was so unreal.

Seeing that Jiang Yue was still smiling, he couldn't help but ask: "Wife, why are you laughing again?"

"What do you think?"

"You have to respect me from now on. I come from a scholarly family and am a descendant of the officialdom!"

"Isn't my ancestor just a Jinshi? What's so great about it?"

While Jiang Yue urged him to take a shower quickly, she chuckled and said, "Whose ancestors have never been rich? My ancestors even had a prime minister. Am I proud?"

"Who, which Prime Minister?"

"Jiang Ziya, Prime Minister Jiang, Taigong Jiang fishes for those who wish to take the bait, have you ever heard of it!"

Han Xin reacted and quickly handed over her hand: "It turns out that my wife is from a famous family, so I'm disrespectful. Oh, it seems that we are not just childhood sweethearts, but we are also well-matched."

Jiang Yue sneered and said: "Whoever is your equal, you are the one who climbed up the ladder, okay? Your ancestor was just a Jinshi, my ancestor not only served as prime minister but also became a god. You should have seen the list of gods. Most of them are immortals from all walks of life." It’s my family’s seal!”

Han Xin laughed and said: "The prime minister of your family is a myth. It is difficult to verify. I don't know whether Jiang Taigong existed in history. My family is different. Although my ancestor was only a Jinshi, it can be verified. Even I can prove my noble lineage by doing DNA."

Mr. Han just played the harp, but he actually followed suit.

Jiang Yue was most disgusted by his arrogance. She pointed at him and scolded him with a smile: "You think you have a noble bloodline? It's Europe. In China, we only talk about bloodlines for pets like cats and dogs."

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