Veteran new police officer

Chapter 66 Your bureau leader said he couldn’t arrange it

The assessment is over and the results are announced.

All twelve police officers in the branch have passed the test and will receive their gun licenses in a few days.

On the way back to Linghai, the back-office girl from Toutun Police Station who joined the police last year asked with lingering fear: "Captain Han, what did you do? You really scared us to death at that time!"

Han Xin scratched his head: "You haven't shot a gun very often, right? As soon as you touch a gun, you want to shoot."

The back-office lady asked, "Have you never fought in the army?"

A buddy who chased the back-office girl last year came over and patted Han Xin on the shoulder: "Captain Han used to shoot long guns in the army, but after finally shooting a pistol once, he couldn't control it."

Everyone burst into laughter, and even the auxiliary police officer driving the car couldn't help laughing.

Although the back-office girl has a boyfriend, she is still very innocent. She doesn't know what they are laughing at, and looks confused: "What is so uncontrollable about this?"

"I just want to fight and shoot if I can't control it."

"Do you boys all like to masturbate?"

A young lady who also joined the police last year quickly pulled her arm: "Ruohui, don't pay attention to them, they are just a bunch of hooligans!"

The back office lady reacted suddenly and gritted her teeth angrily: "Xu Yajun, you bastard!"

Although Han Xin also laughed, as the policeman with the highest position in the car, he felt it was necessary to maintain the glorious image of the people's police and said quickly: "Okay, okay, stop making trouble, everyone sits down, fasten your seat belts, safety comes first." one."

"Captain Han, I was wrong. Sister Ruohui, I'm sorry. I'll treat you to dinner later and apologize to you."

"It doesn't matter if you ask Ruohui just for one person, you have to ask everyone."

"Yes, everyone must be invited."

Talking and laughing, we arrived at the branch soon.

Drive your own car and go back to your home.

My cousin has come back and is standing at the door chatting with the female neighbor.

It turned out that the female neighbor came out to express her gratitude. Her little sister had already rented a house through Wang Laizi's introduction, and she rented it in this building.

The tenant is very happy. The landlord will give him as much as he wants per month. Not only did he not bargain, he even paid one year's rent as soon as he signed the agreement. He plans to move here in the next few days. It is said that his surname is also Han.

Xu Linlin closed the door and murmured: "What a coincidence, my surname is Han!"

Han Xin opened the shoe cabinet and said with a smile: "Han is a common surname, but there are also many people named Xu."

Xu Linlin wasn't interested in her last name. She picked up the water she had just neglected to drink and asked, "Brother, why are you wearing this outfit today?"

"Participating in training today."

"I thought only the military had to train, but I didn't expect that the police also need to train."

“What’s for dinner tonight, at home or out?”

"I'll go out to eat, whatever you want."

"Have a date tonight?"

"I won't tell you!"

Han Xin looked at her with a smile and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Xu Linlin giggled and said, "Brother, my parents don't need to take care of my affairs, and you don't need to take care of my affairs either. Just take care of yourself."

Han Xin didn't want to interfere roughly with her love life and said with a smile: "I won't meddle in your affairs, but you need to take care of mine! I have been waiting for several days to make an appointment with 'Amelie' for me."

"I almost forgot, I'll send her a WeChat message right now."

"You can actually forget such a big thing!"

"Why are you so anxious? You can't eat hot tofu if you're anxious, don't you understand?"

Xu Linlin put down her tea cup and picked up her mobile phone. While sending a WeChat message to "Aimeili", she asked with a smile: "Brother, are you crazy about your girlfriend? Don't you have a suitable one in your company?"

Han Xin put on her slippers and walked into the room, and said helplessly: "There are quite a few female police officers in our branch, but basically all of them are married, and those who are not married all have boyfriends."


"So you have to hold on tight. Aren't you from a song and dance troupe? If 'Amelie' doesn't work, please introduce me to a song and dance troupe."

"All the girls in the group have boyfriends."

"Well, it depends on 'Amelie'."

"OK, she agreed, she will be free at noon tomorrow!"

"what day is it tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday, you have a day off, come find me at 10:30 tomorrow morning. I have to go to work tomorrow, and she has to go to work too, so I just asked her to come out for a meal. We definitely can't have hot pot when we meet for the first time. I have to think about it. Where to eat?”

Xu Linlin put down her phone and ran to the door with a proud look on her face.

Han Xin put on her coat, turned around and said with a smile: "Think slowly, think carefully, go anywhere, I'll treat you."

Xu Linlin glared at him: "Isn't this nonsense? I want to introduce you to your girlfriend. If you don't invite me, why should I invite you?"

At the same time, Cheng Wenming, who had just returned home, changed into his pajamas with the help of his lover, walked into the study, closed the door, sat down and dialed the phone number of his fellow villager.

"Old Cheng, what's the matter?"

"I met a new police officer at the shooting range of the training center today. He shot well. Later, when I looked at the list of people who participated in the assessment, I found out that he was an anti-drug policeman from the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Branch. He was transferred back from Nanyun Border Defense. "

Ren Zhongnian was confused and subconsciously asked: "What next?"

Cheng Wenming looked at the tea his wife had just made and said with a smile: "You are the captain of the anti-drug brigade. You went to Linghai to participate in the summary meeting of the special anti-drug operation a few days ago. I thought you knew him."

"What is the surname and name of the person you are talking about, and how old is he?"

"My surname is Han, my name is Han Xin, I'm about twenty-five or six years old."

"I know Zhang Yuhang, my colleague from Linghai, but I don't know the Han Xin you mentioned."

"If you don't know me, you can pay attention. He was transferred back from Nanyun Border Guard. He shoots really well. He looks very ordinary, but he feels extraordinary to me."

Ren Zhongnian asked with a smile: "Old Cheng, what do you want to say?"

Cheng Wenming suddenly remembered someone, knocked on the table and said: "He was wearing training uniforms in the afternoon. At that time, I just thought he was very ordinary. He had no other feelings except that he was a good shooter. The more I think about him now, the more he looks like a people."

"Like who?"

"Like Li Gu, a bit like Li Gu when he was young!"

"If he is really like Li Gu, can he wear a police uniform?"

"I mean the way he makes people feel."

Cheng Wenming picked up the tea cup, thought about it and emphasized: "He was transferred back from Nanyun Border Guard. After the border guard was restructured, people could not be retained. How could he be released so easily? How could he come from so far away at this time? He was transferred back from the place where he was transferred, and his shooting skills were so good that he was even assigned to the anti-drug squadron as soon as he was transferred back. If you think about it carefully, isn’t it interesting?”

Ren Zhongnian reacted: "It's interesting. Let me ask Xiao Zhi."

"Linghai is just like our Sigang, there are not even a few drug addicts. Let me ask you around, if he is really a talent, it would be a pity to let him stay in Linghai."

"I know, I'll call Xiao Zhi right now."

Ren Zhongnian not only heard the implication of the fellow villager's words, but also quickly thought of the 2.12 case that had just been solved by the Linghai Branch.

Last time I visited the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Branch, I talked with Huang Xu, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Linghai Branch. According to Huang Xu, the 2.12 case was initially investigated by their anti-narcotics squadron. Later, it became bigger and bigger, and it was upgraded from the investigation team. As a special case team, they jointly investigated with the Municipal Bureau’s Anti-Narcotics Detachment.

There are only a few people in their anti-drug squadron. Can Zhang Yuhang investigate drug cases? Even if he can, will he have time to investigate?

It must be the Han Xin that Lao Cheng met in the afternoon!

And what Lao Cheng said is very reasonable. What kind of drug case can there be in Linghai?

An army of thousands is easy to obtain, but a general is difficult to find.

The more Ren Zhongnian thought about it, the more interesting it became. He picked up his mobile phone and found Xiao Zhi's number and dialed it.

"Xiao Zhi, I'm Ren Zhongnian. Are you busy? It's inconvenient to talk."

"Convenience, what can I do?"

Xiao Zhi thought to himself that among the many captains in the Binjiang Public Security System, you have the most special status, or rather the deepest background. Even if I am busy, I still have to say that I am not busy.

Ren Zhongnian didn't know what the leader was thinking, so he asked straight to the point: "Xiao Zhi, I want to ask you about someone. Is there a person named Han Xin in the anti-narcotics squadron of Linghai Branch?"

"Zhongnian, how did you come up with the idea of ​​asking about this?" Xiao Zhi could tell the truth frankly about other things, but this was the only thing he couldn't. Not only was he not allowed, but he had to ask clearly.

"Xiao Zhi, please tell me if there is this person in Linghai Branch."

"This person even came to the detachment for a meeting, and you also participated in that meeting."

"It's really ordinary, I didn't even notice it."

"Zhongnian, you are the captain of the anti-narcotics brigade of the Chonggang branch. I want to ask what the people from the Linghai branch do."


"What's so curious about this?"

Ren Zhongnian heard that the captain of the detachment seemed to be covering up, and couldn't help laughing: "Xiao Zhi, the 2.12 case you and the Linghai Branch jointly investigated. Did Han Xin participate in the investigation? Did he discover the clues first?"

Some things can be concealed, and some things cannot be concealed even if one wants to.

Xiao Zhi had no choice but to smile and say: "He was involved, and he did discover the initial clues."

"That's right, no case can be solved with Zhang Yuhang."

"Envy someone who has a good subordinate?"

"I'm not just jealous, I also want to meet him and talk to him. Xiao Zhi, can you help make arrangements?"

"what you up to?"

Ren Zhongnian didn't want to beat around the bush and said bluntly: "What kind of drug case can there be in Linghai? Compared with Linghai where there are not many people on the road at eight o'clock in the evening, how complicated is the public security environment in the urban area? Xiao Zhi, don't you Do you think it’s a pity to let people like that stay in Linghai?”

Xiao Zhi did not answer the question, but asked with a smile: "Tell me first, how did you come up with the idea of ​​asking about this person."

"He took part in the live-fire shooting assessment at the training center shooting range in the afternoon, and Lao Cheng said he was a good shooter."

"It turns out that Cheng Zhi discovered it."

"Xiao Zhi, I work under your nose. Even the municipal bureaus are under my jurisdiction. If I don't do my job well, your face will be ruined. Can you help me dig that kid out?"

"The calculation is pretty good, but it's impossible."


"I am not only a police officer from the Linghai Branch, but I am also a native of Linghai. It is difficult for the Linghai Branch to recruit talents, how can I let them go so easily, not to mention that I am not interested in being transferred to your branch."

Linghai has little sense of belonging to Binjiang, and Linghai people are unwilling to come to the city. This is indeed a problem.

Ren Zhongnian did not give up. He thought about it and smiled: "If he is willing to be transferred to our branch, we can entrust him with important tasks and give him a stage to show off his talents."

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "You think you are the only one who values ​​talents, but Linghai values ​​​​talents just as much. It has only been two months since that boy was transferred to their branch, and he has already been appointed as the deputy squadron leader, responsible for the investigation of drug cases in the entire district. Linghai Your branch cannot give you the benefits that the Hai Branch provides."

"I can ask the leader of our bureau."


"Why is it too late?"

"Because Secretary Guan of the Political and Legal Committee and I went to your bureau leader more than once a year ago to arrange for him to be assigned to your branch. However, your director said that we couldn't arrange it because we didn't have the staff, so we had to settle for the next best thing and let him go back to his hometown in Linghai."

"Is there such a thing!"

"Why are you lying? If you don't believe me, you can ask your bureau leader."

Ren Zhongnian never expected to find out this result after asking for a long time. He was so depressed that he didn't know what to say.

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